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First Level (Time Series) Analysis
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= First Level (Time Series) Analysis =

This tutorial describes how to analyze the time series data by configuring analyses (design matrices) and contrasts. There are two distinct stages:
 1. Configuring analyses and contrasts
 1. Analyzing the data by fitting the time courses to the model and computing p-values for contrasts
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The first step in the first-level analysis is to configure analyses
and contrasts
. This is done with mkanalysis-sess
The first step in the first-level analysis is to configure analyses and contrasts. This step describes what preprocessing stages should have been run as well as the parameters needed to construct a design matrix (no data are analyzed yet). This is done with mkanalysis-sess
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To construct the design matrix there are several pieces of information that are given in the above command:
  * The stimulus timing (obtained from a file called workmem.par in the Run directory)
  * The hemodynamic response model (SPM canonical shape (-spmhrf))
  * Nuisance regressors: 2nd order polynomial (-polyfit 2) and skipping first 4 time points (-nskip 4)

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1. First Level (Time Series) Analysis

This tutorial describes how to analyze the time series data by configuring analyses (design matrices) and contrasts. There are two distinct stages:

  1. Configuring analyses and contrasts
  2. Analyzing the data by fitting the time courses to the model and computing p-values for contrasts

2. Configure an Analysis

The first step in the first-level analysis is to configure analyses and contrasts. This step describes what preprocessing stages should have been run as well as the parameters needed to construct a design matrix (no data are analyzed yet). This is done with mkanalysis-sess

mkanalysis-sess \
  -fsd bold -stc up  -surface fsaverage lh -fwhm 5  \
  -event-related  -paradigm workmem.par -nconditions 5 \
  -spmhrf 0 -TR 2 -refeventdur 16 -nskip 4 -polyfit 2 \
  -analysis my-workmem.sm05.lh 
  • -fsd bold -stc up -surface fsaverage lh -fwhm 5 : preprocessing options (see preproc-sess). There needs to be a separate analysis configuration for each space (ie, lh, rh, mni305)

  • -even-related : for event-related and blocked designs
  • -paradigm workmem.par : name of paradigm file

  • -nconditions 5 : number of conditions to expect in paradigm file
  • -spmhrf 0 : use canonical SPM HRF with 0 derivatives
  • -TR 2 : expect raw data to have a 2 sec TR
  • -refeventdur 16 : scale amplitudes based on a 16 sec event duration
  • -nskip 4 : skip the first four time points (paradigm timing still ok)
  • -polyfit 2 : use 2nd order polynomial nuisance regressors
  • -analysis my-workmem.sm05.lh : this is the name of the analysis configuration. Choose a descriptive name (and one that includes the space)

To construct the design matrix there are several pieces of information that are given in the above command:

  • The stimulus timing (obtained from a file called workmem.par in the Run directory)
  • The hemodynamic response model (SPM canonical shape (-spmhrf))
  • Nuisance regressors: 2nd order polynomial (-polyfit 2) and skipping first 4 time points (-nskip 4)

This command finishes within seconds. It creates a folder called my-workmem.sm05.lh. See the contents with

ls my-workmem.sm05.lh

There will be a text file called 'analysis.info' with a list of all the parameters that you just specified. There is enough information here that the raw data and paradigm files can be found and the entire design matrix constructed. No data have been analyzed yet!

3. Configure Contrasts

Contrasts are embodiments of hypotheses that you want to test. They are linear combinations of conditions. In order to construct a contrast, you need to know the numeric ID associated with each condition; this is specified in the paradigm file (see above). For this design, the conditions are (1) Encode, (2) Emotional Distractor, (3) Probe After Emotional Distractor, (4) Neutral Distractor, and (5) Probe After Neutral Distractor. In a contrast, a weight must be assigned to each each condition. Often, the weights are 0, +1, or -1.

3.1. Enocde vs Baseline Contrast

To find voxels that are activated by the Encode condition relative to baseline, one would assign a weight of 1 to Encode and 0 to everything else (ie, the contrast vector would be [1 0 0 0 0]). There is a value for each of the 5 conditions. The first value (for Encode) is 1, the rest are 0. To create this contrast matrix in FSFAST, run

  mkcontrast-sess -analysis my-workmem.sm05.lh -contrast encode-v-base -a 1
  • -analysis my-workmem.sm05.lh : analysis name from mkanalysis-sess above
  • -contrast encode-v-base : name of the contrast. Choose something descriptive
  • -a 1 : set the weight for condition 1 to be +1 (-a means 'active')
  • By default, all other conditions given a weight of 0

This will finish in a few seconds (still no data have been analyzed!), creating a files called 'emot.dist.mat' in my-workmem.sm05.lh

ls my-workmem.sm05.lh

This is a binary file and cannot be viewed.

