Attachment 'mri.h'


   1 #ifndef MRI_H
   2 #define MRI_H
   4 #include "const.h"
   5 #include "matrix.h"
   6 /* remove unwanted warnings between hips_basic.h vs. volume_io/basic.h */
   7 #undef ABS
   8 #undef SIGN
   9 #ifdef Darwin
  10 // The result of not defining __MACTYPES__ is a scuba2 build error 
  11 // complaining about QT conflicting with MNI over the Point typedef. 
  12 // Notes from the file <mni installation>/include/volume_io/geom_structs.h:
  13 /* Th 'Point' typedef is annoying to Mac OS users, since Point has been 
  14  * a basic type on Macs since the beginning.  Testing __MACTYPES__ should
  15  * work at least with the OS X codebase, I don't know if it existed in
  16  * earlier versions of the MacTypes.h header.
  17  */
  18 #define __MACTYPES__
  19 #endif
  20 #include "volume_io.h"
  21 #include "box.h"
  22 #include "machine.h"
  24 #define BUFTYPE  unsigned char
  26 #define SAMPLE_NEAREST       0
  27 #define SAMPLE_TRILINEAR     1
  28 #define SAMPLE_SINC          2
  29 #define SAMPLE_CUBIC         3 /*E*/
  30 #define SAMPLE_WEIGHTED      4
  32 #define MRI_UCHAR   0
  33 #define MRI_INT     1
  34 #define MRI_LONG    2
  35 #define MRI_FLOAT   3
  36 #define MRI_SHORT   4
  37 #define MRI_BITMAP  5
  38 #define MRI_TENSOR  6
  40 #define MAX_CMDS 1000
  42 typedef struct
  43 {
  44   int  x ;
  45   int  y ;
  46   int  z ;
  47   int  dx ;
  48   int  dy ;
  49   int  dz ;
  50 } MRI_REGION ;
  52 typedef struct
  53 {
  54   int           width ;
  55   int           height ;
  56   int           depth ;     /* # of slices */
  57   int           type ;      /* data type for slices below */
  58   int           imnr0 ;     /* starting image # */
  59   int           imnr1 ;     /* ending image # */
  60   int           ptype ;     /* not used */
  61   float         fov ;
  62   float         thick ;
  63   float         ps ;   
  64   float         location ;  /* not used */
  65   float         xsize ;     /* size of a voxel in the x direction */ 
  66   float         ysize ;     /* size of a voxel in the y direction */ 
  67   float         zsize ;     /* size of a voxel in the z direction */ 
  68   float         xstart ;    /* start x (in xsize units) */
  69   float         xend ;      /* end x  (in xsize units) */
  70   float         ystart ;    /* start y   (in ysize units) */  
  71   float         yend ;      /* end y (in ysize units) */ 
  72   float         zstart ;    /* start z */  
  73   float         zend ;      /* end z */
  74   float         tr ;        /* time to recovery */
  75   float         te ;        /* time to echo */
  76   float         ti ;        /* time to inversion */
  77   char          fname[STR_LEN] ;
  79   float         x_r, x_a, x_s; /* these are the RAS distances 
  80                                   across the whole volume */
  81   float         y_r, y_a, y_s; /* in x, y, and z */
  82   float         z_r, z_a, z_s; /* c_r, c_a, and c_s are the 
  83                                   center ras coordinates */
  84   float         c_r, c_a, c_s; /* ras_good_flag tells if 
  85                                   these coordinates are set */
  86   int           ras_good_flag; /* and accurate for the volume */
  88   /*  for bshorts and bfloats */
  89   int           brightness;
  90   char          subject_name[STRLEN];
  91   MATRIX        *register_mat;
  92   char          path_to_t1[STRLEN];
  93   char          fname_format[STRLEN];
  95   /* for gdf volumes */
  96   char          gdf_image_stem[STRLEN];
  98   /* 
  99      each slice is an array of rows (mri->height of them) each of which is 
 100      mri->width long.
 101   */
 102   BUFTYPE       ***slices ;
 103   int           scale ;
 104   char          transform_fname[STR_LEN] ;
 105   General_transform transform ;   /* the next two are from this struct */
 106   Transform         *linear_transform ;
 107   Transform         *inverse_linear_transform ;
 108   int           free_transform ;   /* are we responsible for freeing it? */
 109   int           nframes ;          /* # of concatenated images */
 111   /* these are used to handle boundary conditions (arrays of indices) */
 112   int           *xi ;
 113   int           *yi ;
 114   int           *zi ;
 115   int           yinvert ;  /* for converting between MNC and coronal slices */
 116   MRI_REGION    roi ;
 117   int           dof ;
 118   double        mean ;   
 119   double        flip_angle ;  /* in radians */
 121   void*         tag_data; /* saved tag data */
 122   int           tag_data_size; /* size of saved tag data */
 123   MATRIX *i_to_r__; /* cache */
 124   MATRIX *r_to_i__;
 125   char   *cmdlines[MAX_CMDS] ;
 126   int    ncmds;
 127 } MRI_IMAGE, MRI ;
 129 MATRIX *MRIxfmCRS2XYZ(MRI *mri, int base);
 130 MATRIX *MRIxfmCRS2XYZtkreg(MRI *mri);
 131 MATRIX *MRItkReg2Native(MRI *ref, MRI *mov, MATRIX *R);
 132 MATRIX *MRItkRegMtx(MRI *ref, MRI *mov, MATRIX *D);
 133 MATRIX *MRIfixTkReg(MRI *mov, MATRIX *R);
 134 MATRIX *MRIfsl2TkReg(MRI *ref, MRI *mov, MATRIX *FSLRegMat);
 135 MATRIX *MRItkreg2FSL(MRI *ref, MRI *mov, MATRIX *tkRegMat);
 138 float MRIgetVoxVal(MRI *mri, int c, int r, int s, int f);
 139 int   MRIsetVoxVal(MRI *mri, int c, int r, int s, int f, float voxval);
 141 char * MRIprecisionString(int PrecisionCode);
 142 int MRIprecisionCode(char *PrecisionString);
 144 int MRIareNonzeroInNbhd(MRI *mri, int wsize, int x, int y, int z) ;
 145 float  MRIfindNearestNonzero(MRI *mri, int wsize, Real x0, Real y0, Real z0) ;
 146 float  MRIfindNearestNonzeroLocation(MRI *mri, int wsize, 
 147                                      Real xr, Real yr, Real zr,
 148                                      int *pxv, int *pyv, int *pzv) ;
 149 /* single pixel filtering */
 150 float MRIvoxelMean(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, int wsize) ;
 151 float MRIvoxelStd(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, float mean, int wsize) ;
 152 float MRIvoxelZscore(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, int wsize) ;
 153 float MRIvoxelDx(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z) ;
 154 float MRIvoxelDy(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z) ;
 155 float MRIvoxelDz(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z) ;
 156 float MRIvoxelGradient(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, float *pdx, float *pdy, 
 157                        float *pdz) ;
 158 float MRIvoxelDirection(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, int wsize) ;
 159 float MRIvoxelGradientDir2ndDerivative(MRI *mri, int x0, int y0, int z0, 
 160                                        int wsize) ;
 161 MRI  * MRIgradientDir2ndDerivative(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int wsize) ;
 163 /* use these constants for MRIreorder */
 164 #define XDIM  1
 165 #define YDIM  2
 166 #define ZDIM  3
 167 /* ch ov */ 
 168 /*
 169   MRI  *MRIreorder(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int xdim, int ydim, int zdim);
 170 */
 172 /* I/O functions */
 173 /* ch ov */ 
 174 /*
 175   int    MRIwrite(MRI *mri, char *fpref) ;
 176 */
 177 int    MRIappend(MRI *mri, char *fpref) ;
 178 int    MRIwriteInfo(MRI *mri, char *fpref) ;
 179 /* ch ov */  
 180 /*
 181   MRI   *MRIread(char *fpref) ;
 182   MRI   *MRIreadInfo(char *fpref) ;
 183 */
 185 /* memory allocation routines */
 186 int   MRIfree(MRI **pmri) ;
