Financial support
the largest provider of funding for the FMRIB Analysis Group, and for
this we are extremely grateful. We are also very grateful for
significant financial support from UK MRC, UK BBSRC, GlaxoSmithKline CIC and Pfizer UK.
FSL developers
The following people have made significant contributions to the
development of FSL: Jesper Andersson, Peter Bannister, Christian
Beckmann, Timothy Behrens, Michael Chappell, Gwenaëlle Douaud,
Ivana Drobnjak, David Flitney, Adrian Groves, Saad Jbabdi, Mark
Jenkinson, Heidi Johansen-Berg, Duncan Mortimer, Rami Niazy, Tom
Nichols, Brian Patenaude, Reza Salimi, Steve Smith, John Vickers,
Matthew Webster, Mark Woolrich, Yongyue Zhang.
Atlas and Standard Space Template Contributors
We are very grateful to the following for contributing to the various
brain atlases and standard space templates now included with FSL:
David Kennedy and Christian Haselgrove, Centre for Morphometric
Analysis, Harvard; Bruce Fischl, Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, MGH; Janis Breeze and Jean Frazier, Child and Adolescent
Neuropsychiatric Research Program, Cambridge Health Alliance; Larry
Seidman and Jill Goldstein, Department of Psychiatry of Harvard
Medical School; Simon Eickhoff, Karl Zilles and Katrin Amunts,
Research Center Jülich; Louis Collins, Andrew Janke and Alan Evans,
Brain Imaging Center, Montreal Neurological Institute; Jack Lancaster
and Diana Tordesillas Gutiérrez, Research Imaging Center, UTHSCSA,
Texas; Heidi Johansen-Berg and Timothy Behrens, FMRIB; Susumu Mori,
Johns Hopkins University; Joern Diedrichsen, Human Motor Control Lab, Bangor; Narender Ramnani, Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Royal Holloway.
We are also grateful to the following for very useful collaborations
and past contributions: Andreas Bartsch, Marco Battaglini, Mike Brady,
Janis Breeze, Jacqueline Chen, Stuart Clare, Mark Cohen, Louis
Collins, Marilena De Luca, Nicola De Stefano, Simon Eickhoff, Alan
Evans, Bruce Fischl, Peter Fox, Jean Frazier, David Glahn, Jill
Goldstein, Doug Greve, Michael Hanke, Peter Hansen, Christian
Haselgrove, Peter Jezzard, David Kennedy, Peter Kochunov, Angela
Laird, Jack Lancaster, Didier Leibovici, Donna Lloyd, Jonathan
Marchini, Paul Matthews, Karla Miller, Susumu Mori, Jeanette Mumford,
Bruce Pike, Russ Poldrack, Brian Ripley, Daniel Rueckert, James
Saunders, Larry Seidman, Andy Stenger, Irene Tracey, Liqun Wang,
Richard Wise, Karl Zilles and the FMRIB Physics, Pain and Disease
Other software
FSL uses the following third party software, for which we are very grateful:
Sphere tesselation,
Tcl/Tk and
In order to view the licensing documentation associated with these
packages, look in the appropriate fsl/src or fsl/doc/freeware