CentOS 7 WSL Install

Different versions of CentOS to run in WSL can be found in the Microsoft Store. As of this writing the images are not free but are inexpensive at a one time cost of $2 to $5 USD. The example install here will show CentOS7 but the same process should apply to run other versions of CentOS under WSL (this example is with the free 6.9.x.x Xming server).



If an image is free - or after you purchase an image - you should see a ***launch*** button in the item description.


With WSL (previously) enabled, clicking on launch will cause WSL to bring up a terminal window and print out a notification that installation is underway. You will then be prompted to create a userid. Note that userid and password need not match your Windows credentials.



Subsequently, this image will install the epel repo followed by some additional packages. Answer yes to the prompt when asked to install packages.



After the install commands are done, you will be prompted to create a password for the userid.


You will then be at the terminal prompt once the password is accepted.