On the FreeSurferWiki your username is a WikiName, which we call your WikiUserName. Your WikiUserName is your first and last name (no middle initial, or hyphens, or punctuation) joined together into one word. For example, if your name is Jane Smith, your WikiUserName is JaneSmith. If you've been assigned a WikiUserName by a member of the FreeSurferWiki administration you should use that WikiUserName. Otherwise please feel free to establish your own WikiUserName.

Please do not use your middle initial unless you need to distinguish your WikiUserName from an existing WikiUserName. Using middle initials is strongly discouraged because names with a middle initial are actually not valid CamelCase WikiNames. For example, JaneBSmith is not a valid CamelCase WikiUserName since it does not contain multiple instances of a single upper-case letter followed by a lower-case letter.