USAGE: optseq2 Data Acquistion Parameters --ntp Ntp : number of time points --tr TR : temporal resolution of acquisition (in sec) --tprescan t : start events t sec before first acquisition Event Response and Nuisance Descriptors --psdwin psdmin psdmax : PSD window specifications --ev label duration nrepetitions --repvar pct : allow nrepetitions to vary by +/- percent --polyfit order --tnullmin tnullmin : limit min null duration to tnullmin sec --tnullmax tnullmax : limit max null duration to tnullmax sec Searching and Cost Parameters --nsearch n : search over n schedules --tsearch t : search for t hours --focb n : pre-optimize first order counter-balancing --ar1 rho : optimize assuming whitening with AR1 --pen alpha T dtmin: penalize for presentations being too close --evc c1 c2 ... cN : event contrast --cost name : eff, vrfavg, vrfavgstd --sumdelays : sum delays when forming contrast matrix --seed seedval : initialize random number generator to seedval Output Options --nkeep n : keep n schedules --o outstem : save schedules in outstem-RRR.par --mtx mtxstem : save design matrices in mtxstem_RRR.mat --cmtx cmtxfile : save contrast matrix in cmtxfile --sum file : save summary in file (outstem.sum) --log file : save log in file (outstem.log) --pctupdate pct : print an update after each pct done --sviter file : save info from each iteration in file Input/Initialization Options --i instem : initialize with instem-RRR.par --in input-schedule <--in input-schedule > --nosearch : just print output for input files Help, Documentation, and Bug Reporting --help : print help page --version : print version string $Id: optseq2.c,v 2.12 2006/12/29 02:09:11 nicks Exp $ Optseq Home Page: SUMMARY optseq2 is a tool for automatically scheduling events for rapid-presentation event-related (RPER) fMRI experiments (the schedule is the order and timing of events). Events in RPER are presented closely enough in time that their hemodynamic responses will overlap. This requires that the onset times of the events be jittered in order to remove the overlap from the estimate of the hemodynamic response. RPER is highly resistant to habituation, expectation, and set because the subject does not know when the next stimulus will appear or which stimulus type it will be. RPER is also more efficient than fixed-interval event related (FIER) because more stimuli can be presented within a given scanning interval at the cost of assuming that the overlap in the hemodynamic responses will be linear. In SPM parlance, RPER is referred to as 'stochastic design'. The flexibility of RPER means that there are a huge number of possible schedules, and they are not equal. optseq2 randomly samples the space of possible schedules and returns the 'best' one, where the user can control the definition of 'best'. Cost functions include: average efficiency, average variance reduction factor (VRF), and a weighted combination of average and stddev of the VRF. The user can also specify that the first order counter-balancing of the sequence of event-types be pre-optimized. Visit the Optseq Home Page at: COMMAND-LINE ARGUMENTS --ntp Ntp Number of time points to be acquired during the scan. This should be for one 'run' not for the entire session. The Total Scanning Time is the number of time points times the TR plus the prescan period, ie, tScanTot = Ntp*TR+tPreScan. --tr TR Time between functional volumes (in seconds). --tprescan tPreScan Time before the acquisition of the first volume to be processed to begin stimulation. --psdwin PSDMin PSDMax Specifications for the FIR event response window. It will be assumed that the entire response can be captured within this window. PSDMin is the minimum PostStimulus Delay (PSD), PSDMax is the maximum PSD. dPSD is the sampling interval within the window. dPSD is optional; if left unset, it will default to the TR. dPSD controls how finely spaced the event onsets can be scheduled (ie, the onsets will only appear at integer multiples of the dPSD). --ev label duration nrepetitions Event Type specification. The label is just a text label (which may be more informative than a numeric id). Duration is the number of seconds that the stimulus will be presented; it should be an integer multiple of the dPSD (see --psdwin). Nrepetitions is the number of times that this event type will be presented during the course of the run. The number of repetitions can be optimized using the --repvar option. Use a different --ev flag for each event type. NOTE: DO NOT INCLUDE THE NULL STIMULUS AS AN EVENT TYPE. The total stimulation time, tStimTot, equals the product of the duration and the number of repetitions summed over all the events. It should be obvious that the total stimulation time must be less than the total scanning time. --repvar pct Allow the number of repetitions of each event type to randomly vary by +/- pct percent from the number specified with --ev. This allows the user to optimize over the number of repetitions. The total stimulation time is computed from the maximum possible number of repetitions. If only the percentage is given, then the relative number of repetitions of each event type will stay constant. If the string 'per-evt' is appended, then the number of reps for each event type can change independently to each other. --polyfit order