#$Id: WMParcStatsLUT.txt,v 1.1 2010/03/12 23:12:48 greve Exp $ # # This lists all the wm parcellation ROIs. It is used in the recon-all # call to mri_segstats so that only the wmparc ROIs are reported. This # includes the wm parcs for a2009s as well. # #No. Label Name: R G B A 3000 wm-lh-unknown 230 250 230 0 3001 wm-lh-bankssts 230 155 215 0 3002 wm-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate 130 155 95 0 3003 wm-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal 155 230 255 0 3004 wm-lh-corpuscallosum 135 185 205 0 3005 wm-lh-cuneus 35 235 155 0 3006 wm-lh-entorhinal 35 235 245 0 3007 wm-lh-fusiform 75 35 115 0 3008 wm-lh-inferiorparietal 35 195 35 0 3009 wm-lh-inferiortemporal 75 215 135 0 3010 wm-lh-isthmuscingulate 115 235 115 0 3011 wm-lh-lateraloccipital 235 225 115 0 3012 wm-lh-lateralorbitofrontal 220 180 205 0 3013 wm-lh-lingual 30 115 115 0 3014 wm-lh-medialorbitofrontal 55 220 180 0 3015 wm-lh-middletemporal 95 155 205 0 3016 wm-lh-parahippocampal 235 35 195 0 3017 wm-lh-paracentral 195 35 195 0 3018 wm-lh-parsopercularis 35 75 115 0 3019 wm-lh-parsorbitalis 235 155 205 0 3020 wm-lh-parstriangularis 35 195 235 0 3021 wm-lh-pericalcarine 135 155 195 0 3022 wm-lh-postcentral 35 235 235 0 3023 wm-lh-posteriorcingulate 35 75 35 0 3024 wm-lh-precentral 195 235 35 0 3025 wm-lh-precuneus 95 115 75 0 3026 wm-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate 175 235 115 0 3027 wm-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal 180 205 130 0 3028 wm-lh-superiorfrontal 235 35 95 0 3029 wm-lh-superiorparietal 235 75 115 0 3030 wm-lh-superiortemporal 115 35 35 0 3031 wm-lh-supramarginal 175 95 235 0 3032 wm-lh-frontalpole 155 255 155 0 3033 wm-lh-temporalpole 185 185 185 0 3034 wm-lh-transversetemporal 105 105 55 0 3035 wm-lh-insula 254 191 31 0 4000 wm-rh-unknown 230 250 230 0 4001 wm-rh-bankssts 230 155 215 0 4002 wm-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate 130 155 95 0 4003 wm-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal 155 230 255 0 4004 wm-rh-corpuscallosum 135 185 205 0 4005 wm-rh-cuneus 35 235 155 0 4006 wm-rh-entorhinal 35 235 245 0 4007 wm-rh-fusiform 75 35 115 0 4008 wm-rh-inferiorparietal 35 195 35 0 4009 wm-rh-inferiortemporal 75 215 135 0 4010 wm-rh-isthmuscingulate 115 235 115 0 4011 wm-rh-lateraloccipital 235 225 115 0 4012 wm-rh-lateralorbitofrontal 220 180 205 0 4013 wm-rh-lingual 30 115 115 0 4014 wm-rh-medialorbitofrontal 55 220 180 0 4015 wm-rh-middletemporal 95 155 205 0 4016 wm-rh-parahippocampal 235 35 195 0 4017 wm-rh-paracentral 195 35 195 0 4018 wm-rh-parsopercularis 35 75 115 0 4019 wm-rh-parsorbitalis 235 155 205 0 4020 wm-rh-parstriangularis 35 195 235 0 4021 wm-rh-pericalcarine 135 155 195 0 4022 wm-rh-postcentral 35 235 235 0 4023 wm-rh-posteriorcingulate 35 75 35 0 4024 wm-rh-precentral 195 235 35 0 4025 wm-rh-precuneus 95 115 75 0 4026 wm-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate 175 235 115 0 4027 wm-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal 180 205 130 0 4028 wm-rh-superiorfrontal 235 35 95 0 4029 wm-rh-superiorparietal 235 75 115 0 4030 wm-rh-superiortemporal 115 35 35 0 4031 wm-rh-supramarginal 175 95 235 0 4032 wm-rh-frontalpole 155 255 155 0 4033 wm-rh-temporalpole 185 185 185 0 4034 wm-rh-transversetemporal 105 105 55 0 4035 wm-rh-insula 254 191 31 0 3100 wm-lh-Unknown 0 0 0 0 3101 wm-lh-Corpus_callosum 50 50 50 0 3102 wm-lh-G_and_S_Insula_ONLY_AVERAGE 180 20 30 0 3103 wm-lh-G_cingulate-Isthmus 60 25 25 0 3104 wm-lh-G_cingulate-Main_part 25 60 60 0 3105 wm-lh-G_cuneus 180 20 20 0 3106 wm-lh-G_frontal_inf-Opercular_part 220 20 100 0 3107 wm-lh-G_frontal_inf-Orbital_part 140 60 60 0 3108 wm-lh-G_frontal_inf-Triangular_part 180 220 140 0 3109 wm-lh-G_frontal_middle 140 100 180 0 3110 wm-lh-G_frontal_superior 180 20 140 0 3111 wm-lh-G_frontomarginal 140 20 140 0 3112 wm-lh-G_insular_long 21 10 10 0 3113 wm-lh-G_insular_short 225 140 140 0 3114 wm-lh-G_and_S_occipital_inferior 23 60 180 0 3115 wm-lh-G_occipital_middle 180 60 180 0 3116 wm-lh-G_occipital_superior 20 220 60 0 3117 wm-lh-G_occipit-temp_lat-Or_fusiform 60 20 140 0 3118 wm-lh-G_occipit-temp_med-Lingual_part 220 180 140 0 3119 wm-lh-G_occipit-temp_med-Parahippocampal_part 65 100 20 0 3120 wm-lh-G_orbital 220 60 20 0 3121 wm-lh-G_paracentral 60 100 60 0 3122 wm-lh-G_parietal_inferior-Angular_part 20 60 220 0 3123 wm-lh-G_parietal_inferior-Supramarginal_part 100 100 60 0 3124 wm-lh-G_parietal_superior 220 180 220 0 3125 wm-lh-G_postcentral 20 180 140 0 3126 wm-lh-G_precentral 60 140 180 0 3127 wm-lh-G_precuneus 25 20 140 0 3128 wm-lh-G_rectus 20 60 100 0 3129 wm-lh-G_subcallosal 60 220 20 0 3130 wm-lh-G_subcentral 60 20 220 0 3131 wm-lh-G_temporal_inferior 220 220 100 0 3132 wm-lh-G_temporal_middle 180 60 60 0 3133 wm-lh-G_temp_sup-G_temp_transv_and_interm_S 60 60 220 0 3134 wm-lh-G_temp_sup-Lateral_aspect 220 60 220 0 3135 wm-lh-G_temp_sup-Planum_polare 65 220 60 0 3136 wm-lh-G_temp_sup-Planum_tempolare 25 140 20 0 3137 wm-lh-G_and_S_transverse_frontopolar 13 0 250 0 3138 wm-lh-Lat_Fissure-ant_sgt-ramus_horizontal 61 20 220 0 3139 wm-lh-Lat_Fissure-ant_sgt-ramus_vertical 61 20 60 0 3140 wm-lh-Lat_Fissure-post_sgt 61 60 100 0 3141 wm-lh-Medial_wall 25 25 25 0 3142 wm-lh-Pole_occipital 140 20 60 0 3143 wm-lh-Pole_temporal 220 180 20 0 3144 wm-lh-S_calcarine 63 180 180 0 3145 wm-lh-S_central 221 20 10 0 3146 wm-lh-S_central_insula 21 220 20 0 3147 wm-lh-S_cingulate-Main_part_and_Intracingulate 183 100 20 0 3148 wm-lh-S_cingulate-Marginalis_part 221 20 100 0 3149 wm-lh-S_circular_insula_anterior 221 60 140 0 3150 wm-lh-S_circular_insula_inferior 221 20 220 0 3151 wm-lh-S_circular_insula_superior 61 220 220 0 3152 wm-lh-S_collateral_transverse_ant 100 200 200 0 3153 wm-lh-S_collateral_transverse_post 10 200 200 0 3154 wm-lh-S_frontal_inferior 221 220 20 0 3155 wm-lh-S_frontal_middle 141 20 100 0 3156 