
This page lists all the various possible edits that could be made to subject data supported by the recon-all stream (both the default 'cross-sectional' stream, and the longitudinal stream). 'Edits' is the term that describes manual interventions by a user necessary when the automated stream (recon-all) does not produce output that is correct or suitable as determined by the user, or if the automated stream fails outright. Manual interventions occur via the volume editting tool tkmedit.

All of the edits made to a subject can be revealed by using the -show-edits option of recon-all (available in v5.X):

recon-all -s subjid -show-edits

Note that 'edits' are made only to volumes. There is no such thing as a surface edit. Problems with the surface are corrected by making edits to an appropriate volume (see troubleshooting).

control points

user intervention

recon-all handling


user intervention

recon-all handling


user intervention

recon-all handling


user intervention

recon-all handling


user intervention

recon-all handling


user intervention

recon-all handling

seed points

user intervention

recon-all handling