Differences between revisions 5 and 6
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 80: Line 80:
If they are not, then fix it because nothing below is going to work. You
can also check the registration with:
If they are not, then fix it because nothing below is going to work. You can also check the registration with:
Line 105: Line 104:
* To resample the functional into anatomical space:  A. To resample the functional into anatomical space:
Line 107: Line 106:
mri_vol2vol --reg register.dat --mov f.nii.gz --fstarg \
--o f-in-anat.mgh
mri_vol2vol --reg register.dat --mov f.nii.gz --fstarg --o f-in-anat.mgh
Line 110: Line 108:
f-in-anat.mgh will have the same size and geometry as
bert/mri/orig.mgz. You can test the result in two ways:
f-in-anat.mgh will have the same size and geometry as bert/mri/orig.mgz. You can test the result in two ways:
Line 113: Line 110:
  # This will show the low-res functional alighned with its resampled self  * This will show the low-res functional alighned with its resampled self
Line 116: Line 113:
  # This will show the resampled functional aligned with the anatomical  * This will show the resampled functional aligned with the anatomical
Line 120: Line 117:
* To resample the anatomical into the functional space. This is  B. To resample the anatomical into the functional space. This is
Line 124: Line 121:
mri_vol2vol --reg register.dat --mov f.nii.gz --fstarg \
--o anat-in-func.mgh --inv
mri_vol2vol --reg register.dat --mov f.nii.gz --fstarg --o anat-in-func.mgh --inv
Line 130: Line 126:
  # This will show the low-res anat aligned with its hires self  * This will show the low-res anat aligned with its hires self
Line 133: Line 129:
  # This will show the resampled anat aligned with the functional  * This will show the resampled anat aligned with the functional
Line 137: Line 133:
* Map functional to anatomical without resampling. Rather, change  C. Map functional to anatomical without resampling. Rather, change
Line 157: Line 153:
* Map a binary mask in functional space to anatomical space. This is  D. Map a binary mask in functional space to anatomical space. This is



mri_vol2vol - Resamples a volume into another field-of-view using varous types of matrices (FreeSurfer, FSL, SPM, and MNI).




Required Flagged Arguments

--mov movvol

input (or output template with --inv)

--o outvol

output volume

Optional Flagged Arguments

--targ targvol

output template (or input with --inv)

--disp dispvol

displacement volume

--reg register.dat

tkRAS-to-tkRAS matrix (tkregister2 format)

--lta register.lta

Linear Transform Array (usually only 1 transform)

--fsl register.fsl

fslRAS-to-fslRAS matrix (FSL format)

--xfm register.xfm

ScannerRAS-to-ScannerRAS matrix (MNI format)


ScannerRAS-to-ScannerRAS matrix = identity


target MNI152 space (need FSL installed)

--s subject

set matrix = identity and use subject for any templates


sample from targ to mov


map to a sub FOV of MNI305 (with --reg only)

--talres resolution

set voxel size 1mm or 2mm (def is 1)

--talxfm xfmfile

default is talairach.xfm (looks in mri/transforms)

--m3z morph

non-linear morph encoded in the m3z format


flag indicating that the code should not be looking for the non-linear m3z morph in the default location (subj/mri/transforms), but should use the morph name as is


compute and use the inverse of the m3z morph

--fstarg <vol>

optionally use vol from subject in --reg as target. default is orig.mgz

--crop scale

crop and change voxel size

--slice-crop sS eE

crop output slices to be within sS and eE


reverse order of slices, update vox2ras

--slice-bias alpha

apply half-cosine bias field


trilinear interpolation (default)


nearest neighbor interpolation


cubic B-Spline interpolation

--interp interptype

interpolation cubic, trilin, nearest (default is trilin)

--mul mulval

multiply output by mulval

--precision precisionid

output precision (default is float)


set output precision to that of input


save the trilinear interpolation kernel instead


do not resample, just change vox2ras matrix

--rot Ax Ay Az

rotation angles (deg) to apply to reg matrix

--trans Tx Ty Tz

translation (mm) to apply to reg matrix

--shear Sxy Sxz Syz

xz is in-plane

--reg-final regfinal.dat

final reg after rot and trans (but not inv)


replace input with white Gaussian noise

--seed seed

seed for synth (default is to set from time of day)


write out output volume registration matrix



Resamples a volume into another field-of-view using various types of matrices (FreeSurfer, FSL, SPM, and MNI). This is meant to be used in conjunction with tkregister2.


