import os import shutil import tempfile import numpy as np import surfa as sf import scipy.ndimage from freesurfer import samseg from freesurfer.subregions import utils class MeshModel: def __init__( self, atlasDir, outDir, inputImageFileNames, inputSegFileName, meshStiffness=0.05, optimizerType='L-BFGS', bbregisterMode=None, resolution=0.5, useTwoComponents=False, tempDir=None, fileSuffix='', debug=False, ): """ MeshModel is a generic base class to facilitate GEMS mesh deformation for given ROIs. To implement a mesh model for a particular set of structures, this class must be subclassed and the following functions MUST be implemented: self.preprocess_images() : Precompute the mask, segmentation, and image volumes self.get_cheating_label_groups() : Return the reduced labels group used to fit the mesh to the initial segmentation self.get_cheating_gaussians() : Return the Gaussian means and variances used to fit the mesh to the initial segmentation self.get_label_groups() : Return the reduced labels group used to fit the mesh to the image self.get_gaussian_hyps() : Return the hyperparameters used to estimate the Gaussian parameters during image-fitting self.postprocess_segmentation() : Update and write the label volumes and discrete segmentation(s) Further information is documented in each function definition. This is a framework that was meant to facilitate an (almost prefect) port of the subfield matlab code. """ # Set some paths self.outDir = outDir self.atlasDir = atlasDir self.atlasMeshFileName = os.path.join(atlasDir, 'AtlasMesh.gz') self.atlasDumpFileName = os.path.join(atlasDir, 'AtlasDump.mgz') self.compressionLookupTableFileName = os.path.join(atlasDir, 'compressionLookupTable.txt') self.inputImageFileNames = inputImageFileNames self.inputSegFileName = inputSegFileName # Some settings self.meshStiffness = meshStiffness self.optimizerType = optimizerType self.bbregisterMode = bbregisterMode self.resolution = resolution self.useTwoComponents = useTwoComponents self.tempDir = tempDir self.fileSuffix = fileSuffix self.debug = debug # Some optimization defaults that should be overwritten by each subclass self.cheatingMeshSmoothingSigmas = [3.0, 2.0] self.cheatingMaxIterations = [300, 150] self.meshSmoothingSigmas = [1.5, 0.75, 0] self.imageSmoothingSigmas = [0, 0, 0] self.maxIterations = [7, 5, 3] self.isLong = False self.longMeshSmoothingSigmas = [[1.5, 0.75], [0.75, 0]] self.longImageSmoothingSigmas = [[0, 0], [0, 0]] self.longMaxIterations = [[6, 3], [2, 1]] self.maxGlobalLongIterations = 2 self.longMask = None # Here are some options that control how to much to dilate masks throughout different # stages. Might be necessary to tune depending on the geometry of the ROI (like brainstem). self.atlasTargetSmoothing = 'forward' self.cheatingAlphaMaskStrel = 3 self.alphaMaskStrel = 5 def cleanup(self): """ Essentially the only thing to do during cleanup is (potentially) remove the temporary directory. """ if not self.debug: shutil.rmtree(self.tempDir) else: print(f'Not removing temporary directory: {self.tempDir}') def initialize(self): """ Initialize the mesh model by running sanity checks on the input options, loading input volumes, creating the temporary directory, and doing image preprocessing. """ # First thing: set up the temporary directory. IO to this space should be relatively # limited unless debug mode is enabled if self.tempDir is None: self.tempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp() else: os.makedirs(self.tempDir, exist_ok=True) # Make sure the output directory exists as well os.makedirs(self.outDir, exist_ok=True) # Sanity check on the optimizer type optimizerTypes = ['FixedStepGradientDescent', 'GradientDescent', 'ConjugateGradient', 'L-BFGS'] if self.optimizerType not in optimizerTypes: sf.system.fatal('Optimizer type must be one of: ' + ', '.join(optimizerTypes)) # Sanity check on the registration mode for alternative images bbregisterModes = [None, 't1', 't2'] if self.bbregisterMode not in bbregisterModes: sf.system.fatal('BBregister