/* Diffusion model fitting Timothy Behrens, Saad Jbabdi, Stam Sotiropoulos - FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 2005 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). 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You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ #include "Bingham_Watson_approx.h" #include "diffmodels.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////// // DIFFUSION TENSOR MODEL //////////////////////////////////////////////// void DTI::linfit(){ ColumnVector logS(npts); ColumnVector Dvec(7); for (int i=1;i<=npts; i++){ if(Y(i)>0) logS(i)=log(Y(i)); else logS(i)=0; } Dvec = -iAmat*logS; if(Dvec(7)>-23) m_s0=exp(-Dvec(7)); else m_s0=Y.MaximumAbsoluteValue(); for (int i=1;i<=Y.Nrows();i++){ if(m_s00.01 ? log(Y(i)):log(0.01*m_s0); } Dvec = -iAmat*logS; m_sse = (Amat*Dvec+logS).SumSquare(); m_s0=exp(-Dvec(7)); if(m_s00?std::log(m_l1):std::log(1e-5); start(3) = m_l2>0?std::log(m_l2):std::log(1e-5); start(4) = m_l3>0?std::log(m_l3):std::log(1e-5); // angles float th1,th2,th3; Matrix rot(3,3); rot.Row(1) = m_v1.t(); rot.Row(2) = m_v2.t(); rot.Row(3) = m_v3.t(); rot2angles(rot,th1,th2,th3); start(5) = th1; start(6) = th2; start(7) = th3; // do the fit NonlinParam lmpar(start.Nrows(),NL_LM); lmpar.SetGaussNewtonType(LM_L); lmpar.SetStartingEstimate(start); NonlinOut status; status = nonlin(lmpar,(*this)); ColumnVector final_par(nparams); final_par = lmpar.Par(); // finalise parameters m_s0 = final_par(1); m_l1 = exp(final_par(2)); m_l2 = exp(final_par(3)); m_l3 = exp(final_par(4)); angles2rot(final_par(5),final_par(6),final_par(7),rot); m_v1 = rot.Row(1).t(); m_v2 = rot.Row(2).t(); m_v3 = rot.Row(3).t(); sort(); m_tens << m_l1*m_v1*m_v1.t() + m_l2*m_v2*m_v2.t() + m_l3*m_v3*m_v3.t(); calc_tensor_parameters(); print(); //exit(1); } void DTI::sort(){ vector< pair > ls(3); vector vs(3); ls[0].first=m_l1; ls[0].second=0; ls[1].first=m_l2; ls[1].second=1; ls[2].first=m_l3; ls[2].second=2; vs[0]=m_v1;vs[1]=m_v2;vs[2]=m_v3; std::sort(ls.begin(),ls.end()); m_l1 = ls[2].first; m_v1 = vs[ ls[2].second ]; m_l2 = ls[1].first; m_v2 = vs[ ls[1].second ]; m_l3 = ls[0].first; m_v3 = vs[ ls[0].second ]; } void DTI::calc_tensor_parameters(){ Matrix Vd; DiagonalMatrix Dd(3); // mean, eigenvalues and eigenvectors EigenValues(m_tens,Dd,Vd); m_md = Dd.Sum()/Dd.Nrows(); m_l1 = Dd(3,3); m_l2 = Dd(2,2); m_l3 = Dd(1,1); m_v1 = Vd.Column(3); m_v2 = Vd.Column(2); m_v3 = Vd.Column(1); // mode float e1=m_l1-m_md, e2=m_l2-m_md, e3=m_l3-m_md; float n = (e1 + e2 - 2*e3)*(2*e1 - e2 - e3)*(e1 - 2*e2 + e3); float d = (e1*e1 + e2*e2 + e3*e3 - e1*e2 - e2*e3 - e1*e3); d = sqrt(bigger(0, d)); d = 2*d*d*d; m_mo = smaller(bigger(d ? n/d : 0.0, -1),1); // fa float numer=1.5*((m_l1-m_md)*(m_l1-m_md)+(m_l2-m_md)*(m_l2-m_md)+(m_l3-m_md)*(m_l3-m_md)); float denom=(m_l1*m_l1+m_l2*m_l2+m_l3*m_l3); if(denom>0) m_fa=numer/denom; else m_fa=0; if(m_fa>0){m_fa=sqrt(m_fa);} else{m_fa=0;} } // now the nonlinear fitting routines double DTI::cf(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p)const{ //cout << "CF" << endl; //OUT(p.t()); double cfv = 0.0; double err = 0.0; //////////////////////////////////// ColumnVector ls(3); Matrix rot(3,3); angles2rot(p(5),p(6),p(7),rot); for(int k=2;k<=4;k++){ ls(k-1) = exp(p(k)); } //////////////////////////////////// for(int i=1;i<=Y.Nrows();i++){ err = p(1)*anisoterm(i,ls,rot) - Y(i); cfv += err*err; } //OUT(cfv); //cout<<"--------"< DTI::hess(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p,boost::shared_ptr iptr)const{ boost::shared_ptr hessm; if (iptr && iptr->Nrows()==(unsigned int)p.Nrows() && iptr->Ncols()==(unsigned int)p.Nrows()) hessm = iptr; else hessm = boost::shared_ptr(new FullBFMatrix(p.Nrows(),p.Nrows())); cout<<"hess"<Set(i,j,sig); } } for (int j=1; j<=p.Nrows(); j++) { for (int i=j+1; i<=p.Nrows(); i++) { hessm->Set(i,j,hessm->Peek(j,i)); } } hessm->Print(); cout<<"------"<0?dti.get_md()*2:0.001); // empirically found that d~2*MD start(2) = d2lambda(dti.get_l1()>0?dti.get_l1():0.002); // empirically found that d~L1 start(4) = _th; start(5) = _ph; for(int ii=2,i=6;ii<=nfib;ii++,i+=3){ cart2sph(dti.get_v(ii),_th,_ph); start(i+1) = _th; start(i+2) = _ph; } // do a better job for initializing the volume fractions fit_pvf(start); // do the fit NonlinParam lmpar(start.Nrows(),NL_LM); lmpar.SetGaussNewtonType(LM_L); lmpar.SetStartingEstimate(start); NonlinOut status; status = nonlin(lmpar,(*this)); ColumnVector final_par(nparams); final_par = lmpar.Par(); if (m_eval_BIC){ double RSS=cf(final_par); //get the sum of squared residuals m_BIC=npts*log(RSS/npts)+log(npts)*nparams; //evaluate BIC } // finalise parameters m_s0 = final_par(1); m_d = lambda2d(final_par(2)); for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 3 + 3*(k-1); m_f(k) = beta2f(final_par(kk))*partial_fsum(m_f,k-1); m_th(k) = final_par(kk+1); m_ph(k) = final_par(kk+2); } if (m_return_fanning) Fanning_angles_from_Hessian(); if (m_include_f0) m_f0=beta2f(final_par(nparams))*partial_fsum(m_f,nfib); sort(); } void PVM_single_c::sort(){ vector< pair > fvals(nfib); ColumnVector ftmp(nfib),thtmp(nfib),phtmp(nfib),fantmp; vector Hess_vec_tmp; vector Hess; ftmp=m_f;thtmp=m_th;phtmp=m_ph; if (m_return_fanning){ fantmp=m_fanning_angles; Hess_vec_tmp=m_invprHes_e1; Hess=m_Hessian; } for(int i=1;i<=nfib;i++){ pair p(m_f(i),i); fvals[i-1] = p; } std::sort(fvals.begin(),fvals.end()); for(int i=1,ii=nfib-1;ii>=0;i++,ii--){ m_f(i) = ftmp(fvals[ii].second); m_th(i) = thtmp(fvals[ii].second); m_ph(i) = phtmp(fvals[ii].second); if (m_return_fanning){ m_fanning_angles(i)=fantmp(fvals[ii].second); m_invprHes_e1[i-1]=Hess_vec_tmp[fvals[ii].second-1]; m_Hessian[i-1]=Hess[fvals[ii].second-1]; } } } //Returns 1-Sum(f_j), 1<=j<=ii. (ii<=nfib) //Used for transforming beta to f and vice versa float PVM_single_c::partial_fsum(ColumnVector& fs, int ii) const{ float fsum=1.0; for(int j=1;j<=ii;j++) fsum-=fs(j); return fsum; } //If the sum of the fractions is >1, then zero as many fractions //as necessary, so that the sum becomes smaller than 1. void PVM_single_c::fix_fsum(ColumnVector& fs)const{ float sumf=0; for(int i=1;i<=nfib;i++){ sumf+=fs(i); if(sumf>=1){ for(int j=i;j<=nfib;j++) fs(j)=FSMALL; //make the fraction almost zero break; } } } //Find the volume fractions given all the other model //parameters using Linear Least Squares void PVM_single_c::fit_pvf(ColumnVector& x)const{ ColumnVector fs(nfib); ColumnVector Y_I(npts); Matrix M(npts,nfib),dir(3,nfib); float s0=x(1),d=lambda2d(x(2)), f0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 