Add polynomial regressors as nuisance variables. Order N includes the Nth order polynomial was well as all lower orders. Max order is currently 2. Order 0 is a baseline offset; Order 1 is a linear trend; Order 2 is a quadradic trend. Cost functions will not explicitly include the nuisance variables. --tnullmin tNullMin Force the NULL stimulus to be at least tNullMin sec between stimuli. Note that this means that the stimulus duration + tNullMin must be an integer multiple of the dPSD. --tnullmax tNullMax Limit the maximum duration of the NULL stimulus to be tNullMax sec. Note: it may not be possible for a given parameter set to keep the NULL stimulus below a certain amount. In this case, the following error message will be printed out 'ERROR: could not enforce tNullMax'. By default, tNullMax is infinite. --nsearch Nsearch Search over Nsearch iterations. optseq will randomly construct Nsearch schedules, compute the cost of each one, and keep the ones with the highest cost. It is not permitted to specify both Nsearch and Tsearch. --tsearch Tsearch Search for Tsearch hours. optseq will randomly construct as many schedules schedules as it can in the given time, compute the cost of each one, and keep the ones with the highest cost. It is not permitted to specify both Nsearch and Tsearch. --focb nCB1Opt Pre-optimize the first order counter-balancing (FOCB) of the event sequence. This will cause optseq2 to construct nCB1Opt random sequences and keep the one with the best FOCB properties. This will be done for each iteration. Counter balance optimization is not allowed when there is only one event type. --ar1 rho Optimize while whitening with an AR(1) model with parameter rho. rho must be between -1 and +1. --pen alpha T dtmin Penalize for one presentation starting too soon after the previous presentation. The weight is computed as 1 - alpha*exp(-(dt+dtmin)/T), where dt is the time from the offset of the previous stimulus to the onset of the next stimulus. The basic idea here is that the second stimulus will be reduced in amplitude by the weight factor. alpha and T were fit from data presented in Huettel and McCarthy (NI, 2000) to be alpha=0.8 and T = 2.2 sec. --evc C1 C2 ... CN Optimize based on a contrast of the event types. Ci is the contrast weight for event type i. There must be as many weights as event types. Weights are NOT renormalized such that the sum to 1. --cost costname Specify cost function. Legal values are eff, vrfavg, vrfavgstd. Default is eff. params as any parameters which accompany the given cost function. eff is the cost function which maximizes efficiency (no parameters). vrfavg is the cost function which maximizes the average Variance Reduction Factor (VRF) (no parameters). vrfavgstd maximizes a weighted combination of the average and stddev VRF; there is one parameter, the weight give to the stddev component. --sumdelays Sum the delay regression parameters when computing contrast matrix. The event contrast (--evc) specifies how to weight the events when forming the contrast vector. However, there are multiple coefficients per event type corresponding to the delay in the FIR window. By default, a separate row in the contrast matrix is provided for each delay. To sum across the delays instead, use --sumdelays. The contrast matrix will have only one row in this case. --seed seedval Initialize the random number generator to seedval. If no seedval is specified, then one will be picked based on the time of day. optseq2 uses drand48(). --pctupdate pct Print an update line to stdout and the log file after completing each pct percent of the search. --nkeep nKeep Save nKeep of the best schedules. Increasing this number does not substantially increase the search time, so it is a good idea to specify more than you think you will need. --o outstem Save schedules in outstem-RRR.par, where RRR is the 3-digit zero-padded schedule rank number (there will be nKeep of them). The schedules will be saved in the Paradigm File Format (see below). --mtx mtxstem Save the FIR design matrices to mtxstem_RRR.mat in Matlab 4 binary format. --cmtx cmtxfile Save the contrast matrix in Matlab 4 binary format. --sum summaryfile optseq2 will create a file which summarizes the search, including all the input parameters as well as characteristics of each of the schedules kept. By default, the summary file will be outstem.sum, but it can be specified explicitly using this flag. See THE SUMMARY FILE below. --log logfile During the course of the search, optseq2 will print information about the current search status to stdio and to the log file. By default the log file will be outstem.log. The log file will contain a summary of input arguments as well as a series of status lines. A status line will be printed each time there is a change in the list of nKeep best schedules as well as at prespecified regular intervals. By default, the interval is 10% of the search time, but this can be changed with --pctupdate. Each status line has 12 columns: (1) percent complete, (2) iteration number, (3) minutes since start, (4) best cost, (5) efficiency, (6) CB1Error, (7) vrfavg, (8) vrfstd, (9) vrfmin, (10) vrfmax, (11) vrfrange, and (12) number of iterations since last substitution. --pctupdate pct Print a search status to stdio and the log file at