mode must be one of: ' + ', '.join(bbregisterModes)) # Make sure all the atlas files are there if not os.path.isfile(self.atlasMeshFileName): sf.system.fatal(f'Provided atlas mesh file `{self.atlasMeshFileName}` does not exist.') if not os.path.isfile(self.atlasDumpFileName): sf.system.fatal(f'Provided atlas image `{self.atlasDumpFileName}` does not exist.') if not os.path.isfile(self.compressionLookupTableFileName): sf.system.fatal(f'Provided compression LUT `{self.compressionLookupTableFileName}` does not exist.') # Load compressed and FreeSurfer label mapping information self.labelMapping, self.names, self.FreeSurferLabels = utils.read_compression_lookup_table(self.compressionLookupTableFileName) # Set the target mesh file paths self.warpedMeshFileName = os.path.join(self.tempDir, 'warpedOriginalMesh.txt') self.warpedMeshNoAffineFileName = os.path.join(self.tempDir, 'warpedOriginalMeshNoAffine.txt') # Read the input volumes (images and reference segmentation) self.inputSeg = sf.load_volume(self.inputSegFileName) self.inputImages = [sf.load_volume(path) for path in self.inputImageFileNames] self.correctedImages = [img.copy() for img in self.inputImages] self.highResImage = np.mean(self.inputImages[0].geom.voxsize) < 0.99 # Now we define a set of volume members that must be properly computed during # the `preprocess_images` stage of all MeshModel subclasses. Further documentation below. self.preprocess_images() def preprocess_images(self): """ Preprocess the input images for later processing. This function must be redefined in a subclass, and the following volumes (at the minimum) must be set during this stage: 1. self.atlasAlignmentTarget : A binary tissue mask that acts as the target for the initial affine atlas registration. 2. self.synthImage : A synthetic image generated from the input segmentation, used for the initial fitting of the mesh to the subject (the `cheating` step). 3. self.processedImage: An image (or set of images represented by each frame) used for the primary mesh fitting. It is expected that this image has been properly resampled to the working target resolution. It is expected that these are surfa.Volume objects with proper geometry information. """ raise NotImplementedError('All subclasses of MeshModel must implement the preprocess_images() function!') def label_group_names_to_indices(self, labelNames): """ Clean and convert a group of label names (list of lists) to a grouping of label indices. """ labelIndices = [[, exact=True) for name in group] for group in labelNames] labelIndices = [[i for i in group if i is not None] for group in labelIndices] labelIndices = [g for g in labelIndices if g] return labelIndices def reduce_alphas(self, sameGaussianParameters, alphas=None): """ Compute a set of reduced alpha values given groups of labels. Will use the original alpha values if alphas is None. """ if alphas is None: alphas = self.originalAlphas numberOfReducedLabels = len(sameGaussianParameters) # ATH: are alphas always 32-bit floats? reducedAlphas = np.zeros((alphas.shape[0], numberOfReducedLabels), dtype='float32') reducingLookupTable = np.zeros(alphas.shape[1], dtype='int32') # Convert to list so we can use index fslabels = list(self.FreeSurferLabels) # Reduce the labels for reducedLabel in range(numberOfReducedLabels): sameGaussians = sameGaussianParameters[reducedLabel] for label in sameGaussians: compressedLabel = fslabels.index(label) reducedAlphas[:, reducedLabel] += alphas[:, compressedLabel] reducingLookupTable[compressedLabel] = reducedLabel # Make sure classes sum to one if np.max(np.abs(np.sum(reducedAlphas, -1) - 1)) > 1e-5: sf.system.fatal('The vector of prior probabilities in the mesh nodes must always sum to one over all classes') return (reducedAlphas, reducingLookupTable) def crop_image_by_atlas(self, image): """ Crop image to the aligned atlas image. Also construct a 3-D affine transformation that will later be used to transform the location of the atlas mesh's nodes into the coordinate system of the image. """ trf = image.geom.world2vox @ self.alignedAtlas.geom.vox2world template_corners = np.mgrid[:2, :2, :2].T.reshape(-1, 3) * (np.array(self.alignedAtlas.shape[:3]) - 1) corners = trf.transform(template_corners) lower = corners.min(0).astype(int) upper = (corners.max(0) + 1).astype(int) image_limit = np.array(image.shape[:3]) - 1 lower = np.clip(lower, (0, 0, 0), image_limit) upper = np.clip(upper, (0, 0, 0), image_limit) trf.matrix[:3, -1] -= lower cropping = tuple([slice(l, u + 1) for l, u in zip(lower, upper)]) transform = samseg.gems.KvlTransform(np.asfortranarray(trf.matrix)) return (image[cropping].copy(), transform) def align_atlas_to_seg(self): """ The initial stage before mesh fitting involves aligning the atlas coordinates to the image coordinates by registering an atlas image to the subject's segmentation. This step requires that the atlasAlignmentTarget has been properly configured during preprocessing. """ # Make sure the subclass has computed the target mask mask = self.atlasAlignmentTarget.copy() if mask is None: sf.system.fatal('All MeshModel subclasses must compute atlasAlignmentTarget during preprocessing!') # No need for a high-resolution alignment here = > 0 if np.mean(mask.geom.voxsize) < 0.99: mask = mask.resize(1, method='nearest') # Crop mask to the label bounding box mask = mask.crop_to_bbox(margin=6) # Let's smooth the mask a bit (maybe) with one dilation and erosion pass if self.atlasTargetSmoothing == 'forward': strel = utils.spherical_strel(1) = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(, strel) = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion(, strel, border_value=1) elif self.atlasTargetSmoothing == 'backward': strel = utils.spherical_strel(1) = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion(, strel, border_value=1) = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(, strel) elif self.atlasTargetSmoothing is not None: sf.system.fatal(f'Unknown atlasTargetSmoothing option `{self.atlasTargetSmoothing}`.') # We're going to use mri_robust_register for this registration, so let's ensure the mask # value is 255 and we'll write to disk ='float32') * 255 targetMaskFile = os.path.join(self.tempDir, 'targetMask.mgz') # Write the atlas as well alignedAtlasFile = os.path.join(self.tempDir, 'alignedAtlasImage.mgz') # ATH skipping this for now... we'll just copy instead # shutil.copyfile(self.atlasDumpFileName, alignedAtlasFile) # Run the actual registration and load the result'mri_robust_register --mov {alignedAtlasFile} --dst {targetMaskFile} --lta {self.tempDir}/trash.lta --mapmovhdr {alignedAtlasFile} --sat 50 -verbose 0')'mri_robust_register --mov {alignedAtlasFile} --dst {targetMaskFile} --lta {self.tempDir}/trash.lta --mapmovhdr {alignedAtlasFile} --affine --sat 50 -verbose 0') self.alignedAtlas = sf.load_volume(alignedAtlasFile) def prepare_for_seg_fitting(self): """ Prepare the mesh collection, preprocessed image, reduced alphas, and Gaussians parameters. """ # Make sure the subclass has computed the synthed target if self.synthImage is None: sf.system.fatal('All MeshModel subclasses must compute synthImage during preprocessing!') # Crop the synthesized image by the aligned atlas and compute the new mesh alignment self.workingImage, self.transform = self.crop_image_by_atlas(self.synthImage) self.workingImageShape = self.workingImage.shape[:3] # Read in collection, set stiffness, and apply transform self.meshCollection = samseg.gems.KvlMeshCollection() self.meshCollection.transform(self.transform) self.meshCollection.k = self.meshStiffness # Retrieve the reference mesh, i.e. the mesh representing the average shape self.mesh = self.meshCollection.reference_mesh self.originalNodePositions = self.mesh.points.copy(order='K') self.originalAlphas = self.mesh.alphas.copy(order='K') # Compute the cheating Gaussian label groups labelGroups = self.get_cheating_label_groups() self.sameGaussianParameters = self.label_group_names_to_indices(labelGroups) # Compute the reduced alphas - those referring to the super-structures