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## Note: This page was created with the CommandTemplate
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Maps the cortical labels from the automatic cortical parcellation (aparc)
to the automatic segmentation volume (aseg). The result can be used as
the aseg would. The algorithm is to find each aseg voxel labeled as
cortex (3 and 42) and assign it the label of the closest cortical vertex.
If the voxel is not in the ribbon (as defined by mri/lh.ribbon and
rh.ribbon), then the voxel is marked as unknown (0). This can be turned
off with --noribbon. The cortical parcellation is obtained from
subject/label/hemi.aparc.annot which should be based on the
curvature.buckner40.filled.desikan_killiany.gcs atlas  The aseg is obtained from subject/mri/aseg.mgz and should be based on
the RB40_talairach_2005-07-20.gca atlas. If these atlases are used, then
the segmentations can be viewed with tkmedit and the FreeSurferColorLUT.txt
color table found in $FREESURFER_HOME. These are the default atlases
used by recon-all.
Maps the cortical labels from the automatic cortical parcellation (aparc) to the automatic segmentation volume (aseg). The result can be used as the aseg would. The algorithm is to find each aseg voxel labeled as cortex (3 and 42) and assign it the label of the closest cortical vertex. If the voxel is not in the ribbon (as defined by mri/lh.ribbon and rh.ribbon), then the voxel is marked as unknown (0). This can be turned off with --noribbon. The cortical parcellation is obtained from subject/label/hemi.aparc.annot which should be based on the curvature.buckner40.filled.desikan_killiany.gcs atlas. The aseg is obtained from subject/mri/aseg.mgz and should be based on the RB40_talairach_2005-07-20.gca atlas. If these atlases are used, then the segmentations can be viewed with tkmedit and the FreeSurferColorLUT.txt
color table found in $FREESURFER_HOME. These are the default atlases used by recon-all.
Line 56: Line 34:
Line 58: Line 36:
  tkmedit bert orig.mgz -segmentation mri/aparc+aseg.mgz

Computes the aparc+aseg.mgz volume for subject bert

== Example 2 ==


= Bugs =

= See Also =
["othercommand1"], ["othercommand2"]

= Links =
FreeSurfer, FsFast

= Methods Description =
tkmedit bert orig.mgz -segmentation mri/aparc+aseg.mgz \
Line 81: Line 39:

= References =
Computes the aparc+aseg.mgz volume for subject bert.

Index TableOfContents


mri_aparc2aseg - Maps the cortical labels from the automatic cortical parcellation (aparc) to the automatic segmentation volume (aseg). The result can be used as the aseg would.


mri_aparc2aseg [ options ]


Required Flagged Arguments

--s argSubject


recon-ed subject in the SUBJECTS_DIR

Optional Flagged Arguments

--o argOutput

output file

output the segmentation volume (relative to the current dir)


use aparc.a2005 instead of aparc


use mri/hemi.ribbon.mgz as a mask for the cortex

--annot argName

use specified label file instead of aparc


display version

show version information and exit



segmentation volume


Maps the cortical labels from the automatic cortical parcellation (aparc) to the automatic segmentation volume (aseg). The result can be used as the aseg would. The algorithm is to find each aseg voxel labeled as cortex (3 and 42) and assign it the label of the closest cortical vertex. If the voxel is not in the ribbon (as defined by mri/lh.ribbon and rh.ribbon), then the voxel is marked as unknown (0). This can be turned off with --noribbon. The cortical parcellation is obtained from subject/label/hemi.aparc.annot which should be based on the curvature.buckner40.filled.desikan_killiany.gcs atlas. The aseg is obtained from subject/mri/aseg.mgz and should be based on the RB40_talairach_2005-07-20.gca atlas. If these atlases are used, then the segmentations can be viewed with tkmedit and the FreeSurferColorLUT.txt color table found in $FREESURFER_HOME. These are the default atlases used by recon-all.


Example 1

mri_aparc2aseg --s bert
tkmedit bert orig.mgz -segmentation mri/aparc+aseg.mgz \

Computes the aparc+aseg.mgz volume for subject bert.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <analysis-bugs@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>


Doug Greve

mri_aparc2aseg (last edited 2008-04-29 11:46:16 by localhost)