= Filling Annot Files Into a Volume = This page describes a 2-step process to fill values from an "annot" file to a volume. == Step 1 : Creating a Cortical Ribbon == You need a cortical ribbon in order to create an accurate mask of the ribbon. If the files lh.ribbon.mgz and rh.ribbon.mgz don't already exist in your /mri directory, then you can create them using [[mris_volmask]]. For instance, if your subject's name is bert, you can run {{{ mris_volmask --save_ribbon bert }}} == Step 2 : Filling the Cortical Ribbon == Once the ribbon files have been created, you can fill the ribbon with values from the desired annot file, using [[mri_aparc2aseg]]. The annot files will have to be in the subject's label directory. If your annot files are lh.myAnnot.annot and rh.myAnnot.annot, then you can run the following command to fill them {{{ mri_aparc2aseg --ribbon --s bert --annot myAnnot --o bert/mri/myAnnot.mgz }}}