RCS file: /space/repo/1/dev/dev/distribution/average/fsaverage.tar.gz,v Working file: fsaverage.tar.gz head: 1.14 branch: locks: strict access list: symbolic names: release_5_1_0: stable5: stable5_0_0: release_4_5_0: release_4_4_0: release_4_3_1: stable4: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 20; selected revisions: 20 description: ---------------------------- revision 1.14 date: 2011/05/31 17:45:59; author: nicks; state: Exp; lines: +434231 -423222 ENH: y.thomas's new resting networks annotation and confidence files in fsaverage/label dir ---------------------------- revision 1.13 date: 2011/03/22 14:07:40; author: greve; state: Exp; lines: +413879 -414194 Changed stuff in mri.2mm ---------------------------- revision 1.12 date: 2010/12/30 22:48:15; author: nicks; state: Exp; lines: +406793 -405783 branches: 1.12.2; ENH: .annot and .annot.a2009s parcellations updated using mri_ca_label which reconciles the ?h.cortex.label with the medial wall/unknown/corpus callosum parcellations ---------------------------- revision 1.11 date: 2010/12/01 22:39:27; author: greve; state: Exp; lines: +403576 -404001 Added stuff for reg to mni152 ---------------------------- revision 1.10 date: 2010/07/08 21:56:53; author: greve; state: Exp; lines: +419420 -417678 Added subcortical gray matter masks for anat and mni305.2mm ---------------------------- revision 1.9 date: 2010/06/29 20:16:19; author: greve; state: Exp; lines: +419653 -412977 Added mri.2mm directory to support FSFAST volumetric group analysis ---------------------------- revision 1.8 date: 2010/03/19 20:00:14; author: nicks; state: Exp; lines: +368597 -352768 branches: 1.8.2; ENH: added ?h.aparc.label for use as a cortex mask in qdec mri_glmfit so that parcellation labels overlap ---------------------------- revision 1.7 date: 2010/03/11 04:50:57; author: nicks; state: Exp; lines: +25407 -24543 ENH: added ?h.PALS_B12.labels.gii ---------------------------- revision 1.6 date: 2010/03/11 03:59:04; author: nicks; state: Exp; lines: +396222 -394619 ENH: added ?h.PALS_B12_?.annot annotations, originating from David Van Essen (and Caret): Brodmann, Lobes, OrbitoFrontal and Visuotopic ---------------------------- revision 1.5 date: 2010/01/15 21:02:06; author: nicks; state: Exp; lines: +393324 -393485 created new aparc+aseg.mgz so that it includes insula label ---------------------------- revision 1.4 date: 2009/12/10 00:15:34; author: nicks; state: Exp; lines: +396344 -395300 added ?h.aparc.a2009s.annot (Destrieux parcellations) ---------------------------- revision 1.3 date: 2009/10/20 17:25:11; author: greve; state: Exp; lines: +399696 -399718 Added ribbon.mgz ---------------------------- revision 1.2 date: 2009/05/19 17:51:17; author: nicks; state: Exp; lines: +388423 -387862 added ?h.entorhinal.label files ---------------------------- revision 1.1 date: 2009/05/03 04:55:48; author: nicks; state: Exp; branches: 1.1.2; chgrp fsdev ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/19 17:58:17; author: nicks; state: Exp; lines: +388474 -387913 added ?h.entorhinal.label files ---------------------------- revision date: 2009/05/03 04:59:08; author: nicks; state: Exp; lines: +0 -0 chgrp fsdev ---------------------------- revision date: 2010/12/30 22:52:19; author: nicks; state: Exp; lines: +413470 -412885 ENH: .annot and .annot.a2009s parcellations updated using mri_ca_label which reconciles the ?h.cortex.label with the medial wall/unknown/corpus callosum parcellations ---------------------------- revision date: 2010/07/08 22:05:32; author: greve; state: Exp; lines: +419225 -417483 Added subcortical gray matter masks for anat and mni305.2mm. Copied from dev. ---------------------------- revision date: 2010/06/29 20:21:25; author: greve; state: Exp; lines: +419643 -412967 Added mri.2mm directory to support FSFAST volumetric group analysis. Copied from dev. ---------------------------- revision date: 2011/03/22 14:30:05; author: greve; state: Exp; lines: +413934 -414249 Copied from dev. Changed stuff in mri.2mm =============================================================================