3.2. Emotional Distractor vs Baseline Contrast

The Emotional Distractor is the second condition, so, to find voxels that are activated by it relative to baseline, one would need the following contrast vector [0 1 0 0 0]. This is achieved with the command:

  mkcontrast-sess -analysis my-workmem.sm05.lh -contrast emot.dist-v-base -a 2
  • -contrast emot.dist : name of the contrast. Choose something descriptive
  • -a 2 : set the weight for condition 2 to be +1 (-a means 'active')
  • By default, all other conditions given a weight of 0
  • Creates emot.dist.mat in my-workmem.sm05.lh

3.3. Distractor Average vs Baseline

The Neutral Distractor is the fourth condition, so, to find voxels that are activated by Emotional more than Neutral, one would need the following contrast vector [0 1 0 1 0]. This is achieved with the command:

  mkcontrast-sess -analysis my-workmem.sm05.lh -contrast distractor.avg-v-base -a 2 -a 4
  • -contrast emot.dist-v-neut.dist : name of the contrast.
  • -a 2 : set the weight for condition 2 to be +1 (-a means 'active')
  • -c 4 : set the weight for condition 4 to be -1 (-c means 'control')
  • All other conditions given a weight of 0
  • Creates emot.dist-v-neut.dist in my-workmem.sm05.lh

3.4. Emotional Distractor vs Neutral Distractor

The Neutral Distractor is the fourth condition, so, to find voxels that are activated by Emotional more than Neutral, one would need the following contrast vector [0 1 0 -1 0]. This is achieved with the command:

  mkcontrast-sess -analysis my-workmem.sm05.lh -contrast emot.dist-v-neut.dist -a 2 -c 4
  • -contrast emot.dist-v-neut.dist : name of the contrast.
  • -a 2 : set the weight for condition 2 to be +1 (-a means 'active')
  • -c 4 : set the weight for condition 4 to be -1 (-c means 'control')
  • All other conditions given a weight of 0
  • Creates emot.dist-v-neut.dist in my-workmem.sm05.lh

3.5. Probe Average vs Baseline

The Probes are conditions 3 and 5. If we are interested in the voxels activated by a probe regardless of whether it follows an emotional or neutral distractor, then we can create a contrast in which we average their amplitudes: [0 0 0.5 0 0.5]. This is achieved with the command:

  mkcontrast-sess -analysis my-workmem.sm05.lh -contrast probe.avg-v-base -a 3 -a 5
  • -contrast probe.avg-v-base : name of the contrast.
  • -a 3 : set the weight for condition 2 to be +1
  • -a 5 : set the weight for condition 4 to be +1
  • All other conditions given a weight of 0

When more than one active condition are specified, the weights are rescaled so that they sum to 1, so the weights for conditions 3 and 5 will be 0.5 instead of 1. If more than one control are given, the weights are scaled so that they sum to -1.

4. Configurations for Other Spaces

The commands above will configure the analysis and contrast only for raw data sampled to the left hemisphere of fsaverage. To do a full brain analysis, you will need to configure analyses for the right hemisphere and for the mni305 (for subcortical):

For the right hemisphere, use the same command as above with 'lh' changed to 'rh' in the '-surface' option and in the analysis name.

mkanalysis-sess \
  -fsd bold -stc up  -surface fsaverage rh -fwhm 5  \
  -event-related  -paradigm workmem.par -nconditions 5 \
  -spmhrf 0 -TR 2 -refeventdur 16 -nskip 4 -polyfit 2 \
  -analysis my-workmem.sm05.rh 

For mni305, use the same command as above replacing '-surface fsaverage lh' with '-mni305 2'. The '2' indicates 2mm sampling. The name is changed to reflect mni305.

mkanalysis-sess \
  -fsd bold -stc up  -mni305 2 -fwhm 5  \
  -event-related  -paradigm workmem.par -nconditions 5 \
  -spmhrf 0 -TR 2 -refeventdur 16 -nskip 4 -polyfit 2 \
  -analysis my-workmem.sm05.mni305

5. Summary of Analysis and Contrast Configurations

  • Configure analyses and contrasts once regardless of number of subjects
  • Configure an analysis and contrasts separately for lh, rh, and mni305
  • Configurations only create files and folder in Project Directory
  • Analysis done separately