3+3*(k-1); dir(1,k) = sin(x(kk+1))*cos(x(kk+2)); dir(2,k) = sin(x(kk+1))*sin(x(kk+2)); dir(3,k) = cos(x(kk+1)); } //////////////////////////////////// for(int i=1;i<=npts;i++){ float Iso_term=isoterm(i,d); Y_I(i) = Y(i)-s0*Iso_term; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ M(i,k)=s0*(anisoterm(i,d,dir.Column(k))-Iso_term); } //if (m_include_f0) //M(i,f_num)=s0*(1-Iso_term); } fs = pinv(M)*Y_I; if (m_include_f0){ f0=FSMALL; fs(1)-=f0; //Initialize f0 with a very small value } for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++) fs(k)=fabs(fs(k)); //make sure that the initial values for the fractions are positive fix_fsum(fs); for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ float tmpr=fs(k)/partial_fsum(fs,k-1); if (tmpr>1.0) tmpr=1; //This can be due to numerical errors x(3+3*(k-1))=f2beta(tmpr); } if (m_include_f0){ float tmpr=f0/partial_fsum(fs,nfib); if (tmpr>1.0) tmpr=1; //This can be due to numerical errors x(nparams)=f2beta(tmpr); } } //Print the final estimates (after having them transformed) void PVM_single_c::print()const{ cout << "PVM (Single) FIT RESULTS " << endl; cout << "S0 :" << m_s0 << endl; cout << "D :" << m_d << endl; for(int i=1;i<=nfib;i++){ cout << "F" << i << " :" << m_f(i) << endl; ColumnVector x(3); x << sin(m_th(i))*cos(m_ph(i)) << sin(m_th(i))*sin(m_ph(i)) << cos(m_th(i)); if(x(3)<0)x=-x; float _th,_ph;cart2sph(x,_th,_ph); cout << "TH" << i << " :" << _th << endl; cout << "PH" << i << " :" << _ph << endl; cout << "DIR" << i << " : " << x(1) << " " << x(2) << " " << x(3) << endl; } if (m_include_f0) cout << "F0 :" << m_f0 << endl; if (m_eval_BIC) cout<< "BIC :"<1.0) tmpr=1; //This can be due to numerical errors p(i) = f2beta(tmpr); p(i+1) = m_th(ii); p(i+2) = m_ph(ii); } if (m_include_f0){ float tmpr=m_f0/partial_fsum(fs,nfib); if (tmpr>1.0) tmpr=1; //This can be due to numerical errors p(nparams)=f2beta(tmpr); } pred = forwardModel(p); pred.Release(); return pred; } NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix PVM_single_c::forwardModel(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p)const{ ColumnVector pred(npts); pred = 0; float val; float _d = lambda2d(p(2)); //////////////////////////////////// ColumnVector fs(nfib); Matrix x(nfib,3); float sumf=0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 3+3*(k-1); fs(k) = beta2f(p(kk))*partial_fsum(fs,k-1); sumf += fs(k); x(k,1) = sin(p(kk+1))*cos(p(kk+2)); x(k,2) = sin(p(kk+1))*sin(p(kk+2)); x(k,3) = cos(p(kk+1)); } //////////////////////////////////// for(int i=1;i<=Y.Nrows();i++){ val = 0.0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ val += fs(k)*anisoterm(i,_d,x.Row(k).t()); } if (m_include_f0){ float temp_f0=beta2f(p(nparams))*partial_fsum(fs,nfib); pred(i) = p(1)*(temp_f0+(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm(i,_d)+val); } else pred(i) = p(1)*((1-sumf)*isoterm(i,_d)+val); } pred.Release(); return pred; } //Cost Function, sum of squared residuals //assume that parameter values p are untransformed (e.g. need to transform them to get d, f's) double PVM_single_c::cf(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p)const{ //cout<<"CF"< PVM_single_c::hess(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p,boost::shared_ptr iptr)const{ //cout<<"HESS"< hessm; if (iptr && iptr->Nrows()==(unsigned int)p.Nrows() && iptr->Ncols()==(unsigned int)p.Nrows()) hessm = iptr; else hessm = boost::shared_ptr(new FullBFMatrix(p.Nrows(),p.Nrows())); float _d = lambda2d(p(2)); //////////////////////////////////// ColumnVector fs(nfib); ColumnVector bs(nfib); Matrix x(nfib,3);ColumnVector xx(3); ColumnVector yy(3); float sumf=0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 3+3*(k-1); bs(k)=p(kk); fs(k) = beta2f(p(kk))*partial_fsum(fs,k-1); sumf += fs(k); x(k,1) = sin(p(kk+1))*cos(p(kk+2)); x(k,2) = sin(p(kk+1))*sin(p(kk+2)); x(k,3) = cos(p(kk+1)); } //////////////////////////////////// Matrix f_deriv; f_deriv=fractions_deriv(nfib, fs, bs); Matrix J(npts,nparams); float sig, Iso_term; ColumnVector Aniso_terms(nfib); for(int i=1;i<=Y.Nrows();i++){ Iso_term=isoterm(i,_d); //Precompute some terms for this datapoint for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ xx = x.Row(k).t(); Aniso_terms(k)=anisoterm(i,_d,xx); } sig = 0; J.Row(i)=0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 3+3*(k-1); xx = x.Row(k).t(); sig += fs(k)*Aniso_terms(k); //Total signal // other stuff for derivatives // lambda (i.e. d) J(i,2) += p(1)*fs(k)*anisoterm_lambda(i,p(2),xx); // beta (i.e. f) J(i,kk)=0; for (int j=1; j<=nfib; j++){ if (f_deriv(j,k)!=0) J(i,kk) += p(1)*(Aniso_terms(j)-Iso_term)*f_deriv(j,k); } // th J(i,kk+1) = p(1)*fs(k)*anisoterm_th(i,_d,xx,p(kk+1),p(kk+2)); // ph J(i,kk+2) = p(1)*fs(k)*anisoterm_ph(i,_d,xx,p(kk+1),p(kk+2)); } if (m_include_f0){ float temp_f0=beta2f(p(nparams))*partial_fsum(fs,nfib); //derivative with respect to f0 J(i,nparams)= p(1)*(1-Iso_term)*sin(2*p(nparams))*partial_fsum(fs,nfib); sig=p(1)*(temp_f0+(1-sumf-temp_f0)*Iso_term+sig); J(i,2) += p(1)*(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm_lambda(i,p(2)); } else{ sig = p(1)*((1-sumf)*Iso_term+sig); J(i,2) += p(1)*(1-sumf)*isoterm_lambda(i,p(2)); //lambda } J(i,1) = sig/p(1); //S0 } for (int i=1; i<=p.Nrows(); i++){ for (int j=i; j<=p.Nrows(); j++){ sig = 0.0; for(int k=1;k<=J.Nrows();k++) sig += 2*(J(k,i)*J(k,j)); hessm->Set(i,j,sig); } } for (int j=1; j<=p.Nrows(); j++) { for (int i=j+1; i<=p.Nrows(); i++) { hessm->Set(i,j,hessm->Peek(j,i)); } } return(hessm); } //Once the model is fitted: For each fibre, compute a 3x3 Hessian of the Cost function at the cartesian (x,y,z) coordinates of the orientation, //evaluated at the estimated parameters. Return the second eigenvector of the (inverse) Hessian - No need to invert though! void PVM_single_c::eval_Hessian_at_peaks(){ vector V; ColumnVector temp_vec(3); float fiso=1,dot, Saniso,dSaniso_dx,dSaniso_dy,dSaniso_dz; ColumnVector S(npts), F(npts); Matrix dS_dx(npts,nfib), dS_dy(npts,nfib), dS_dz(npts,nfib); Matrix dS_dxdx(npts,nfib), dS_dydy(npts,nfib), dS_dzdz(npts,nfib), dS_dxdy(npts,nfib),dS_dxdz(npts,nfib),dS_dydz(npts,nfib); for (int n=1; n<=nfib; n++){ temp_vec<< cos(m_ph(n))*sin(m_th(n)) << sin(m_ph(n))*sin(m_th(n)) << cos(m_th(n)); V.push_back(temp_vec); fiso-=m_f(n); } for (int i=1; i<=npts; i++){ float bd=bvals(1,i)*m_d; S(i)=fiso*exp(-bd); for (int n=1; n<=nfib; n++){ dot=V[n-1](1)*bvecs(1,i)+V[n-1](2)*bvecs(2,i)+V[n-1](3)*bvecs(3,i); Saniso=exp(-bd*dot*dot); S(i)=S(i)+m_f(n)*Saniso; float