[[FsTutorial|top]] | [[FsTutorial/MapSegmentationsToFunctionalSpace|previous]] This is a sample segmentation summary created by mri_segstats. The volume is the volume of the structure (eg, right fusiform is 7940.6 mm^3). The "Mean" is the mean cope in that structure. Eg, left calcarine is 78.7654 (units relative to the FEAT intensity normalization of 10000). {{{ # Title Segmentation Statistics # # generating_program mri_segstats # cvs_version $Id: mri_segstats.c,v 1.33 2007/07/30 19:50:34 nicks Exp $ # cmdline mri_segstats --seg fbert1.feat/reg/freesurfer/aparc+aseg.nii.gz --nonempty --ctab-default --in fbert1.feat/stats/cope1.nii.gz --sum fbert1.sum.txt # sysname Linux # hostname icebox # machine i686 # user greve # anatomy_type volume # # SegVolFile fbert1.feat/reg/freesurfer/aparc+aseg.nii.gz # SegVolFileTimeStamp 2007/08/15 19:23:19 # ColorTable /space/greve/1/users/greve/freesurfer/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt # ColorTableTimeStamp 2007/08/13 17:10:07 # InVolFile fbert1.feat/stats/cope1.nii.gz # InVolFileTimeStamp 2007/08/15 19:19:07 # InVolFrame 0 # Only reporting non-empty segmentations # VoxelVolume_mm3 47.2656 # ColHeaders Index SegId NVoxels Volume_mm3 StructName Mean StdDev Min Max Range 1 0 118002 5577438.5 Unknown -1.0288 20.3596 -1067.7075 525.4099 1593.1174 2 2 5794 273857.0 Left-Cerebral-White-Matter -1.3314 41.8483 -172.9025 543.5109 716.4135 3 4 146 6900.8 Left-Lateral-Ventricle -27.0121 36.4667 -151.5181 62.1171 213.6351 4 5 4 189.1 Left-Inf-Lat-Vent -17.6310 13.8538 -34.2797 -1.7029 32.5768 5 7 422 19946.1 Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter -11.9273 21.1543 -82.0734 49.8552 131.9286 6 8 1255 59318.4 Left-Cerebellum-Cortex -9.3009 43.9892 -458.9260 282.6888 741.6147 7 10 196 9264.1 Left-Thalamus-Proper -10.7604 42.8063 -184.3594 90.0173 274.3767 8 11 70 3308.6 Left-Caudate -16.3734 26.6858 -78.6426 38.5591 117.2018 9 12 124 5860.9 Left-Putamen 6.9225 25.9294 -56.2589 82.7949 139.0537 10 13 37 1748.8 Left-Pallidum 2.2582 29.4347 -60.8052 69.2105 130.0157 11 14 11 519.9 3rd-Ventricle -15.2863 74.9537 -104.5644 121.6479 226.2123 12 15 36 1701.6 4th-Ventricle -5.1839 86.1497 -153.7924 212.5477 366.3401 13 16 529 25003.5 Brain-Stem -19.4765 55.2853 -439.6125 128.0980 567.7105 14 17 98 4632.0 Left-Hippocampus -25.2462 22.2453 -68.4653 54.6572 123.1224 15 18 37 1748.8 Left-Amygdala -15.1763 25.3643 -68.3062 58.8719 127.1780 16 24 28 1323.4 CSF -63.6293 59.8226 -169.6029 55.1207 224.7236 17 26 8 378.1 Left-Accumbens-area -36.1674 42.1855 -138.6495 -9.9929 128.6566 18 28 89 4206.6 Left-VentralDC -8.6491 52.3609 -256.2585 85.7422 342.0007 19 30 1 47.3 Left-vessel 10.6520 0.0000 10.6520 10.6520 0.0000 20 41 6008 283971.9 Right-Cerebral-White-Matter -6.2087 34.2744 -315.4457 234.7673 550.2130 21 43 140 6617.2 Right-Lateral-Ventricle -22.8262 26.8223 -95.8436 94.0372 189.8808 22 44 2 94.5 Right-Inf-Lat-Vent -46.2682 4.7479 -49.6255 -42.9109 6.7146 23 46 318 15030.5 Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter -2.1423 25.9461 -70.1034 113.4206 183.5240 24 47 1299 61398.0 Right-Cerebellum-Cortex -4.4235 44.5698 -167.2868 244.4182 411.7050 25 49 186 8791.4 Right-Thalamus-Proper -23.4637 33.5860 -149.9254 46.5927 196.5181 26 50 67 3166.8 Right-Caudate -27.2750 24.7885 -93.7096 40.7602 134.4697 27 51 116 5482.8 Right-Putamen -3.2800 20.9541 -55.5463 45.6548 101.2010 28 52 37 1748.8 Right-Pallidum 19.7937 22.9126 -22.1879 70.6529 92.8408 29 53 91 4301.2 Right-Hippocampus -31.8438 21.5951 -90.1785 21.8741 112.0526 30 54 27 1276.2 Right-Amygdala -23.3399 13.1014 -51.1957 -2.7769 48.4189 31 58 14 661.7 Right-Accumbens-area -24.3327 25.5051 -53.9540 24.0947 78.0487 32 60 96 4537.5 Right-VentralDC -0.9793 31.6104 -96.3164 72.1638 168.4802 33 72 3 141.8 5th-Ventricle -11.5381 19.9228 -30.2654 9.3965 39.6619 34 78 4 189.1 Left-WM-hypointensities -29.4702 32.6129 -70.9206 -0.7067 70.2139 35 79 3 141.8 Right-WM-hypointensities 7.6855 7.6584 2.6724 16.5010 13.8286 36 85 4 189.1 Optic-Chiasm -15.1279 30.2559 -60.5118 0.0000 60.5118 37 1000 159 7515.2 ctx-lh-unknown -12.5381 24.7084 -82.5829 45.6220 128.2050 38 1001 40 1890.6 ctx-lh-bankssts -17.7640 29.0307 -73.9039 41.3681 115.2720 39 1002 33 1559.8 ctx-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate -56.9906 38.4103 -125.9920 10.3864 136.3784 40 1003 150 7089.8 ctx-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal -16.3770 23.4731 -81.2081 71.1189 152.3271 41 1004 14 661.7 ctx-lh-corpuscallosum -38.8815 26.1341 -76.8740 3.3706 80.2446 42 1005 79 3734.0 ctx-lh-cuneus -38.9454 53.7790 -144.4144 198.2679 342.6823 43 1006 15 709.0 ctx-lh-entorhinal -12.1028 31.9825 -88.2339 23.6473 111.8812 44 1007 150 7089.8 ctx-lh-fusiform 23.2115 76.6890 -131.0151 342.7328 473.7479 45 1008 282 13328.9 ctx-lh-inferiorparietal -18.7989 28.4334 -136.4398 47.4421 183.8819 46 1009 139 6569.9 ctx-lh-inferiortemporal -8.0359 19.7012 -56.1383 54.7136 110.8519 47 1010 47 2221.5 ctx-lh-isthmuscingulate -24.8621 27.4297 -68.5469 30.5455 99.0924 48 1011 198 9358.6 ctx-lh-lateraloccipital 33.1355 68.7784 -194.2389 299.7786 494.0176 49 1012 124 5860.9 ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontal -6.9489 22.3071 -91.8831 49.4015 141.2847 50 1013 106 5010.2 ctx-lh-lingual 25.2351 133.6347 -162.1247 442.2186 604.3433 51 1014 74 3497.7 ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal -7.2456 25.4790 -72.0160 54.6623 126.6783 52 1015 171 8082.4 ctx-lh-middletemporal -7.9373 21.6976 -83.4436 49.4771 132.9207 53 1016 35 1654.3 ctx-lh-parahippocampal -22.7823 25.8711 -85.4120 44.8980 130.3100 54 1017 82 3875.8 ctx-lh-paracentral -10.4198 24.0826 -103.2783 31.5605 134.8388 55 1018 87 4112.1 ctx-lh-parsopercularis -6.3665 17.1839 -43.3809 31.6312 75.0121 56 1019 27 1276.2 ctx-lh-parsorbitalis -15.3377 14.2444 -49.6121 14.0274 63.6395 57 1020 61 2883.2 ctx-lh-parstriangularis -2.5927 16.9694 -41.9133 33.9525 75.8658 58 1021 53 2505.1 ctx-lh-pericalcarine 78.7654 115.5632 -36.1814 453.3980 489.5794 59 1022 162 7657.0 ctx-lh-postcentral 23.8484 45.7220 -96.3849 225.2785 321.6634 60 1023 53 2505.1 ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate -12.2061 31.0278 -78.9466 67.1514 146.0980 61 1024 216 10209.4 ctx-lh-precentral 25.1499 66.8801 -105.1312 601.3197 706.4509 62 1025 225 10634.8 ctx-lh-precuneus -42.0141 35.2589 -178.3190 34.1472 212.4662 63 1026 34 1607.0 ctx-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate -37.7150 29.9866 -115.5770 7.9033 123.4803 64 1027 207 9784.0 ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal -16.1373 23.6073 -91.3026 65.2484 156.5511 65 1028 419 19804.3 ctx-lh-superiorfrontal -10.0468 38.2452 -250.8261 100.0313 350.8574 66 1029 233 11012.9 ctx-lh-superiorparietal -23.8066 53.7883 -216.8741 98.6955 315.5696 67 1030 226 10682.0 ctx-lh-superiortemporal 32.3856 57.2046 -95.2894 230.6917 325.9812 