self.reducedAlphas, _ = self.reduce_alphas(self.sameGaussianParameters) self.mesh.alphas = self.reducedAlphas mask = (self.mesh.rasterize(self.workingImageShape).sum(-1) / 65535) > 0.99 if self.cheatingAlphaMaskStrel > 0: mask = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion(mask, utils.spherical_strel(self.cheatingAlphaMaskStrel), border_value=1)[mask == 0] = 0 # Get the inital Gaussian parameters self.means, self.variances = self.get_cheating_gaussians(self.sameGaussianParameters) # Write the inital and cropped/masked images for debugging purposes if self.debug:, 'synthImage.mgz')), 'synthImageMasked.mgz')) def fit_mesh_to_seg(self): """ The second processing step involves deforming the roughly-aligned mesh to the subject segmentation. This is the initial 'cheating' step and requires that the synthImage volume has been properly configured during preprocessing. """ # Just get the image buffer (array) and convert to a Kvl image object imageBuffer ='K') image = samseg.gems.KvlImage(samseg.utilities.requireNumpyArray(imageBuffer)) # Use a multi-resolution approach for multiResolutionLevel, meshSmoothingSigma in enumerate(self.cheatingMeshSmoothingSigmas): # Set mesh alphas self.mesh.alphas = self.reducedAlphas # It's good to smooth the mesh, otherwise we get weird compressions of the mesh along the boundaries if meshSmoothingSigma > 0: print(f'Smoothing mesh collection with kernel size {meshSmoothingSigma}') self.meshCollection.smooth(meshSmoothingSigma) # Note that it uses variances instead of precisions calculator = samseg.gems.KvlCostAndGradientCalculator( typeName='AtlasMeshToIntensityImage', images=[image], boundaryCondition='Sliding', transform=self.transform, means=self.means.reshape((-1, 1)), variances=self.variances.reshape((-1, 1, 1)), mixtureWeights=np.ones(len(self.means), dtype='float32'), numberOfGaussiansPerClass=np.ones(len(self.means), dtype='int32')) # Step some optimizer stop criteria maximalDeformationStopCriterion = 1e-10 relativeChangeInCostStopCriterion = 1e-10 # Get optimizer and plug calculator into it optimizationParams = { 'Verbose': False, 'MaximalDeformationStopCriterion': maximalDeformationStopCriterion, 'LineSearchMaximalDeformationIntervalStopCriterion': 1e-10, 'MaximumNumberOfIterations': 1000, 'BFGS-MaximumMemoryLength': 12 } optimizer = samseg.gems.KvlOptimizer(self.optimizerType, self.mesh, calculator, optimizationParams) # Run the optimizations history = [] for iteration in range(self.cheatingMaxIterations[multiResolutionLevel]): # Step optimizer minLogLikelihoodTimesPrior, maximalDeformation = optimizer.step_optimizer_samseg() # Log step information iterationInfo = [ f'Res: {multiResolutionLevel + 1:03d}', f'Iter: {iteration + 1:03d}', f'MaxDef: {maximalDeformation:.4f}', f'MinLLxP: {minLogLikelihoodTimesPrior:.4f}', ] print(' '.join(iterationInfo)) # Track optimization history previous = history[-1] if history else np.finfo(np.float32).max history.append(minLogLikelihoodTimesPrior) # Check for stop criteria relativeChange = np.abs((previous - minLogLikelihoodTimesPrior) / minLogLikelihoodTimesPrior) if maximalDeformation <= maximalDeformationStopCriterion or relativeChange < relativeChangeInCostStopCriterion: break # OK, we're done. Let's modify the mesh atlas in such a way that our computed mesh node positions are # assigned to what was originally the mesh warp corresponding to the first training subject self.mesh.alphas = self.originalAlphas self.meshCollection.set_positions(self.originalNodePositions, [self.mesh.points]) # Write the resulting atlas mesh to file in native atlas space. # This is nice because all we need to do is to modify imageDump_coregistered # with the T1-to-T2 transform to have the warped mesh in T2 space inverseTransform = samseg.gems.KvlTransform(np.asfortranarray(np.linalg.inv(self.transform.as_numpy_array))) self.meshCollection.transform(inverseTransform) self.meshCollection.write(self.warpedMeshFileName) def prepare_for_image_fitting(self, compute_hyps=True): """ Prepare the mesh collection, preprocessed