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mri_surfcluster - This tool allows you to cluster surface data.


This program assigns each vertex on a cortical surface to a cluster based on the distribution of intensity values in the source file. A vertex must meet two criteria to be part of a cluster. First, its intensity must fall within a certain range (the intensity threshold criteria). Second, it must be part of a contiguous set of vertices that meet the threshold criteria and whose surface area is greater than a minimum.

There are three types of output. (1) Summary file - simple text file with a list of clusters found including maximum value, area, and talairach coordinate. (2) Filtered - identical to the input except that vertices not assigned to a cluster are set to 0. (3) Cluster number surface - this has the same format as the input and filtered output except that the value at each vertex is the cluster number assigned to it.





The summary file (the argument of the --sum flag) will contain a summary of the result of the clustering as well as a summary of the conditions under which the clustering was performed. It will list the clusters (1 to N) along with the maximum value found in the cluster (Max), the vertex at which this maximum value was found (VtxMax), the surface area of the cluster (Size), and the Talaiarach coordinates of the maximum (based on talairach.xfm). A sample summary file is shown below.

Cluster Growing Summary (mri_surfcluster) $Id: mri_surfcluster.c,v 1.13 2004/10/19 23:32:42 greve Exp $ Input : minsig-0-lh.w Frame Number: 0 Minimum Threshold: 5 Maximum Threshold: infinity Threshold Sign: pos Area Threshold: 40 mm^2 NClusters 37 Total Cortical Surface Area 115576 (mm^2) FixMNI = 1

ClusterNo Max VtxMax Size(mm^2) TalX TalY TalZ


Currently only supports paint (or w) format for input and output.