3D Meshes

This mode has been added primarily to support rendering of the VTK mesh output generated by the FIRST tool. See the FIRST documentation for full details.

NB. It is possible to render any VTK mesh data using this mode and could be used to display arbitrary objects.

Using the toolbar buttons you can add a mesh to the scene(3) and start the Mesh Options dialog box(4) to modify how the mesh is displayed and, optionally, deformed.

The Mesh Options dialog box

Select the mesh(1) to be drawn.

Control the deformation(2) applied to the mesh. Meshes deform along the vector specified with each vertex. If no vectors are present then this control will have no effect.

Vary the mesh(3) opacity.

Show vectors(6). Each vector in the indicated vector range(5) will be rendered as an arrow scaled by it's length multiplied by the "Scale vectors" value(7) - default is 1.0.