Computer Modern PostScript Fonts (Adobe Type 1 format) 2001/06/06 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The PostScript Type 1 implementation of the Computer Modern fonts produced by and previously distributed by Blue Sky Research and Y&Y, Inc. are now freely available for general use. This has been accomplished through the cooperation of a consortium of scientific publishers with Blue Sky Research and Y&Y. Members of this consortium include: Elsevier Science IBM Corporation Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Springer-Verlag American Mathematical Society (AMS) In order to assure the authenticity of these fonts, copyright will be held by the American Mathematical Society. This is not meant to restrict in any way the legitimate use of the fonts, such as (but not limited to) electronic distribution of documents containing these fonts, inclusion of these fonts into other public domain or commercial font collections or computer applications, use of the outline data to create derivative fonts and/or faces, etc. However, the AMS does require that the AMS copyright notice be removed from any derivative versions of the fonts which have been altered in any way. In addition, to ensure the fidelity of TeX documents using Computer Modern fonts, Professor Donald Knuth, creator of the Computer Modern faces, has requested that any alterations which yield different font metrics be given a different name. The AMS does not provide technical support or installation assistance beyond any installation instructions included in this file. Installation and use of these fonts may require some technical expertise. Review this README file in its entirety before undertaking an installation. The fonts are available in Macintosh and PFB (binary Type 1) outline formats. Users requiring the fonts in PFA form should convert them with the aid of one of the following tools, available from CTAN: - fonts/utilities/ps2mf/pfb2pfa - fonts/utilities/ps2pk/ps2pk15/misc/pfb2pfa - systems/msdos/4alltex/diskp1/ The canonical version of the Computer Modern PostScript Fonts is located on the AMS server which can be reached either by FTP or via the Web: ftp in /pub/tex/psfonts/cm These fonts are also available on the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) in fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky. This distribution does not contain the TFM files that are necessary to use the fonts with TeX; the TFM files can be obtained from CTAN, in fonts/cm/tfm. The file "cmsample.tex" which is included in this distribution includes samples of all of the fonts in the collection. Once you have installed the fonts, you may typeset this file in Plain TeX to test your font installation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation Instructions for Windows Please make sure that you have a fairly recent version of ATM (at least version 2.5). If you are not using font management software: To install the outline fonts for use in Windows, open the ATM control panel and select "Add". Choose the fonts from the "pfmfiles" subdirectory of the "Fonts" directory in this distribution which you wish to install. You can select several fonts at once by holding the control key while clicking on font names, or you can hold the mouse button down and drag the cursor to select arange of fonts. After selecting the fonts, click "Add". If you are using font management software, please follow follow the instructions that came with the software to install the fonts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using the CM fonts in Adobe Type 1 format with TeX: The CM fonts in Adobe Type 1 format have exactly the same metrics as corresponding bitmapped CM fonts, hence the same TFM files are used by TeX. TeX concerns itself only with metric information --- which is contained entirely in the TFM file. The same DVI file is used for CM fonts in Adobe Type 1 format as for corresponding bitmapped CM fonts in PK format. The DVI processor (previewer or printer driver), however, has to be able to deal with fonts in Adobe Type 1 format (referred to as `PostScript' fonts by some). How this works is a function of which DVI processor is being used. Read the manual for your DVI processor(s), for example XDVI, dvips, DVIPSONE, DVIWindo.