This describes the creation of the subcort.mask.1mm.mgz This volume is not conformed in that it is not 256^3 (which make it even huger than it is now). This volume matches the output geometry as when mri_vol2vol is run with --talres 1 and so is compatible with FSFAST. These commands are similar to the ones used for creating the mri.2mm/subcort.mask.mgz. The mask is created based on mri/subcort.prob.mgz which was created with make_average_subcort. subcort.prob.mgz is the raw probability of a voxel being in a subcortical gray matter structure based on the Buckner40. Inevitably, this mask will include more than just subcortial gray matter structures, but we would rather have the mask be too big than too small. # Resample into 1mm space mri_vol2vol --mov subcort.prob.mgz \ --s fsaverage --tal --talres 1 --o subcort.prob.1mm.mgz \ --no-save-reg Threshold at .05 (meaning that at least 5% of the subjects at a voxel must have a subcortical label). Also dilate by 3 to expand the mask. mri_binarize --i subcort.prob.1mm.mgz --min .05 \ --dilate 2 --o subcort.mask.tmp.mgz Erode by 2. The net result of dilating by 3 then eroding by 2 is that holes are filled in and the edges are a little smoother. mri_binarize --i subcort.mask.tmp.mgz --min .5 \ --erode 1 --o subcort.mask.1mm.mgz rm subcort.mask.tmp.mgz subcort.prob.1mm.mgz Check against 2mm version of mask tkregister2 --targ subcort.mask.1mm.mgz \ --mov ../mri.2mm/subcort.mask.mgz \ --regheader --reg junk.dat