 187 int   MRIfreeFrames(MRI *mri, int start_frame) ;
 188 MRI   *MRIalloc(int width, int height, int depth, int type) ;
 189 MRI   *MRIallocSequence(int width, int height,int depth,int type,int nframes);
 190 MRI   *MRIallocHeader(int width, int height, int depth, int type) ;
 191 int   MRIallocIndices(MRI *mri) ;
 192 int   MRIsetResolution(MRI *mri, float xres, float yres, float zres) ;
 193 int   MRIsetTransform(MRI *mri,   General_transform *transform) ;
 196 /* correlation routines */
 197 MRI   *MRIxcorr(MRI *mri_ref, MRI *mri_in, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 198 MRI   *MRIxcorrWindow(MRI *mri_ref, MRI *mri_in,MRI *mri_dst,int window_size) ;
 199 MRI   *MRInxcorr(MRI *mri_ref, MRI *mri_in, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 200 MRI   *MRInxcorrWindow(MRI *mri_ref,MRI *mri_in,MRI *mri_dst,int window_size) ;
 201 long  MRIcorrelate(MRI *mri_ref, MRI *mri_in, int xoff, int yoff, int zoff) ;
 204 int   MRIpeak(MRI *mri, int *px, int *py, int *pz) ;
 205 int   MRIcopyHeader(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 206 int   MRIcopyPulseParameters(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 207 MRI   *MRIcopy(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 208 MRI   *MRIreslice(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int slice_direction) ;
 209 int   MRIboundingBox(MRI *mri, int thresh, MRI_REGION *region) ;
 210 int   MRIfindApproximateSkullBoundingBox(MRI *mri, int thresh, 
 211                                          MRI_REGION *region) ;
 212 int   MRIboundingBoxNbhd(MRI *mri, int thresh, int wsize,MRI_REGION *region) ;
 214 /* coordinate transforms */
 215 MRI   *MRItranslate(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 216                     double dx, double dy, double dz) ;
 217 MRI   *MRIrotateX(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float x_angle) ;
 218 MRI   *MRIrotateY(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float y_angle) ;
 219 MRI   *MRIrotateZ(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float z_angle) ;
 220 MRI   *MRIrotate(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MATRIX *mR, MATRIX *mO) ;
 221 MRI   *MRIscale(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float sx, float sy, float sz) ;
 222 MRI   *MRIaffine(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MATRIX *mA, MATRIX *mB) ;
 223 MRI   *MRIinverseLinearTransform(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MATRIX *mA) ;
 224 MRI   *MRIlinearTransformInterp(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MATRIX *mA,
 225                                 int InterpMethod);
 226 MRI   *MRIlinearTransform(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MATRIX *mA) ;
 227 MRI   *MRIapplyRASlinearTransform(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MATRIX *mA) ;
 228 MRI   *MRIapplyRASinverseLinearTransform(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 229                                          MATRIX *mA) ;
 230 MRI   *MRIapplyRASlinearTransformInterp(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 231                                         MATRIX *mA, int interpMethod) ;
 232 MRI   *MRIapplyRASinverseLinearTransformInterp(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 233                                                MATRIX *mA, int interpMethod) ;
 235 int MRIinterpCode(char *InterpString);
 236 char * MRIinterpString(int InterpCode);
 237 MRI   *MRIinterpolate(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 238 MRI   *MRIconfThresh(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_probs, MRI *mri_classes, 
 239                      MRI *mri_dst,float thresh, int min_target,int max_target);
 241 /* debugging */
 242 int   MRIdump(MRI *mri, FILE *fp) ;
 243 int   MRIdumpBuffer(MRI *mri, FILE *fp) ;
 245 /* arithmetic operations */
 246 MRI   *MRIsubtract(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 247 MRI   *MRIabsdiff(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 248 MRI   *MRIadd(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 249 MRI   *MRIaverage(MRI *mri_src, int dof, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 250 MRI   *MRIdivide(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 251 MRI   *MRImultiply(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 252 MRI   *MRIscaleAndMultiply(MRI *mri1, float scale, MRI *mri2, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 253 MRI   *MRIabs(MRI *mri, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 254 MRI   *MRIscalarMul(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float scalar) ;
 255 MRI   *MRIscalarMulFrame(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float scalar, int frame) ;
 257 #include "mrisegment.h"
 259 /* filtering */
 260 int   MRIcpolvAllQuadrantsFilled(MRI *mri, 
 261                                  int x, int y, int z,int vertex,
 262                                  int wsize) ;
 263 MRI   *MRIremoveIslands(MRI *mri_src, MRI*mri_dst, int wsize, int thresh) ;
 264 MRI   *MRIresegmentThinWMStrands(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int thickness);
 265 MRI   *MRIthickenThinWMStrands(MRI *mri_T1,
 266                                MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 267                                int thickness, int nsegments, float wm_hi) ;
 268 MRI   *MRIfindThinWMStrands(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int wsize);
 269 MRI   *MRIcentralPlaneOfLeastVarianceNormal(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 270                                             int wsize);
 271 MRI   *MRIplaneOfLeastVarianceNormal(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int wsize) ;
 272 int   MRIcpolvMaxWhiteAtVoxel(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, int wsize) ;
 273 MRI   *MRIpolvZscore(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_polv, int wsize) ;
 274 MRI   *MRIpolvNormalCurvature(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_polv, 
 275                               int wsize) ;
 276 MRI   *MRIpolvMean(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_polv, int wsize) ;
 277 MRI   *MRIpolvMedian(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_polv, int wsize) ;
 278 MRI   *MRIpolvOrder(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_polv, int wsize, 
 279                     int thresh) ;
 280 MRI   *MRIpolvCount(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_polv, int wsize, 
 281                     int low_lim, int hi_lim) ;
 282 MRI   *MRIorderThreshold(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_order, int num) ;
 284 MRI   *MRIpolvMeanRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_polv, int wsize,
 285                          MRI_REGION *region);
 286 MRI   *MRIpolvMedianRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst,MRI *mri_polv,int wsize,
 287                            MRI_REGION *region);
 289 MRI   *MRIsobel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_grad, MRI *mri_mag);
 290 MRI   *MRIxSobel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_x, int frame) ;
 291 MRI   *MRIxSobelForAllTypes(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_x, int frame) ;
 292 MRI   *MRIySobel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_y, int frame) ;
 293 MRI   *MRIySobelForAllTypes(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_y, int frame) ;
