[[FreeSurferWiki|top]] | [[WorkFlows|previous]] | [[BasicReconstruction|next]] = FreeSurfer Work Flows = FreeSurferWorkFlows describes processing workflows for !FreeSurfer. An overview of the major processing steps taking place in a standard !FreeSurfer workflow are described in this PDF slide presentation: [[http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/docs/ftp/pub/docs/freesurfer.intro.pdf|Building Anatomical Models with Freesurfer]], and also FreeSurferAnalysisPipelineOverview. For more detail on how to use !FreeSurfer, look through the tutorials we offer on the FsTutorial page. FreeSurferWorkFlows include: * FsFastUnpackData * RecommendedReconstruction (with routine checks for automated program failures, and subsequent manual intervention) * LongitudinalProcessing * FreeSurferGroupAnalysis * FreeSurferOccipitalFlattenedPatch * VolumeRoiCorticalThickness * PairedAnalysis