[[FreeSurferWorkFlows|top]] | [[RecommendedReconstruction|previous]] | [[SubcorticalSegmentation|next]] This workflow uses the older version of FreeSurfer, in which manual editing of the wm volume was routinely required and subcortical segmentations were not a part of the regular processing stream. See HistoricalReconTable for the steps run by this script. Continue using this workflow if you've already begun processing your subjects this way. = FreeSurfer Historical Reconstruction Work Flow = 1. Source the correct version of FreeSurfer: '''`source `''your_freesurfer_dir''`/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh`''' 2. Set your SUBJECTS_DIR variable to your subjects directory: '''`setenv SUBJECTS_DIR `''your_subjects_dir''''' 3. Make a subjects directory within your SUBJECTS_DIR: '''`mksubjdirs `''your_subject_name'' ''' 4. Convert the DICOM files to .mgz files in the $SUBJECTS_DIR/your_subjects_name/mri/orig directory: '''`mri_convert `''your_dicom_file'' ''your_subject_name''`/mri/orig/001.mgz`''' If you have multiple scans from the same session, convert additional scans like: '''`mri_convert `''your_other_dicom_file'' ''your_subject_name''`/mri/orig/002.mgz`''' 5. If you have a single scan, conform the volume to 1 mm^3 and 256x256x256: '''`mri_convert --conform `''your_subject_name''`/mri/orig/002.mgz `''your_subject_name''`/mri/orig.mgz`''' 6. Start the recon-all script: '''`recon-all -stage1 -subjid `''your_subject_name''''' 7. Check the talairach transform: 7.1 Make sure the talairach subject is linked to `$SUBJECTS_DIR` if not: '''`ln -s $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/talairach $SUBJECTS_DIR/.`''' 7.2 '''`tkregister2 --mgz --s `''your_subject_name''` --fstal`''' For instructions on how to fix bad talairachs tranforms, refer to: * [[FsTutorial/Talairach]] 8. Check the skull strip: '''`tkmedit `''your_subject_name''` brain.mgz -aux T1.mgz`''' For intructions on how to fix poor normalizations or skull strips, refer to: * FsTutorial/ControlPoints * FsTutorial/SkullStripFix 9. Edit the wm.mgz volume For instructions on editing the wm.mgz, refer to: * FsTutorial/WhiteMatterEdits 10. After you have made edits to your wm.mgz volume, run the next step of recon-all: '''`recon-all -stage2 -subjid `''your_subject_name''''' 11. Check your inflated surfaces and wm.mgz volumes to make sure they are accurate. 11.1 If more edits are needed, run the following command after making edits: '''`recon-all -stage2 -subjid `''your_subject_name''''' 11.2 If no more edits are needed, continue on to the next step of recon-all: '''`recon-all -stage3 -stage4a -stage4b -subjid `''your_subject_name''''' 13. Check the white and pial surfaces: '''`tkmedit `''your_subject_name''` wm.mgz rh.white -aux brain.mgz`''' '''`tkmedit `''your_subject_name''` wm.mgz lh.white -aux brain.mgz`''' For intructions on editing the final surfaces, refer to: * FsTutorial/PialEdits * FsTutorial/FinalSurfEx Note: these Tutorial sections show data processed using Basic workflow, so large defects were autofilled.