 294 MRI   *MRIzSobel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_z, int frame) ;
 295 MRI   *MRIzSobelForAllTypes(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_z, int frame) ;
 296 MRI   *MRIsobelRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_grad, int domag, 
 297                       MRI_REGION *region);
 298 MRI   *MRIxSobelRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_x, int frame,MRI_REGION *region);
 299 MRI   *MRIySobelRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_y, int frame,MRI_REGION *region);
 300 MRI   *MRIzSobelRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_z, int frame,MRI_REGION *region);
 302 MRI   *MRIreduce(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 303 MRI   *MRIreduce2D(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 304 MRI   *MRIreduceSlice(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 305                       float *k, int len, int axis) ;
 306 MRI   *MRIreduceByte(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 307 MRI *MRIconvolve1dFloat(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 308                         float *k, int len, int axis,
 309                         int src_frame, int dst_frame);
 310 MRI   *MRIconvolve1dShort(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float *k, int len, 
 311                           int axis, int src_frame, int dst_frame) ;
 312 MRI   *MRIconvolve1dByte(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float *k, int len, 
 313                          int axis, int src_frame, int dst_frame) ;
 314 MRI   *MRIconvolve1d(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float *kernel, 
 315                      int len, int axis, int src_frame, int dst_frame) ;
 316 MRI   *MRIreduce1d(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst,float *kernel,int len,int axis);
 317 MRI   *MRIreduce1dByte(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst,float *kernel,int len,
 318                        int axis);
 319 MRI   *MRIdiffuse(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, double k, 
 320                   int niter, int which, double slope) ;
 321 MRI   *MRIdiffuseCurvature(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 322                            double A,int niter, double slope) ;
 323 MRI   *MRIdiffusePerona(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 324                         double k, int niter,double slope);
 325 MRI   *MRIdirectionMap(MRI *mri_grad, MRI *mri_direction, int wsize);
 326 MRI   *MRIdirectionMapUchar(MRI *mri_grad, MRI *mri_direction, int wsize);
 327 void  MRIcalcCRASforSampledVolume(MRI *src, MRI *sampled, 
 328                                   Real *pr, Real *pa, Real *ps);
 329 void  MRIcalcCRASforExtractedVolume(MRI *src, MRI *dst, 
 330                                     int x0, int y0, int z0, 
 331                                     int x1, int y1, int z1, 
 332                                     Real *pr, Real *pa, Real *ps); 
 333                                     // 0 is the src extract position start
 334                                     // 1 is the dst extracted region start
 335 MRI   *MRIsrcTransformedCentered(MRI *src, MRI *dst, 
 336                                  MATRIX *stod_voxtovox, int interp_method);
 337 MRI   *MRITransformedCenteredMatrix(MRI *src, MRI *orig_dst, MATRIX *m_L) ;
 339 /* offset stuff */
 340 MRI   *MRIoffsetDirection(MRI *mri_grad, int wsize, MRI *mri_direction,
 341                           MRI *mri_dir);
 342 MRI   *MRIoffsetMagnitude(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int maxsteps) ;
 343 MRI   *MRIapplyOffset(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_offset) ;
 346 MRI   *MRIclone(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;  /* it just copies the 
 347                                                   header info */
 348 MRI   *MRIcloneRoi(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 349 MRI   *MRIcloneBySpace(MRI *mri_src, int nframes);
 350 MRI   *MRIthreshold(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float threshold) ;
 351 MRI   *MRIinvert(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 352 MRI   *MRIinvertContrast(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float threshold) ;
 353 MRI   *MRIbinarize(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, BUFTYPE threshold,
 354                    BUFTYPE low_val, BUFTYPE hi_val) ;
 355 MRI   *MRIthresholdRangeInto(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 356                              BUFTYPE low_val, BUFTYPE hi_val) ;
 357 int   MRIprincipleComponents(MRI *mri, MATRIX *mEvectors, float *evalues,
 358                              double *means, BUFTYPE theshold) ;
 359 int   MRIcenterOfMass(MRI *mri,double *means, BUFTYPE threshold) ;
 360 int   MRIbinaryPrincipleComponents(MRI *mri, MATRIX *mEvectors, 
 361                                    float *evalues,
 362                                    double *means, BUFTYPE theshold) ;
 363 int   MRIclear(MRI *mri_src) ;
 365 /* these routines use trilinear interpolation */
 366 MRI   *MRIrotateX_I(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float x_angle) ;
 367 MRI   *MRIrotateY_I(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float y_angle) ;
 368 MRI   *MRIrotateZ_I(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float z_angle) ;
 369 MRI   *MRIrotate_I(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MATRIX *mR, MATRIX *mO) ;
 371 /* extraction routines */
 372 MRI   *MRIextract(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 373                   int x0, int y0, int z0,
 374                   int dx, int dy, int dz) ;
 375 MRI   *MRIextractInto(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 376                       int x0, int y0, int z0,
 377                       int dx, int dy, int dz, 
 378                       int x1, int y1, int z1) ;
 379 MRI   *MRIextractIntoRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 380                             int x0, int y0, int z0,
 381                             MRI_REGION *region) ;
 383 MRI   *MRIextractRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI_REGION *region) ;
 384 MRI   *MRIextractPolvPlane(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_polv, 
 385                            int wsize, int x, int y, int z);
 386 MRI   *MRIextractCpolv(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_polv, 
 387                        int wsize, int x, int y, int z);
 388 MRI   *MRIextractCpolvCoords(MRI *mri_src, int *px, int *py, int *pz, 
 389                              MRI *mri_polv, int x, int y,int z,int wsize);
 390 MRI   *MRIextractValues(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float min_val, 
 391                         float max_val) ;
 392 MRI   *MRIwmfilter(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_cpolv, MRI *mri_dst,
 393                    float nslope, float pslope) ;
 394 MRI   *MRIorder(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int wsize, float pct) ;
 395 #if 1
 396 MRI   *MRIremoveHoles(MRI *mri_src, MRI*mri_dst, int wsize, float pct, 
 397                       int use_all) ;
 398 #else
 399 MRI   *MRIremoveHoles(MRI *mri_src, MRI*mri_dst, int wsize, float pct) ;
 400 #endif
 402 /* morphology */
 403 MRI   *MRImorph(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int which) ;