regular intervals corresponding to pct percent of the search time. Default is 10%. --sviter SvIterFile Save information summary about all the schedules to SvIterFile in ASCII format. Each line will have 7 columns corresponding to: (1) cost, (2) efficiency, (3) cb1err, (4) vrfavg, (5) vrfstd, (6) vrfmin, (7) vrfmax. This is mainly for exploring the distribution of the various costs. WARNING: this file can grow to be very large. --i instem Load all input schedules that match instem-RRR.par. These can be used to initialize the search (for example, if you want to continue a previous optimization). It is also possible to only generate a summary and/or design matrices of the given input schedules by include the --nosearch flag. This can be useful for testing schedules that were optimized under one cost function against another cost function or for testing independently generated schedules. See also --in. --in input-schedule <--in input-schedule > This does the same thing as --i except that each file is specified separately. --nosearch Do not search for optimal schedules. This can only be used when reading schedules in using --i or --in. See --i for more information. ALGORITHM OVERVIEW optseq2 randomly searches the space of schedules given the constraints on the command-line and keeps the ones that maximize the given cost function. Each search iteration begins by creating a random order of events with the appropriate number of repetitions for each event type. First order counter-balancing optimization, if done, is performed here. Next, the timing is generated by inserting random amounts of NULL stimulus so that the total stimulation time plus null time is equal to the total scan time. Event onset times are constrained to be integer multiples of dPSD. An FIR design matrix is created from this schedule. The FIR peristimulus window begins at PSDMin and ends at PSDMax and is incremented by dPSD. If polynomial regressors are specified, they are appended to the FIR matrix to give the final design matrix, hereafter referred as X. The various costs are computed from X. The forward model is then y = XB+n, which has the solution Bhat = inv(XtX)Xy. A contrast is Ghat = C*Bhat, where C is the the contrast matrix. CONTRAST MATRIX By default, the contrast matrix is the identity over all task-related components. The contrast matrix can be changed by specifying --evc (and possibly --sumdelays). COST FUNCTIONS First-Order Counter-Balancing (FOCB). The FOCB matrix is the Nevt-by-Nevt matrix of probabilities that one event type follows another, where Nevt is the number of event types (excluding the NULL condition). This is computed only from the sequence of events and is independent of the timing (this is why it is referred to as 'pre-optimization'). The ideal FOCB matrix can be computed from the number of repetitions for each event type. The FOCB cost matrix is computed by subtracting the actual probability from the ideal and then dividing by the ideal. The final cost is computed by averaging the absolute values of all elements in the cost matrix. This cost is minimized during pre-optimization. FOCB optimization can be combined with any other cost function. Note: FOCB requires that there be at least 2 event types. Efficiency (eff). Efficiency is defined as eff = 1/trace(C*inv(Xt*X)*Ct) (note: any nuisance regressors are not included in the computation of the trace but are included in the computation of the inverse). The quantity trace(C*inv(XtX)*Ct) is a measure of the sum square error in Ghat (ie, G-Bhat) relative to the noise inherent in the experiment. Therefore, maximizing eff is a way of finding a schedule that will result in, on average, the least error in Ghat. Average Variance Reduction Factor (vrfavg). The Variance Reduction Factor (VRF) is the amount by which the variance of an individual estimator (ie, a component of Ghat) is reduced relative to the noise inherent in the experiment. The VRF for a estimator is the inverse of the corresponding component on the diagonal of C*inv(XtX)*Ct. The average VRF is this value averaged across all estimators. This will yield similar results as when the efficiency is optimized. Average/StdDev Variance Reduction Factor (vrfavgstd). The cost is defined as cost = vrfavg - W*vrfstd, where vrfstd is the standard deviation of the VRFs and W is a weighting factor specified as a parameter on the command-line. This penalizes schedules that result in large variations in the individual VRFs of the estimators. There is currently a bug in the implementation that causes it to mis-state the cost when the number of repetitions are different for different event types. Also, only use this cost when using a prescan window equal to or greater than the PSD window (otherwise there will be a tendency not to schedule events near the end of the run). THE SUMMARY FILE The summary file summarizes the conditions under which the search was performed as well as the properties of each schedule found. It also includes the number of iterations searched and the time it took to search them as well as the average and standard deviation of the cost measured over all schedules. It also includes the maximum efficiency and average VRF over all schedules (these will be the same as the best schedule if the eff or vrfavg cost functions