dot1=-2*bd*dot*Saniso; float dot2=-2*bd*dot; float dot3=-2*bd*Saniso; float fS0=m_s0*m_f(n); //First Derivatives of the signal wrt x,y,z dSaniso_dx=dot1*bvecs(1,i); dSaniso_dy=dot1*bvecs(2,i); dSaniso_dz=dot1*bvecs(3,i); dS_dx(i,n)=fS0*dSaniso_dx; dS_dy(i,n)=fS0*dSaniso_dy; dS_dz(i,n)=fS0*dSaniso_dz; //Second Derivatives of the signal wrt x,y,z dS_dxdx(i,n)=fS0*bvecs(1,i)*(dSaniso_dx*dot2+dot3*bvecs(1,i)); dS_dydy(i,n)=fS0*bvecs(2,i)*(dSaniso_dy*dot2+dot3*bvecs(2,i)); dS_dzdz(i,n)=fS0*bvecs(3,i)*(dSaniso_dz*dot2+dot3*bvecs(3,i)); dS_dxdy(i,n)=fS0*bvecs(1,i)*(dSaniso_dy*dot2+dot3*bvecs(2,i)); dS_dxdz(i,n)=fS0*bvecs(1,i)*(dSaniso_dz*dot2+dot3*bvecs(3,i)); dS_dydz(i,n)=fS0*bvecs(2,i)*(dSaniso_dz*dot2+dot3*bvecs(3,i)); } F(i)=Y(i)-m_s0*S(i); } for (int n=1; n<=nfib; n++){ //For each fibre, compute the Hessian matrix of the cost function at (x,y,z) SymmetricMatrix H(3); H=0; for (int i=1; i<=npts; i++){ H(1,1)-=dS_dx(i,n)*dS_dx(i,n)-F(i)*dS_dxdx(i,n); H(2,2)-=dS_dy(i,n)*dS_dy(i,n)-F(i)*dS_dydy(i,n); H(3,3)-=dS_dz(i,n)*dS_dz(i,n)-F(i)*dS_dzdz(i,n); H(1,2)-=dS_dx(i,n)*dS_dy(i,n)-F(i)*dS_dxdy(i,n); H(1,3)-=dS_dx(i,n)*dS_dz(i,n)-F(i)*dS_dxdz(i,n); H(2,3)-=dS_dy(i,n)*dS_dz(i,n)-F(i)*dS_dydz(i,n); } H=-2*H; m_Hessian.push_back(H); //store the Hessian } } //For each fibre, get the projection of the inverse Hessian to the fanning plane. //Its first eigenvector will be utilized to get a fanning angle in [0,pi). void PVM_single_c::Fanning_angles_from_Hessian(){ Matrix Rth(3,3), Rph(3,3), R(3,3), H, A(3,3), P(3,3), E; DiagonalMatrix L; SymmetricMatrix Q(3); ColumnVector e1(3),vfib(3),v2(3),v3(3); eval_Hessian_at_peaks(); //Compute the Hessian for each fibre orientation //Then project the inverse Hessian to the fanning plane (perpendicular to the orientation) and obtain its first eigenvector for (int n=1; n<=nfib; n++){ //For each fitted fibre P << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1; H=m_Hessian[n-1]; float sinth=sin(m_th(n)), costh=cos(m_th(n)); float sinph=sin(m_ph(n)), cosph=cos(m_ph(n)); vfib<< sinth*cosph << sinth*sinph << costh; //Corresponding fibre orientation //Define two vectors that are orthogonal to vfib if (vfib(1)==0 && vfib(2)==0) //then, we have a [0 0 1] orientation v2<< 1 << 0 << 0; else v2 << vfib(2) << -vfib(1) << 0; //define v2, so that vfib*v2=0; float mag=sqrt(v2(1)*v2(1)+v2(2)*v2(2)+v2(3)*v2(3)); v2=v2/mag; v3 << vfib(2)*v2(3)-vfib(3)*v2(2) << vfib(3)*v2(1)-vfib(1)*v2(3) << vfib(1)*v2(2)-vfib(2)*v2(1); //Now get the cross product //Define a Projection Matrix to the plane perpendicular to the fibre orientation vfib A.Row(1)<0?dti.get_md()*2:0.001; // empirically found that d~2*MD start(2) = dti.get_l1()>0?dti.get_l1():0.002; // empirically found that d~L1 start(3) = dti.get_fa()<1?f2x(dti.get_fa()):f2x(0.95); // first pvf = FA start(4) = _th; start(5) = _ph; float sumf=x2f(start(3)); float tmpsumf=sumf; for(int ii=2,i=6;ii<=nfib;ii++,i+=3){ float denom=2; do{ start(i) = f2x(x2f(start(i-3))/denom); denom *= 2; tmpsumf = sumf + x2f(start(i)); }while(tmpsumf>=1); sumf += x2f(start(i)); cart2sph(dti.get_v(ii),_th,_ph); start(i+1) = _th; start(i+2) = _ph; } if (m_include_f0) start(nparams)=f2x(FSMALL); // do the fit NonlinParam lmpar(start.Nrows(),NL_LM); lmpar.SetGaussNewtonType(LM_L); lmpar.SetStartingEstimate(start); NonlinOut status; status = nonlin(lmpar,(*this)); ColumnVector final_par(nparams); final_par = lmpar.Par(); // finalise parameters m_s0 = final_par(1); m_d = std::abs(final_par(2)); for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 3 + 3*(k-1); m_f(k) = x2f(final_par(kk)); m_th(k) = final_par(kk+1); m_ph(k) = final_par(kk+2); } if (m_include_f0) m_f0=x2f(final_par(nparams)); sort(); fix_fsum(); } void PVM_single::sort(){ vector< pair > fvals(nfib); ColumnVector ftmp(nfib),thtmp(nfib),phtmp(nfib); ftmp=m_f;thtmp=m_th;phtmp=m_ph; for(int i=1;i<=nfib;i++){ pair p(m_f(i),i); fvals[i-1] = p; } std::sort(fvals.begin(),fvals.end()); for(int i=1,ii=nfib-1;ii>=0;i++,ii--){ m_f(i) = ftmp(fvals[ii].second); m_th(i) = thtmp(fvals[ii].second); m_ph(i) = phtmp(fvals[ii].second); } } void PVM_single::fix_fsum(){ float sumf=0; if (m_include_f0) sumf=m_f0; for(int i=1;i<=nfib;i++){ sumf+=m_f(i); if(sumf>=1){for(int j=i;j<=nfib;j++)m_f(j)=FSMALL; break;} } } ReturnMatrix PVM_single::get_prediction()const{ ColumnVector pred(npts); ColumnVector p(nparams); p(1) = m_s0; p(2) = m_d; for(int i=3,ii=1;ii<=nfib;i+=3,ii++){ p(i) = f2x(m_f(ii)); p(i+1) = m_th(ii); p(i+2) = m_ph(ii); } if (m_include_f0) p(nparams)=f2x(m_f0); pred = forwardModel(p); pred.Release(); return pred; } NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix PVM_single::forwardModel(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p)const{ //cout<<"FORWARD"<0?1.0:-1.0)*p(1)*fs(k)*anisoterm_d(i,_d,xx); // f J(i,kk) = p(1)*(anisoterm(i,_d,xx)-isoterm(i,_d)) * two_pi*sign(p(kk))*1/(1+p(kk)*p(kk)); // th J(i,kk+1) = p(1)*fs(k)*anisoterm_th(i,_d,xx,p(kk+1),p(kk+2)); // ph J(i,kk+2) = p(1)*fs(k)*anisoterm_ph(i,_d,xx,p(kk+1),p(kk+2)); } if (m_include_f0){ float temp_f0=x2f(p(nparams)); //derivative with respect to f0 J(i,nparams)= p(1)*(1-isoterm(i,_d)) * two_pi*sign(p(nparams))*1/(1+p(nparams)*p(nparams)); sig=p(1)*(temp_f0+(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm(i,_d)+sig); J(i,2) += (p(2)>0?1.0:-1.0)*p(1)*(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm_d(i,_d); } else{ sig = p(1)*((1-sumf)*isoterm(i,_d)+sig); J(i,2) += (p(2)>0?1.0:-1.0)*p(1)*(1-sumf)*isoterm_d(i,_d); } diff(i) = sig - Y(i); J(i,1) = sig/p(1); } gradv = 2*J.t()*diff; gradv.Release(); return gradv; } //this uses Gauss-Newton approximation boost::shared_ptr PVM_single::hess(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p,boost::shared_ptr iptr)const{ //cout<<"HESS"< hessm; if (iptr && iptr->Nrows()==(unsigned int)p.Nrows() && iptr->Ncols()==(unsigned int)p.Nrows()) hessm = iptr; else hessm = boost::shared_ptr(new FullBFMatrix(p.Nrows(),p.Nrows())); float _d = std::abs(p(2)); //////////////////////////////////// ColumnVector fs(nfib); Matrix x(nfib,3);ColumnVector xx(3); float sumf=0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 3+3*(k-1); fs(k) = x2f(p(kk)); sumf += fs(k); x(k,1) = sin(p(kk+1))*cos(p(kk+2)); x(k,2) = sin(p(kk+1))*sin(p(kk+2)); x(k,3) = cos(p(kk+1)); } //////////////////////////////////// Matrix J(npts,nparams); float sig; for(int i=1;i<=Y.Nrows();i++){ sig = 0; J.Row(i)=0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 3+3*(k-1); xx = x.Row(k).t(); sig += fs(k)*anisoterm(i,_d,xx); // other