 404 MRI   *MRIerode(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 405 MRI   *MRIerodeRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst,int wsize,MRI_REGION *region);
 406 MRI   *MRIdilate(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 407 MRI    *MRIdilateUchar(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 408 MRI   *MRIopen(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 409 MRI   *MRIclose(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 410 /* the following use 4 (or 6 in 3-D) connectivity */
 411 MRI   *MRIerode6(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 412 MRI   *MRIdilate6(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 413 MRI   *MRIopen6(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 414 MRI   *MRIclose6(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 415 MRI   *MRIunion(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 416 MRI   *MRIintersect(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 417 MRI   *MRIcomplement(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 418 MRI   *MRIxor(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2, MRI *mri_dst, int t1, int t2) ;
 419 MRI   *MRIand(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2, MRI *mri_dst, int thresh) ;
 420 MRI   *MRInot(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 421 MRI   *MRIcomputeResidual(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2, MRI *mri_dst, int t1, int t2) ;
 423 /* filtering operations */
 424 MRI   *MRImodeFilter(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int niter) ;
 425 MRI   *MRImodeFilterWithControlPoints(MRI *mri_src, 
 426                                       MRI *mri_ctrl, 
 427                                       MRI *mri_dst, 
 428                                       int niter) ;
 429 MRI   *MRIthreshModeFilter(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int niter,float thresh);
 430 MRI   *MRIminmax(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_dir, int wsize) ;
 431 MRI   *MRIgaussian1d(float sigma, int max_len) ;
 432 MRI   *MRIconvolveGaussian(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_gaussian) ;
 433 MRI   *MRIgaussianSmooth(MRI *src, float std, int norm, MRI *targ);
 434 MRI   *MRIconvolveGaussianMeanAndStdByte(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst,
 435                                          MRI *mri_gaussian) ;
 436 MRI *MRIscaleMeanIntensities(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_ref, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 437 MRI   *MRImedian(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int wsize) ;
 438 MRI   *MRImean(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int wsize) ;
 439 double MRImeanInLabel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled, int label) ;
 440 MRI   *MRImeanByte(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int wsize) ;
 441 MRI   *MRIstd(MRI *mri_src, MRI*mri_dst, MRI *mri_mean, int wsize) ;
 442 MRI   *MRIzScore(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI *mri_mean, MRI *mri_std) ;
 444 MRI   *MRIdirectionMapRegion(MRI *mri_grad, MRI *mri_direction, int wsize,
 445                              MRI_REGION *region);
 446 MRI   *MRImeanRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int wsize,MRI_REGION *region);
 447 MRI   *MRIstdRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI*mri_dst, MRI *mri_mean, int wsize,
 448                     MRI_REGION *region) ;
 449 MRI   *MRIzScoreRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI*mri_dst, MRI *mri_mean, MRI *mri_std,
 450                        MRI_REGION *region) ;
 452 int   MRIcheckSize(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_check, int width, int height,
 453                    int depth) ;
 454 /* ch ov */ 
 455 /*
 456   MRI   *MRIreadRaw(FILE *fp, int width, int height, int depth, int type) ;
 457 */
 458 int   MRIinitHeader(MRI *mri) ;
 459 int   MRIreInitCache(MRI *mri); /* when header is modified, 
 460                                    you must call this function 
 461                                    to update cached info */
 462 int   MRIvoxelToWorld(MRI *mri, Real xv, Real yv, Real zv, 
 463                       Real *xw, Real *yw, Real *zw) ;
 464 int   MRIworldToVoxel(MRI *mri, Real xw, Real yw, Real zw,
 465                       Real *pxv, Real *pyv, Real *pzv) ;
 466 int   MRIworldToVoxelIndex(MRI *mri, Real xw, Real yw, Real zw,
 467                            int *pxv, int *pyv, int *pzv) ;
 468 MRI *MRItoTalairach(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 469 MRI *MRIfromTalairach(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 470 int   MRIworldToTalairachVoxel(MRI *mri, Real xw, Real yw, Real zw,
 471                                Real *pxv, Real *pyv, Real *pzv) ;
 472 int   MRIvoxelToTalairachVoxel(MRI *mri, Real xv, Real yv, Real zv,
 473                                Real *pxt, Real *pyt, Real *pzt) ;
 474 int   MRIvoxelToVoxel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 475                       Real xv, Real yv, Real zv,
 476                       Real *pxt, Real *pyt, Real *pzt) ;
 477 int   MRItalairachVoxelToVoxel(MRI *mri, Real xt, Real yt, Real zt,
 478                                Real *pxv, Real *pyv, Real *pzv) ;
 479 int   MRItalairachVoxelToWorld(MRI *mri, Real xt, Real yt, Real zt,
 480                                Real *pxw, Real *pyw, Real *pzw) ;
 481 int   MRIvoxelToTalairach(MRI *mri, Real xv, Real yv, Real zv,
 482                           Real *pxt, Real *pyt, Real *pzt) ;
 483 int   MRItalairachToVoxel(MRI *mri, Real xt, Real yt, Real zt,
 484                           Real *pxv, Real *pyv, Real *pzv) ;
 486 int   MRItransformRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MRI_REGION *src_region,
 487                          MRI_REGION *dst_region) ;
 488 MRI  *MRIextractArbitraryPlane(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 489                                Real e1_x, Real e1_y, Real e1_z, 
 490                                Real e2_x, Real e2_y, Real e2_z, 
 491                                int x, int y, int z, int wsize);
 492 MRI   *MRIextractTalairachPlane(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int orientation, 
 493                                 int x, int y, int z, int size) ;
 494 int   MRIeraseTalairachPlane(MRI *mri, MRI *mri_mask, int orientation, 
 495                              int x, int y, int z,int size,int fill_val);
 496 int   MRIeraseTalairachPlaneNew(MRI *mri, MRI *mri_mask, int orientation, 
 497                                 int x, int y, int z,int size,int fill_val);
 499 MRI   *MRIextractPlane(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int orientation,int where);
 500 MRI   *MRIfillPlane(MRI *mri_mask, MRI *mri_dst, 
 501                     int orientation, int where, int fillval);
 502 int   MRIerasePlane(MRI *mri, float x0, float y0, float z0,
 503                     float dx, float dy, float dz, int fill_val);
 505 int   MRIeraseBorders(MRI *mri, int width) ;
 506 int   MRIindexNotInVolume(MRI *mri, Real col, Real row, Real slice) ;
 507 int   MRIsampleVolume(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z, Real *pval) ;
 508 int   MRIinterpolateIntoVolume(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z, Real val) ;
 509 int   MRIsampleVolumeSlice(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z, Real *pval, 
 510                            int slice_direction) ;
 512 int   MRIsampleSeqVolume(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z, float *valvect,
 513                          int firstframe, int lastframe);
 515 int   MRIsampleVolumeType(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z, Real *pval, 
 516                           int type) ;
 517 int   MRIsampleLabeledVolume(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z, Real *pval, 
 518                              unsigned char ucharLabel);
 519 int   MRIsampleVolumeFrame(MRI *mri,Real x,Real y,Real z,int frame,Real *pval);
 520 int   MRIsampleVolumeFrameType(MRI *mri,Real x,Real y,Real z,
 521                                int frame, int interp_type,Real *pval);
 522 int   MRIsampleVolumeGradient(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z, 
 523                               Real *pdx, Real *pdy, Real *pdz) ;
 524 int   MRIsampleVolumeGradientFrame(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z, 
 525                                    Real *pdx, Real *pdy, Real *pdz, 
 526                                    int frame) ;
 527 int   MRIsampleVolumeDerivative(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z,
 528                                 Real dx, Real dy, Real dz, Real *pmag) ;
 529 int   MRIsampleVolumeDerivativeScale(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z,
 530                                      Real dx, Real dy, Real dz, Real *pmag,
 531                                      double sigma) ;
 532 int   MRIsampleVolumeDirectionScale(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z,
 533                                     Real dx, Real dy, Real dz, Real *pmag,
 534                                     double sigma) ;
 535 float MRIsampleCardinalDerivative(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z,
 536                                   int xk, int yk, int zk) ;
 537 float MRIsampleXDerivative(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, int dir) ;
 538 float MRIsampleYDerivative(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, int dir) ;
 539 float MRIsampleZDerivative(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, int dir) ;
 541 /* resampling routines */
 542 MRI   *MRIupsample2(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 543 MRI   *MRIdownsample2(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 544 MRI   *MRIdownsample2LabeledVolume(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 546 /* surfaceRAS and voxel routines */
 547 MATRIX *surfaceRASFromVoxel_(MRI *mri);
 548 MATRIX *voxelFromSurfaceRAS_(MRI *mri);
 549 MATRIX *surfaceRASFromRAS_(MRI *mri);
 550 MATRIX *RASFromSurfaceRAS_(MRI *mri);
 552 int MRIvoxelToSurfaceRAS(MRI *mri, Real xv, Real yv, Real zv, 
 553                          Real *xs, Real *ys, Real *zs);
 554 int MRIsurfaceRASToVoxel(MRI *mri, Real xr, Real yr, Real zr,
 555                          Real *xv, Real *yv, Real *zv);
 556 int MRIRASToSurfaceRAS(MRI *mri, Real xr, Real yr, Real zr, 
 557                        Real *xsr, Real *ysr, Real *zsr);
 558 int MRIsurfaceRASToRAS(MRI *mri, Real xsr, Real ysr, Real zsr,
 559                        Real *xr, Real *yr, Real *zr);
 561 #include "image.h"
 563 IMAGE *MRItoImage(MRI *mri, IMAGE *I, int slice) ;
 564 MRI *ImageToMRI(IMAGE *I);
 565 IMAGE *MRItoImageView(MRI *mri, IMAGE *I, int slice, int view, int frame) ;
 567 /* bitmap image access macros */
 568 #define MRIset_bit(mri,x,y,z)    MRIvox(mri,(x)/8,y,z) |= (0x001 << ((x)%8))
 569 #define MRItest_bit(mri,x,y,z)   (MRIvox(mri,(x)/8,(y),(z))&(0x001 << ((x)%8)))
 570 #define MRIclear_bit(mri,x,y,z)  MRIvox(mri,(x)/8,y,z) &= ~(0x001 << ((x)%8))
 572 #define MRISvox(mri,x,y,z)  (((short *)mri->slices[z][y])[x])
 573 #define MRIFvox(mri,x,y,z)  (((float *)(mri->slices[z][y]))[x])
 574 #define MRIvox(mri,x,y,z)   (((BUFTYPE *)mri->slices[z][y])[x])
 575 #define MRISCvox(mri,x,y,z) (((signed char *)mri->slices[z][y])[x])
 576 #define MRIIvox(mri,x,y,z)  (((int *)mri->slices[z][y])[x])
 577 #define MRILvox(mri,x,y,z)  (((long32 *)mri->slices[z][y])[x])
 579 #define MRISseq_vox(mri,x,y,z,n)  (((short*)\
 580 #define MRISCseq_vox(mri,x,y,z,n) (((signed char*)\
 581 #define MRIFseq_vox(mri,x,y,z,n)  (((float*)\
 582 #define MRIseq_vox(mri,x,y,z,n)   (((BUFTYPE *)\
 583 #define MRIIseq_vox(mri,x,y,z,n)  (((int *)\
 584 #define MRILseq_vox(mri,x,y,z,n)  (((long32 *)\
 586 #define MRI_HEIGHT      0
 587 #define MRI_WIDTH       1
 588 #define MRI_DEPTH       2
 590 #define MRI_UNDEFINED   -1
 591 #define MRI_CORONAL     0
 592 #define MRI_SAGITTAL    1
 593 #define MRI_HORIZONTAL  2
 594 #define MRI_AXIAL       MRI_HORIZONTAL
 596 /* vertices of an icosahedron (sp?), used by all POLV functions */
 597 #define NVERTICES    22
 598 extern float ic_x_vertices[]  ;
 599 extern float ic_y_vertices[]  ;
 600 extern float ic_z_vertices[]  ;
 602 #include "label.h"
 603 #include "histo.h"
 605 #define MRI_GZIPPED                  -2
 606 #define MRI_VOLUME_TYPE_UNKNOWN      -1
 608 #define MRI_MINC_FILE                 1
 609 #define MRI_ANALYZE_FILE              2
 610 #define MRI_MGH_FILE                  3
 611 #define GENESIS_FILE                  4
 612 #define GE_LX_FILE                    5
 613 #define SIEMENS_FILE                  6
 614 #define BRIK_FILE                     7
 615 #define BSHORT_FILE                   8
 616 #define BFLOAT_FILE                   9
 617 #define SDT_FILE                      10
 618 #define OTL_FILE                      11
 619 #define GDF_FILE                      12
 620 #define RAW_FILE                      13
 621 #define SIGNA_FILE                    14
 622 #define DICOM_FILE                    15
 623 #define MRI_ANALYZE4D_FILE            16 
 624 #define SIEMENS_DICOM_FILE            17
 625 #define BRUKER_FILE                   18
 626 #define XIMG_FILE                     19
 627 #define NIFTI1_FILE                   20 // NIfTI-1 .img + .hdr
 628 #define IMAGE_FILE                    21
 629 #define MRI_GCA_FILE                  22
 630 #define BHDR                          23 // for bshort or bfloat
 631 #define NII_FILE                      24 // NIfTI-1 .nii (single file)
 632 #define MRI_CURV_FILE                 25 // surface curv format
 634 int        MRImatch(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2) ;
 635 int        MRInonzeroValRange(MRI *mri, float *pmin, float *pmax) ;
 636 int        MRIvalRange(MRI *mri, float *pmin, float *pmax) ;
 637 int        MRIvalRangeFrame(MRI *mri, float *pmin, float *pmax, int frame) ;
 638 MRI        *MRIvalScale(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, float fmin, float fmax) ;
 639 HISTOGRAM  *MRIhistogram(MRI *mri, int nbins) ;
 640 HISTOGRAM  *MRIhistogramLabel(MRI *mri, MRI *mri_labeled, 
 641                               int label, int nbins);
 642 HISTOGRAM  *MRIhistogramLabelRegion(MRI *mri, 
 643                                     MRI *mri_labeled, 
 644                                     MRI_REGION *region, 
 645                                     int label, int nbins);
 646 MRI        *MRIhistoEqualize(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_template, MRI *mri_dst, 
 647                              int low, int high) ;
 648 MRI        *MRIapplyHistogram(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, HISTOGRAM *histo) ;