image, reduced alphas, and estimated hyperparameters. """ # Make sure the subclass has computed the target image if self.processedImage is None: sf.system.fatal('All MeshModel subclasses must compute processedImage during preprocessing!') # Crop the image by the aligned atlas and compute the new mesh alignment self.workingImage, self.transform = self.crop_image_by_atlas(self.processedImage) # ATH for now let's squeeze the data, but will need to adapt something better # for multi-image cases down the road = np.asfortranarray( self.workingImageShape =[:3] # Read the atlas mesh from file, and apply the previously determined transform to the location of its nodes # ATH does this have to be re-read? self.meshCollection = samseg.gems.KvlMeshCollection() self.meshCollection.transform(self.transform) self.meshCollection.k = self.meshStiffness # Retrieve the correct mesh to use from the meshCollection self.mesh = self.meshCollection.get_mesh(0) # We're not interested in image areas that fall outside our cuboid ROI where our atlas is defined. Therefore, # generate a mask of what's inside the ROI. Also, by convention we're skipping all voxels with zero intensity. mask = (self.mesh.rasterize(self.workingImageShape).sum(-1) / 65535) > 0.99 if self.alphaMaskStrel > 0: mask = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_erosion(mask, utils.spherical_strel(self.alphaMaskStrel), border_value=1) mask = np.asfortranarray(mask & ( > 0)) # Apply the mask to the image we're analyzing by setting the intensity of all voxels not belonging # to the brain mask to zero. This will automatically discard those voxels in subsequent C++ routines, as # voxels with intensity zero are simply skipped in the computations. self.workingMask =[mask == 0] = 0 # Let's do this to make results more similar to the matlab version self.maskIndices = np.unravel_index(np.where(mask.flatten(order='F')), self.workingImageShape, order='F') # Write the initial and cropped/masked images for debugging purposes if self.debug:, 'processedImage.mgz')), 'processedImageMasked.mgz')), 'processedImageMask.mgz')) # Compute the Gaussian label groups labelGroups = self.get_label_groups() self.sameGaussianParameters = self.label_group_names_to_indices(labelGroups) # Compute the reduced alphas self.reducedAlphas, self.reducingLookupTable = self.reduce_alphas(self.sameGaussianParameters) self.mesh.alphas = self.reducedAlphas if compute_hyps: # Compute the hyperparameters self.meanHyper, self.nHyper = self.get_gaussian_hyps(self.sameGaussianParameters, self.mesh) # Init empty means and variances self.means = None self.variances = None def fit_mesh_to_image(self): """ Fit mesh to the image data. """ # Just get the original image buffer (array) and convert to a Kvl image object imageBuffer ='K') image = samseg.gems.KvlImage(samseg.utilities.requireNumpyArray(imageBuffer)) # Useful to have cached numMaskIndices = self.maskIndices[0].shape[-1] numberOfClasses = len(self.sameGaussianParameters) # Multi-resolution loop numberOfMultiResolutionLevels = len(self.meshSmoothingSigmas) for multiResolutionLevel in range(numberOfMultiResolutionLevels): if self.isLong: self.mesh = self.meshCollection.get_mesh(0) # Special case when we want to recompute reduced alphas for a second-component # Note: how should we deal with more than one component during longitudinal global iterations? if self.useTwoComponents and multiResolutionLevel == 1: # Get second component label groups labelGroups = self.get_second_label_groups() self.sameGaussianParameters = self.label_group_names_to_indices(labelGroups) numberOfClasses = len(self.sameGaussianParameters) self.reducedAlphas, self.reducingLookupTable = self.reduce_alphas(self.sameGaussianParameters) self.mesh.alphas = self.reducedAlphas # Compute new Gaussian hyperparameters self.meanHyper, self.nHyper = self.get_second_gaussian_hyps(self.sameGaussianParameters, self.meanHyper, self.nHyper) # Reset means and variances to be computed self.means = None self.variances = None # Set the mesh alphas back # ATH