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This script will generate text/ascii tables of freesurfer aseg stats data, aseg.stats. This can then be easily imported into a stats program. This script will generate text/ascii tables of freesurfer aseg stats data, aseg.stats. This can then be easily imported into a spreadsheet and/or stats program.


This script will generate text/ascii tables of freesurfer aseg stats data, aseg.stats. This can then be easily imported into a spreadsheet and/or stats program.


command line options are:

 --subjects  subject1 <subject2 ...>
  --s subject1 <--s subject2 ...>
  --meas measure : default is vol (alt: mean)
  --maxsegno maxno : maximum segmentation no to report

  --t tablefile

  --help : help

Sample Command line

asegstats2table --subjects bert ernie fred margaret --meas vol --t aseg_stats.txt

This will combine the aseg.stats file for the subjects bert, ernie, fred, and margaret to generate one table, aseg_stats.txt, that will report the volumes of all the structures labeled in aseg.mgz. The resulting file can be imported into any spreadsheet program.

asegstats2table (last edited 2012-12-03 11:36:04 by MaritzaEbling)