 649 MRI        *MRIcrunch(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 650 HISTOGRAM  *MRIgetEqualizeHisto(MRI *mri, HISTOGRAM *histo_eq, int low, 
 651                                 int high, int norm) ;
 653 /* these are adaptive (i.e. only operate on a subregion of the whole image */
 654 MRI_REGION *MRIclipRegion(MRI *mri, MRI_REGION *reg_src, MRI_REGION *reg_clip);
 655 int        MRIvalRangeRegion(MRI *mri, float *pmin, float *pmax, 
 656                              MRI_REGION *region) ;
 657 HISTOGRAM  *MRIhistogramRegion(MRI *mri, int nbins, HISTOGRAM *histo,
 658                                MRI_REGION *region) ;
 659 HISTOGRAM  *MRIhistogramLabelStruct(MRI *mri, int nbins, HISTOGRAM *histo,
 660                                     LABEL *label) ;
 661 MRI        *MRIhistoEqualizeRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int low, 
 662                                    MRI_REGION *region) ;
 663 MRI        *MRIapplyHistogramToRegion(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 664                                       HISTOGRAM *histo, MRI_REGION *region) ;
 665 HISTOGRAM  *MRIgetEqualizeHistoRegion(MRI *mri, HISTOGRAM *histo_eq, int low, 
 666                                       MRI_REGION *region, int norm) ;
 667 int        MRIfileType(char *fname) ;
 668 int        MRIunpackFileName(char *inFname, int *pframe, int *ptype, 
 669                              char *outFname) ;
 670 Volume     MRItoVolume(MRI *mri) ;
 671 MRI        *MRIfromVolume(Volume volume, int start_frame, int end_frame) ;
 672 int        MRIisValid(MRI *mri) ;
 673 MRI        *MRIflipByteOrder(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 675 MRI        *MRIregionGrow(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_distance, 
 676                           float x0, float y0, float z0, int niter) ;
 677 MRI        *MRIextractInterior(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_distance,  MRI *mri_dst);
 678 MRI        *MRIbuildDistanceMap(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_distance,
 679                                 float x0, float y0, float z0, float r) ;
 680 MRI        *MRIupdateDistanceMap(MRI *mri_distance) ;
 681 int         MRIvalueFill(MRI *mri, float value);
 682 MRI        *MRIfill(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int seed_x, int seed_y, 
 683                     int seed_z, int threshold, int fill_val, int max_count) ;
 684 MRI        *MRIfillFG(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int seed_x, int seed_y, 
 685                       int seed_z, int threshold, int fill_val, int *npix) ;
 686 MRI        *MRIfillBG(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int seed_x, int seed_y, 
 687                       int seed_z, int threshold, int fill_val, int *npix) ;
 689 int   MRIneighbors3x3(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, int val) ;
 690 int   MRIneighbors(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, int val) ;
 691 int   MRIneighborsOn(MRI *mri, int x0, int y0, int z0, int min_val) ;
 692 int   MRIneighborsOff(MRI *mri, int x0, int y0, int z0, int min_val) ;
 693 int   MRIneighborsOn3x3(MRI *mri, int x0, int y0, int z0, int min_val) ;
 694 int   MRIneighborsOff3x3(MRI *mri, int x0, int y0, int z0, int min_val) ;
 695 int   MRIlabelsInNbhd(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, int whalf, int label) ;
 697 int MRIvol2Vol(MRI *src, MRI *targ, MATRIX *Vt2s, 
 698                int InterpCode, float param);
 700 MRI *MRIresampleFill(MRI *src, MRI *template_vol, 
 701                      int resample_type, float fill_val) ;
 702 MRI   *MRIreplaceValues(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 703                         float in_val, float out_val) ;
 704 MRI   *MRIreplaceValuesUchar(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 705                              BUFTYPE in_val, BUFTYPE out_val) ;
 706 MRI   *MRImask(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_mask, MRI *mri_dst, int mask,
 707                float out_val) ;
 708 MRI *MRImaskInvert(MRI *mask, MRI *outmask);
 709 int MRInMask(MRI *mask);
 711 MRI   *MRImeanMask(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_mask, MRI *mri_dst,
 712                    int mask, int wsize) ;
 713 MRI   *MRIthresholdMask(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_mask, MRI *mri_dst, 
 714                         float mask_threshold, float out_val) ;
 716 /* constants used in mri_dir of MRIoffsetDirection and for MRIminmax filter */
 718 #define OFFSET_GRADIENT_DIRECTION             1
 719 #define OFFSET_ZERO                           2
 721 /* anything below this is not white matter */
 722 #define WM_MIN_VAL                       5 
 723 #define MIN_WM_VAL                       WM_MIN_VAL
 724 #define WM_EDITED_ON_VAL                 255
 725 #define WM_EDITED_OFF_VAL                1
 727 MRI *MRIreduceMeanAndStdByte(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 728 MRI *MRIstdsToVariances(MRI *mri_std, MRI *mri_var, int source_frame) ;
 729 MRI *MRIvariancesToStds(MRI *mri_var, MRI *mri_std, int dst_frame) ;
 730 MRI *MRIconcatenateFrames(MRI *mri_frame1, MRI *mri_frame2, MRI *mri_dst);
 731 MRI *MRIcopyFrame(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int src_frame, int dst_frame) ;
 732 double MRImeanFrame(MRI *mri, int frame) ;
 734 int   MRIcountPlanarAboveThreshold(MRI *mri_src, int vertex, int x, int y, 
 735                                    int z, int wsize, int lo_lim, int hi_lim);
 736 int   MRIcountCpolvAtVoxel(MRI *mri_src, int x, int y, int z, int wsize, 
 737                            int *pnum, int label_to_check) ;
 739 MRI *MRIhistoSegment(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled, int wm_low, int wm_hi,
 740                      int gray_hi, int wsize, float sigma) ;
 741 MRI *MRIhistoSegmentVoxel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled, int wm_low, 
 742                           int wm_hi, int gray_hi, int wsize, int x, int y, 
 743                           int z, HISTOGRAM *histo, HISTOGRAM *hsmooth, 
 744                           float sigma) ;
 745 MRI *MRIcpolvSmooth(MRI *mri_orig,MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int wsize, 
 746                     int low_val, int hi_val, int niter) ;
 747 MRI *MRIextractVertexCoords(MRI *mri_src, int *px, int *py, int *pz, 
 748                             int vertex, int x, int y,int z, int wsize) ;
 750 MRI *MRIextractVertexPlane(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int vertex, int x, 
 751                            int y, int z, int wsize) ;
 752 int  MRIwhiteInPlane(MRI *mri_src, int x, int y, int z, int vertex, int wsize);
 753 int  MRIneighborhoodPlanarDirection(MRI *mri_src, int xv, int yv, int zv,
 754                                     int nsize, int wsize) ;
 755 int  MRIneighborhoodCpolv(MRI *mri_src, int xv, int yv, int zv,int nsize,
 756                           int wsize, int *pnum_white) ;
 757 int MRIneighborsInWindow(MRI *mri, int x, int y, int z, int wsize, int val) ;
 758 int  MRIneighborhoodBlackCpolv(MRI *mri_src, int xv, int yv, int zv, 
 759                                int nsize, int wsize, int *pnum_black) ;
 761 MRI *MRIorderSegment(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled, float thresh, int wsize);