were chosen). Each schedule is summarized in a table with the following columns: (1) Rank, (2) Cost, (3) ZCost, (4) Iteration Number (NthIter), (5) Efficiency (Eff), (6) FOBC Error (CB1Err), (7) Average VRF (VRFAvg), (7) StdDev VRF (VRFStd), (8) Minimum VRF (VRFMin), (9) Maximum VRF (VRFMax), and (10) VRF Range (VRFRng). Many of these measures have been described above. ZCost is the number of standard deviations from the average cost (over all schedules). The Iteration Number is the search iteration that that schedule was found on. The first-order counter-balancing measures come after this table. First, the ideal FOCB probability matrix is printed followed by the actual matrix for each of the schedules. Note: the printed ideal matrix is based on the nominal number of repetitions. See BUGS. CHOOSING PARAMETERS SETS There are several parameters that must be chosen as a group because they rely and/or relate to each other. These parameters are: (1) the number of time points (Ntp), (2) the TR, (3) the prescan window (tPreScan), (4) the duration of each event type (tEv), and (5) the number of repetitions of each event type (nReps). The most basic relationship requires that the total amount of stimulation time (tStimTot) be less than or equal to the total amount of scan time (tScanTot), where tStimTot = sum(tEv*nReps) (summed over all conditions), and tScanTot = Ntp*TR+tPreScan, so sum(tEv*nReps) <= Ntp*TR+tPreScan (1) If this constraint is not met, you will receive a 'Time Constraint Violation' Error. The total amount of time dedicated to the Null stimulus (tNullTot) is equal to the difference between the total scan time and the total stimulation time: tNullTot = Ntp*TR+tPreScan - sum(tEv*nReps) (2) If the parameters are chosen such that equality results in equation (1), then there will not be any time for the Null stimulus, which is generally not good because inter-stimulus jitter is dependent upon inserting random amounts of Null between non-Null stimuli. A rule of thumb is to allocate as much time for the Null as one would for any other stimulus. This can be done by choosing parameters such that sum(tEv*nReps)(nEv+1)/nEv = Ntp*TR+tPreScan (3) where nEv is the number of event types. The schedule can be optimized around this point by allowing the number of repetitions to vary around this nominal value. There is also a DOF constraint which requires that the number of parameters estimated be less than the number of time points, ie Nbeta = nPSD*nEv+(PolyOrder+1) < Ntp (4) where Nbeta is the number of parameters, nPSD is the number of elements in the post-stimulus time window (ie, (PSDMax-PSDMin)/dPSD), and PolyOrder is the order of the nuisance polynomial specified with -polyfit. If this constraint is not met, you will receive a 'DOF Constraint Violation' Error. CHOOSING THE SEARCH TERMINATION CRITERIA The search is terminated when either the maximum number of iterations has been reached or the maximum search time has been reached. It is impossible to determine how many iterations to search over because it is not possible to globally determine what the best schedule is nor would it be possible to determine how long it would take a random search to get there. That said, there are some rules of thumb that can be followed, the most basic being that if a 'large' number of schedules have been searched and the best cost has not changed 'much' in a 'long time', then you are done. Of course, you still have to define 'large', 'much', and 'long time'. The summary file can help with this. In particular, there is a line with the number of iterations since the last substitution (ie, the number of iterations since one of the best nKeep schedules changed). This can be used to judge how long a 'long time' is. The same information can be extracted from the NthIter column of the summary table. At a minimum let it run for 10000 iterations. PARADIGM FILE FORMAT The schedules will be saved in 'paradigm file' format. This format has four columns: time, numeric event id, event duration, and event label. A numeric id of 0 indicates the Null Stimulus. BUGS Also see the Optseq Home page at The vrfavgstd cost function does not work properly if the number of reps is different for different event types. A prescan window should also be specified The ideal counter-balance matrix reported in the summary file will be for the nominal number of reps when the user has selected to optimize over the number of reps making comparisons between the actual and ideal inappropriate (the FOCB error reported for each will be correct however). BUG REPORTING optseq2 is offered with no guarantees and with no obligation or implication that it will be supported in any way. Having said that, you can send bug reports/questions to: You must include the following information: (1) optseq2 version, (2) computer operating system, (3) command-line, (4) description of the problem, and (5) log and/or summary files. AUTHOR optseq2 was written by Douglas N. Greve in the Summber of '02. REFERENCES Dale, A.M., Greve, D.N., and Burock, M.A. (1999) Optimal Stimulus equences for Event-Related fMRI. 5th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain. Duesseldorf, Germany. June 11-16. Dale, A.M. (1999). Optimal experimental design for event-related fMRI. Human Brain Mapping 8:109-114.