Output of mri_glmfit-sim for a volume-based (MNI 305 space) fMRI analysis (encode-v-base contrast): {{{ # Cluster Size(n) Size(mm^3) MNIX MNIY MNIZ Max CWP CWPLow CWPHi 1 96 768.0 -4.00 -29.00 -3.00 5.14353 0.06456 0.04724 0.08167 Brain-Stem 2 85 680.0 6.00 -85.00 -21.00 3.56155 0.07883 0.06169 0.09857 Unknown 3 81 648.0 -38.00 -73.00 -23.00 3.81629 0.07883 0.06169 0.09857 Unknown 4 76 608.0 26.00 -75.00 -47.00 5.17719 0.08450 0.06456 0.10416 Right-Cerebellum-Cortex 5 74 592.0 -24.00 -33.00 -3.00 5.41708 0.08733 0.06743 0.10694 Left-Thalamus-Proper 6 72 576.0 -38.00 -35.00 -13.00 4.17194 0.09015 0.07029 0.10972 Left-Cerebral-White-Matter 7 58 464.0 -34.00 -15.00 -19.00 3.98637 0.11526 0.09296 0.13720 Left-Hippocampus 8 58 464.0 34.00 -19.00 -13.00 3.94289 0.11526 0.09296 0.13720 Right-Hippocampus 9 41 328.0 48.00 -65.00 -25.00 5.59036 0.15877 0.13448 0.18260 Unknown 10 41 328.0 32.00 -33.00 -1.00 4.36455 0.15877 0.13448 0.18260 Right-Cerebral-White-Matter 11 31 248.0 0.00 -65.00 -19.00 4.22284 0.22890 0.20082 0.25632 Unknown 12 24 192.0 16.00 -13.00 1.00 3.24793 0.29740 0.26613 0.32778 Right-Thalamus-Proper 13 20 160.0 34.00 -59.00 -21.00 4.06437 0.35726 0.32547 0.38804 Unknown 14 19 152.0 -12.00 -15.00 -9.00 3.18226 0.37278 0.34150 0.40305 Left-VentralDC 15 16 128.0 -30.00 -55.00 -23.00 3.94333 0.43644 0.40518 0.46659 Left-Cerebellum-Cortex 16 16 128.0 -22.00 -7.00 -15.00 3.17138 0.43644 0.40518 0.46659 Left-Amygdala 17 13 104.0 -18.00 -51.00 -19.00 3.31497 0.48608 0.45466 0.51626 Left-Cerebellum-Cortex }}} * Much of the header has been removed for clarity * Max = maximum voxel-wise signifiance in the cluster * VtxMax - vertex number of the maximum * Size(mm2) - size of cluster in millimeters square * MNIX, MNIY, MNIZ - MNI305 Coordinates of maximum * CWP - p-value of the cluster (CWP=Cluster-Wise P-value) * CWPLow - lower 95% confidence interval of CWP * CWPHi - upper 95% confidence interval of CWP * NVtxs - number of vertices in cluster (each vertex will not have the exact same area, you can estimate mean vertex area by dividing total surface area by the number of vertices) * Annot - name of annotation that maximum falls into