6. First Level Analysis

selxavg3-sess -s sess01 -analysis workmem.sm05.lh 
  • Specify the session(s) and the analysis configuration
  • Automatically finds preprocessed data and paradigm files
  • Constructs design matrix
  • Constructs contrast matrices
  • Combines all runs in FSD
  • Computes regression coefficients (betas)
  • Computes contrasts ane their significances
  • Must run for each configuration (ie, workmem.sm05.{lh,rh,mni305})

This creates a new directory in the FSD for this session:

ls $FSFTUTDIR/sess01/bold

You will see 'workmem.sm05.lh' (as well as 'workmem.sm05.rh' and 'workmem.sm05.mni305'). For the most part, it is not necessary to know what the actual contents of the output are, but knowing about the output can help to demystify the process. To explore this output more, see the Examinefirstleveloutput below.

6.1. Visualize the First Level Output

Bring up the tksurfer visualization tool to to look at the contrasts for the analysis in the fsaverage left hemisphere space:

tksurfer-sess -s sess01 -analysis workmem.sm05.lh \
  -c encode-v-base \
  -c emot.dist-v-base \
  -c emot.dist-v-neut.dist \
  -c probe.avg-v-base
  • Shows 'signifiances', ie, -log10(p). So, for p=.01, sig=2.
  • Red/Yellow are for positive contrasts
  • Blue/Cyan are for negative contrasts

To view the different contrasts, View->Overlay->Configure. The "Time Point" box will go from 0 to 3 corresponding to the four contrasts in the order entered on the command line. Adjust the Time Point number to see the different contrasts.

To view the right hemisphere, use the same command as above, just change 'lh' to 'rh' (note: the right hemisphere is analyzed with a separate selxavg3-sess command).

tksurfer-sess -s sess01 -analysis workmem.sm05.rh \
  -c encode-v-base \
  -c emot.dist-v-base \
  -c emot.dist-v-neut.dist \
  -c probe.avg-v-base

To view the volume-based analysis, the tool is tkmedit-sess, and the rest of the command line is similar (just replace 'lh' with 'mni305'). (note: the mni305 is analyzed with a separate selxavg3-sess command).

tkmedit-sess -s sess01 -analysis workmem.sm05.mni305 \
  -c encode-v-base \
  -c emot.dist-v-base \
  -c emot.dist-v-neut.dist \
  -c probe.avg-v-base

This will show both cortical and subcortical voxels. The cortical structures will be masked out when we do the group analysis.

6.2. First-Level Analysis Summary

  • Configure Analysis and contrasts once regardless of number of sessions
  • Run selxavg3-sess for each space (lh, rh, mni305) for each session
  • selxavg3-sess creates design matrix, fits parameters, computes contrasts and significances.
  • Visualize surface-based analysis results with tksurfer-sess
  • Visualize volume

7. First Level Output Details

For the most part, it is not necessary to know what the actual contents of the output are, but knowing about the output can help to demystify the process. The output is going to go into the FSD of the given session.

cd sess01/bold

You will see a folder called 'workmem.sm05.lh'. This is the output directory. View the contents of this directory:

cd workmem.sm05.lh 

There will be many files and folders. Some of the important ones are:

  • analysis.info - copy from analysis configuration
  • mask.nii.gz - mask combined from all individual runs
  • beta.nii.gz - map of regression coefficients
  • rvar.nii.gz - map of residual variances
  • fsnr.nii.gz - map of the functional SNR
  • encode-v-base - contrast folder
  • emot.dist-v-base - contrast folder
  • emot.dist-v-neut.dist - contrast folder
  • probe.avg-v-base - contrast folder

Check the dimensions of mask.nii.gz with mri_info to verify that they are '163842 1 1 1', indicating that this is a surface with one frame (the mask). All 'volumes' in this folder will be this size.

Go into one of the contrast directories:

cd encode-v-base

Again, there are many files here. Some of the more important ones are:

  • sig.nii.gz - voxel-wise significances as visualized above.
  • ces.nii.gz - contrast values (like CON in SPM or COPE in FSL)
  • cesvar.nii.gz - variance of contrast values (like VARCOPE in FSL)
  • cespct.nii.gz - contrast values, percent computed on a voxel-wise basis
  • cesvarpct.nii.gz - variance of percent contrast values
  • t.nii.gz - t-ratio used to compute the sig.nii.gz
  • pcc.nii.gz - partial correlation coefficient
  • The ces and cesvar files are passed up to the higher level analysis.

FsFastTutorialV5.1/FsFastFirstLevel (last edited 2016-09-01 17:57:00 by AllisonMoreau)