FSL Programmer's Manual - FSLFileEntry(3Tkl)


FSLFileEntry - A tix mega-widget generating a file entry box and browser.


FSLFileEntry pathName ?options?


Command-Line Name: -command
Database Name: command
Database Class: Command

Command-Line Name: -dirasfile
Database Name: dirasfile
Database Class: Dirasfile

Command-Line Name: -directory
Database Name: directory
Database Class: Directory

Command-Line Name: -filterhist
Database Name: filterhist
Database Class: Filterhist

Command-Line Name: -label
Database Name: label
Database Class: Label

Command-Line Name: -labelwidth
Database Name: labelwidth
Database Class: Labelwidth

Command-Line Name: -pattern
Database Name: pattern
Database Class: Pattern

Command-Line Name: -showdotfiles
Database Name: showdotfiles
Database Class: Showdotfiles

Command-Line Name: -title
Database Name: title
Database Class: Title

Command-Line Name: -variable
Database Name: variable
Database Class: Variable

Command-Line Name: -width
Database Name: width
Database Class: Width


The FSLFileEntry widget creates a file entry box, together with a browse button for file selection. This has some of the functionality of tixFileEntry, but not all. It's main feature is its use of the FSLFileDirDlg and FSLFileDirBox widgets which enable better control of the filters and the history.

Stuart Clare
FMRIB Centre

Copyright © 2000, University of Oxford