Images ====== Surfa provides utilities for working with 3D and 2D multi-frame images. Image array data is structured in one of the following classes, based on spatial dimensionality: **3D** volumetric images are represented by `Volume` objects.
**2D** image slices are represented by `Slice` objects. These structures also encompass an inherent *geometry*, which defines the linear mapping of voxel coordinates on the image grid to Cartesian coordinates in 3D world space (sometimes referred to as scanner space). ## Framed Image Basics From a high level, `Volume` and `Slice` are universal array objects that store an image buffer along with user-defined metadata. This array buffer, with a defined shape, also supports an additional non-spatial dimension to encode multiple image frames, for example, across time-series data or diffusion directions. Generally, this non-spatial dimension is represented by the last data axis, or the *frame axis*. At the level of the underlying array, we can access data properties, such shape, data type, and number of frames. For example, a single-frame structural 3D MRI is loaded below as a `Volume` object. ```python >>> import surfa as sf >>> image = sf.load_volume('structural.nii.gz') >>> image.shape (256, 256, 256) >>> image.dtype dtype('uint8') >>> image.nframes 1 ``` Alternatively, a functional MRI aquistion might contain a series of timepoints stacked along the last axis. While the `shape` property includes this extra dimension, `baseshape` defines only the shape of the spatial domain. ```python >>> image = sf.load_volume('functional.nii.gz') >>> image.shape (256, 256, 256, 16) >>> image.baseshape (256, 256, 256) >>> image.nframes 16 ``` This same concept applies to 2D `Slice` images: ```python >>> image = sf.load_slice('slice.nii.gz') >>> image.shape (256, 256, 16) >>> image.baseshape (256, 256) >>> image.basedim 2 ``` The `basedim` member indicates the number of spatial dimension in the array. A `Slice` always has a `basedim` of 2 and a `Volume` always has a `basedim` of 3. ## Array Representation At their core, `Volume` and `Slice` framed images operate like numpy arrays and can be constructed with such: ```python data = np.random.rand(128, 128, 128) image = sf.Volume(data) ``` In fact, the image buffer is internally stored as a `np.ndarray` instance, which can be retrieved directly via the `data` member. Note that when constructing a framed array, the input numpy array is not copied by default, and so the framed array will share its memory. Framed images implement numpy's [array-like]( functionality, meaning they can be implicitly converted to the `np.ndarray` class when necessary, for example, when used as input to a numpy function: ```python mean = np.mean(image) ``` Framed images also emulate numpy-style operations, in-place modifications, and indexing. ```python image += 10 mask = image < 20 image[mask] = 0 image = image1 * image2 ``` Array-specific operations can also be called directly as class methods. ```python imax = image.max() mean = image.mean() perc = image.percentile(99) ``` This is only a handful of the array utilities. Visit the [Volume API reference](../reference/api/surfa.Volume) for more detailed class documentation. ## Geometry An important component of these framed images is the mapping of their voxel coordinates to locations in a world, or scanner, coordinate system. This relationship is defined by the `geom` image geometry attribute. This `ImageGeometry` object represents position in two ways: **1)** using a set of linear parameters, including voxel size (resolution), image center, and rotation, and **2)** using a singular `vox2world` affine matrix that transforms voxel coordinates to world coordinates. When either of the parameters are updated, the affine is recomputed accordingly, and vice versa. ```python >>> image.geom.voxsize array([1., 1., 1.]) >>> array([0., 0., 0.]) >>> image.geom.rotation array([[ 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1.]]) ``` ```python >>> image.geom.vox2world sf.Affine([ [ 1., 0., 0., -127.], [ 0., 1., 0., -128.], [ 0., 0., 1., -127.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) ``` ### Image Cropping Numpy-style indexing can be used to crop `Volume` and `Slice` objects while correctly accounting for the underlying geometry. When an image is cropped, as shown below, the image geometry `center` and `vox2world` will be updated. ```python >>> cropped = image[60:180, 60:180, 60:180] >>> array([-8., -8., -8.]) ``` When the dimensionality of a `Volume` object is reduced by 1 during cropping, the resulting image is cast as a `Slice` object. ```python >>> image sf.Volume(shape=(256, 256, 256), dtype=uint8) >>> sliced = image[:, :, 110] >>> sliced sf.Slice(shape=(256, 256), dtype=uint8) ``` ### Reorienting The anatomical *orientation* of the voxel array is implicitly defined by the rotation matrix of the image geometry. In surfa, the default world coordinate system corresponds to *Right-Anterior-Superior* (RAS) anatomical ordering of the *x, y, z* axes. So, the image geometry `orientation` can be coded by a tag that maps each anatomical axis (*Left/Right*, *Inferior/Superior*, *Anterior/Posterior*) to each image axis. ```python >>> image.geom.orientation 'RAS' ``` To re-order the image data to a particular orientation while preserving the correct world-space position, use the `reorient` function. ```python >>> image = image.reorient('LIA') ``` ## Transforming and Resampling Other functions can be used to modify the underlying image data while correctly updating (or preserving) image geometry. To resample the image data to a particular voxel size: ```python >>> resized = image.resize((2, 2, 2), method='linear') >>> resized.geom.voxsize array([2., 2., 2.]) ``` To fit the image to a particular shape by padding or cropping around the center: ```python >>> reshaped = image.reshape((180, 256, 180)) >>> reshaped.shape (180, 256, 180) ``` Images can be conformed to a particular set of geometric requirements all at once using the `conform` function: ```python >>> conformed = image.conform(voxsize=2, orientation='LIA') ``` To resample an image with a particular target geometry, use the `resample_like` function. ```python >>> resampled = conformed.resample_like(image) ``` ### Affine Transformation To linear resample the image data with an affine transform matrix, use the `transform` function. ```python >>> affine = sf.transform.compose_affine(rotation=(10, 0, 0)) >>> rotated = image.transform(affine, method='linear', rotation='center') ``` ### Deformation Voxel displacement fields can also be applied to the image to transform it nonlinearly. ```python >>> disp = sf.Volume(np.random.randn(*image.shape, 3)) >>> deformed = image.transform(disp, method='linear') ```