stuff for derivatives // d J(i,2) += (p(2)>0?1.0:-1.0)*p(1)*fs(k)*anisoterm_d(i,_d,xx); // f J(i,kk) = p(1)*(anisoterm(i,_d,xx)-isoterm(i,_d)) * two_pi*sign(p(kk))*1/(1+p(kk)*p(kk)); // th J(i,kk+1) = p(1)*fs(k)*anisoterm_th(i,_d,xx,p(kk+1),p(kk+2)); // ph J(i,kk+2) = p(1)*fs(k)*anisoterm_ph(i,_d,xx,p(kk+1),p(kk+2)); } if (m_include_f0){ float temp_f0=x2f(p(nparams)); //derivative with respect to f0 J(i,nparams)= p(1)*(1-isoterm(i,_d)) * two_pi*sign(p(nparams))*1/(1+p(nparams)*p(nparams)); sig=p(1)*(temp_f0+(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm(i,_d)+sig); J(i,2) += (p(2)>0?1.0:-1.0)*p(1)*(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm_d(i,_d); } else{ sig = p(1)*((1-sumf)*isoterm(i,_d)+sig); J(i,2) += (p(2)>0?1.0:-1.0)*p(1)*(1-sumf)*isoterm_d(i,_d); } J(i,1) = sig/p(1); } for (int i=1; i<=p.Nrows(); i++){ for (int j=i; j<=p.Nrows(); j++){ sig = 0.0; for(int k=1;k<=J.Nrows();k++) sig += 2*(J(k,i)*J(k,j)); hessm->Set(i,j,sig); } } for (int j=1; j<=p.Nrows(); j++) { for (int i=j+1; i<=p.Nrows(); i++) { hessm->Set(i,j,hessm->Peek(j,i)); } } //hessm->Print(); //cout<<"----"< > fvals(nfib); ColumnVector ftmp(nfib),thtmp(nfib),phtmp(nfib); ftmp=m_f;thtmp=m_th;phtmp=m_ph; for(int i=1;i<=nfib;i++){ pair p(m_f(i),i); fvals[i-1] = p; } std::sort(fvals.begin(),fvals.end()); for(int i=1,ii=nfib-1;ii>=0;i++,ii--){ m_f(i) = ftmp(fvals[ii].second); m_th(i) = thtmp(fvals[ii].second); m_ph(i) = phtmp(fvals[ii].second); } } void PVM_multi::fix_fsum(){ float sumf=0; if (m_include_f0) sumf=m_f0; for(int i=1;i<=nfib;i++){ if (m_f(i)==0) m_f(i)=FSMALL; sumf+=m_f(i); if(sumf>=1){for(int j=i;j<=nfib;j++)m_f(j)=FSMALL;break;} } } ReturnMatrix PVM_multi::get_prediction()const{ ColumnVector pred(npts); ColumnVector p(nparams); p(1) = m_s0; p(2) = m_d*m_d/m_d_std/m_d_std; p(3) = m_d_std*m_d_std/m_d; // =1/beta for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 4+3*(k-1); p(kk) = f2x(m_f(k)); p(kk+1) = m_th(k); p(kk+2) = m_ph(k); } if (m_include_f0) p(nparams)=f2x(m_f0); pred = forwardModel(p); pred.Release(); return pred; } NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix PVM_multi::forwardModel(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p)const{ ColumnVector pred(npts); pred = 0; float val; float _a = std::abs(p(2)); float _b = std::abs(p(3)); //////////////////////////////////// ColumnVector fs(nfib); Matrix x(nfib,3); float sumf=0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 4+3*(k-1); fs(k) = x2f(p(kk)); sumf += fs(k); x(k,1) = sin(p(kk+1))*cos(p(kk+2)); x(k,2) = sin(p(kk+1))*sin(p(kk+2)); x(k,3) = cos(p(kk+1)); } //////////////////////////////////// for(int i=1;i<=Y.Nrows();i++){ val = 0.0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ val += fs(k)*anisoterm(i,_a,_b,x.Row(k).t()); } if (m_include_f0){ float temp_f0=x2f(p(nparams)); pred(i) = std::abs(p(1))*(temp_f0+(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm(i,_a,_b)+val); } else pred(i) = std::abs(p(1))*((1-sumf)*isoterm(i,_a,_b)+val); } pred.Release(); return pred; } double PVM_multi::cf(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p)const{ //cout<<"CF"<0?1.0:-1.0)*std::abs(p(1))*fs(k)*anisoterm_a(i,_a,_b,xx); // beta J(i,3) += (p(3)>0?1.0:-1.0)*std::abs(p(1))*fs(k)*anisoterm_b(i,_a,_b,xx); // f J(i,kk) = std::abs(p(1))*(anisoterm(i,_a,_b,xx)-isoterm(i,_a,_b)) * two_pi*sign(p(kk))*1/(1+p(kk)*p(kk)); // th J(i,kk+1) = std::abs(p(1))*fs(k)*anisoterm_th(i,_a,_b,xx,p(kk+1),p(kk+2)); // ph J(i,kk+2) = std::abs(p(1))*fs(k)*anisoterm_ph(i,_a,_b,xx,p(kk+1),p(kk+2)); } if (m_include_f0){ float temp_f0=x2f(p(nparams)); //derivative with respect to f0 J(i,nparams)= std::abs(p(1))*(1-isoterm(i,_a,_b))*two_pi*sign(p(nparams))*1/(1+p(nparams)*p(nparams)); sig=std::abs(p(1))*(temp_f0+(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm(i,_a,_b)+sig); J(i,2) += (p(2)>0?1.0:-1.0)*std::abs(p(1))*(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm_a(i,_a,_b); J(i,3) += (p(3)>0?1.0:-1.0)*std::abs(p(1))*(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm_b(i,_a,_b); } else{ sig = std::abs(p(1))*((1-sumf)*isoterm(i,_a,_b)+sig); J(i,2) += (p(2)>0?1.0:-1.0)*std::abs(p(1))*(1-sumf)*isoterm_a(i,_a,_b); J(i,3) += (p(3)>0?1.0:-1.0)*std::abs(p(1))*(1-sumf)*isoterm_b(i,_a,_b); } diff(i) = sig - Y(i); J(i,1) = (p(1)>0?1.0:-1.0)*sig/p(1); } gradv = 2*J.t()*diff; //OUT(gradv.t()); //cout<<"----"< PVM_multi::hess(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p,boost::shared_ptr iptr)const{ //cout<<"HESS"< hessm; if (iptr && iptr->Nrows()==(unsigned int)p.Nrows() && iptr->Ncols()==(unsigned int)p.Nrows()) hessm = iptr; else hessm = boost::shared_ptr(new FullBFMatrix(p.Nrows(),p.Nrows())); float _a = std::abs(p(2)); float _b = std::abs(p(3)); //////////////////////////////////// ColumnVector fs(nfib); Matrix x(nfib,3);ColumnVector xx(3); float sumf=0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 4+3*(k-1); fs(k) = x2f(p(kk)); sumf += fs(k); x(k,1) = sin(p(kk+1))*cos(p(kk+2)); x(k,2) = sin(p(kk+1))*sin(p(kk+2)); x(k,3) = cos(p(kk+1)); } //////////////////////////////////// Matrix J(npts,nparams); float sig; for(int i=1;i<=Y.Nrows();i++){ sig = 0; J.Row(i)=0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 4+3*(k-1); xx = x.Row(k).t(); sig += fs(k)*anisoterm(i,_a,_b,xx); // other stuff for derivatives // change of variable float cov = two_pi*sign(p(kk))*1/(1+p(kk)*p(kk)); // alpha J(i,2) += (p(2)>0?1.0:-1.0)*std::abs(p(1))*fs(k)*anisoterm_a(i,_a,_b,xx); // beta J(i,3) += (p(3)>0?1.0:-1.0)*std::abs(p(1))*fs(k)*anisoterm_b(i,_a,_b,xx); // f J(i,kk) = std::abs(p(1))*(anisoterm(i,_a,_b,xx)-isoterm(i,_a,_b)) * cov; // th J(i,kk+1) = std::abs(p(1))*fs(k)*anisoterm_th(i,_a,_b,xx,p(kk+1),p(kk+2)); // ph J(i,kk+2) = std::abs(p(1))*fs(k)*anisoterm_ph(i,_a,_b,xx,p(kk+1),p(kk+2)); } if (m_include_f0){ float temp_f0=x2f(p(nparams)); //derivative with respect to f0 J(i,nparams)= std::abs(p(1))*(1-isoterm(i,_a,_b))*two_pi*sign(p(nparams))*1/(1+p(nparams)*p(nparams)); sig=std::abs(p(1))*(temp_f0+(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm(i,_a,_b)+sig); J(i,2) += (p(2)>0?1.0:-1.0)*std::abs(p(1))*(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm_a(i,_a,_b); J(i,3) += (p(3)>0?1.0:-1.0)*std::abs(p(1))*(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm_b(i,_a,_b); } else{ sig = std::abs(p(1))*((1-sumf)*isoterm(i,_a,_b)+sig); J(i,2) += (p(2)>0?1.0:-1.0)*std::abs(p(1))*(1-sumf)*isoterm_a(i,_a,_b); J(i,3) += (p(3)>0?1.0:-1.0)*std::abs(p(1))*(1-sumf)*isoterm_b(i,_a,_b); } J(i,1) = (p(1)>0?1.0:-1.0)*sig/p(1); } for (int i=1; i<=p.Nrows(); i++){ for (int j=i; j<=p.Nrows(); j++){ sig = 0.0; for(int k=1;k<=J.Nrows();k++) sig += 2*(J(k,i)*J(k,j)); hessm->Set(i,j,sig); } } for (int j=1; j<=p.Nrows(); j++) { for (int i=j+1; i<=p.Nrows(); i++) { hessm->Set(i,j,hessm->Peek(j,i)); } } //hessm->Print(); //cout<<"----"<1) tmpr=1; //This can be true due to numerical errors start(i) = f2beta(tmpr); start(i+1) = pvmbs.get_th(n); start(i+2) = pvmbs.get_ph(n); start(i+3) = pvmbs.get_fanning_angle(n); start(i+4) = k12l1(k1_init(n1)); start(i+5) = w2gam(w_init(n2)); } if (m_include_f0){ float tmpr=pvmbs.get_f0()/partial_fsum(fs,nfib); if (tmpr>1) tmpr=1; //This can be true due to numerical errors start(nparams)=f2beta(tmpr); } // do the fit NonlinParam lmpar(start.Nrows(),NL_LM); lmpar.SetGaussNewtonType(LM_LM); lmpar.SetStartingEstimate(start); //lmpar.LogCF(true); NonlinOut status; status = nonlin(lmpar,(*this)); ColumnVector tmp_par(nparams); tmp_par = lmpar.Par(); //cout<<"Number of Iterations: "< Cf=lmpar.CFHistory(); //for (int n=0; n<(int)Cf.size(); n++) // cout<1.0) tmpr=1; //This can be due to numerical errors p(i) = f2beta(tmpr); p(i+1) = m_th(ii); p(i+2) = m_ph(ii); p(i+3) = m_psi(ii); p(i+4) = k12l1(m_k1(ii)); p(i+5) = w2gam(m_k1(ii)/m_k2(ii)); } if (m_include_f0){ float tmpr=m_f0/partial_fsum(fs,nfib); if (tmpr>1.0) tmpr=1; //This can be due to numerical errors p(nparams)=f2beta(tmpr); } pred = forwardModel(p); pred.Release(); return pred; } //Applies the forward model and gets a model predicted signal using the parameter values in p (transformed parameter space) NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix PVM_Ball_Binghams::forwardModel(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p)const{ ColumnVector pred(npts); pred = 0; float val; float _d = lambda2d(p(2)); //////////////////////////////////// ColumnVector fs(nfib); ColumnVector temp_vec(3), denom(3); Matrix Rpsi(3,3), Rth(3,3), Rph(3,3), R(3,3); vector B; vector approx_denomB; DiagonalMatrix L(3); SymmetricMatrix Q(3); L=0; Rpsi=0; Rth=0; Rph=0; Rth(2,2)=1; Rph(3,3)=1; Rpsi(3,3)=1; float sumf=0; fs=0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 3+nparams_per_fibre*(k-1); fs(k) = beta2f(p(kk))*partial_fsum(fs,k-1); sumf += fs(k); float cosph, sinph,cospsi,sinpsi,costh,sinth,k1,k2; costh=cos(p(kk+1)); sinth=sin(p(kk+1)); cosph=cos(p(kk+2)); sinph=sin(p(kk+2)); cospsi=cos(p(kk+3)); sinpsi=sin(p(kk+3)); k1=l12k1(p(kk+4)); k2=k1/gam2w(p(kk+5)); L(1)=-k1; L(2)=-k2; denom< B; vector approx_denomB; DiagonalMatrix L(3); SymmetricMatrix Q(3); L=0; Rpsi=0; Rth=0; Rph=0; Rth(2,2)=1; Rph(3,3)=1; Rpsi(3,3)=1; float sumf=0; fs=0; for(int k=1;k<=nfib;k++){ int kk = 3+nparams_per_fibre*(k-1); fs(k) = beta2f(p(kk))*partial_fsum(fs,k-1); sumf += fs(k); float cosph, sinph,cospsi,sinpsi,costh,sinth,k1,k2; costh=cos(p(kk+1)); sinth=sin(p(kk+1)); cosph=cos(p(kk+2)); sinph=sin(p(kk+2)); cospsi=cos(p(kk+3)); sinpsi=sin(p(kk+3)); k1=l12k1(p(kk+4)); k2=k1/gam2w(p(kk+5)); L(1)=-k1; L(2)=-k2; denom< PVM_Ball_Binghams::hess(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p,boost::shared_ptr iptr)const{ boost::shared_ptr hessm; if (iptr && iptr->Nrows()==(unsigned int)p.Nrows() && iptr->Ncols()==(unsigned int)p.Nrows()) hessm = iptr; else hessm = boost::shared_ptr(new FullBFMatrix(p.Nrows(),p.Nrows())); Matrix J(npts,nparams); //This is the Jacobian matrix of the model equation ColumnVector p_plus_h, S_trial,S, fs(nfib), bs(nfib); Matrix Sig; //Compute the Jacobian first using finite differences for each element. Derivatives are analytic for S0 and the volume fractions double step,sigt; ColumnVector typical_scale(nparams); typical_scale=1; for (int k=1; k<=nfib; k++){ int kk = 3+nparams_per_fibre*(k-1); bs(k)=p(kk); fs(k) = beta2f(p(kk))*partial_fsum(fs,k-1); typical_scale(kk+4)=100; typical_scale(kk+5)=1; } //Compute the derivatives with respect to betas, i.e the transformed volume fraction variables Matrix f_deriv; f_deriv=fractions_deriv(nfib, fs, bs); Sig=forwardModel_compartments(p); S=pred_from_compartments(p, Sig); for (int i=1; i<=npts; i++) J(i,1)=S(i)/p(1); //derivatives with respect to S0 are analytic: S_i/S0 for (int n=2; n<=nparams; n++) { p_plus_h = p; step = SQRTtiny*nonzerosign(p(n))*max(fabs(p(n))*typical_scale(n),1.0); step = nonzerosign(tiny)*min(max(fabs(step),1.0e-8),0.1); //check that 1e-8Set(i,j,sigt); } } for (int j=1; j<=p.Nrows(); j++) { for (int i=j+1; i<=p.Nrows(); i++) { hessm->Set(i,j,hessm->Peek(j,i)); } } return(hessm); } float PVM_Ball_Binghams::isoterm(const int& pt,const float& _d)const{ return(std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d)); } NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix PVM_Ball_Binghams::fractions_deriv(const int& nfib, const ColumnVector& fs, const ColumnVector& bs) const{ NEWMAT::Matrix Deriv(nfib,nfib); float fsum; Deriv=0; for (int j=1; j<=nfib; j++) for (int k=1; k<=nfib; k++){ if (j==k){ fsum=1; for (int n=1; n<=j-1; n++) fsum-=fs(n); Deriv(j,k)=sin(2*bs(k))*fsum; } else if (j>k){ fsum=0; for (int n=1; n<=j-1; n++) fsum+=Deriv(n,k); Deriv(j,k)=-pow(sin(bs(j)),2.0)*fsum; } } Deriv.Release(); return Deriv; } //Returns a vector that indicates the fanning orientation NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix PVM_Ball_Binghams:: get_fanning_vector(const int& i) const{ ColumnVector fan_vec(3); float t_th=m_th(i); float t_ph=m_ph(i); float t_psi=m_psi(i); float costh=cos(t_th); float sinth=sin(t_th); float cosph=cos(t_ph); float sinph=sin(t_ph); float cospsi=cos(t_psi); float sinpsi=sin(t_psi); /* Matrix Rpsi(3,3), Rth(3,3), Rph(3,3), R(3,3); Rpsi=0; Rth=0; Rph=0; Rth(2,2)=1; Rph(3,3)=1; Rpsi(3,3)=1; Rth(1,1)=costh; Rth(1,3)=-sinth; Rth(3,1)=sinth; Rth(3,3)=costh; Rph(1,1)=cosph; Rph(1,2)=sinph; Rph(2,1)=-sinph; Rph(2,2)=cosph; Rpsi(1,1)=cospsi; Rpsi(1,2)=sinpsi; Rpsi(2,1)=-sinpsi; Rpsi(2,2)=cospsi; R=Rpsi*Rth*Rph; */ //fan_vec(1)=R(2,1); fan_vec(2)=R(2,2); fan_vec(3)=R(2,3); fan_vec(1)=-sinpsi*costh*cosph-cospsi*sinph; fan_vec(2)=-sinpsi*costh*sinph+cospsi*cosph; fan_vec(3)=sinpsi*sinth; fan_vec.Release(); return fan_vec; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FANNING MODEL - BALL & WATSONS // Constrained Optimization for the diffusivity, fractions and their sum<1, // and the Bingham eigenvalues ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void PVM_Ball_Watsons::fit(){ // Fit the ball & stick first to initialize some of the parameters PVM_single_c pvmbs(Y,bvecs,bvals,nfib,false,m_include_f0); pvmbs.fit(); // pvmbs.print(); ColumnVector