= SynthSR =
'''''This functionality was made available in version 7.3.0 of FreeSurfer.'''''
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'''''Please note that version 2.0 of the tool was released in the development version on February 8th 2023.'''''
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''Author: Juan Eugenio Iglesias''
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''E-mail: jiglesiasgonzalez [at] mgh.harvard.edu''
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''Rather than directly contacting the author, please post your questions on this module to the FreeSurfer mailing list at freesurfer [at] nmr.mgh.harvard.edu''
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If you use this tool in your analysis, please cite:
* [[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811921004833|Joint super-resolution and synthesis of 1 mm isotropic MP-RAGE volumes from clinical MRI exams with scans of different orientation, resolution and contrast]]. JE Iglesias, B Billot, Y Balbastre, A Tabari, J Conklin, RG Gonzalez, DC Alexander, P Golland, BL Edlow, B Fischl, for the ADNI. Neuroimage, 118206 (2021).
* [[https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.add3607|SynthSR: a public AI tool to turn heterogeneous clinical brain scans into high-resolution T1-weighted images for 3D morphometry]]. JE Iglesias, B Billot, Y Balbastre, C Magdamo, S Arnold, S Das, B Edlow, D Alexander, P Golland, B Fischl. Science Advances, 9(5), eadd3607 (2023).
If you use the Hyperfine version, please cite this paper as well:
* [[https://pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/radiol.220522|Quantitative Brain Morphometry of Portable Low-Field-Strength MRI Using Super-Resolution Machine Learning]]. JE Iglesias, R Schleicher, S Laguna, B Billot, P Schaefer, B McKaig, JN Goldstein, KN Sheth, MS Rosen, WT Kimberly. Radiology, 220522 (2022).
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=== Contents ===
1. Motivation and General Description
2. Installation
3. Usage
4. Processing low-field scans (e.g., Hyperfine)
5. Processing CT scans
6. Old multispectral (T1+T2) model for Hyperfine scans
7. Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
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=== 1. Motivation and General Description ===
This tool implements SynthSR, a convolutional neural network that turns a clinical MRI scan (or even CT scan!) of any orientation, resolution and contrast into 1 mm isotropic MP-RAGE, '''while inpainting lesions (which enables easier segmentation, registration, etc)'''.
You can then run your favorite neuroimaging software (including FreeSurfer, of course!) on these synthetic images for segmentation / registration / any other analysis.
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=== 2. Installation ===
The first time you run this module, it will prompt you to install Tensorflow. Simply follow the instructions in the screen to install the CPU or GPU version.
If you have a compatible GPU, you can install the GPU version for faster processing, but this requires installing libraries (GPU driver, Cuda, CuDNN).
These libraries are generally required for a GPU, and are not specific for this tool. In fact you may have already installed them. In this case you can directly use this tool without taking any further actions, as the code will automatically run on your GPU.
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=== 3. Usage ===
We provide an "all purpose" model that can be applied to a scan of any resolution of contrast. Once FreeSurfer has been sourced, you can simply test SynthSR on your own data with:
mri_synthsr --i --o