//$$newmatrm.h rectangular matrix operations // Copyright (C) 1991,2,3,4: R B Davies #ifndef NEWMATRM_LIB #define NEWMATRM_LIB 0 #ifdef use_namespace namespace NEWMAT { #endif // operations on rectangular matrices class RectMatrixCol; class RectMatrixRowCol // a class for accessing rows and columns of rectangular matrices { protected: #ifdef use_namespace // to make namespace work public: #endif Real* store; // pointer to storage int n; // number of elements int spacing; // space between elements int shift; // space between cols or rows RectMatrixRowCol(Real* st, int nx, int sp, int sh) : store(st), n(nx), spacing(sp), shift(sh) {} void Reset(Real* st, int nx, int sp, int sh) { store=st; n=nx; spacing=sp; shift=sh; } public: Real operator*(const RectMatrixRowCol&) const; // dot product void AddScaled(const RectMatrixRowCol&, Real); // add scaled void Divide(const RectMatrixRowCol&, Real); // scaling void Divide(Real); // scaling void Negate(); // change sign void Zero(); // zero row col Real& operator[](int i) { return *(store+i*spacing); } // element Real SumSquare() const; // sum of squares Real& First() { return *store; } // get first element void DownDiag() { store += (shift+spacing); n--; } void UpDiag() { store -= (shift+spacing); n++; } friend void ComplexScale(RectMatrixCol&, RectMatrixCol&, Real, Real); friend void Rotate(RectMatrixCol&, RectMatrixCol&, Real, Real); FREE_CHECK(RectMatrixRowCol) }; class RectMatrixRow : public RectMatrixRowCol { public: RectMatrixRow(const Matrix&, int, int, int); RectMatrixRow(const Matrix&, int); void Reset(const Matrix&, int, int, int); void Reset(const Matrix&, int); Real& operator[](int i) { return *(store+i); } void Down() { store += shift; } void Right() { store++; n--; } void Up() { store -= shift; } void Left() { store--; n++; } FREE_CHECK(RectMatrixRow) }; class RectMatrixCol : public RectMatrixRowCol { public: RectMatrixCol(const Matrix&, int, int, int); RectMatrixCol(const Matrix&, int); void Reset(const Matrix&, int, int, int); void Reset(const Matrix&, int); void Down() { store += spacing; n--; } void Right() { store++; } void Up() { store -= spacing; n++; } void Left() { store--; } friend void ComplexScale(RectMatrixCol&, RectMatrixCol&, Real, Real); friend void Rotate(RectMatrixCol&, RectMatrixCol&, Real, Real); FREE_CHECK(RectMatrixCol) }; class RectMatrixDiag : public RectMatrixRowCol { public: RectMatrixDiag(const DiagonalMatrix& D) : RectMatrixRowCol(D.Store(), D.Nrows(), 1, 1) {} Real& operator[](int i) { return *(store+i); } void DownDiag() { store++; n--; } void UpDiag() { store--; n++; } FREE_CHECK(RectMatrixDiag) }; inline RectMatrixRow::RectMatrixRow (const Matrix& M, int row, int skip, int length) : RectMatrixRowCol( M.Store()+row*M.Ncols()+skip, length, 1, M.Ncols() ) {} inline RectMatrixRow::RectMatrixRow (const Matrix& M, int row) : RectMatrixRowCol( M.Store()+row*M.Ncols(), M.Ncols(), 1, M.Ncols() ) {} inline RectMatrixCol::RectMatrixCol (const Matrix& M, int skip, int col, int length) : RectMatrixRowCol( M.Store()+col+skip*M.Ncols(), length, M.Ncols(), 1 ) {} inline RectMatrixCol::RectMatrixCol (const Matrix& M, int col) : RectMatrixRowCol( M.Store()+col, M.Nrows(), M.Ncols(), 1 ) {} inline Real square(Real x) { return x*x; } inline Real sign(Real x, Real y) { return (y>=0) ? x : -x; } // assume x >=0 #ifdef use_namespace } #endif #endif // body file: newmatrm.cpp