k_init; ColumnVector final_par(nparams); double minRSS=1e20; if (!m_gridsearch){ k_init.ReSize(1); k_init<<20; } else{ k_init.ReSize(6); k_init<< 10 << 20 << 50 << 100 << 500 << 1000; } for (int n1=1; n1<=k_init.Nrows(); n1++){ ColumnVector start(nparams); ColumnVector fs(nfib); fs=0; //Initialize the non-linear fitter. Transform all initial values to the uncostrained parameter space start(1) = pvmbs.get_s0(); start(2) = d2lambda(pvmbs.get_d()); for(int n=1,i=3; n<=nfib; n++,i+=nparams_per_fibre){ fs(n)=pvmbs.get_f(n); float tmpr=fs(n)/partial_fsum(fs,n-1); if (tmpr>1) tmpr=1; //This can be true due to numerical errors start(i) = f2beta(tmpr); start(i+1) = pvmbs.get_th(n); start(i+2) = pvmbs.get_ph(n); start(i+3) = k12l1(k_init(n1)); } if (m_include_f0){ float tmpr=pvmbs.get_f0()/partial_fsum(fs,nfib); if (tmpr>1) tmpr=1; //This can be true due to numerical errors start(nparams)=f2beta(tmpr); } // do the fit NonlinParam lmpar(start.Nrows(),NL_LM); lmpar.SetGaussNewtonType(LM_LM); lmpar.SetStartingEstimate(start); //lmpar.LogCF(true); NonlinOut status; status = nonlin(lmpar,(*this)); ColumnVector tmp_par(nparams); tmp_par = lmpar.Par(); /*cout<<"Number of Iterations: "< Cf=lmpar.CFHistory(); for (int n=0; n<(int)Cf.size(); n++) cout< > fvals(nfib); ColumnVector ftmp(nfib),thtmp(nfib),phtmp(nfib),ktmp(nfib); ftmp=m_f;thtmp=m_th;phtmp=m_ph; ktmp=m_k; for(int i=1;i<=nfib;i++){ pair p(m_f(i),i); fvals[i-1] = p; } std::sort(fvals.begin(),fvals.end()); for(int i=1,ii=nfib-1;ii>=0;i++,ii--){ m_f(i) = ftmp(fvals[ii].second); m_th(i) = thtmp(fvals[ii].second); m_ph(i) = phtmp(fvals[ii].second); m_k(i)= ktmp(fvals[ii].second); } } //Returns 1-Sum(f_j), 1<=j<=ii. (ii<=nfib) //Used for transforming beta to f and vice versa float PVM_Ball_Watsons::partial_fsum(ColumnVector& fs, int ii) const{ float fsum=1.0; for(int j=1;j<=ii;j++) fsum-=fs(j); if (fsum==0) //Very rare cases fsum=tiny; return fsum; } //Print the final estimates (after having them transformed) void PVM_Ball_Watsons::print()const{ cout << endl<<"Ball & Watson FIT RESULTS " << endl; cout << "S0 :" << m_s0 << endl; cout << "D :" << m_d << endl; for(int i=1;i<=nfib;i++){ cout << "F" << i << " :" << m_f(i) << endl; ColumnVector x(3); x << sin(m_th(i))*cos(m_ph(i)) << sin(m_th(i))*sin(m_ph(i)) << cos(m_th(i)); float _th,_ph;cart2sph(x,_th,_ph); if(x(3)<0) x=-x; cout << "TH" << i << " : " << _th*180.0/M_PI << " deg" << endl; cout << "PH" << i << " : " << _ph*180.0/M_PI << " deg" << endl; cout << "DIR" << i << " : " << x(1) << " " << x(2) << " " << x(3) << endl; cout << "K_" << i << " : " <1.0) tmpr=1; //This can be due to numerical errors p(i) = f2beta(tmpr); p(i+1) = m_th(ii); p(i+2) = m_ph(ii); p(i+3) = k12l1(m_k(ii)); } if (m_include_f0){ float tmpr=m_f0/partial_fsum(fs,nfib); if (tmpr>1.0) tmpr=1; //This can be due to numerical errors p(nparams)=f2beta(tmpr); } pred = forwardModel(p); pred.Release(); return pred; } //Applies the forward model and gets a model predicted signal using the parameter values in p (transformed parameter space) NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix PVM_Ball_Watsons::forwardModel(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p)const{ ColumnVector pred(npts); pred = 0; float val; float _d = lambda2d(p(2)); //////////////////////////////////// ColumnVector fs(nfib), ks(nfib); ColumnVector temp_vec(3), denom(3); Matrix v(nfib,3); vector approx_denomW; Matrix A(3,3); float sumf=0; fs=0; for(int n=1;n<=nfib;n++){ int nn = 3+nparams_per_fibre*(n-1); float cosph, sinph,costh,sinth; fs(n) = beta2f(p(nn))*partial_fsum(fs,n-1); sumf += fs(n); costh=cos(p(nn+1)); sinth=sin(p(nn+1)); cosph=cos(p(nn+2)); sinph=sin(p(nn+2)); v(n,1) = cosph*sinth; v(n,2) = sinph*sinth; v(n,3) = costh; ks(n)=l12k1(p(nn+3)); temp_vec=approx_denominatorW(ks(n)); approx_denomW.push_back(temp_vec); } //////////////////////////////////// for(int i=1;i<=Y.Nrows();i++){ val = 0.0; float bd=bvals(1,i)*_d; for(int n=1;n<=nfib;n++){ A=(v.Row(n)).t()*(bvecs.Column(i)).t(); float Q=-2*bd*ks(n)*(pow(A(1,1)+A(2,2)+A(3,3),2.0) - pow(A(2,1)-A(1,2),2.0) - pow(A(1,3)-A(3,1),2.0)-pow(A(2,3)-A(3,2),2.0)); Q=sqrt(ks(n)*ks(n)+bd*bd+Q); temp_vec<<0.5*(ks(n)-bd+Q)<<0.5*(ks(n)-bd-Q)<<0; val+= fs(n)*hyp_SratioW_knowndenom(temp_vec,approx_denomW[n-1]); } if (m_include_f0){ float temp_f0=beta2f(p(nparams))*partial_fsum(fs,nfib); pred(i) = p(1)*(temp_f0+(1-sumf-temp_f0)*isoterm(i,_d)+val); } else pred(i) = p(1)*((1-sumf)*isoterm(i,_d)+val); } pred.Release(); return pred; } //Instead of returning the model predicted signal for each direction //returns the individual signal contributions i.e. isotropic, anisotropic1, anisotropic2,etc. //Weighting with the fractions, scaling with S0 and summing those gives the signal. //A Matrix npts x (nfib+1) is returned NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix PVM_Ball_Watsons::forwardModel_compartments(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p) const{ Matrix Sig(npts,nfib+1); float _d = lambda2d(p(2)); //////////////////////////////////// ColumnVector ks(nfib); ColumnVector temp_vec(3), denom(3); Matrix v(nfib,3); vector approx_denomW; Matrix A(3,3); for(int n=1;n<=nfib;n++){ int nn = 3+nparams_per_fibre*(n-1); float cosph, sinph,costh,sinth; costh=cos(p(nn+1)); sinth=sin(p(nn+1)); cosph=cos(p(nn+2)); sinph=sin(p(nn+2)); v(n,1) = cosph*sinth; v(n,2) = sinph*sinth; v(n,3) = costh; ks(n)=l12k1(p(nn+3)); temp_vec=approx_denominatorW(ks(n)); approx_denomW.push_back(temp_vec); } //////////////////////////////////// for(int i=1;i<=Y.Nrows();i++){ Sig(i,1) = isoterm(i,_d); float bd=bvals(1,i)*_d; for(int n=1;n<=nfib;n++){ A=(v.Row(n)).t()*(bvecs.Column(i)).t(); float Q=-2*bd*ks(n)*(pow(A(1,1)+A(2,2)+A(3,3),2.0) - pow(A(2,1)-A(1,2),2.0) - pow(A(1,3)-A(3,1),2.0)-pow(A(2,3)-A(3,2),2.0)); Q=sqrt(ks(n)*ks(n)+bd*bd+Q); temp_vec<<0.5*(ks(n)-bd+Q)<<0.5*(ks(n)-bd-Q)<<0; Sig(i,n+1)= hyp_SratioW_knowndenom(temp_vec,approx_denomW[n-1]); } } Sig.Release(); return Sig; } //Builds up the model predicted signal for each direction by using precomputed individual compartment signals, stored in Matrix Sig. //Weights them with the fractions, scales with S0 and sums to get the signal. NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix PVM_Ball_Watsons::pred_from_compartments(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p, const NEWMAT::Matrix& Sig) const{ ColumnVector pred(npts); float val; ColumnVector fs(nfib); float sumf=0; fs=0; for(int n=1;n<=nfib;n++){ int nn = 3+nparams_per_fibre*(n-1); fs(n) = beta2f(p(nn))*partial_fsum(fs,n-1); sumf += fs(n); } for(int i=1;i<=Y.Nrows();i++){ val = 0.0; for(int n=1;n<=nfib;n++) val += fs(n)*Sig(i,n+1); if (m_include_f0){ float temp_f0=beta2f(p(nparams))*partial_fsum(fs,nfib); pred(i) = p(1)*(temp_f0+(1-sumf-temp_f0)*Sig(i,1)+val); } else pred(i) = p(1)*((1-sumf)*Sig(i,1)+val); } pred.Release(); return pred; } //Builds up the model predicted signal for each direction by using precomputed individual compartment signals, stored in Matrix Sig. //Weights them with the fractions, scales with S0 and sums to get the signal. //The signal of the fibre compartment with index fib is recalculated. NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix PVM_Ball_Watsons::pred_from_compartments(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p, const NEWMAT::Matrix& Sig,const int& fib) const{ ColumnVector pred(npts); Matrix newSig; float val; float _d = lambda2d(p(2)); //////////////////////////////////// ColumnVector fs(nfib); ColumnVector temp_vec(3), denom(3), v(3); Matrix A(3,3); float sumf=0; fs=0; for(int n=1;n<=nfib;n++){ int nn = 3+nparams_per_fibre*(n-1); fs(n) = beta2f(p(nn))*partial_fsum(fs,n-1); sumf += fs(n); } /////////////////////////////////////// int nn = 3+nparams_per_fibre*(fib-1); float cosph, sinph,costh,sinth,_k; costh=cos(p(nn+1)); sinth=sin(p(nn+1)); cosph=cos(p(nn+2)); sinph=sin(p(nn+2)); v(1) = cosph*sinth; v(2) = sinph*sinth; v(3) = costh; _k=l12k1(p(nn+3)); temp_vec=approx_denominatorW(_k); denom=temp_vec; newSig=Sig; //Get the new Signal for compartment fib for(int i=1;i<=Y.Nrows();i++){ float bd=bvals(1,i)*_d; A=v*(bvecs.Column(i)).t(); float Q=-2*bd*_k*(pow(A(1,1)+A(2,2)+A(3,3),2.0) - pow(A(2,1)-A(1,2),2.0) - pow(A(1,3)-A(3,1),2.0)-pow(A(2,3)-A(3,2),2.0)); Q=sqrt(_k*_k+bd*bd+Q); temp_vec<<0.5*(_k-bd+Q)<<0.5*(_k-bd-Q)<<0; newSig(i,fib+1)= hyp_SratioW_knowndenom(temp_vec,denom); } /////////////////////////////////////// for(int i=1;i<=Y.Nrows();i++){ val = 0.0; for(int n=1;n<=nfib;n++) val += fs(n)*newSig(i,n+1); if (m_include_f0){ float temp_f0=beta2f(p(nparams))*partial_fsum(fs,nfib); pred(i) = p(1)*(temp_f0+(1-sumf-temp_f0)*newSig(i,1)+val); } else pred(i) = p(1)*((1-sumf)*newSig(i,1)+val); } pred.Release(); return pred; } //Cost Function, sum of squared residuals //assume that parameter values p are transformed (e.g. need to untransform them to get d, f's,etc) double PVM_Ball_Watsons::cf(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p)const{ double cfv = 0.0; double err; ColumnVector S; S=forwardModel(p); //Model predictions for(int i=1;i<=npts;i++){ err=S(i)-Y(i); //Residual cfv+=err*err; //Sum of squared residuals } //cout<<"CF="< PVM_Ball_Watsons::hess(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p,boost::shared_ptr iptr)const{ boost::shared_ptr hessm; if (iptr && iptr->Nrows()==(unsigned int)p.Nrows() && iptr->Ncols()==(unsigned int)p.Nrows()) hessm = iptr; else hessm = boost::shared_ptr(new FullBFMatrix(p.Nrows(),p.Nrows())); Matrix J(npts,nparams); //This is the Jacobian matrix of the model equation ColumnVector p_plus_h, S_trial,S, fs(nfib), bs(nfib); Matrix Sig; //Compute the Jacobian first using finite differences for each element. Derivatives are analytic for S0 and the volume fractions double step,sigt; ColumnVector typical_scale(nparams); typical_scale=1; for (int k=1; k<=nfib; k++){ int kk = 3+nparams_per_fibre*(k-1); bs(k)=p(kk); fs(k) = beta2f(p(kk))*partial_fsum(fs,k-1); typical_scale(kk+3)=100; } //Compute the derivatives with respect to betas, i.e the transformed volume fraction variables Matrix f_deriv; f_deriv=fractions_deriv(nfib, fs, bs); Sig=forwardModel_compartments(p); S=pred_from_compartments(p, Sig); for (int i=1; i<=npts; i++) J(i,1)=S(i)/p(1); //derivatives with respect to S0 are analytic: S_i/S0 for (int n=2; n<=nparams; n++) { p_plus_h = p; step = SQRTtiny*nonzerosign(p(n))*max(fabs(p(n))*typical_scale(n),1.0); step = nonzerosign(tiny)*min(max(fabs(step),1.0e-8),0.1); //check that 1e-8Set(i,j,sigt); } } for (int j=1; j<=p.Nrows(); j++) { for (int i=j+1; i<=p.Nrows(); i++) { hessm->Set(i,j,hessm->Peek(j,i)); } } return(hessm); } float PVM_Ball_Watsons::isoterm(const int& pt,const float& _d)const{ return(std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d)); } NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix PVM_Ball_Watsons::fractions_deriv(const int& nfib, const ColumnVector& fs, const ColumnVector& bs) const{ NEWMAT::Matrix Deriv(nfib,nfib); float fsum; Deriv=0; for (int j=1; j<=nfib; j++) for (int k=1; k<=nfib; k++){ if (j==k){ fsum=1; for (int n=1; n<=j-1; n++) fsum-=fs(n); Deriv(j,k)=sin(2*bs(k))*fsum; } else if (j>k){ fsum=0; for (int n=1; n<=j-1; n++) fsum+=Deriv(n,k); Deriv(j,k)=-pow(sin(bs(j)),2.0)*fsum; } } Deriv.Release(); return Deriv; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // USEFUL FUNCTIONS TO CALCULATE DERIVATIVES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// ///////Model 1 (Constrained) ///////////////////////////////////// // functions float PVM_single_c::isoterm(const int& pt,const float& _d)const{ return(std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d)); } float PVM_single_c::anisoterm(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); return(std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp)); } // 1st order derivatives float PVM_single_c::isoterm_lambda(const int& pt,const float& lambda)const{ return(-2*bvals(1,pt)*lambda*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*lambda*lambda)); } float PVM_single_c::anisoterm_lambda(const int& pt,const float& lambda,const ColumnVector& x)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); return(-2*bvals(1,pt)*lambda*dp*dp*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*lambda*lambda*dp*dp)); } float PVM_single_c::anisoterm_th(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x,const float& _th,const float& _ph)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); float dp1 = cos(_th)*(bvecs(1,pt)*cos(_ph) + bvecs(2,pt)*sin(_ph)) - bvecs(3,pt)*sin(_th); return(-2*bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp1*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp)); } float PVM_single_c::anisoterm_ph(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x,const float& _th,const float& _ph)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); float dp1 = sin(_th)*(-bvecs(1,pt)*sin(_ph) + bvecs(2,pt)*cos(_ph)); return(-2*bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp1*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp)); } NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix PVM_single_c::fractions_deriv(const int& nfib, const ColumnVector& fs, const ColumnVector& bs) const{ NEWMAT::Matrix Deriv(nfib,nfib); float fsum; Deriv=0; for (int j=1; j<=nfib; j++) for (int k=1; k<=nfib; k++){ if (j==k){ fsum=1; for (int n=1; n<=j-1; n++) fsum-=fs(n); Deriv(j,k)=sin(2*bs(k))*fsum; } else if (j>k){ fsum=0; for (int n=1; n<=j-1; n++) fsum+=Deriv(n,k); Deriv(j,k)=-pow(sin(bs(j)),2.0)*fsum; } } Deriv.Release(); return Deriv; } ///////////////////////////////////// ////////Model 1 (Old) ///////////////////////////////////// //functions float PVM_single::isoterm(const int& pt,const float& _d)const{ return(std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d)); } float PVM_single::anisoterm(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); return(std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp)); } float PVM_single::bvecs_fibre_dp(const int& pt,const float& _th,const float& _ph)const{ float angtmp = cos(_ph-beta(pt))*sinalpha(pt)*sin(_th) + cosalpha(pt)*cos(_th); return(angtmp*angtmp); } float PVM_single::bvecs_fibre_dp(const int& pt,const ColumnVector& x)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); return(dp*dp); } // 1st order derivatives float PVM_single::isoterm_d(const int& pt,const float& _d)const{ return(-bvals(1,pt)*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d)); } float PVM_single::anisoterm_d(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); return(-bvals(1,pt)*dp*dp*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp)); } float PVM_single::anisoterm_th(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x,const float& _th,const float& _ph)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); float dp1 = cos(_th)*(bvecs(1,pt)*cos(_ph) + bvecs(2,pt)*sin(_ph)) - bvecs(3,pt)*sin(_th); return(-2*bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp1*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp)); } float PVM_single::anisoterm_ph(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x,const float& _th,const float& _ph)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); float dp1 = sin(_th)*(-bvecs(1,pt)*sin(_ph) + bvecs(2,pt)*cos(_ph)); return(-2*bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp1*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp)); } // 2nd order derivatives float PVM_single::isoterm_dd(const int& pt,const float& _d)const{ return(bvals(1,pt)*bvals(1,pt)*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d)); } float PVM_single::anisoterm_dd(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); dp *= dp; return(bvals(1,pt)*dp*bvals(1,pt)*dp*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp)); } float PVM_single::anisoterm_dth(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x,const float& _th,const float& _ph)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); float dp1 = cos(_th)*(bvecs(1,pt)*cos(_ph) + bvecs(2,pt)*sin(_ph)) - bvecs(3,pt)*sin(_th); return( -2*bvals(1,pt)*dp*dp1*(1-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp)*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp) ); } float PVM_single::anisoterm_dph(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x,const float& _th,const float& _ph)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); float dp1 = sin(_th)*(-bvecs(1,pt)*sin(_ph) + bvecs(2,pt)*cos(_ph)); return( -2*bvals(1,pt)*dp*dp1*(1-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp)*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp) ); } float PVM_single::anisoterm_thth(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x,const float& _th,const float& _ph)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); return( -2*bvals(1,pt)*_d*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp)* ( (1-2*bvals(1,pt)*dp*dp) -dp*dp ) ); } float PVM_single::anisoterm_phph(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x,const float& _th,const float& _ph)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); float dp1 = (1-cos(2*_th))/2.0; float dp2 = -bvecs(1,pt)*x(1) - bvecs(2,pt)*x(2); return( -2*bvals(1,pt)*_d*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp)* ( (1-2*bvals(1,pt)*dp*dp)*dp1 +dp*dp2 ) ); } float PVM_single::anisoterm_thph(const int& pt,const float& _d,const ColumnVector& x,const float& _th,const float& _ph)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); float dp2 = cos(_th)*(-bvecs(1,pt)*sin(_ph) + bvecs(2,pt)*cos(_ph)); return( -2*bvals(1,pt)*_d*std::exp(-bvals(1,pt)*_d*dp*dp)* ( dp*dp2 ) ); } ////// NOW FOR MULTISHELL // functions float PVM_multi::isoterm(const int& pt,const float& _a,const float& _b)const{ return(std::exp(-_a*std::log(1+bvals(1,pt)*_b))); } float PVM_multi::anisoterm(const int& pt,const float& _a,const float& _b,const ColumnVector& x)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); return(std::exp(-_a*std::log(1+bvals(1,pt)*_b*(dp*dp)))); } // 1st order derivatives float PVM_multi::isoterm_a(const int& pt,const float& _a,const float& _b)const{ return(-std::log(1+bvals(1,pt)*_b)*std::exp(-_a*std::log(1+bvals(1,pt)*_b))); } float PVM_multi::isoterm_b(const int& pt,const float& _a,const float& _b)const{ return(-_a*bvals(1,pt)/(1+bvals(1,pt)*_b)*std::exp(-_a*std::log(1+bvals(1,pt)*_b))); } float PVM_multi::anisoterm_a(const int& pt,const float& _a,const float& _b,const ColumnVector& x)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); return(-std::log(1+bvals(1,pt)*(dp*dp)*_b)*std::exp(-_a*std::log(1+bvals(1,pt)*(dp*dp)*_b))); } float PVM_multi::anisoterm_b(const int& pt,const float& _a,const float& _b,const ColumnVector& x)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); return(-_a*bvals(1,pt)*(dp*dp)/(1+bvals(1,pt)*(dp*dp)*_b)*std::exp(-_a*std::log(1+bvals(1,pt)*(dp*dp)*_b))); } float PVM_multi::anisoterm_th(const int& pt,const float& _a,const float& _b,const ColumnVector& x,const float& _th,const float& _ph)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); float dp1 = cos(_th)*(bvecs(1,pt)*cos(_ph) + bvecs(2,pt)*sin(_ph)) - bvecs(3,pt)*sin(_th); return(-_a*_b*bvals(1,pt)/(1+bvals(1,pt)*(dp*dp)*_b)*std::exp(-_a*std::log(1+bvals(1,pt)*(dp*dp)*_b))*2*dp*dp1); } float PVM_multi::anisoterm_ph(const int& pt,const float& _a,const float& _b,const ColumnVector& x,const float& _th,const float& _ph)const{ float dp = bvecs(1,pt)*x(1)+bvecs(2,pt)*x(2)+bvecs(3,pt)*x(3); float dp1 = sin(_th)*(-bvecs(1,pt)*sin(_ph) + bvecs(2,pt)*cos(_ph)); return(-_a*_b*bvals(1,pt)/(1+bvals(1,pt)*(dp*dp)*_b)*std::exp(-_a*std::log(1+bvals(1,pt)*(dp*dp)*_b))*2*dp*dp1); }