Task: skull-stripping

Prompt: Brain mask the imaging

Prompt: Brain mask the modality

Prompt: Brain mask this scan

Prompt: Skullstrip

Prompt: Clear signal exterior to the brain signal

Prompt: Brain extract the sequence

Prompt: Erase signal outside of the brain anatomy

Prompt: Eliminate non brain tissue

Prompt: Cut out matter exterior to the brain

Prompt: Prune signal exterior to the brain

Prompt: Skull-strip

Prompt: Skull strip the data

Prompt: Brainmask

Prompt: Remove anatomy exterior to the brain data

Prompt: Brainmask that scan

Prompt: Mask out extra-cerebral tissue

Prompt: Erase matter beyond the brain border

Prompt: Skull-strip

Prompt: Skullstrip that sequence

Prompt: Brain extract

Prompt: Eliminate anatomy beyond the brain border

Prompt: Eliminate extra cerebral anatomy

Prompt: Cut out non-brain matter

Prompt: Strip anatomy outside the brain signal

Prompt: Brain extract that scan

Prompt: Erase matter exterior to the brain border

Prompt: Skull strip

Prompt: Strip extra-cerebral data

Prompt: Cut away non brain tissue

Prompt: Clear extracerebral signal

Prompt: Erase matter outside of the brain boundary

Prompt: Strip data exterior to the brain

Prompt: Brain extract

Prompt: We need you to mask away non brain anatomy

Prompt: Clear away signal outside of the brain border

Prompt: Brainmask that image

Prompt: Clear non brain signal

Prompt: Cut out non brain anatomy

Prompt: Clear away extra cerebral tissue

Prompt: Cut out extracerebral signal

Prompt: Brainmask

Prompt: Drop anatomy beyond the brain matter

Prompt: Brain extract this acquisition

Prompt: Skullstrip that data

Prompt: Skullstrip

Prompt: Mask out matter beyond the brain border

Prompt: Brainmask

Prompt: Please eliminate data outside of the brain tissue

Prompt: Prune anatomy outside of the brain border

Prompt: Brain mask the data

Prompt: Get rid of signal outside of the brain tissue

Prompt: Please mask away anatomy outside the brain boundary

Prompt: Zero out non-brain matter

Prompt: Eliminate extra-cerebral data

Prompt: Brain mask

Prompt: Brain extract that image

Prompt: Clear signal outside of the brain

Prompt: Brain mask

Prompt: Mask away non brain anatomy

Prompt: Skullstrip

Prompt: Brain mask

Prompt: Brainmask the acquisition

Prompt: Skull-strip the acquisition

Prompt: Drop tissue exterior to the brain

Prompt: Clear tissue outside of the brain border

Prompt: Skull-strip that image

Prompt: Delete extra cerebral tissue

Prompt: Skull strip that acquisition

Prompt: Strip anatomy beyond the brain border

Prompt: Eliminate extra-cerebral matter

Prompt: Discard signal exterior to the brain

Prompt: Brain mask the image

Prompt: Cut away non-brain anatomy

Prompt: Skull-strip the acquisition

Prompt: Skull-strip that imaging

Prompt: Zero out extra-cerebral signal

Prompt: Skullstrip

Prompt: Skull-strip the sequence

Prompt: Skull strip

Prompt: Strip data outside the brain

Prompt: Mask away data beyond the brain signal

Prompt: Get rid of extra cerebral anatomy

Prompt: Drop tissue outside of the brain tissue

Prompt: Skullstrip

Prompt: Prune non brain anatomy

Prompt: Skull-strip this image

Prompt: Brain extract the scan

Prompt: Delete non brain tissue

Prompt: Brainmask

Prompt: Get rid of signal beyond the brain

Prompt: Clear away signal outside the brain boundary

Prompt: Zero out extra-cerebral tissue

Prompt: Erase non-brain tissue

Prompt: Brain mask that sequence

Prompt: Skull strip

Prompt: Brain mask the sequence

Prompt: Erase data exterior to the brain matter

Prompt: Zero out extracerebral matter

Prompt: Strip signal beyond the brain

Prompt: Get rid of data outside the brain