68 1031 189 8933.2 ctx-lh-supramarginal -0.7159 37.2365 -112.4432 124.7536 237.1968 69 1032 14 661.7 ctx-lh-frontalpole -9.4545 25.9647 -69.1251 22.2793 91.4043 70 1033 13 614.5 ctx-lh-temporalpole 1.8162 23.4560 -46.8477 54.5125 101.3602 71 1034 29 1370.7 ctx-lh-transversetemporal 66.6497 63.0549 -78.0712 216.1804 294.2516 72 2000 153 7231.6 ctx-rh-unknown -18.0652 28.2182 -99.6123 82.2088 181.8211 73 2001 36 1701.6 ctx-rh-bankssts 9.6069 35.8565 -63.7316 79.9065 143.6381 74 2002 30 1418.0 ctx-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate -34.6997 28.3718 -100.3724 4.4944 104.8668 75 2003 101 4773.8 ctx-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal -9.9365 23.5524 -77.4705 51.5985 129.0691 76 2004 17 803.5 ctx-rh-corpuscallosum -34.7829 24.6603 -69.5915 6.8668 76.4584 77 2005 91 4301.2 ctx-rh-cuneus -6.8598 77.0969 -162.5787 216.3421 378.9208 78 2006 1 47.3 ctx-rh-entorhinal -12.1381 0.0000 -12.1381 -12.1381 0.0000 79 2007 168 7940.6 ctx-rh-fusiform 4.8933 57.5520 -117.0473 218.6126 335.6599 80 2008 271 12809.0 ctx-rh-inferiorparietal -25.7860 26.0594 -106.8977 59.8154 166.7130 81 2009 113 5341.0 ctx-rh-inferiortemporal -11.1027 21.1851 -70.7356 42.4409 113.1765 82 2010 54 2552.3 ctx-rh-isthmuscingulate -26.2371 23.1601 -89.3949 9.9582 99.3531 83 2011 222 10493.0 ctx-rh-lateraloccipital 23.7414 64.3036 -158.9197 333.7259 492.6456 84 2012 140 6617.2 ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal -6.0387 18.3954 -60.4720 26.4801 86.9521 85 2013 105 4962.9 ctx-rh-lingual 12.2933 108.8123 -167.5523 377.8437 545.3959 86 2014 103 4868.4 ctx-rh-medialorbitofrontal -10.7146 24.2737 -79.1169 46.4947 125.6116 87 2015 165 7798.8 ctx-rh-middletemporal -9.6841 28.7151 -75.3773 126.2611 201.6384 88 2016 39 1843.4 ctx-rh-parahippocampal -30.0492 23.5366 -71.8425 25.4929 97.3355 89 2017 64 3025.0 ctx-rh-paracentral -21.0593 37.0431 -94.1189 95.7055 189.8244 90 2018 65 3072.3 ctx-rh-parsopercularis -2.3936 20.3912 -58.4291 36.5653 94.9944 91 2019 74 3497.7 ctx-rh-parsorbitalis -2.9793 21.3988 -58.1539 53.1278 111.2817 92 2020 89 4206.6 ctx-rh-parstriangularis -13.7621 19.8154 -75.1746 36.4798 111.6544 93 2021 60 2835.9 ctx-rh-pericalcarine 42.6197 105.1641 -77.7466 335.9814 413.7280 94 2022 167 7893.4 ctx-rh-postcentral -19.5909 44.1140 -242.8720 86.5232 329.3952 95 2023 55 2599.6 ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate -30.3682 35.1175 -81.9323 102.6483 184.5806 96 2024 216 10209.4 ctx-rh-precentral -1.7136 38.1326 -120.3324 102.9208 223.2532 97 2025 228 10776.6 ctx-rh-precuneus -46.7182 46.7446 -357.6520 32.8842 390.5362 98 2026 34 1607.0 ctx-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate -16.8050 18.3315 -53.2258 23.6545 76.8804 99 2027 183 8649.6 ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal -14.5400 25.7605 -123.9946 55.2130 179.2076 100 2028 290 13707.0 ctx-rh-superiorfrontal -8.6134 39.3459 -356.9607 120.0582 477.0189 101 2029 219 10351.2 ctx-rh-superiorparietal -34.6241 52.8524 -317.7621 73.4132 391.1753 102 2030 167 7893.4 ctx-rh-superiortemporal 33.9545 57.2559 -50.8558 311.3802 362.2361 103 2031 150 7089.8 ctx-rh-supramarginal -8.7189 34.9438 -122.3902 74.6373 197.0275 104 2032 18 850.8 ctx-rh-frontalpole -9.2444 18.4005 -37.1330 24.4007 61.5337 105 2033 9 425.4 ctx-rh-temporalpole 22.5010 31.4802 -14.3601 66.5251 80.8852 106 2034 15 709.0 ctx-rh-transversetemporal 40.8043 49.5243 -39.4443 137.9998 177.4441 }}}