wm-lh-S_frontal_superior 61 220 100 0 3157 wm-lh-S_frontomarginal 21 220 60 0 3158 wm-lh-S_intermedius_primus-Jensen 141 60 20 0 3159 wm-lh-S_intraparietal-and_Parietal_transverse 143 20 220 0 3160 wm-lh-S_occipital_anterior 61 20 180 0 3161 wm-lh-S_occipital_middle_and_Lunatus 101 60 220 0 3162 wm-lh-S_occipital_superior_and_transversalis 21 20 140 0 3163 wm-lh-S_occipito-temporal_lateral 221 140 20 0 3164 wm-lh-S_occipito-temporal_medial_and_S_Lingual 141 100 220 0 3165 wm-lh-S_orbital-H_shapped 101 20 20 0 3166 wm-lh-S_orbital_lateral 221 100 20 0 3167 wm-lh-S_orbital_medial-Or_olfactory 181 200 20 0 3168 wm-lh-S_paracentral 21 180 140 0 3169 wm-lh-S_parieto_occipital 101 100 180 0 3170 wm-lh-S_pericallosal 181 220 20 0 3171 wm-lh-S_postcentral 21 140 200 0 3172 wm-lh-S_precentral-Inferior-part 21 20 240 0 3173 wm-lh-S_precentral-Superior-part 21 20 200 0 3174 wm-lh-S_subcentral_ant 61 180 60 0 3175 wm-lh-S_subcentral_post 61 180 250 0 3176 wm-lh-S_suborbital 21 20 60 0 3177 wm-lh-S_subparietal 101 60 60 0 3178 wm-lh-S_supracingulate 21 220 220 0 3179 wm-lh-S_temporal_inferior 21 180 180 0 3180 wm-lh-S_temporal_superior 223 220 60 0 3181 wm-lh-S_temporal_transverse 221 60 60 0 4100 wm-rh-Unknown 0 0 0 0 4101 wm-rh-Corpus_callosum 50 50 50 0 4102 wm-rh-G_and_S_Insula_ONLY_AVERAGE 180 20 30 0 4103 wm-rh-G_cingulate-Isthmus 60 25 25 0 4104 wm-rh-G_cingulate-Main_part 25 60 60 0 4105 wm-rh-G_cuneus 180 20 20 0 4106 wm-rh-G_frontal_inf-Opercular_part 220 20 100 0 4107 wm-rh-G_frontal_inf-Orbital_part 140 60 60 0 4108 wm-rh-G_frontal_inf-Triangular_part 180 220 140 0 4109 wm-rh-G_frontal_middle 140 100 180 0 4110 wm-rh-G_frontal_superior 180 20 140 0 4111 wm-rh-G_frontomarginal 140 20 140 0 4112 wm-rh-G_insular_long 21 10 10 0 4113 wm-rh-G_insular_short 225 140 140 0 4114 wm-rh-G_and_S_occipital_inferior 23 60 180 0 4115 wm-rh-G_occipital_middle 180 60 180 0 4116 wm-rh-G_occipital_superior 20 220 60 0 4117 wm-rh-G_occipit-temp_lat-Or_fusiform 60 20 140 0 4118 wm-rh-G_occipit-temp_med-Lingual_part 220 180 140 0 4119 wm-rh-G_occipit-temp_med-Parahippocampal_part 65 100 20 0 4120 wm-rh-G_orbital 220 60 20 0 4121 wm-rh-G_paracentral 60 100 60 0 4122 wm-rh-G_parietal_inferior-Angular_part 20 60 220 0 4123 wm-rh-G_parietal_inferior-Supramarginal_part 100 100 60 0 4124 wm-rh-G_parietal_superior 220 180 220 0 4125 wm-rh-G_postcentral 20 180 140 0 4126 wm-rh-G_precentral 60 140 180 0 4127 wm-rh-G_precuneus 25 20 140 0 4128 wm-rh-G_rectus 20 60 100 0 4129 wm-rh-G_subcallosal 60 220 20 0 4130 wm-rh-G_subcentral 60 20 220 0 4131 wm-rh-G_temporal_inferior 220 220 100 0 4132 wm-rh-G_temporal_middle 180 60 60 0 4133 wm-rh-G_temp_sup-G_temp_transv_and_interm_S 60 60 220 0 4134 wm-rh-G_temp_sup-Lateral_aspect 220 60 220 0 4135 wm-rh-G_temp_sup-Planum_polare 65 220 60 0 4136 wm-rh-G_temp_sup-Planum_tempolare 25 140 20 0 4137 wm-rh-G_and_S_transverse_frontopolar 13 0 250 0 4138 wm-rh-Lat_Fissure-ant_sgt-ramus_horizontal 