 762 MRI *MRIthresholdLabel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled, MRI *mri_dst, 
 763                        int wm_low) ;
 764 MRI *MRIintensitySegmentation(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled,
 765                               float wm_low, float wm_hi, float gray_hi) ;
 766 MRI *MRImeanLabel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_label, MRI*mri_dst, int wsize) ;
 767 int MRIvoxelsInLabel(MRI *mri, int label) ;
 768 int MRItotalVoxelsOn(MRI *mri, int thresh) ;
 769 int MRIcopyLabel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int val) ;
 770 int MRIcopyLabeledVoxels(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled, MRI *mri_dst, 
 771                          int label) ;
 772 MRI *MRIcpolvVote(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled, MRI *mri_dst, int wsize, 
 773                   int niter, int use_all) ;
 774 MRI *MRIcpolvThreshold(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled, MRI *mri_dst,
 775                        int wm_low, int gray_hi,int wsize) ;
 776 MRI *MRImaskLabels(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_mask, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 779 MRI *MRIwmfilterMarked(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_mask, MRI *mri_dst, int wsize, 
 780                        float pct, int onoff) ;
 781 int  MRIcountCpolvAtVoxel(MRI *mri_src, int x, int y, int z, int wsize, 
 782                           int *pnum, int label_to_check) ;
 783 int  MRIcountCpolvOnAtVoxel(MRI *mri_src, int x, int y, int z, int wsize, 
 784                             int *pnum) ;
 785 MRI *MRIcentralPlaneOfLeastVarianceNormalMarked(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_mask,
 786                                                 MRI *mri_dst, int wsize) ;
 787 int  MRIcountCpolvOffAtVoxel(MRI *mri_src,int x, int y, int z, int wsize, 
 788                              int *pnum) ;
 789 int  MRIcentralPlaneOfLeastVarianceNormalVoxel(MRI *mri_src, int wsize,
 790                                                int x, int y, int z) ;
 791 int  MRIvertexToVector(int vertex, float *pdx, float *pdy, float *pdz) ;
 792 int MRIcpolvMedianCurveVoxel(MRI *mri, MRI *mri_labeled, int x0, int y0, 
 793                              int z0, int wsize, float len, float gray_hi,
 794                              float wm_low) ;
 795 float MRIcpolvMedianAtVoxel(MRI *mri_src, int vertex, 
 796                             float x, float y, float z, int wsize);
 797 MRI   *MRIcpolvMedianCurveSegment(MRI *mri,MRI *mri_labeled, MRI *mri_dst,
 798                                   int wsize,float len, float gray_hi,
 799                                   float wm_low);
 801 MRI   *MRImarkBorderVoxels(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 802 int   MRIborderClassifyVoxel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled, int wsize, int x, 
 803                              int y, int z, float *ppw, float *ppg) ;
 804 int   MRIreclassifyBorder(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled, MRI *mri_border, 
 805                           MRI *mri_dst, int wsize) ;
 807 int   MRIclassifyAmbiguous(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled, MRI *mri_border, 
 808                            MRI *mri_dst, int wsize) ;
 810 MRI   *MRIremoveBrightStuff(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int threshold) ;
 811 int   MRIreclassify(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_labeled, 
 812                     MRI *mri_dst, float wm_low, float gray_hi, int wsize) ;
 815 MRI *MRImaskThreshold(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_mask, MRI *mri_dst,
 816                       float threshold, int out_label) ;
 817 int MRIgrowLabel(MRI *mri, MRI *mri_bg, int in_label, int out_label) ;
 818 int MRIturnOnFG(MRI *mri, MRI *mri_fg, MRI *mri_bg) ;
 819 int MRIturnOffBG(MRI *mri, MRI *mri_bg) ;
 820 /* mriprob.c */
 821 MRI *MRIcomputeConditionalProbabilities(MRI *mri_T1, MRI *mri_mean, 
 822                                         MRI *mri_std, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 823 MRI *MRIapplyBayesLaw(MRI *mri_priors, MRI *mri_p1, MRI *mri_p2,MRI *mri_dst);
 824 MRI *MRIprobabilityThresholdNeighborhoodOff(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_prob, 
 825                                             MRI *mri_dst, float threshold, 
 826                                             int nsize) ;
 827 MRI *MRIprobabilityThresholdNeighborhoodOn(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_prob, 
 828                                            MRI *mri_dst, float threshold, 
 829                                            int nsize, int out_label) ;
 830 MRI *MRIprobabilityThreshold(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_prob, MRI *mri_dst, 
 831                              float threshold, int out_label) ;
 832 MRI *MRIdilateLabel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int label, int niter) ;
 833 MRI *MRIdilateLabelUchar(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int label, int niter) ;
 834 MRI *MRIdilateThreshLabel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_val, MRI *mri_dst, int label, 
 835                           int niter, int thresh) ;
 836 MRI *MRIdilateInvThreshLabel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_val, MRI *mri_dst, 
 837                              int label, 
 838                              int niter, int thresh) ;
 839 MRI *MRIsoapBubbleLabel(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_label, MRI *mri_dst, 
 840                         int label,
 841                         int niter);
 842 MRI    *MRIsetLabelValues(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_label, MRI *mri_dst, 
 843                           int label, float val);
 844 int    MRIwriteImageViews(MRI *mri, char *base_name, int target_size) ;
 845 int MRIsetValues(MRI *mri, float val) ;
 846 MRI    *MRIwindow(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int which, float x0, float y0, 
 847                   float z0, float parm) ;
 848 int  MRIcomputeClassStatistics(MRI *mri_T1, MRI *mri_labeled,
 849                                float gray_low, float gray_hi,
 850                                float *pmean_wm, float *psigma_wm,
 851                                float *pmean_gm, float *psigma_gm) ;
 853 #define WINDOW_GAUSSIAN  0
 854 #define WINDOW_HAMMING   1
 855 #define WINDOW_HANNING   2
 857 #define MRI_NOT_WHITE   1
 858 #define MRI_AMBIGUOUS   128
 859 #define MRI_WHITE       255
 861 #define MRI_LEFT_HEMISPHERE     255
 862 #define MRI_RIGHT_HEMISPHERE    127
 863 #define MRI_RIGHT_HEMISPHERE2   80
 866 /* STATS volumes have 2 images each */
 867 #define TRI_HI_PRIORS            0
 868 #define TRI_HI_STATS             1
 869 #define TRI_LOW_PRIORS           3
 870 #define TRI_LOW_STATS            4
 871 #define TRI_OFF_STATS            6
 874 #define REMOVE_1D          2
 875 #define REMOVE_WRONG_DIR   3
 877 #define BASAL_GANGLIA_FILL   50
 878 #define MAX_WM_VAL           (THICKEN_FILL-1)
 879 #define WM_MAX_VAL           MAX_WM_VAL
 880 #define THICKEN_FILL         200
 881 #define NBHD_FILL            210
 882 #define VENTRICLE_FILL       220
 883 #define DIAGONAL_FILL        230
 884 #define DEGENERATE_FILL      240
 885 #define OFFSET_FILTER_FILL   245
 886 #define AUTO_FILL            250
