#!/bin/sh # viena_createpng # # Script to create png images for VIENA HTML report. # Uses FSL routines and has as input intermediates from VIENA calculation. # # # This code is released to the public domain. # # The VIENA modification of SIENA was implemented at the Department of Radiology of the VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands # Authors: Hugo Vrenken, Ingrid Sluimer, Veronica Popescu, Ronald van Schijndel and Adriaan Versteeg. # Questions or comments can be sent to: H.Vrenken@vumc.nl # # Neither the VU University Medical Center, the University of Oxford, nor any of # their employees imply any warranty of usefulness of this software # for any purpose, and do not assume any liability for damages, # incidental or otherwise, caused by any use of this document or software. A=A B=B # --- ventricle mask on inputs (halfway space) # ventricle mask in halfway space A to B # the range 0.9 3 gives red ${FSLDIR}/bin/overlay 0 0 -c \ ${A}_halfwayto_${B} -a \ ${A}_halfwayto_${B}_ventricle_region_bin 0.9 3 \ ${A}_halfwayto_${B}_ventricle_region_bin_grot ${FSLDIR}/bin/slicer ${A}_halfwayto_${B}_ventricle_region_bin_grot -a \ ${A}_halfwayto_${B}_ventricle_region_bin.png ${FSLDIR}/bin/imrm ${A}_halfwayto_${B}_ventricle_region_bin_grot # ventricle mask in halfway space B to A # the range 0.9 3 gives red ${FSLDIR}/bin/overlay 0 0 -c \ ${B}_halfwayto_${A} -a \ ${B}_halfwayto_${A}_ventricle_region_bin 0.9 3 \ ${B}_halfwayto_${A}_ventricle_region_bin_grot ${FSLDIR}/bin/slicer ${B}_halfwayto_${A}_ventricle_region_bin_grot -a \ ${B}_halfwayto_${A}_ventricle_region_bin.png ${FSLDIR}/bin/imrm ${B}_halfwayto_${A}_ventricle_region_bin_grot # --- flow within ventricle mask ${FSLDIR}/bin/fslmaths ${A}_to_${B}_flow_ventricles -mul -1 ${A}_to_${B}_flowneg_ventricles ${FSLDIR}/bin/overlay 0 0 \ ${A}_halfwayto_${B} -a \ ${A}_to_${B}_flow_ventricles 0.01 1 \ ${A}_to_${B}_flowneg_ventricles 0.01 1 \ ${A}_halfwayto_${B}_render_ventricles ${FSLDIR}/bin/slicer ${A}_halfwayto_${B}_render_ventricles \ -s 1 \ -x 0.4 ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}a.png \ -x 0.5 ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}b.png \ -x 0.6 ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}c.png \ -y 0.4 ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}d.png \ -y 0.5 ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}e.png \ -y 0.6 ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}f.png \ -z 0.4 ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}g.png \ -z 0.5 ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}h.png \ -z 0.6 ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}i.png ${FSLDIR}/bin/pngappend ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}a.png \ + ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}b.png \ + ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}c.png \ + ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}d.png \ + ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}e.png \ + ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}f.png \ + ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}g.png \ + ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}h.png \ + ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}i.png \ ${A}_halfwayto_${B}_render_ventricles.png /bin/rm ven_gr${A}_halfwayto_${B}?.??? ${FSLDIR}/bin/imrm ${A}_to_${B}_flowneg_ventricles ${A}_halfwayto_${B}_render_ventricles # --- end exit 0