'''Index''' <> = Name = make_average_subject = Description = Creates average subject by averaging surfaces, curvatures, and volumes from a set of subjects. The surface is a 7th order icosahedron tesselation. For surfaces, the XYZ coordinate of a vertex is computed as the average talairach coordinate of that vertex in each subject. The talairach coordinate is based on talairach.xfm (unless changed with --xform), so the individual talairachs must be accurate for the final coordinate to be meaningful. Note that even though talairach coordinates are used for surfaces, all surface-based averaging is done using the surface atlas (NOT talairach averaging!). Calls make_average_surface and make_average_volume. See these programs for specific help. The subject list can be specified in one of three ways: 1. on the command-line with --subjects 2. through the SUBJECTS environment variable 3. specifying a !FreeSurfer Group Descriptor (FSGD) file. The FSGD is used by freesurfer to specify designs for statistical analysis. See surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/docs/fsgdf.txt. The output will be created in SUBJECTS_DIR/averagesubjectname unless --topdir is specified. In this case, the data are stored in topdir/averagesubjectname, and a link is created to SUBJECTS_DIR/averagesubjectname. This can convenient when your the disk that hosts your SUBJECTS_DIR starts to get full. = Synopsis = make_average_subject --subjects --fsgd fsgdfile [options] = Arguments = == Required Flagged Arguments == || --subjects ... || Also can declare subjects in SUBJECTS env variable || || --fsgd fsgdfile || Get subject list from fsgd || == Optional Flagged Arguments == || --out || Default name is 'average' || || --sd-out sdout || Put output under sdout instead of SUBJECTS_DIR || || --link || Link back to the original SUBJECTS_DIR with --sd-out || || --sdir || || || --sd || Same as --sdir || || --xform || Filename of transform file || || --no-surf || Do not make average surfaces || || --no-vol || Do not make average volumes || || --force || Overwrite existing average subject data || || --help || Short descriptive help || || --version || Script version info || || --echo || Enable command echo, for debugging || || --debug || Same as --echo || = Examples = == Example 1 == {{{ make_average_subject --out avgsubject --subjects subj1 subj2 subj3 subj4 }}} Will create $SUBJECTS_DIR/avgsubject with average surfaces for orig, white, pial, inflated for each hemi. It will also create average volumes for orig, brain, and T1. Notice that the '--out avgsubject' is merely overriding the default output name 'average'. == Example 2 == {{{ setenv SUBJECTS = (subj1 subj2 subj3 subj4) make_average_subject --out avgsubject }}} Will do the same as Example 1 == Example 3 == {{{ tkregister2 --fstal --s avgsubject --mgz }}} Checks that the average subject volume aligns with the talairach subject: == Example 4 == {{{ tkmedit avgsubject orig.mgz lh.white }}} Check that the average subject surfaces align with the volume. You should see that the surfaces more-or-less align with the folds. Remember this is talairach, so the volume will be blurry. = See Also = [[make_average_volume]], [[make_average_surface]], [[recon-all]], [[make_final_surfaces]], [[morph_subject]] = Reporting Bugs = Report bugs to freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu