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mris_smooth_intracortical --surf_dir surfdir --surf_name surfname --overlay_dir overdir --overlay_name overname [--output_dir outdir --output_name outname --nb-rad NBradius --ic-size ICsize --ic-start ICstart]\n",Progname);


     " --surf_dir surfdir : path to the directory with surface meshes (use mris_extend for creating intermediate surfaces between white and pial)\n"

     " --surf_name surfname : name of a surface file(s) (use * and ? to pass multiple names, maximum %d)\n"

     " multiple surface names have to be sorted from wm to pial\n"

     " --overlay_dir overdir : path to the directory with surface mesh overlays (use mris_vol2surf to map data onto the surface meshes and create overlays)\n"

     " --overlay_name overname : name of an overlay file(s) (use * and ? to pass multiple names, maximum %d)\n"

     " multiple overlays names have to be sorted from wm to pial\n"

      " corresponding surfaces and overlays must have the same topology\n"

      " --output_dir outdir : path to the output directory [default: overdir]\n"

      " --output_name outname : name of a output overlay file [default: based on the name of 1st overlay file]\n"


     " --nb-rad NBradius : radius of the neighborhood around the central vertex of the smoothing kernel in tangential direction (number of vertices) [default: 0 = no smoothing, max = %d]\n"

     " --ic-size ICsize : extent of the intracortical smoothing kernel in radial direction (number of adjacent meshes) [default: 1 = no smoothing, max = number of input surfaces/overlays]\n"

     " --ic-start ICstart : starting surface mesh of the intracortical smoothing kernel for radial direction [default: 0 = white, max = number of input surfaces/overlays - ICsize]\n"


      " --nb-weights type : weighting function for tangential smoothing [default: gauss]\n"

      " gauss = gaussian with FWHM = NBradius\n"

      " 1bynb = 1/NBradius\n"

      " --rad-weights type : weighting function for radial extent of the kernel: not yet implemented\n"


      " --help : prints this info\n"


     "Tangential smoothing: \n"

     " - requires exactly 1 input surface and exactly 1 input overlay of corresponding topology\n"

     " - NBradius has to be in range [1, %d]\n"

     " - one output overlay \n"


     "Intracortical smoothing: \n"

     " - requires 2 or more input surfaces spanning from white (=0) to pial (=n)"

     " - requires 2 or more input overlays - one for each input surface with a corresponding topology\n"

     " - ICsize has to be larger than 2 but smaller or equal to the number of input surfaces/overlays\n"

     " - ICstart is the \"id\" of first surface included in the IC kernel, where white (=0) & pial (= total number of surfaces-1)\n"

       " - intracortical smoothing kernel will include ICsize of adjacent surfaces starting from ICstart surface and moving towards pial surface\n"

     " - NBradius has to be in range [0, %d]\n"


     "Please, cite: Blazejewska AI, Fischl B, Wald LL, Polimeni JR, Intracortical smoothing of small-voxel fMRI data can provide increased detection power without spatial resolution losses compared to conventional large-voxel fMRI data. NeuroImage 2019. 189:601-614.\n"

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mris_smooth_intracortical - smoothing along the cortical surface meshes with a given tangential (neighborhood size) and radial (number of surface meshes) extent

Cite: Blazejewska, AI, Fischl, B, Waldab, LL, Polimeni. Intracortical smoothing of small-voxel fMRI data can provide increased detection power without spatial resolution losses compared to conventional large-voxel fMRI data. 2019, Neuroimage 189 (601-614). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.01.054


mris_smooth_intracortical (last edited 2019-03-20 13:04:11 by AnnaBlazejewska)