61 20 220 0 4139 wm-rh-Lat_Fissure-ant_sgt-ramus_vertical 61 20 60 0 4140 wm-rh-Lat_Fissure-post_sgt 61 60 100 0 4141 wm-rh-Medial_wall 25 25 25 0 4142 wm-rh-Pole_occipital 140 20 60 0 4143 wm-rh-Pole_temporal 220 180 20 0 4144 wm-rh-S_calcarine 63 180 180 0 4145 wm-rh-S_central 221 20 10 0 4146 wm-rh-S_central_insula 21 220 20 0 4147 wm-rh-S_cingulate-Main_part_and_Intracingulate 183 100 20 0 4148 wm-rh-S_cingulate-Marginalis_part 221 20 100 0 4149 wm-rh-S_circular_insula_anterior 221 60 140 0 4150 wm-rh-S_circular_insula_inferior 221 20 220 0 4151 wm-rh-S_circular_insula_superior 61 220 220 0 4152 wm-rh-S_collateral_transverse_ant 100 200 200 0 4153 wm-rh-S_collateral_transverse_post 10 200 200 0 4154 wm-rh-S_frontal_inferior 221 220 20 0 4155 wm-rh-S_frontal_middle 141 20 100 0 4156 wm-rh-S_frontal_superior 61 220 100 0 4157 wm-rh-S_frontomarginal 21 220 60 0 4158 wm-rh-S_intermedius_primus-Jensen 141 60 20 0 4159 wm-rh-S_intraparietal-and_Parietal_transverse 143 20 220 0 4160 wm-rh-S_occipital_anterior 61 20 180 0 4161 wm-rh-S_occipital_middle_and_Lunatus 101 60 220 0 4162 wm-rh-S_occipital_superior_and_transversalis 21 20 140 0 4163 wm-rh-S_occipito-temporal_lateral 221 140 20 0 4164 wm-rh-S_occipito-temporal_medial_and_S_Lingual 141 100 220 0 4165 wm-rh-S_orbital-H_shapped 101 20 20 0 4166 wm-rh-S_orbital_lateral 221 100 20 0 4167 wm-rh-S_orbital_medial-Or_olfactory 181 200 20 0 4168 wm-rh-S_paracentral 21 180 140 0 4169 wm-rh-S_parieto_occipital 101 100 180 0 4170 wm-rh-S_pericallosal 181 220 20 0 4171 wm-rh-S_postcentral 21 140 200 0 4172 wm-rh-S_precentral-Inferior-part 21 20 240 0 4173 wm-rh-S_precentral-Superior-part 21 20 200 0 4174 wm-rh-S_subcentral_ant 61 180 60 0 4175 wm-rh-S_subcentral_post 61 180 250 0 4176 wm-rh-S_suborbital 21 20 60 0 4177 wm-rh-S_subparietal 101 60 60 0 4178 wm-rh-S_supracingulate 21 220 220 0 4179 wm-rh-S_temporal_inferior 21 180 180 0 4180 wm-rh-S_temporal_superior 223 220 60 0 4181 wm-rh-S_temporal_transverse 221 60 60 0 5001 Left-UnsegmentedWhiteMatter 20 30 40 0 5002 Right-UnsegmentedWhiteMatter 20 30 40 0 13100 wm_lh_Unknown 0 0 0 0 13101 wm_lh_G_and_S_frontomargin 23 220 60 0 13102 wm_lh_G_and_S_occipital_inf 23 60 180 0 13103 wm_lh_G_and_S_paracentral 63 100 60 0 13104 wm_lh_G_and_S_subcentral 63 20 220 0 13105 wm_lh_G_and_S_transv_frontopol 13 0 250 0 13106 wm_lh_G_and_S_cingul-Ant 26 60 0 0 13107 wm_lh_G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant 26 60 75 0 13108 wm_lh_G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post 26 60 150 0 13109 wm_lh_G_cingul-Post-dorsal 25 60 250 0 13110 wm_lh_G_cingul-Post-ventral 60 25 25 0 13111 wm_lh_G_cuneus 180 20 20 0 13112 wm_lh_G_front_inf-Opercular 220 20 100 0 13113 wm_lh_G_front_inf-Orbital 140 60 60 0 13114 wm_lh_G_front_inf-Triangul 180 220 140 0 13115 wm_lh_G_front_middle 140 100 180 0 13116 wm_lh_G_front_sup 180 20 140 0 13117 wm_lh_G_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins 23 10 10 0 13118 wm_lh_G_insular_short 225 140 140 0 13119 wm_lh_G_occipital_middle 180 60 180 0 13120 wm_lh_G_occipital_sup 20 220 60 0 13121 wm_lh_G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor 60 20 140 0 13122 wm_lh_G_oc-temp_med-Lingual 220 180 140 0 13123 wm_lh_G_oc-temp_med-Parahip 65 100 20 0 13124 wm_lh_G_orbital 220 60 20 0 13125 wm_lh_G_pariet_inf-Angular 20 60 220 0 13126 wm_lh_G_pariet_inf-Supramar 100 100 60 0 13127 wm_lh_G_parietal_sup 220 180 220 0 13128 wm_lh_G_postcentral 20 180 140 0 13129 wm_lh_G_precentral 60 140 180 0 13130 wm_lh_G_precuneus 25 20 140 0 13131 wm_lh_G_rectus 20 60 100 0 13132 wm_lh_G_subcallosal 60 220 20 0 13133 wm_lh_G_temp_sup-G_T_transv 60 60 220 0 13134 wm_lh_G_temp_sup-Lateral 220 60 220 0 13135 wm_lh_G_temp_sup-Plan_polar 65 220 60 0 13136 wm_lh_G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo 25 140 20 0 13137 wm_lh_G_temporal_inf 220 220 100 0 13138 wm_lh_G_temporal_middle 180 60 60 0 13139 wm_lh_Lat_Fis-ant-Horizont 61 20 220 0 13140 wm_lh_Lat_Fis-ant-Vertical 61 20 60 0 13141 wm_lh_Lat_Fis-post 61 60 100 0 13142 wm_lh_Medial_wall 25 25 25 0 13143 wm_lh_Pole_occipital 140 20 60 0 13144 wm_lh_Pole_temporal 220 180 20 0 13145 wm_lh_S_calcarine 63 180 180 0 13146 wm_lh_S_central 221 20 10 0 13147 wm_lh_S_cingul-Marginalis 221 20 100 0 13148 wm_lh_S_circular_insula_ant 221 60 140 0 13149 wm_lh_S_circular_insula_inf 221 20 220 0 13150 wm_lh_S_circular_insula_sup 61 220 220 0 13151 wm_lh_S_collat_transv_ant 100 200 200 0 13152 wm_lh_S_collat_transv_post 10 200 200 0 13153 wm_lh_S_front_inf 221 220 20 0 13154 wm_lh_S_front_middle 141 20 100 0 13155 wm_lh_S_front_sup 61 220 100 0 13156 wm_lh_S_interm_prim-Jensen 141 60 20 0 13157 wm_lh_S_intrapariet_and_P_trans 143 20 220 0 13158 wm_lh_S_oc_middle_and_Lunatus 101 60 220 0 13159 wm_lh_S_oc_sup_and_transversal 21 20 140 0 13160 wm_lh_S_occipital_ant 61 20 180 0 13161 wm_lh_S_oc-temp_lat 221 140 20 0 13162 wm_lh_S_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual 141 100 220 0 13163 wm_lh_S_orbital_lateral 221 100 20 0 13164 wm_lh_S_orbital_med-olfact 181 200 20 0 13165 wm_lh_S_orbital-H_Shaped 101 20 20 0 13166 wm_lh_S_parieto_occipital 101 100 180 0 13167 wm_lh_S_pericallosal 181 220 20 0 13168 wm_lh_S_postcentral 21 140 200 0 13169 wm_lh_S_precentral-inf-part 21 20 240 0 13170 wm_lh_S_precentral-sup-part 21 20 200 0 13171 wm_lh_S_suborbital 21 20 60 0 13172 wm_lh_S_subparietal 101 60 60 0 13173 wm_lh_S_temporal_inf 21 180 180 0 13174 wm_lh_S_temporal_sup 223 220 60 0 13175 wm_lh_S_temporal_transverse 221 60 60 0 14100 wm_rh_Unknown 0 0 0 0 14101 wm_rh_G_and_S_frontomargin 23 220 60 0 14102 wm_rh_G_and_S_occipital_inf 23 60 180 0 14103 wm_rh_G_and_S_paracentral 63 100 60 0 14104 wm_rh_G_and_S_subcentral 63 20 220 0 14105 wm_rh_G_and_S_transv_frontopol 13 0 250 0 14106 wm_rh_G_and_S_cingul-Ant 26 60 0 0 14107 wm_rh_G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Ant 