Differences between revisions 5 and 6
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                Assume that the geometry information in the cross-modal and
                anatomical are sufficient to get a close voxel-to-voxel
                registration. This usually is only the case if they were
                acquired in the same session.

        --init-reg initregfile
                Supply an initial registration matrix; can be LTA.

        Contrast Arguments (one required)

                Assume t1 contrast, ie, White Matter brighter than Grey Matter

                Assume t2 contrast, ie, Gray Matter brighter than White Matter

                Same as --t2

                Same as --t2

        --int intvol
                Supply a volume to use an an intermediate volume when
                performing registration. This is useful for when the
                cross-modal is volume is a partial field-of-view (FoV). If you
                acquire in the same session a whole-head FoV, then pass the
                whole-head as the intermediate and the partial as the

                reg to middle frame (not with --frame)

        --frame frameno
                reg to frameno (default 0=1st)

        --template-out template
                save template (good with --frame)

        --o outvol
                resample mov and save as outvol

        --s-from-reg reg
            get subject name from regfile

        --rms rmsfile
                RMS change in cortical surface position

        --fslmat flirt.mtx
                output an FSL FLIRT matrix

        --lta output.lta
                output an LTA registration matrix (This flag can be used along
                with or instead of --reg!)

                only use left hemi

                only use right hemi

        --slope1 slope1
                cost slope for 1st stage (default is 0.5)

        --slope2 slope2
                cost slope for 2nd stage (default is 0.5)

        --offset2 offset2
                cost offset for 2nd stage (default is 0)

        --tol1d tol1d
                2nd stage 1D tolerance

        --tol tol
                2nd stage loop tolerance (same as --tolf)

        --tolf tolf
                2nd stage loop tolerance (same as --tol)

        Be careful making these more stringent as they can cause underflows
        and NaNs.<<BR>>

        --nmax nPowellMax
                set max number of iterations (default 36)

        --rand-init randmax
                randomly change input to 1st stage reg
        --gm-proj-frac frac
                default is 0.5

        --gm-proj-abs abs
                use absolute instead of relative

        --wm-proj-abs dist
                2nd stage, default is 2mm

        --proj-abs dist
                use wm and gm proj abs in 2nd stage

        --subsamp nsub
                2nd stage vertex subsampling, default is 1

                2nd stage, use nearest neighbor interp (defalt is trilinear)

                mask out brain edge and B0 regions (1st and 2nd stages)

                Do not use ?h.cortex.label to mask.

        --label labelfile
                Use label to mask. Only vertices in the label are used.

        --brute1max max
                pass 1 search -max to +max (default 4)

        --brute1delta delta
                pass 1 search -max to +max step delta (default 4)

        --subsamp1 nsubsamp
                pass 1 vertex subsampling (default 1)

                turn off pass 1

                turn off brute force search on pass 2

        --surf surfname
                change surface to surfname from ?h.white
        --surf-cost basename
                saves final cost as basename.?h.mgh

        --surf-con basename
                saves final contrast as basename.?h.mgh

        --init-surf-cost basename
                saves initial cost as basename.?h.mgh

        --init-reg-out outinitreg
                save initial reg

        --initcost initcostfile
                save initial cost

        --cost-fail costvalue
                exit with error if the final cost exceeds costvalue

        --12, --9, --6
                Use 12 or 9 or 6 DOF (6 is default)

        --coreg-dof coregDOF
                Set dof to use for mri_coreg

                Use NIFTI format as input to SPM when using --init-spm
                (spmregister). Ordinarily, it uses ANALYZE images to be
                compatible with older versions of SPM, but this has caused
                some left-right reversals in SPM8.

        --feat featdir
                FSL FEAT directory. Sets mov to featdir/example_func, uses
                --init-fsl, --bold, sets reg to featdir/reg/freesurfer/
                anat2exf.register.dat. This replaces reg-feat2anat.

                When using FSL, apply BET to mov volume (turned by default).

                Initialize using NMI as implemented in mri_robust_register.

                Initialize using FSL FLIRT (requires that FSL be installed).

                Initialize using SPM spm_coreg (requires that SPM and matlab
                be installed).

        --tmp tmpdir
                temporary dir (implies --nocleanup)

                do not delete temporary files

                print version and exit

                print help and exit

        Intialize with FLIRT, view result with tkregister2:
        bbregister --s bert --mov func.nii --init-fsl --reg
        tkregister2 --mov func.nii --reg register.dat --surf

        Intialize with SPM, view result with tkregister2:
        bbregister --s bert --mov func.nii --init-spm --reg
        tkregister2 --mov func.nii --reg register.dat --surf

        Register a partial FoV using whole FoV as intermdediate:
        bbregister --s bert --mov partial.nii --init-fsl --int whole.nii --reg
        tkregister2 --mov partial.nii --reg register.partial.dat --surf

        Report bugs to <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>


  • bbregister


  • bbregister --s <subj> --mov <volid> --reg <regfile> \

    • --<contrast>


  • This program performs within-subject, cross-modal registration using a boundary-based cost function. The registration is constrained to be 6 DOF (rigid). It is required that you have an anatomical scan of the subject that has been analyzed in freesurfer.


  • None


  • --s subject
    • FreeSurfer subject name as found in $SUBJECTS_DIR.

    --mov volid
    • "Moveable" volume. This is the template for the cross-modal volume. Eg, for fMRI, it is the volume used for motion correction.
    --reg register.{dat,lta}
    • Output FreeSurfer registration file (tkregister-style or LTA format).

    --vsm VoxelShiftMap

    • Include B0 distortion correction while performing registration. A voxel shift map can be created from a B0 map

      with the epidewarp.fsl script (in FreeSurfer)

    Initialization Arguments
    --init-coreg (Default)

    • Do NOT use aparc+aseg.mgz as a reference mask. It will not attempt to use aparc+aseg if it is not there.
    • Assume that the geometry information in the cross-modal and anatomical are sufficient to get a close voxel-to-voxel registration. This usually is only the case if they were acquired in the same session.
    --init-reg initregfile
    • Supply an initial registration matrix; can be LTA.
    Contrast Arguments (one required) --t1
    • Assume t1 contrast, ie, White Matter brighter than Grey Matter
    • Assume t2 contrast, ie, Gray Matter brighter than White Matter
    • Same as --t2
    • Same as --t2


  • --int intvol
    • Supply a volume to use an an intermediate volume when performing registration. This is useful for when the cross-modal is volume is a partial field-of-view (FoV). If you acquire in the same session a whole-head FoV, then pass the whole-head as the intermediate and the partial as the moveable.
    • reg to middle frame (not with --frame)
    --frame frameno
    • reg to frameno (default 0=1st)
    --template-out template
    • save template (good with --frame)
    --o outvol
    • resample mov and save as outvol
    --s-from-reg reg
    • get subject name from regfile
    --rms rmsfile
    • RMS change in cortical surface position
    --fslmat flirt.mtx
    • output an FSL FLIRT matrix
    --lta output.lta
    • output an LTA registration matrix (This flag can be used along with or instead of --reg!)
    • only use left hemi
    • only use right hemi
    --slope1 slope1
    • cost slope for 1st stage (default is 0.5)
    --slope2 slope2
    • cost slope for 2nd stage (default is 0.5)
    --offset2 offset2
    • cost offset for 2nd stage (default is 0)
    --tol1d tol1d
    • 2nd stage 1D tolerance
    --tol tol
    • 2nd stage loop tolerance (same as --tolf)
    --tolf tolf
    • 2nd stage loop tolerance (same as --tol)
    Be careful making these more stringent as they can cause underflows

    and NaNs.
    --nmax nPowellMax

    • set max number of iterations (default 36)
    --rand-init randmax
    • randomly change input to 1st stage reg
    --gm-proj-frac frac
    • default is 0.5
    --gm-proj-abs abs
    • use absolute instead of relative
    --wm-proj-abs dist
    • 2nd stage, default is 2mm
    --proj-abs dist
    • use wm and gm proj abs in 2nd stage
    --subsamp nsub
    • 2nd stage vertex subsampling, default is 1
    • 2nd stage, use nearest neighbor interp (defalt is trilinear)
    • mask out brain edge and B0 regions (1st and 2nd stages)
    • Do not use ?h.cortex.label to mask.
    --label labelfile
    • Use label to mask. Only vertices in the label are used.
    --brute1max max
    • pass 1 search -max to +max (default 4)
    --brute1delta delta
    • pass 1 search -max to +max step delta (default 4)
    --subsamp1 nsubsamp
    • pass 1 vertex subsampling (default 1)
    • turn off pass 1
    • turn off brute force search on pass 2
    --surf surfname
    • change surface to surfname from ?h.white
    --surf-cost basename
    • saves final cost as basename.?h.mgh
    --surf-con basename
    • saves final contrast as basename.?h.mgh
    --init-surf-cost basename
    • saves initial cost as basename.?h.mgh
    --init-reg-out outinitreg
    • save initial reg
    --initcost initcostfile
    • save initial cost
    --cost-fail costvalue
    • exit with error if the final cost exceeds costvalue
    --12, --9, --6
    • Use 12 or 9 or 6 DOF (6 is default)
    --coreg-dof coregDOF
    • Set dof to use for mri_coreg
    • Use NIFTI format as input to SPM when using --init-spm (spmregister). Ordinarily, it uses ANALYZE images to be compatible with older versions of SPM, but this has caused some left-right reversals in SPM8.
    --feat featdir
    • FSL FEAT directory. Sets mov to featdir/example_func, uses --init-fsl, --bold, sets reg to featdir/reg/freesurfer/ anat2exf.register.dat. This replaces reg-feat2anat.
    • When using FSL, apply BET to mov volume (turned by default).
    • Initialize using NMI as implemented in mri_robust_register.
    • Initialize using FSL FLIRT (requires that FSL be installed).
    • Initialize using SPM spm_coreg (requires that SPM and matlab be installed).
    --tmp tmpdir
    • temporary dir (implies --nocleanup)
    • do not delete temporary files
    • print version and exit
    • print help and exit


  • Intialize with FLIRT, view result with tkregister2: bbregister --s bert --mov func.nii --init-fsl --reg register.dat tkregister2 --mov func.nii --reg register.dat --surf


  • Intialize with SPM, view result with tkregister2: bbregister --s bert --mov func.nii --init-spm --reg register.dat tkregister2 --mov func.nii --reg register.dat --surf


  • Register a partial FoV using whole FoV as intermdediate: bbregister --s bert --mov partial.nii --init-fsl --int whole.nii --reg register.partial.dat tkregister2 --mov partial.nii --reg register.partial.dat --surf


bbregister (last edited 2019-07-11 13:35:54 by 172)