(Answer) (Category) FreeSurfer Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Visualization :
How do I draw a label or ROI on the surface in tksurfer?
Right click in the graphics window to clear any marked vertices. Then make a series of left clicks on the surface to outline the label you want to draw. (This works best on the inflated surface.) Then click the "Make Closed Fill Boundary" button, which is second from the left in the group of four buttons mentioned above. It looks like a pencil drawing a closed line. This should connect the points you clicked, drawing a yellow or red line between them. (If it seems to hang for a while, press ctrl-c to cancel the line.)

Now click once in the middle of the polygon. Then click on the "Custom Fill" button, to the right of the close line tool. It looks like a paintbucket on top of a blue blob. This will bring up a dialog box with several fill options. Click the one that says "Up to and including boundaries" and then click the fill button. This should create a label which you can now save with the File command you noted before.

Note that you can have multiple labels. You can manage them with the Label window. Use the command View->Windows->Labels to show this window.
2003-Jul-01 11:35am kteich

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2003-Jul-01 11:35am
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