 887 #define PRETESS_FILL         215
 889 MRI *MRIchangeType(MRI *src, int dest_type, float f_low, 
 890                    float f_high, int no_scale_option_flag);
 891 MRI *MRISeqchangeType(MRI *vol, int dest_type, float f_low, 
 892                       float f_high, int no_scale_option_flag);
 894 MRI *MRIresample(MRI *src, MRI *template_vol, int resample_type);
 895 MATRIX *MRIgetResampleMatrix(MRI *src, MRI *template_vol);
 896 int MRIlimits(MRI *mri, float *min, float *max);
 897 int MRIprintStats(MRI *mri, FILE *stream);
 898 int MRIstats(MRI *mri, float *min, float *max, int *n_voxels, 
 899              float *mean, float *std);
 901 float MRIvolumeDeterminant(MRI *mri);
 903 int mriio_command_line(int argc, char *argv[]);
 904 int mriio_set_subject_name(char *name);
 905 int MRIgetVolumeName(char *string, char *name_only);
 906 MRI *MRIread(char *fname);
 907 MRI *MRIreadEx(char *fname, int nthframe);
 908 MRI *MRIreadType(char *fname, int type);
 909 MRI *MRIreadInfo(char *fname);
 910 MRI *MRIreadHeader(char *fname, int type);
 911 int GetSPMStartFrame(void);
 912 int MRIwrite(MRI *mri, char *fname);
 913 int MRIwriteFrame(MRI *mri, char *fname, int frame) ;
 914 int MRIwriteType(MRI *mri, char *fname, int type);
 915 int MRIwriteAnyFormat(MRI *mri, char *fileid, char *fmt, 
 916                       int mriframe, MRIS *surf);
 917 MRI *MRIreadRaw(FILE *fp, int width, int height, int depth, int type);
 918 MRI *MRIreorder(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, int xdim, int ydim, int zdim);
 919 MRI *MRIsmoothParcellation(MRI *mri, int smooth_parcellation_count);
 920 MRI *MRIreadGeRoi(char *fname, int n_slices);
 922 int decompose_b_fname(char *fname_passed, char *directory, char *stem);
 924 #define READ_OTL_READ_VOLUME_FLAG       0x01
 925 #define READ_OTL_FILL_FLAG              0x02
 927 #define READ_OTL_ZERO_OUTLINES_FLAG     0x08
 928 MRI *MRIreadOtl(char *fname, int width, int height, int slices, 
 929                 char *color_file_name, int flags);
 931 MATRIX *extract_i_to_r(MRI *mri);
 932 int apply_i_to_r(MRI *mri, MATRIX *m);
 934 int stuff_four_by_four(MATRIX *m, 
 935                        float m11, float m12, float m13, float m14, 
 936                        float m21, float m22, float m23, float m24, 
 937                        float m31, float m32, float m33, float m34, 
 938                        float m41, float m42, float m43, float m44);
 940 MATRIX *extract_r_to_i(MRI *mri) ;
 941 #define MRIgetVoxelToRasXform   extract_i_to_r
 942 #define MRIgetRasToVoxelXform   extract_r_to_i
 943 int    MRIsetVoxelToRasXform(MRI *mri, MATRIX *m_vox2ras) ;
 944 MATRIX *MRIvoxelXformToRasXform(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst,
 945                                 MATRIX *m_voxel_xform, MATRIX *m_ras_xform);
 946 MATRIX *MRIrasXformToVoxelXform(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst,
 947                                 MATRIX *m_ras_xform, MATRIX *m_voxel_xform);
 950 int MRIsincSampleVolume(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z, int hw, Real *pval);
 951 int MRIcubicSampleVolume(MRI *mri, Real x, Real y, Real z, Real *pval); /*E*/
 952 MRI *MRIsincTransform(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, MATRIX *mA, int hw);
 953 int MRIlabelOverlap(MRI *mri1, MRI *mri2, int label) ;
 954 int MRIeraseBorderPlanes(MRI *mri) ;
 956 MRI *MRIlog10(MRI *inmri, MRI *outmri, int negflag);
 957 MRI *MRIrandn(int ncols, int nrows, int nslices, int nframes,
 958               float avg, float stddev, MRI *mri);
 959 MRI *MRIrande(int ncols, int nrows, int nslices, int nframes,
 960               float avg, int order, MRI *mri);
 961 MRI *MRIdrand48(int ncols, int nrows, int nslices, int nframes,
 962                 float min, float max, MRI *mri);
 963 MRI *MRIsampleCDF(int ncols, int nrows, int nslices, int nframes,
 964                   double *xCDF, double *CDF, int nCDF, MRI *mri);
 965 MRI *MRIconst(int ncols, int nrows, int nslices, int nframes,
 966               float val, MRI *mri);
 967 int MRInormalizeSequence(MRI *mri, float target) ;
 969 int setDirectionCosine(MRI *mri, int orientation);
 970 int getSliceDirection(MRI *mri);
 971 int mriOKforSurface(MRI *mri); // check whether the volume is conformed or not
 972 int mriConformed(MRI *mri) ;
 973 void setMRIforSurface(MRI *mri); // set c_(r,a,s) = 0 for a conformed volume
 974 MRI *MRIremoveNaNs(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 975 MRI *MRImakePositive(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst);
 976 MRI *MRIeraseNegative(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 978 MRI *MRImarkLabelBorderVoxels(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
 979                               int label, int mark, int six_connected) ;
 980 int MRIcomputeLabelNbhd(MRI *mri_labels, MRI *mri_vals, 
 981                         int x, int y, int z, 
 982                         int *label_counts, float *label_means, 
 983                         int whalf, int max_labels) ;
 984 float MRIvoxelsInLabelWithPartialVolumeEffects(MRI *mri, MRI *mri_vals, 
 985                                                int label) ;
 986 MRI   *MRImakeDensityMap(MRI *mri, MRI *mri_vals, int label, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 987 int MRIcropBoundingBox(MRI *mri, MRI_REGION *box) ;
 988 MRI *MRIapplyBiasCorrection(MRI *mri_in, MRI *mri_bias, MRI *mri_out) ;
 989 MRI *MRIapplyBiasCorrectionSameGeometry(MRI *mri_in, MRI *mri_bias, 
 990                                         MRI *mri_out, float target_val) ;
 991 MATRIX *MRIgetVoxelToVoxelXform(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst) ;
 993 /* extract the RASToVoxeMatrix from an MRI */
 994 MATRIX *GetSurfaceRASToVoxelMatrix(MRI *mri);
 996 /* Zero-padding for 3d analyze (ie, spm) format */
 997 #ifdef _MRIIO_SRC
 998 int N_Zero_Pad_Input  = -1;
 999 int N_Zero_Pad_Output = -1;
1000 #else
1001 extern int N_Zero_Pad_Input;
1002 extern int N_Zero_Pad_Output;
1003 #endif
1005 float MRIfovCol(MRI *mri);
1006 int MRIdircosToOrientationString(MRI *mri, char *ostr);
1007 int MRIorientationStringToDircos(MRI *mri, char *ostr);
1008 char *MRIcheckOrientationString(char *ostr);
1009 char *MRIsliceDirectionName(MRI *mri);
1010 MRI *MRIreverseSliceOrder(MRI *invol, MRI *outvol);
1012 /* different modes for distance transform - signed 
1013    (<0 in interior) unsigned from border, or 
1014    just outside (interior is 0) */
1015 #define DTRANS_MODE_SIGNED   1
1017 #define DTRANS_MODE_OUTSIDE  3
1018 MRI *MRIdistanceTransform(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dist, 
1019                           int label, float max_dist, int mode);
1020 int MRIaddCommandLine(MRI *mri, char *cmdline) ;
1021 int MRIcopyVolGeomToMRI(MRI *mri, VOL_GEOM *vg) ;
1022 MRI *MRInonMaxSuppress(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_sup, 
1023                        float thresh, int thresh_dir) ;
1024 MRI *MRIextractRegionAndPad(MRI *mri_src, MRI *mri_dst, 
1025                             MRI_REGION *region, int pad) ;
1026 MRI *MRIsetValuesOutsideRegion(MRI *mri_src, 
1027                                MRI_REGION *region, 
1028                                MRI *mri_dst, 
1029                                float val) ;
1030 int MRIcountNonzeroInNbhd(MRI *mri, int wsize, int x, int y, int z) ;
1032 #endif

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