26 60 75 0 14108 wm_rh_G_and_S_cingul-Mid-Post 26 60 150 0 14109 wm_rh_G_cingul-Post-dorsal 25 60 250 0 14110 wm_rh_G_cingul-Post-ventral 60 25 25 0 14111 wm_rh_G_cuneus 180 20 20 0 14112 wm_rh_G_front_inf-Opercular 220 20 100 0 14113 wm_rh_G_front_inf-Orbital 140 60 60 0 14114 wm_rh_G_front_inf-Triangul 180 220 140 0 14115 wm_rh_G_front_middle 140 100 180 0 14116 wm_rh_G_front_sup 180 20 140 0 14117 wm_rh_G_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins 23 10 10 0 14118 wm_rh_G_insular_short 225 140 140 0 14119 wm_rh_G_occipital_middle 180 60 180 0 14120 wm_rh_G_occipital_sup 20 220 60 0 14121 wm_rh_G_oc-temp_lat-fusifor 60 20 140 0 14122 wm_rh_G_oc-temp_med-Lingual 220 180 140 0 14123 wm_rh_G_oc-temp_med-Parahip 65 100 20 0 14124 wm_rh_G_orbital 220 60 20 0 14125 wm_rh_G_pariet_inf-Angular 20 60 220 0 14126 wm_rh_G_pariet_inf-Supramar 100 100 60 0 14127 wm_rh_G_parietal_sup 220 180 220 0 14128 wm_rh_G_postcentral 20 180 140 0 14129 wm_rh_G_precentral 60 140 180 0 14130 wm_rh_G_precuneus 25 20 140 0 14131 wm_rh_G_rectus 20 60 100 0 14132 wm_rh_G_subcallosal 60 220 20 0 14133 wm_rh_G_temp_sup-G_T_transv 60 60 220 0 14134 wm_rh_G_temp_sup-Lateral 220 60 220 0 14135 wm_rh_G_temp_sup-Plan_polar 65 220 60 0 14136 wm_rh_G_temp_sup-Plan_tempo 25 140 20 0 14137 wm_rh_G_temporal_inf 220 220 100 0 14138 wm_rh_G_temporal_middle 180 60 60 0 14139 wm_rh_Lat_Fis-ant-Horizont 61 20 220 0 14140 wm_rh_Lat_Fis-ant-Vertical 61 20 60 0 14141 wm_rh_Lat_Fis-post 61 60 100 0 14142 wm_rh_Medial_wall 25 25 25 0 14143 wm_rh_Pole_occipital 140 20 60 0 14144 wm_rh_Pole_temporal 220 180 20 0 14145 wm_rh_S_calcarine 63 180 180 0 14146 wm_rh_S_central 221 20 10 0 14147 wm_rh_S_cingul-Marginalis 221 20 100 0 14148 wm_rh_S_circular_insula_ant 221 60 140 0 14149 wm_rh_S_circular_insula_inf 221 20 220 0 14150 wm_rh_S_circular_insula_sup 61 220 220 0 14151 wm_rh_S_collat_transv_ant 100 200 200 0 14152 wm_rh_S_collat_transv_post 10 200 200 0 14153 wm_rh_S_front_inf 221 220 20 0 14154 wm_rh_S_front_middle 141 20 100 0 14155 wm_rh_S_front_sup 61 220 100 0 14156 wm_rh_S_interm_prim-Jensen 141 60 20 0 14157 wm_rh_S_intrapariet_and_P_trans 143 20 220 0 14158 wm_rh_S_oc_middle_and_Lunatus 101 60 220 0 14159 wm_rh_S_oc_sup_and_transversal 21 20 140 0 14160 wm_rh_S_occipital_ant 61 20 180 0 14161 wm_rh_S_oc-temp_lat 221 140 20 0 14162 wm_rh_S_oc-temp_med_and_Lingual 141 100 220 0 14163 wm_rh_S_orbital_lateral 221 100 20 0 14164 wm_rh_S_orbital_med-olfact 181 200 20 0 14165 wm_rh_S_orbital-H_Shaped 101 20 20 0 14166 wm_rh_S_parieto_occipital 101 100 180 0 14167 wm_rh_S_pericallosal 181 220 20 0 14168 wm_rh_S_postcentral 21 140 200 0 14169 wm_rh_S_precentral-inf-part 21 20 240 0 14170 wm_rh_S_precentral-sup-part 21 20 200 0 14171 wm_rh_S_suborbital 21 20 60 0 14172 wm_rh_S_subparietal 101 60 60 0 14173 wm_rh_S_temporal_inf 21 180 180 0 14174 wm_rh_S_temporal_sup 223 220 60 0 14175 wm_rh_S_temporal_transverse 221 60 60 0