Results 1 - 4 of 4 results out of about 3776 pages. (0.92 seconds)

DevelopersGuide . . . 3 matches
... = FreeSurfer Dev Guide = * Visit the BuildGuide for instructions on building and installing freesurfer manually. * Visit the GitHub page for an introduction to the github work...

3.8k - rev: 190 (current) last modified: 2023-09-13 15:46:41

BuildRequirements . . . 3 matches
...cies on linux and mac. For further instructions on compiling freesurfer, visit the [[BuildGuide|build guide]]. == Ubuntu == On ubuntu/debian, install a few of the required tools ...

4.1k - rev: 13 (current) last modified: 2020-03-09 13:28:22

GitAnnex . . . 2 matches
...r internal maintainers. For basic instructions on retrieving annex data, visit the [[BuildGuide|build guide]]. Additional documentation can be found on the [[https://git-annex.bran...

5.9k - rev: 8 (current) last modified: 2021-05-03 08:33:59

GitHub . . . 1 match
...ithub page. For step-by-step instructions on building freesurfer, please visit the [[BuildGuide|build guide]]. == Initial Setup == The initial setup for contributing to the frees...

5.1k - rev: 4 (current) last modified: 2019-02-03 13:08:35