This page describes Andre's collaboration with investigators in South Africa studying the effects of HIV on neural development in children.

Data Location



data_freesurfer_5.3- mprage scans processed with FS 5.3

data_freesurfer_5.3_fixed_putamen- Bruce modified mri_ca_label to stop overlabeling the putamen

data_freesurfer_6.0- mprage scans re-processed w/ FS 6.0 when released in Jan. 2017

data_orig- all scan data for all time points from South Africa

demographics- tables and spreadsheets with info on subjects

FromUCTMarch2016- new scan data Andre brought back from S. Africa in Mar. '16 on his yearly visit

FS_frozen_binaries- modified versions of v5.3 mri_ca_label and mri_ca_register binaries used for fixed putamen



path_files- text files listing paths to input data used for analyses


scripts- used for processing and analyzing data


People Involved

From Cape Town:

Ernesta Meintjes (joint-PI on the project)- [physicist in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Cape Town (UCT)

Barbara Laughton (also joint-PI)- [ ] pediatrician at Stellenbosch University (sometimes abbreviated SUN) and Tygerberg Hospital (east of the city), where the children come for study.

Ken Mbugua- graduate student in biomedical engineering. He visited the Martinos Center for a couple of weeks two or three years ago and now he's analyzing the spectroscopy data and the 5 year old morphometry data.

Frances Robertson- Admins in Ernesta’s lab? set up data copying for us

Keri Woods- Admins in Ernesta’s lab?

Martha Holmes- demographics person (American. post-doc? did lot of analyses for spectroscopy. neuroscience person. well organized)

Emmanuel Nwosu - graduate student using HIV data for thesis/dissertation.

Mark Cotton- [ ] professor at Stellenbosch University. on some of the abstracts.

From MGH:

Andre van der Kouwe- developed technical acquistion methods for un-sedated children, oversees MGH work for grant

Allison Moreau- RA working on the project. processed structural MRI data through FreeSurfer longitudinal stream pipeline and calcuated parameter maps from multi-echo FLASH data.


Our study is part of a larger study that was an international drug trial (CIPRA- Comprehensive International Program of Research on AIDS). South African piece and then Cape Town subset of that. CHER (Children w/ HIV early antiretroviral therapy)- local study name. piggybacked on for imaging. now can get demographics.


Dates of funding: ?

The project was originally an R21 titled "Neuroimaging Technology for Pediatric Development Disorders in South Africa". Ernesta and Andre developed a set of techniques for imaging young children without sedation:

This grant funded the study of the 5-year-old children for the HIV Project.


Dates of funding: 7/1/2011 - 6/40/2017

This grant continued the work of the HIV project by providing funding to continue scanning the same (and new) children at 7 and 9 years old, using the techniques developed during the R21.


Since the advent of highly active ART (HAART), HIV has transitioned from a fatal disease to a chronic condition in which there may be ongoing damage to the central nervous system (CNS) especially in the developing brain of the young child. Because CNS penetration by ART is limited, the brain becomes a reservoir for the virus, and few drugs are available that impact these reservoirs. NeuroAIDS affects children differently and more dramatically than adults. Few studies of school-age HIV positive children exist and even fewer include neuroimaging. These studies are practically non- existent in the developing world. In this project we have the unique opportunity to study the effects of HIV and ART on the developing brain over a period of 4 years in a well-characterized cohort of young children using neuropsychological and behavioural assessments combined with advanced neuroimaging techniques in the region with the highest prevalence of HIV in the world, and the population most representative of the world pandemic.



- children have been followed since 7 weeks of age

The four aims of the proposed study are:

1. Clinical and comprehensive cognitive assessment of children at 7 and 9 years of age at KID CRU:

2. Image children at 7 and 9 years at CUBIC in a 1 hour session:

3. Technical development of pediatric imaging techniques and longitudinal data analysis:

4. Capacity building through exchange of technology, students and technical training:

We will acquire three types of imaging data:

Structural imaging: We will collect multiecho MPRAGE (MEMPR) for cortical thickness estimation, cortical parcellation, and estimation of subcortical structure volumes using Freesurfer software. If time permits, we will collect two multiecho FLASH (MEF) scans for estimating T1 relaxation time and proton density (PD).

Spectroscopy: We will collect spectra in left peritrigonal white matter, midfrontal gray matter and basal ganglia, using a PRESS sequence with 2 mL voxels and 64 excitations analyzed with LCModel to estimate metabolite ratios and absolute concentrations (since Cr concentrations increase with HIV-associated gliosis).

.Diffusion imaging: We will collect a high-resolution (2 mm isotropic), 30 direction, whole brain diffusion tensor volume and analyze with TrackVis, DTIStudio, and the TBSS tool in FSL.*