## page was renamed from FsFastTutorial/000_Frontmatter #pragma section-numbers off <> This is a tutorial for FsFast FsFast helps you analyze functional MR data by creating statistical maps that can be overlaid directly onto the structural MR data you generate using FreeSurfer. This tutorial will help you process the distributed functional MR data set of a single subject we call Bert, using the programÂ’s most basic steps. The sample subject data data, named bert.func.tar.gz, is found at: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/MiscellaneousDownloads <
> The interface between FsFast and FreeSurfer supports a wide range of applications, including automatic Talairach transforming, morphometry, spherical morphing and inter-subject averaging, as well as cortical inflation and flattening (see [[ArticlesSlidesAndPosters]]). As a result, you can view the statistical maps on same-slice anatomicals, high-resolution anatomicals, Talairach anatomicals, and on the cortical surface (folded, inflated, or flattened). FsFast requires a Linux computer with MATLAB® installed on it in order to work, with approximately 300-400 MB disk space per subject, depending on the number of runs. FsFast was written by DougGreve. '''Bug Reports, Questions, Comments:''' Limited support is offered for this software. Any bug reports should include complete information so that the problem can be recreated. As a minimum, give the following: 1. Specify which version date of the Tutorial you are using. 1. Specify which machine/operating system you were on when the problem occurred. 1. Specify which program (along with command-line options) you were running when the problem occurred. Note: "program" means a program from the FsFast package, not one that you have created that calls FsFast programs. 1. Specify the directory you were in when you ran the program. 1. Include any text that the program printed out to the screen. 1. Include the log file (if it exists). Send your bug-reports, questions, and comments to: <> <>