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Walkthrough: How to use FsFast and fcseed-sess for functional connectivity analysis including example commands.

For general tips on using FsFast, download this FS-FAST powerpoint

This walkthrough demonstrates how to run a functional connectivity analysis on resting state fMRI data.

*STEP 1: Unpack Data into the FSFAST Hierarchy using unpacksdcmdir

Sample cmd:

unpacksdcmdir -src dicomdir/subject/ALLDICOMS -targ fcMRI_dir/subject -cfg subject_config.txt -fsfast -unpackerr

In this sample command...

subject_config.txt format:

28 bold nii f.nii 29 bold nii f.nii

Col.1: scan acquisition number Col.2: output dir name will be created within "fcMRI_dir/subject" Col.3: output file format - this example is nifti format Col.4: output filename. In this example, 2 files will be created:

*QA Check after unpacking:

*STEP 2: Reconstruction Anatomical data using recon-all

Sample cmd:

In this sample command...

A. QA Check:

B. Use FSFAST directory hierarchy:


C. Link to FreeSurfer anatomical analysis: Create "subjectname" text file in the session directory. Write in it the subject's recon directory name (as labeld in $SUBJECTS_DIR).

D. Create a sessid file (text file with list of your sessions) in your Study DIR (optional)

*STEP 3: Pre-process your bold data using preproc-sess preproc-sess

Sample cmd:

preproc-sess -s <subjid> -fwhm <#>

A. By default this will do motion correction, smoothing & brain masking

B. Quality Check (plot-twf-sess)

C.Examine additions to FSFAST hierarchy (in each run of bold dir):

NOTE: you may need to convert the file "fmcpr.mgz" to fmcpr.nii using mri_convert

Found in each bold scan dir. Sample cmd:

mri_convert session/bold/002/fmcpr.mgz session/bold/002/fmcpr.nii

mri_convert session/bold/003/fmcpr.mgz session/bold/003/fmcpr.nii

Next, I'll outline two methods of deriving a seed region:

1) To use a full-size Freesurfer parcellation from aparc+aseg.mgz, continue with STEP 4 on this page.

2) To split the full Freesurfer parcellation into multiple seeds ("split parcellation"), follow the additional steps here - and resume with step 5 on this page...

*STEP 4: Use fcseed-config to record the parameters you wish to pass to your connectivity analysis.

Sample command: fcseed-config -segid 1010 -fcname mean.L_Posteriorcingulate.dat -fsd bold -mean -cfg mean.L_Posteriorcingulate.config

This example will use the FreeSurfer cortical segmentation for the left posterior cingulate (segID: 1010). For seed regions, we recommend generating the mean signal timecourse by using "-mean"

*STEP 5: Pass the config text file to fcseed-sess to generate time-course information for your chosen seed region (or for nuisance variable signal).

Sample cmd (mean seed region timecourse):

fcseed-sess -s <session> -cfg mean.L_Posteriorcingulate.config

Sample cmd (mean waveforms for nuisance regressors, but PCA also possible with -pca):

for white matter:

for ventricles + CSF:

*STEP 5: Use mkanalysis-sess to setup an analysis for your FC data

Sample cmd:

mkanalysis-sess -a <analysisname>

Note: if you do not want to regress out the global signal, then do not include it in the mkanalysis-sess command.

*STEP 6: Use selxavg3-sess to run the subject-level analysis outlined by the above mkanalysis-sess cmd.

*STEP 7: Choose the contrast file (generated in each session's contrast directory) that you wish to analyze on a group level:

*STEP 8: To continue with a group-level analysis, try one of the methods below: