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= Fomblin =

This page is meant to be a collection of notes on [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluoropolymer|Fomblin]] with regard to the LCN's standard operating protocol for ''ex vivo'' samples.

'''Background:''' Fomblin is the name brand of a fluoropolymer produced by [[https://www.solvay.com/en/products/brands/fomblin-pfpe-lubricants|Solvay Specialty Polymers S.p.A.]] that has been used since 1998 ([[https://ac.els-cdn.com/S0012160698988911/1-s2.0-S0012160698988911-main.pdf?_tid=a6e1dc09-e97a-46c8-bdfd-6462e2bdcf1d&acdnat=1539097307_07aa88bbba66b9181fdd7381e902c06b| Huang, G. Y., et al., 1998]]) as an immersion solution to improve MR-imaging SNR in tissue samples. The fluoropolymer uniquely lack's any MR-signal but has magnetic susceptibility similar to that of tissue, which results in MR-images with high SNR & CNR between the Fomblin and any suspended tissue. Since the use of Fomblin in MR-imaging is still quite young, the impact of the solution on tissue properties is unknown. We are maintaining this wiki page to document the following 5 levels of ''ex vivo'' processing with Fomblin to record any personal and literature-based experiences with the solution.

5 levels of the ''ex vivo'' procedure where Fomblin can impact tissue:
 1. packing
 1. scanning
 1. post-processing
 1. histology
 1. tissue storage



= Impact of Fomblin on Histology =


This page is meant to be a collection of notes on Fomblin with regard to the LCN's standard operating protocol for ex vivo samples.

Background: Fomblin is the name brand of a fluoropolymer produced by Solvay Specialty Polymers S.p.A. that has been used since 1998 (Huang, G. Y., et al., 1998) as an immersion solution to improve MR-imaging SNR in tissue samples. The fluoropolymer uniquely lack's any MR-signal but has magnetic susceptibility similar to that of tissue, which results in MR-images with high SNR & CNR between the Fomblin and any suspended tissue. Since the use of Fomblin in MR-imaging is still quite young, the impact of the solution on tissue properties is unknown. We are maintaining this wiki page to document the following 5 levels of ex vivo processing with Fomblin to record any personal and literature-based experiences with the solution.

5 levels of the ex vivo procedure where Fomblin can impact tissue:

  1. packing
  2. scanning
  3. post-processing
  4. histology
  5. tissue storage

Impact of Fomblin on Histology

The group Allison is referring to (Hyare et al., 2008) found that storing tissue in Fomblin for 2 days prior to MRI had no effect on scan or histology results when compared to matched samples stored in 10% formol-saline.

Synopsis: Formalin-fixed mouse brain tissue placed in Fomblin for 2 days prior to T1, T2, DWI, and MTR scans @ 9.4T produced the same results as formalin-fixed controls placed in 10% formol-saline solution 2 days prior to scanning. Both were scanned in Fomblin. They compared ROI-based quantitative MR measures, anatomical & cellular histology, and immunohistochemical staining.

Fluorinert has been used in a number of studies. A quick search came back with +5 exvivo studies since 2004 using Fluorinert as an in-scan solution - typically Flourinert FC-77, not FC-3283.

3M Fluorinert Electronic Liquids for Electronics: https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/company-us/all-3m-products/~/All-3M-Products/Electronics/Chemicals/Chemicals/Fluorinert-Electronic-Liquids/?N=5002385+8709318+8710710+8711017+8736409+8745514+3294857497&rt=r3

Studies using Flourinert: Noristani et al., 2015, Colon-Perez et al., 2015, Kovačević et al., 2004, etc. (https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,22&q=ex+vivo+mri+fluorinert)

Fomblin (last edited 2021-09-22 09:38:20 by DevaniCordero)