##language:en <> This macro includes the formatted content of the given page(s), following recursive includes if encountered. If the recursion generates any cycles, this is detected and prevented! '''Usage:''' {{{ [[Include(pagename, heading, level, from="regex", to="regex", sort=ascending|descending, items=n, skipitems=n, titlesonly)]] }}} pagename:: Name of the page to include, if it starts with a caret "`^`", a regex of pages to include. heading:: Text for the generated heading (optional). level:: Level (1..5) of the generated heading (optional). from:: Partial include start marker (optional). to:: Partial include end marker (optional). sort:: Sorting order when pagename is a regex, i.e. starts with a caret (optional). items:: Maximum number of pages to include. skipitems:: Number of initial pages to skip over (optional). titlesonly:: Only include a link to the page, not page content (optional). All parameters except pagename are optional, but you have to follow the given order! If you want to omit "`heading`", you have to leave the second parameter empty. '''Examples:''' * `[[Include(FooBar)]]` -- include the text of page `FooBar` in the current paragraph * `[[Include(FooBar, )]]` -- add a H1 of 'Foo Bar' followed by the text * `[[Include(FooBar, , 2)]]` -- add a H2 of 'Foo Bar' * `[[Include(FooBar, 'All about Foo Bar', 2)]]` -- add a H2 of 'All about Foo Bar' * `[[Include(FooBar, , from="^----$")]]` -- only include content after first horizontal rule * `[[Include(FooBar, , to="^----$")]]` -- only include content until first horizontal rule * `[[Include(^FooBar/.*, , sort=descending)]]` -- sort the page list in decending order * `[[Include(^FooBar/.*, , items=3)]]` -- include maximal three pages * `[[Include(^BlogBase/.*,, to="^----$", sort=descending, items=7)]]` -- show at most a week of a blog * `[[Include(^BlogBase/.*,, to="^----$", sort=descending, items=7, skipitems=7, titlesonly)]]` -- show the previous week with titles only * You can use these with MoinMoin:MonthCalendar for blogging: * `[[Include(^FirstnameLastname/20..-..-..,,to="^----",sort=descending,items=3)]]` -- show 3 items out of a month calendar * `[[Include(^FirstnameLastname/20..-..-..,,to="^----",sort=descending,items=4,skipitems=3,titlesonly)]]` -- show next 4 items only with titles