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= Parcellations in Nonlinear MNI152 Volume Space =

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A novel 15-network parcellation from fMRI data in 15 intensively sampled participants

A novel 15-network parcellation was constructed by estimating networks from functional MRI (fMRI) data in 15 intensively sampled participants. We used the network estimates to better understand individual variation, spatial relations among networks, and their functional properties. The estimates were further used to construct atlases that we provide to the community as open resources. Five example atlases are shown.

DU15NET-Prior: The 15-network group prior used in the MS-HBM model is made available as the DU15NET-Prior atlas. For many purposes, this atlas can function and be utilized in group-based studies as an update to the prior “Yeo2011” atlases with refinements that reflect our current understanding of human cerebral network organization. The DU15NET-Prior utilizes the HCP data processed via their standard processing pipelines, and thus also has the benefit of being derived from data collected and registered with a commonly used set of pipelines.


DU15NET-AgreeProb: The final provided atlas represents the probability at each vertex that, within the present 15 participant sample, the same network is assigned across individuals. 


Parcellations in Nonlinear MNI152 Volume Space


Information about Downloads

In the folder, there are three distinct folders named fsaverage, fsaverage5 and fsaverage6. The fsaverage contains the high resolution version of the parcellation, while fsaverage6 and fsaverage5 contain lower resolution versions of the parcellation. The parcellations were computed in fsaverage6 space and sampled to fsaverage5 and fsaverage. Each of these parcels matches up with a network in the 15 network parcellation by Du et al., (2024). It’s important to note that all labels were generated in FreeSurfer version 5.3 and may not fully function optimally in other FreeSurfer versions. The folder structure mirrors that of a preprocessed FreeSurfer subject. In particular, fsaverage/label/, fsaverage5/label/, fsaverage6/label/ contain all the parcellation and confidence files. For instance, fsaverage/label/lh.XXX_order.annot is the 15 network parcellation on the left hemisphere ordered and colored as per Du et al., (2024).


Du J, DiNicola LM, Angeli PA, Saadon-Grosman N, Sun W, Kaiser S, Ladopoulou J, Xue A, Yeo BT, Eldaief MC, Buckner RL. Organization of the Human Cerebral Cortex Estimated Within Individuals: Networks, Global Topography, and Function Accepted for publication. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2024 March.

CorticalParcellation_DU15NET (last edited 2024-04-02 11:32:59 by JingnanDu)