The data file format can be specified implicitly (through the path name) or explicitly. All formats accepted by mri_convert can be used.


Example 1

If a functional volume is f.bhdr (or f.nii.gz, or f.mgh, etc), and the subject is bert, and the registration file is register.dat, then running the following command should show that they are in registration:

tkregister2 --reg register.dat --mov f.nii.gz

If they are not, then fix it because nothing below is going to work. You can also check the registration with:

tkmedit bert orig.mgz -overlay f.nii.gz -overlay-reg register.dat

The register.dat will look something like this:





1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 -2.252487e+00

0.000000e+00 -8.902127e-01 4.555448e-01 2.342102e+00

0.000000e+00 4.555449e-01 8.902128e-01 -2.159538e-01

0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00


  1. To resample the functional into anatomical space:

mri_vol2vol --reg register.dat --mov f.nii.gz --fstarg --o f-in-anat.mgh

f-in-anat.mgh will have the same size and geometry as bert/mri/orig.mgz. You can test the result in two ways:

  • This will show the low-res functional alighned with its resampled self
    • tkregister2 --reg register.dat --mov f.nii.gz --targ f-in-anat.mgh
  • This will show the resampled functional aligned with the anatomical
    • tkregister2 --mov f-in-anat.mgh --targ $SUBJECTS_DIR/bert/mri/orig.mgz \
      • --regheader --reg /tmp/reg
    B. To resample the anatomical into the functional space. This is

basically the same command line as 1.A, but --inv has been included and the name of the output is changed.

mri_vol2vol --reg register.dat --mov f.nii.gz --fstarg --o anat-in-func.mgh --inv

anat-in-func.mgh will be the same size and geometry as f.nii.gz. You can test the result in two ways:

  • This will show the low-res anat aligned with its hires self
    • tkregister2 --reg register.dat --mov anat-in-func.mgh
  • This will show the resampled anat aligned with the functional
    • tkregister2 --mov anat-in-func.mgh --targ f.nii.gz \
      • --regheader --reg /tmp/reg
    C. Map functional to anatomical without resampling. Rather, change

the vox2ras (sform/qform) matrix. This is the same cmd line as 1.A, but --no-resample as been added.

mri_vol2vol --reg register.dat --mov f.nii.gz --fstarg \

  • --o f.new.vox2ras.nii.gz --no-resample

f.new.vox2ras.nii.gz will have the same dimension and voxel size as f.nii.gz, but its vox2ras (sform/qform) matrix will have changed. You can check the registration in two ways:

  • # The registration is created implicitly from the vox2ras matrix # (that is what --regheader does). There's no need to specify # and input registration tkregister2 --mov f.new.vox2ras.nii.gz --s bert --regheader --reg /tmp/reg # Display the functional as an overlay in tkmedit (no registration # needed). tkmedit bert orig.mgz -overlay f.new.vox2ras.nii.gz
  • D. Map a binary mask in functional space to anatomical space. This is

basically the same cmd line as 1.A, but --interp nearest has been added so that it does not try to interpolate the mask (ie, it will still be binary after resampling):

mri_vol2vol --reg register.dat --mov mask.nii.gz --fstarg \

  • --o mask-in-anat.mgh --interp nearest


sinc interpolation is broken except for maybe COR to COR.

See Also

mri_convert tkregister2


FreeSurfer, FsFast

Methods Description


Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <analysis-bugs@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>


mri_vol2vol (last edited 2017-10-04 08:29:34 by MorganFogarty)