is this necessary though? self.mesh.alphas = self.reducedAlphas # Smooth the mesh using a Gaussian kernel meshSmoothingSigma = self.meshSmoothingSigmas[multiResolutionLevel] if meshSmoothingSigma > 0: print(f'Smoothing mesh collection with kernel size {meshSmoothingSigma:.4f}') self.meshCollection.smooth(meshSmoothingSigma) # Smooth the image using a Gaussian kernel imageSigma = self.imageSmoothingSigmas[multiResolutionLevel] if imageSigma > 0: raise NotImplementedError('Image smoothing not implemented yet!') # ATH this is in case the above smoothing only sets the buffer, but this should be removed # really since it's not necessary if things are correctly implemented image = samseg.gems.KvlImage(samseg.utilities.requireNumpyArray(imageBuffer)) # Now with this smoothed atlas, we're ready for the real work. There are essentially two sets of parameters # to estimate in our generative model: (1) the mesh node locations (parameters of the prior), and (2) the # means and variances of the Gaussian intensity models (parameters of the # likelihood function, which is really a hugely simplistic model of the MR imaging process). Let's optimize # these two sets alternately until convergence. positionUpdatingMaximumNumberOfIterations = 30 maximumNumberOfIterations = self.maxIterations[multiResolutionLevel] historyOfCost = [] for iterationNumber in range(maximumNumberOfIterations): print(f'Iteration {iterationNumber + 1} of {maximumNumberOfIterations}') # Part I: estimate Gaussian mean and variances using EM # Get the priors as dictated by the current mesh position as well as the image intensities data = imageBuffer[self.maskIndices] # Avoid spike in memory during the posterior computation priors = np.zeros((numMaskIndices, numberOfClasses), dtype='uint16') for l in range(numberOfClasses): priors[:, l] = self.mesh.rasterize(self.workingImageShape, l)[self.maskIndices] posteriors = priors / 65535 # Start EM iterations. Initialize the parameters if this is the first time ever you run this if (self.means is None) or (self.variances is None): self.means = np.zeros(numberOfClasses) self.variances = np.zeros(numberOfClasses) thresh = 1e-2 for classNumber in range(numberOfClasses): posterior = posteriors[:, classNumber] if np.sum(posterior) > thresh: mu = (self.meanHyper[classNumber] * self.nHyper[classNumber] + data @ posterior) / (self.nHyper[classNumber] + np.sum(posterior) + thresh) variance = (((data - mu) ** 2) @ posterior + self.nHyper[classNumber] * (mu - self.meanHyper[classNumber]) ** 2) / (np.sum(posterior) + thresh) self.means[classNumber] = mu self.variances[classNumber] = variance + thresh else: self.means[classNumber] = self.meanHyper[classNumber] self.variances[classNumber] = 100 # Prevents NaNs during the optimization self.variances[self.variances == 0] = 100 stopCriterionEM = 1e-5 historyOfEMCost = [] for EMIterationNumber in range(100): # E-step: compute the posteriors based on the current parameters minLogLikelihood = 0 for classNumber in range(numberOfClasses): mu = self.means[classNumber] variance = self.variances[classNumber] prior = priors[:, classNumber] / 65535 posteriors[:, classNumber] = (np.exp(-(data - mu) ** 2 / 2 / variance) * prior) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * variance) minLogLikelihood = minLogLikelihood + 0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * variance) - 0.5 * np.log(self.nHyper[classNumber]) + \ 0.5 * self.nHyper[classNumber] / variance * (mu - self.meanHyper[classNumber]) ** 2 normalizer = np.sum(posteriors, -1) + np.finfo(np.float32).eps posteriors /= normalizer[..., np.newaxis] minLogLikelihood = minLogLikelihood - np.sum(np.log(normalizer)) # This is what we're optimizing with EM if np.isnan(minLogLikelihood): sf.system.fatal('minLogLikelihood is NaN') # Log some iteration information iterationInfo = [ f'Res: {multiResolutionLevel + 1:03d}', f'Iter: {iterationNumber + 1:03d} | {EMIterationNumber + 1:03d}', f'MinLL: {minLogLikelihood:.4f}', ] print(' '.join(iterationInfo)) # Track EM history previous = historyOfEMCost[-1] if historyOfEMCost else np.finfo(np.float32).max historyOfEMCost.append(minLogLikelihood) # Check for convergence relativeChangeCost = (previous - minLogLikelihood) / minLogLikelihood if relativeChangeCost < stopCriterionEM: print('EM converged!') break # M-step: derive parameters from the posteriors # Update parameters of Gaussian mixture model thresh = 1e-2 for classNumber in range(numberOfClasses): posterior = posteriors[:, classNumber] if np.sum(posterior) > thresh: mu = (self.meanHyper[classNumber] * self.nHyper[classNumber] + data @ posterior) / (self.nHyper[classNumber] + np.sum(posterior) + thresh) variance = (((data - mu) ** 2) @ posterior + self.nHyper[classNumber] * (mu - self.meanHyper[classNumber]) ** 2) / (np.sum(posterior) + thresh) self.means[classNumber] = mu self.variances[classNumber] = variance + thresh else: self.means[classNumber] = self.meanHyper[classNumber] self.variances[classNumber] = 100 # Prevents NaNs during the optimization self.variances[self.variances == 0] = 100 # Part II: update the position of the mesh nodes for the current set of Gaussian parameters if self.isLong: self.mesh = self.meshCollection.get_mesh(0) # Keep track if the mesh has moved or not haveMoved = False # Note that it uses variances instead of precisions calculator = samseg.gems.KvlCostAndGradientCalculator( typeName='AtlasMeshToIntensityImage', images=[image], boundaryCondition='Sliding', transform=self.transform, means=self.means[..., np.newaxis], variances=self.variances[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis], mixtureWeights=np.ones(len(self.means), dtype='float32'), numberOfGaussiansPerClass=np.ones(len(self.means), dtype='int32')) # Get optimizer and plug calculator into it maximalDeformationStopCriterion = 1e-10 optimizationParameters = { 'Verbose': 0, 'MaximalDeformationStopCriterion': maximalDeformationStopCriterion, 'LineSearchMaximalDeformationIntervalStopCriterion': 1e-10, 'MaximumNumberOfIterations': 1000, 'BFGS-MaximumMemoryLength': 12 } optimizer = samseg.gems.KvlOptimizer(self.optimizerType, self.mesh, calculator, optimizationParameters) for positionUpdatingIterationNumber in range(positionUpdatingMaximumNumberOfIterations): # Calculate a good step minLogLikelihoodTimesPrior, maximalDeformation = optimizer.step_optimizer_samseg() # Log optimization information iterationInfo = [ f'Res: {multiResolutionLevel + 1:03d}', f'Iter: {iterationNumber + 1:03d} | {positionUpdatingIterationNumber + 1:03d}', f'MaxDef: {maximalDeformation:.4f}', f'MinLLxP: {minLogLikelihoodTimesPrior:.4f}', ] print(' '.join(iterationInfo)) if np.isnan(minLogLikelihoodTimesPrior): print('error: minLogLikelihoodTimesPrior is NaN') if maximalDeformation > 0: haveMoved = True # Check if we need to stop if maximalDeformation <= maximalDeformationStopCriterion: print('maximalDeformation is too small - stopping') break # Keep track of the cost function we're optimizing previous = historyOfCost[-1] if historyOfCost else np.finfo(np.float32).max historyOfCost.append(minLogLikelihoodTimesPrior) # Determine if we should stop the overall iterations over the two set of parameters if not haveMoved or (((previous - minLogLikelihoodTimesPrior) / minLogLikelihoodTimesPrior) < 1e-6): break def extract_segmentation(self): """ Extract discrete labels and volumes from the fit mesh. """ # First, undo the collapsing of several structures into super-structures self.mesh.alphas = self.originalAlphas numberOfClasses = self.originalAlphas.shape[-1] numMaskIndices = self.maskIndices[0].shape[-1] # Compute normalized posteriors imgdata =[self.maskIndices] posteriors = np.zeros((numMaskIndices, numberOfClasses), dtype='float32') for classNumber in range(numberOfClasses): prior = self.mesh.rasterize(self.workingImageShape, classNumber) mu = self.means[self.reducingLookupTable[classNumber]] variance = self.variances[self.reducingLookupTable[classNumber]] posteriors[:, classNumber] = (np.exp(-(imgdata - mu) ** 2 / 2 / variance) * (prior[self.maskIndices] / 