Note: this is a companion page to the FsFastFunctionalConnectivityWalkthrough page.

This page will outline how to split a full FreeSurfer parcelation into multiple seeds To use a portion of the full Freesurfer parcellation ("split parcellation"), follow the additional steps here - and resume with step 5 on this page...

*STEP 4: Use fcseed-config to record the parameters you wish to pass to your connectivity analysis.

Sample command: fcseed-config -segid 1010 -fcname mean.L_Posteriorcingulate.dat -fsd bold -mean -cfg mean.L_Posteriorcingulate.config

This example will use the FreeSurfer cortical segmentation for the left posterior cingulate (segID: 1010). For seed regions, we recommend generating the mean signal timecourse by using "-mean"

Now resume with step 5 on this page...