* login as nmrclass * cleanup junk on desktop (just Computer, Home, Trash, Terminal and Firefox) * open Firefox: * should open to FsTutorial * change 'surfer' to 'carlo' * test opening a tutorial wiki page, then a slide * open a terminal and su root * add this to the end of file /etc/rc.local: {{{ netstatcode=`netstat -rn | grep` if [ -n "$netstatcode" ] ; then mount /mnt/macmini sleep 4 fi rm -f /home/nmrclass/practice/* }}} * open a new terminal, then do this: {{{ cd rm .cshrc pico .cshrc }}} * then copy this text into editor: {{{ # exit if not an interactive shell if ($?USER == 0 || $?prompt == 0) exit alias dir "ls -alF" xset b off setenv PATH "/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin":"$PATH" if ( -e $HOME/bin) then setenv PATH "$HOME/bin":"$PATH" endif # in case not already mounted, supporting a connected USB HD mount /media/disk >& /dev/null # define path to mac mini server NFS mount of apps and data. # this should be mounted at boot when /etc/rc.local was run. set MYOS=(centos4_x86_64) set NFSAPPS=(/mnt/macmini/apps) set MYNAME=(`uname -n`) set NFSDATA=(/mnt/macmini/RW_tutorial_data) # # FSL # if ( -e $NFSAPPS/$MYOS/fsl) then setenv FSLDIR $NFSAPPS/$MYOS/fsl else if ( -e /home/apps/fsl) then setenv FSLDIR /home/apps/fsl endif endif # # Freesurfer and FS-FAST # # data... if ( -e $NFSDATA/$MYNAME/buckner_data ) then setenv TUTORIAL_DATA $NFSDATA/$MYNAME else if ( -e /media/disk/buckner_data/tutorial_subjs ) then setenv TUTORIAL_DATA /media/disk/ endif endif if ( $?TUTORIAL_DATA ) then setenv SUBJECTS_DIR $TUTORIAL_DATA/buckner_data/tutorial_subjs setenv FSFTUTDIR $TUTORIAL_DATA/fsfast-tutorial.subjects endif # binaries... if ( -e $NFSAPPS/$MYOS/freesurfer/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh ) then setenv FREESURFER_HOME $NFSAPPS/$MYOS/freesurfer else if ( -e /home/apps/freesurfer/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh ) then setenv FREESURFER_HOME /home/apps/freesurfer endif endif # setup... if ( $?FREESURFER_HOME ) then setenv FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT nii.gz source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh echo "FSFTUTDIR $FSFTUTDIR" endif # # MATLAB # if ( -e $NFSAPPS/matlab/bin ) then setenv MATLABPATH $NFSAPPS/matlab else if ( -e /home/apps/matlab/bin ) then setenv MATLABPATH /home/apps/matlab endif endif if ( $?MATLABPATH ) then setenv PATH "$MATLABPATH/bin":"$PATH" endif # # Diffusion Toolkit and TrackVis # if ( -e $NFSAPPS/$MYOS/dtk ) then setenv DTK_HOME $NFSAPPS/$MYOS/dtk else if ( -e /home/apps/dtk ) then setenv DTK_HOME /home/apps/dtk endif endif if ( $?DTK_HOME ) then setenv PATH "$PATH":"$DTK_HOME" endif }}} * reboot * login as nmrclass again * open a terminal and confirm that '/mnt/macmini' is the path to freesurfer and subjects dir * start testing tutorials, like qdec (Generate Data Tables, then load qdec.table.dat and run Analyze on age), and freeview