65535)) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * variance) normalizer = np.sum(posteriors, -1) + np.finfo(np.float32).eps posteriors /= normalizer[..., np.newaxis] posteriors = np.round(posteriors * 65535).astype('uint16') if self.debug: # Write the resulting atlas mesh to file for future reference self.meshCollection.write(os.path.join(self.tempDir, 'finalWarpedMesh.txt')) # Also write the warped mesh in atlas space inverseTransform = samseg.gems.KvlTransform(np.asfortranarray(np.linalg.inv(self.transform.as_numpy_array))) self.meshCollection.transform(inverseTransform) self.meshCollection.write(os.path.join(self.tempDir, 'finalWarpedMeshNoAffine.txt')) # Here we do a memory efficient computation of discrete labels and volumes self.volumes = {} inds = np.zeros(self.workingImageShape, dtype='int32') for i in range(numberOfClasses): if i == 0: sillyAlphas = np.zeros((len(self.originalAlphas), 2), dtype='float32') sillyAlphas[:, 0] = self.originalAlphas[:, 0] sillyAlphas[:, 1] = 1 - sillyAlphas[:, 0] self.mesh.alphas = sillyAlphas post = self.mesh.rasterize(self.workingImageShape)[..., 0] self.mesh.alphas = self.originalAlphas else: post = self.mesh.rasterize(self.workingImageShape, i) post[self.maskIndices] = posteriors[:, i] if i == 0: max_post = post else: M = post > max_post inds[M] = i max_post[M] = post[M] # Compute volume self.volumes[self.names[i]] = (self.resolution ** 3) * (post.sum() / 65535) # Compute all discrete labels and mask self.discreteLabels =[inds]) self.discreteLabels[self.workingMask == 0] = 0 lut_filename = os.path.join(os.environ.get('FREESURFER_HOME'), 'FreeSurferColorLUT.txt') self.discreteLabels.labels = sf.load_label_lookup(lut_filename) if self.debug:, 'discreteLabelsAll.mgz')) def write_volumes(self, filename, volumes=None): """ Write the cached volume dictionary to a text file. """ if volumes is None: volumes = self.volumes with open(filename, 'w') as file: for name, volume in volumes.items(): file.write(f'{name} {volume:.6f}\n') def postprocess_segmentation(self): """ This function should perform any necessary modifications to and write the discreteLabels segmentation and labelVolumes. """ raise NotImplementedError('A MeshModel subclass must implement the postprocess_segmentation() function!') def get_cheating_label_groups(self): """ This function should return a group (list of lists) of label names that determine the class reductions for the initial segmentation-fitting stage. """ raise NotImplementedError('A MeshModel subclass must implement the get_cheating_label_groups() function!') def get_cheating_gaussians(self, sameGaussianParameters): """ This function should return a tuple of (means, variances) for the initial segmentation-fitting stage. """ raise NotImplementedError('A MeshModel subclass must implement the get_cheating_gaussians() function!') def get_label_groups(self): """ This function should return a group (list of lists) of label names that determine the class reductions for the primary image-fitting stage. """ raise NotImplementedError('A MeshModel subclass must implement the get_label_groups() function!') def get_gaussian_hyps(self, sameGaussianParameters, mesh): """ This function should return a tuple of (meanHyps, nHyps) for Gaussian parameter estimation. """ raise NotImplementedError('A MeshModel subclass must implement the get_gaussian_hyps() function!') def get_second_label_groups(self): """ This optional function should return a group (list of lists) of label names that determine the class reductions for the second-component of the primary image-fitting stage. """ raise NotImplementedError('A two-component MeshModel must implement the get_second_label_groups() function!') def get_second_gaussian_hyps(self, sameGaussianParameters, meanHyper, nHyper): """ This optional function should return a tuple of (meanHyps, nHyps) for Gaussian parameter estimation in the second-component of the primary image-fitting stage. """ raise NotImplementedError('A two-component MeshModel must implement the get_second_gaussian_hyps() function!')