This directory is the default location for subject data files. A different directory can be specified by setting the env var SUBJECTS_DIR prior to the 'source $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferEnv.csh' statement in your .cshrc file. Use the -i and -s flags in recon-all (see recon-all --help) to import subject data and automatically create a new subject directory. Two example input files are included, called sample-001.mgz and sample-002.mgz. Example usage of these files, to create a new subject, called 'ernie', and to run the first stage (averaging, intensity normalization and skull-strip) would be: recon-all -s ernie \ -i $SUBJECTS_DIR/sample-001.mgz \ -i $SUBJECTS_DIR/sample-002.mgz \ -autorecon1 Upon completion, you will find files in $SUBJECTS_DIR/ernie/mri: orig/001.mgz - output of 'mri_convert sample-001.mgz 001.mgz' * orig/002.mgz - output of 'mri_convert sample-002.mgz 002.mgz' * rawavg.mgz - average of 001.mgz and 002.mgz orig.mgz - rawavg.mgz conformed to 1^3mm dims by 256^3 voxels nu.mgz - MNI's nu_correct intensity normalization T1.mgz - Freesurfer's intensity normalization brainmask.mgz - skull-stripped T1.mgz * Note that the input files can be Dicom, or Analyze, or many other formats (see mri_convert --help). The -i flags are no longer necessary after this first run. They are used only to 'pull' your input data from wherever it is kept. For more info, see: