/* Copyright (C) 2012 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ // Definitions for module nonlin #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "newmat.h" #include "newmatio.h" #include "bfmatrix.h" #include "nonlin.h" #include "utils/fsl_isfinite.h" using namespace std; using namespace NEWMAT; namespace MISCMATHS { // Declarations of routines for use only in this module // Main routine for Variable-Metric optimisation NonlinOut varmet(const NonlinParam& p, const NonlinCF& cfo); // Main routine for Gradient-descent optimisation NonlinOut grades(const NonlinParam& p, const NonlinCF& cfo); // Main routine for Conjugate-Gradient optimisation NonlinOut congra(const NonlinParam& p, const NonlinCF& cfo); // Main routine for scaled conjugate-gradient optimisation NonlinOut sccngr(const NonlinParam& p, const NonlinCF& cfo); // Main routine for Levenberg-Marquardt optimisation NonlinOut levmar(const NonlinParam& p, const NonlinCF& cfo); LinOut linsrch(// Input const ColumnVector& pdir, // Search direction const ColumnVector& p0, // Current parameter values const ColumnVector& grad, // Gradient at p0 const NonlinCF& cfo, // Cost-function object double f0, // Current cost-function value double sf, // Scale factor for cost-function double maxiter, // Max # of iterations in line minimisation double sm, // Stepmax double alpha, // Alpha (sorry). double ptol, // Tolerance in parameter space // Output double *lambda,// Resulting step length double *of, // Value of cost-function on output ColumnVector *np); // New parameters double scale_factor(const ColumnVector& p, // Current parameter values const ColumnVector& pdir, // Search direction const NonlinCF& cfo, // Cost-function object int maxiter, // Max # of iterations double sf); // Scale factor. LinOut linmin(// Input const ColumnVector& p, // Current parameter values const ColumnVector& pdir, // Search direction const NonlinCF& cfo, // Cost-function object double sf, // Scale factor for cost-function pair lp, // Left point pair mp, // Point somewhere in interval pair rp, // Right point double ftol, // Fractional tolerance int maxiter,// Max # of iterations // Output pair *x); // Best point pair bracket(// Input const ColumnVector& p, // Current parameter values const ColumnVector& pdir, // Search direction const NonlinCF& cfo, // Cost-function object double ptol, // Relative tolerance for parameter values double sf, // Scale factor of cost-function // Output pair *p_0, // Cost-function value at p pair *p_m); // Point between p_0 and p_l // Utility routine that checks for convergence based on "zero"-gradient // Utility routines that checks for convergence based on various criteria // Based on zero (neglible) gradient bool zero_grad_conv(const ColumnVector& par, const ColumnVector& grad, double cf, double gtol); // Based on zero (neglible) decrease in cost-function bool zero_cf_diff_conv(double cfo, double cfn, double cftol); // Based on zero (neglible) step in parameter space bool zero_par_step_conv(const ColumnVector& par, const ColumnVector& step, double ptol); void print_newmat(const NEWMAT::GeneralMatrix& m, std::string fname); std::string NonlinParam::TextStatus() const { switch (status) { case NL_UNDEFINED: return(std::string("Status is undefined. Object has been created but no minimisation has been performed")); break; case NL_MAXITER: return(std::string("The optimisation did not converge because the maximum number of iterations was exceeded")); break; case NL_LM_MAXITER: return(std::string("The optimisation did not converge because the maximum number of iterations for a single line minimisation was exceeded")); break; case NL_PARCONV: return(std::string("The optimisation converged. The convergence criterion was that the last step in parameter space was very short")); break; case NL_GRADCONV: return(std::string("The optimisation converged. The convergence criterion was that all the elements of the gradient were very small")); break; case NL_CFCONV: return(std::string("The optimisation converged. The convergence criterion was that the last step changed the cost-function by an insignificant amount")); break; case NL_LCONV: return(std::string("The optimisation converged. The convergence criterion was that lambda became too large")); break; default: return(std::string("Impossible status. This indicates there is a bug")); break; } } // If user choses not to overide the grad-method of the NonlinCF // base class this routine will be used to calculate numerical derivatives. ReturnMatrix NonlinCF::grad(const ColumnVector& p) const { ColumnVector gradv(p.Nrows()); ColumnVector tmpp = p; double tiny = 1e-8; double cf0 = cf(tmpp); for (int i=0; i NonlinCF::hess(const ColumnVector& p, boost::shared_ptr iptr) const { boost::shared_ptr hessm; if (iptr && int(iptr->Nrows())==p.Nrows() && int(iptr->Ncols())==p.Nrows()) hessm = iptr; else hessm = boost::shared_ptr(new FullBFMatrix(p.Nrows(),p.Nrows())); ColumnVector tmpp = p; double tiny = 1e-4; double fx0y0 = cf(tmpp); ColumnVector fdx(p.Nrows()); ColumnVector step(p.Nrows()); // First calculate all f(x+dx_i) values for (int i=0; iSet(i+1,i+1,(fdx.element(i) + tmp - 2.0*fx0y0) / (step.element(i)*step.element(i))); tmpp.element(i) += step.element(i); } else { // If off-diagonal element tmpp.element(i) += step.element(i); tmpp.element(j) += step.element(j); hessm->Set(i+1,j+1,(cf(tmpp)+fx0y0-fdx.element(i)-fdx.element(j)) / (step.element(i)*step.element(j))); hessm->Set(j+1,i+1,hessm->Peek(i+1,j+1)); tmpp.element(i) -= step.element(i); tmpp.element(j) -= step.element(j); } } } return(hessm); } // Display (for debug purposes) matrix if it is small enough for that to make sense void VarmetMatrix::print() const { if (sz > 10) { cout << "Matrix too big to be meaningful to display" << endl; return; } else { if (mtp == VM_FULL) { cout << setw(10) << setprecision(5) << mat; } else if (mtp == VM_COL) { Matrix tmp = IdentityMatrix(sz); for (unsigned int i=0; i MISCMATHS::EPS*DotProduct(pdiff,pdiff)*DotProduct(gdiff,gdiff)) { sf1 = 1.0 / sf1; ColumnVector v2 = (*this) * gdiff; double sf2 = -1.0 / DotProduct(gdiff,v2); if (mtp == VM_FULL) { mat += sf1 * pdiff * pdiff.t(); mat += sf2 * v2 * v2.t(); } else { vec.push_back(pdiff); vec.push_back(v2); sf.push_back(sf1); sf.push_back(sf2); } if (utp == VM_BFGS) { if (mtp == VM_FULL) { ColumnVector u = sf1*pdiff + sf2*v2; mat -= (1.0/sf2) * u * u.t(); } else { vec.push_back(sf1*pdiff + sf2*v2); sf.push_back(-1.0/sf2); } } } } // Multiply representation of matrix with vector ColumnVector operator*(const VarmetMatrix& m, const ColumnVector& v) { if (m.mtp == VM_FULL) {return(m.mat*v);} else { ColumnVector ov = v; // Multiplication with unity matrix if (m.sf.size() != 0) { std::vector::const_iterator sfp; std::vector::const_iterator vep; for (sfp=m.sf.begin(), vep=m.vec.begin(); sfp!=m.sf.end(); ++sfp, ++vep) { double tmp = (*sfp) * DotProduct((*vep),v); ov += tmp * (*vep); } } return(ov); } } // Gateway function to routines for non-linear optimisation NonlinOut nonlin(const NonlinParam& p, const NonlinCF& cfo) { NonlinOut status = NL_MAXITER; // Call functions that actually do the job switch (p.Method()) { case NL_VM: status = varmet(p,cfo); break; case NL_CG: status = congra(p,cfo); break; case NL_SCG: status = sccngr(p,cfo); break; case NL_LM: status = levmar(p,cfo); break; case NL_GD: status = grades(p,cfo); break; } return(status); } // Main routine for Levenberg-Marquardt optimisation NonlinOut levmar(const NonlinParam& p, const NonlinCF& cfo) { // Calculate initial values p.SetCF(cfo.cf(p.Par())); // Cost-function evaluated at current parameters bool success = true; // True if last step decreased CF double olambda = 0.0; // How much the diagonal of H was nudged last time ColumnVector g; // Gradient boost::shared_ptr H; // Hessian while (p.NextIter(success)) { if (success) { // If last attempt decreased cost-function g = cfo.grad(p.Par()); // Gradient evaluated at current parameters H = cfo.hess(p.Par(),H); // Hessian evaluated at current parameters } for (int i=1; i<=p.NPar(); i++) { // Nudge it if (p.GaussNewtonType() == LM_LM) { // If Levenberg-Marquardt // H->AddTo(i,i,(p.Lambda()-olambda)*H->Peek(i,i)); H->Set(i,i,((1.0+p.Lambda())/(1.0+olambda))*H->Peek(i,i)); } else if (p.GaussNewtonType() == LM_L) { // If Levenberg H->AddTo(i,i,p.Lambda()-olambda); } } ColumnVector step; double ncf = 0.0; bool inv_fail = false; // Signals failure of equation solving try { step = -H->SolveForx(g,SYM_POSDEF,p.EquationSolverTol(),p.EquationSolverMaxIter()); ncf = cfo.cf(p.Par()+step); } catch(...) { inv_fail = true; } if (!inv_fail && (success = (ncf < p.CF()))) { // If last step successful olambda = 0.0; // Pristine Hessian, so no need to undo old lambda p.SetPar(p.Par()+step); // Set attempt as new parameters p.SetLambda(p.Lambda()/10.0); // Decrease nudge factor // Check for convergence based on small decrease of cf if (zero_cf_diff_conv(p.CF(),ncf,p.FractionalCFTolerance())) { p.SetCF(ncf); p.SetStatus(NL_CFCONV); return(p.Status()); } p.SetCF(ncf); // Store value of cost-function } else { // If last step was unsuccesful olambda = p.Lambda(); // Returning to same H, so must undo old lambda p.SetLambda(10.0*p.Lambda()); // Increase nudge factor p.SetCF(p.CF()); // Push another copy of best cost function value thus far // Check for convergence based on _really_ large lambda if (p.Lambda() > p.LambdaConvergenceCriterion()) { p.SetStatus(NL_LCONV); return(p.Status()); } } } // Getting here means we did too many iterations p.SetStatus(NL_MAXITER); return(p.Status()); } // Main routine for gradient-descent optimisation. It is // included mainly as a debugging tool for when the more // advanced methods fail and one wants to pinpoint the // reasons for that. NonlinOut grades(const NonlinParam& np, const NonlinCF& cfo) { // Set up initial values np.SetCF(cfo.cf(np.Par())); ColumnVector g = -cfo.grad(np.Par()); while (np.NextIter()) { // Check for convergence based on zero gradient if (zero_grad_conv(np.Par(),g,np.CF(),np.FractionalGradientTolerance())) { np.SetStatus(NL_GRADCONV); return(np.Status()); } // Bracket minimum along g pair lp, mp; // Leftmost and middle point of bracket pair rp = bracket(np.Par(),g,cfo,np.FractionalParameterTolerance(),1.0,&lp,&mp); // Rightmost point of bracket if (rp == lp) { // If no smaller point along g np.SetStatus(NL_PARCONV); return(np.Status()); // Assume it is because we are at minimum } // Find minimum along g between lp and rp pair minp; // Minimum along g LinOut lm_status = linmin(np.Par(),g,cfo,1.0,lp,mp,rp, np.LineSearchFractionalParameterTolerance(), np.LineSearchMaxIterations(),&minp); // Check for problems with line-search if (lm_status == LM_MAXITER) {np.SetStatus(NL_LM_MAXITER); return(np.Status());} // Ouch! // Set new cf value and parameters np.SetPar(np.Par() + minp.first*g); // Check for convergence based on small decrease of cost-function if (zero_cf_diff_conv(np.CF(),minp.second,np.FractionalCFTolerance())) {np.SetCF(minp.second); np.SetStatus(NL_CFCONV); return(np.Status());} // Check for convergence based on neglible move in parameter space else if (zero_par_step_conv(minp.first*g,np.Par(),np.FractionalParameterTolerance())) {np.SetCF(minp.second); np.SetStatus(NL_PARCONV); return(np.Status());} else { // If no covergence np.SetCF(minp.second); g = -cfo.grad(np.Par()); } } // If we get here we have used too many iterations np.SetStatus(NL_MAXITER); return(np.Status()); } // Main routine for conjugate-gradient optimisation. The // implementation follows that of Numerical Recipies // reasonably closely. NonlinOut congra(const NonlinParam& np, const NonlinCF& cfo) { // Set up initial values np.SetCF(cfo.cf(np.Par())); ColumnVector r = -cfo.grad(np.Par()); ColumnVector p = r; while (np.NextIter()) { // Check for convergence based on zero gradient if (zero_grad_conv(np.Par(),r,np.CF(),np.FractionalGradientTolerance())) { np.SetStatus(NL_GRADCONV); return(np.Status()); } // Bracket minimum along p pair lp, mp; // Leftmost and middle point of bracket pair rp = bracket(np.Par(),p,cfo,np.FractionalParameterTolerance(),1.0,&lp,&mp); // Rightmost point of bracket if (rp == lp) { // If no smaller point along p np.SetStatus(NL_PARCONV); return(np.Status()); // Assume it is because we are at minimum } // Find minimum along p between lp and rp pair minp; // Minimum along p LinOut lm_status = linmin(np.Par(),p,cfo,1.0,lp,mp,rp, np.LineSearchFractionalParameterTolerance(), np.LineSearchMaxIterations(),&minp); // Check for problems with line-search if (lm_status == LM_MAXITER) {np.SetStatus(NL_LM_MAXITER); return(np.Status());} // Ouch! // Set new cf value and parameters np.SetPar(np.Par() + minp.first*p); // Check for convergence based on small decrease of cost-function if (zero_cf_diff_conv(np.CF(),minp.second,np.FractionalCFTolerance())) {np.SetCF(minp.second); np.SetStatus(NL_CFCONV); return(np.Status());} // Check for convergence based on neglible move in parameter space else if (zero_par_step_conv(minp.first*p,np.Par(),np.FractionalParameterTolerance())) {np.SetCF(minp.second); np.SetStatus(NL_PARCONV); return(np.Status());} else { // If no covergence np.SetCF(minp.second); if (((np.NIter())%np.NPar()) == 0) { // Explicitly reset directions after npar iterations r = -cfo.grad(np.Par()); p = r; } else { ColumnVector oldr = r; r = -cfo.grad(np.Par()); if (np.ConjugateGradientUpdate() == CG_FR) { // Get conjugate direction Fletcher-Reeves flavour p = r + (DotProduct(r,r)/DotProduct(oldr,oldr)) * p; } else if (np.ConjugateGradientUpdate() == CG_PR) { // Get conjugate direction Polak-Ribiere flavour p = r + (DotProduct(r-oldr,r)/DotProduct(oldr,oldr)) * p; } } } } // If we get here we have used too many iterations np.SetStatus(NL_MAXITER); return(np.Status()); } // Main routine for scaled conjugate-gradient optimisation. The // idea of the algorithm is similar to that of Levenberg- // Marquardt. In the LM algorithm the search direction is a // "compromise" between the Newton direction and the gradient // direction, where the compromise depends on a factor lambda. // A large lambda means that it is close to the gradient and a // small lambda that it is close to the Newton direction. The // value of lambda is updated each iteration depending on the // success of the last step. In this method the compromise is // between the "conjugate gradient" direction and the gradient // direction. The variable names follow the (excellent!) paper // by Martin Möller (1993) Neural Networks 6:525-533. // I have tried to follow the notation he uses in his paper, thus // enabling that to be the "documentation" for the routine below. NonlinOut sccngr(const NonlinParam& np, const NonlinCF& cfo) { // Set up initial values np.SetCF(cfo.cf(np.Par())); // Current value for cost-function (E in Moller 92). double sigma = 1.0e-2; // Step-length when estmating H*p from g(w+sigma*p)-g(w) double lambda_bar = 0.0; // Update for lambda if approximate hessian not positive definite ColumnVector r = -cfo.grad(np.Par()); // Negative gradient ColumnVector p = r; // Search direction bool success = true; // True if previous step was successful double delta = 0.0; // Used to check pos def of H in loop below ColumnVector s(np.NPar()); // Used as approximation to H*p in loop below while (np.NextIter()) { double p2 = DotProduct(p,p); // p'*p, Temporary variable to save some time if (success == true) { // If last step led to reduction of cost-function double sigma_k = sigma/std::sqrt(p2); // Normalised step-length when estimating H*p // cout << "np.NIter() = " << np.NIter() << ", p2 = " << p2 << ", sigma_k = " << sigma_k << endl; s = (cfo.grad(np.Par()+sigma_k*p) + r) / sigma_k; // Approximation to H*p delta = DotProduct(p,s); // Approximation to p'*H*p } s += (np.Lambda()-lambda_bar)*p; // Equivalent to adding (l-lb)*I to H delta += (np.Lambda()-lambda_bar)*p2; // If <0 then H+(l-lb)*I not positive definite if (delta <= 0) { // If it H is not positive definite s += (np.Lambda() - 2.0*(delta/p2)) * p; // Make H more diagonal dominant to ensure pos def lambda_bar = 2.0*(np.Lambda() - delta/p2); delta = np.Lambda()*p2 - delta; np.SetLambda(lambda_bar); } double mu = DotProduct(p,r); double alpha = mu/delta; // Step size in direction p double tmp_cf = cfo.cf(np.Par()+alpha*p); // Value of cost-function at attempted new point // cout << "np.NIter() " << np.NIter() << ", delta = " << delta << ", mu = " << mu << ", alpha = " << alpha << endl; /* char fname[100]; sprintf(fname,"scg_debug_gradient_%02d.txt",np.NIter()); print_newmat(r,fname); sprintf(fname,"scg_debug_step_%02d.txt",np.NIter()); ColumnVector step(p); step *= alpha; print_newmat(step,fname); */ double Delta = 2.0*delta*(np.CF()-tmp_cf) / (mu*mu); // > 0 means attempted step reduced cost-function if (Delta >= 0) { // If step reduces cost-function np.SetCF(tmp_cf); // Update lowest observed value of cost-function np.SetPar(np.Par() + alpha*p); // Update best set of parameters lambda_bar = 0.0; success = true; if ((np.NIter()%np.NPar()) == 0) { // If npar iterations since last resetting of directions r = -cfo.grad(np.Par()); // Reset search direction to negative gradient p = r; } else { ColumnVector oldr = r; r = -cfo.grad(np.Par()); double beta = (DotProduct(r,r)-DotProduct(oldr,r)) / mu; // cout << "np.NIter() = " << np.NIter() << ", beta = " << beta << endl; p = r + beta*p; // New search direction } if (Delta > 0.75) { // If attempted step was \emph{REALLY} good np.SetLambda(np.Lambda()/2.0); } } else { // If step doesn't reduce cost-function lambda_bar = np.Lambda(); success = false; } if (Delta < 0.25) { // If step reduced cost-function only "a little" (or not at all) np.SetLambda(4.0*np.Lambda()); } if (zero_grad_conv(np.Par(),r,np.CF(),np.FractionalGradientTolerance())) { // If gradient is (practically) zero np.SetStatus(NL_GRADCONV); return(np.Status()); } } // If we get here we have exceeded allowed # of iterations np.SetStatus(NL_MAXITER); return(np.Status()); } // Main routine for variable-metric optimisation. This implements // the variable-metric optimisation with the BFGS or DFP updating // schemes. The implementation details are mostly quite close to // those described in Numerical Recipies in C. NonlinOut varmet(const NonlinParam& p, const NonlinCF& cfo) { // Get scale factor to ensure a relative scale beteween // parameters and cost-function such that fast and robust // convergence is acheieved. double sf = cfo.sf(); // Suggestion by "user" ColumnVector grad = sf*cfo.grad(p.Par()); // Gradient of const-function if (p.VariableMetricAutoScale()) { sf = scale_factor(p.Par(),-grad,cfo,p.LineSearchMaxIterations(),sf); // Refinement by "me" if (sf == 0.0) { // No minimum in indicated direction p.SetStatus(NL_PARCONV); // Assume this means we are already at minimum return(p.Status()); } grad = (sf/cfo.sf()) * grad; } VarmetMatrix iH(p.NPar(),VM_OPT,p.VariableMetricUpdate()); // Inverse Hessian p.SetCF(sf*cfo.cf(p.Par())); // Current value of cost-function ColumnVector pdir = -(iH*grad); // Direction to search in double lambda = 0.0; // Step-length returned by linsrch double newcf = 0.0; // New value for cost-function ColumnVector newpar(p.NPar()); // New point in parameter space while (p.NextIter()) { // Do a line-search to find a new point in parameter space LinOut status = linsrch(pdir,p.Par(),grad,cfo,p.CF(),sf,p.LineSearchMaxIterations(), p.LineSearchMaxStep(),p.VariableMetricAlpha(), p.LineSearchFractionalParameterTolerance(),&lambda,&newcf,&newpar); // Check for convergence/problems based on outcome of linsrch if (status == LM_MAXITER) {p.SetStatus(NL_LM_MAXITER); return(p.Status());} else if (status == LM_LAMBDA_NILL) { // This means we might be heading uphill and should restart if (p.NextRestart()) { // If we have spare restarts p.SetCF(p.CF()); // Another copy of old value p.SetPar(p.Par()); // Another copy of old values iH.reset(); // Back to being unity matrix pdir = -grad; continue; } else { p.SetStatus(NL_PARCONV); return(p.Status()); } } // Test for convergence based on distance between points in parameter space ColumnVector dpar = newpar - p.Par(); p.SetPar(newpar); p.SetCF(newcf); // cout << "p.FractionalParameterTolerance() = " << p.FractionalParameterTolerance() << endl; // cout << "P.Par() = " << p.Par() << endl; // cout << "dpar = " << dpar << endl; if (zero_par_step_conv(p.Par(),dpar,p.FractionalParameterTolerance())) {p.SetStatus(NL_PARCONV); return(p.Status());} // Get gradient at new point ColumnVector newgrad = sf*cfo.grad(p.Par()); // Test for convergence based on "zero" gradient if (zero_grad_conv(p.Par(),newgrad,p.CF(),p.FractionalGradientTolerance())) {p.SetStatus(NL_GRADCONV); return(p.Status());} // Update estimate of inverse Hessian iH.update(dpar,newgrad-grad); // Update parameters and get new direction to go in grad = newgrad; pdir = -(iH*grad); // N.B. no unary - op for iH, parenthesis necessary } // If we get here we have exceeded the allowed # of iterations p.SetStatus(NL_MAXITER); return(p.Status()); } LinOut linsrch(// Input const ColumnVector& dir, // Search direction const ColumnVector& p0, // Current parameter values const ColumnVector& grad, // Gradient at p0 const NonlinCF& cfo, // Cost-function object double f0, // Current cost-function value double sf, // Scale factor for cost-function double maxiter, // Max # of iterations double sm, // Stepmax double alpha, // Alpha (sorry). double ptol, // Tolerance in parameter space // Output double *lambda, // Resulting step length double *of, // Value of cost-function on output ColumnVector *np) // New parameters { const double lmin = 0.1; const double lmax = 0.5; // First make sure that the step-length suggested // by pdir isn't completely unreasonable. double totstep=std::sqrt(DotProduct(dir,dir)); ColumnVector pdir(dir); if (totstep > sm) {pdir *= sm/totstep;} // Calculate expected rate of change in the direction // given by pdir. double fp0 = DotProduct(grad,pdir); // Calculate smallest meaningful lambda given what is // smallest meaningful change in parameter value. double almin=0.0; for (int i=0; i lp; pair mp; pair rp = bracket(p,pdir,cfo,ftol,sf,&lp,&mp); if (rp == mp) { // If there is no minimum in the indicated direction return(0.0); } // Now find a minimum with a fractional accuracy of ~1% pair minpoint; if (linmin(p,pdir,cfo,sf,lp,mp,rp,ftol,maxiter,&minpoint) == LM_MAXITER) { throw NonlinException("Failed to find minimum along search direction"); } sf *= minpoint.first/dl; return(sf); } // Will find the minimum of the cost-function as a function of // lambda. This routine will find the minimum to a fractional // tolerance of lambda. This is NOT practical to use for the // Variable Metric minimisation (too slow), but is used for // the conjugate-gradient method and for finding the initial // scaling between parameters and cost-function for the // variable metric method. LinOut linmin(// Input const ColumnVector& p, // Current parameter values const ColumnVector& pdir, // Search direction const NonlinCF& cfo, // Cost-function object double sf, // Scale factor for cost-function pair lp, // Left point pair mp, // Point somewhere in interval pair rp, // Right point double ftol, // Fractional tolerance int maxiter,// Max # of iterations // Output pair *x) // Best point { const double gold = 0.382;// Golden section pair test; // New point to test pair w = mp; // Second best point pair v = mp; // Last value of second best point double step = 0.0; double ostep = 0.0; // Length of 2nd to last step taken double d = 0.0; // Length of last step taken ColumnVector y(3); // Used for fitting parabolic Matrix X(3,3); // Used for fitting parabolic *x = mp; // Initialise "best" point for (int i=0; ifirst)+MISCMATHS::EPS; // Std::Absolute tolerance if (std::abs(x->first-midp) <= (tol-0.5*(rp.first-lp.first))) { // Convergence check return(LM_CONV); } // Try parabolic fit, but not before third iteration double tmp = 10.0*std::sqrt(MISCMATHS::EPS); if (std::abs(ostep) > tol/2.0 && // If second to last step big enough std::abs(x->first-w.first) > tmp && std::abs(x->first-v.first) > tmp && std::abs(w.first-v.first) > tmp) { // And points not degenerate step = ostep; ostep = d; y << x->second << w.second << v.second; X << std::pow(x->first,2.0) << x->first << 1.0 << std::pow(w.first,2.0) << w.first << 1.0 << std::pow(v.first,2.0) << v.first << 1.0; ColumnVector b = X.i() * y; if (b.element(0) < 4*MISCMATHS::EPS || // If on line or going for maximum (test.first = -b.element(1)/(2.0*b.element(0))) <= lp.first || test.first >= rp.first || // If outside bracketed interval std::abs(test.first-x->first) > 0.5*step) { // Or if step too big (indicates oscillation) // Take golden step into larger interval if (rp.first-x->first > x->first-lp.first) { // If right interval larger test.first = x->first + gold * (rp.first - x->first); } else { test.first = x->first - gold * (x->first - lp.first); } } } else { // Take golden step into larger interval if (x->first < midp) { // If right interval larger ostep = rp.first - x->first; test.first = x->first + gold * (rp.first - x->first); } else { ostep = x->first - lp.first; test.first = x->first - gold * (x->first - lp.first); } } d = test.first - x->first; // Signed length of step test.second = sf*cfo.cf(p+test.first*pdir); // Evaluate cf at new point // Now we have a new point, and we need to figure out what to do with it if (test.second <= x->second) { // If it beats the best step if (test.first > x->first) {lp = *x;} else {rp = *x;} v = w; w = *x; *x = test; } else { if (test.first < x->first) {lp = test;} else {rp = test;} if (test.second <= w.second || w.first == x->first) { v = w; w = test; } else if (test.second <= v.second || v.first == x->first || v.first == w.first) { v = test; } } } // If we are here we have used too many iterations return(LM_MAXITER); // Error status } // Will return a value lambda such that a function minimum is guaranteed to // lie somewhere in the interval between p and p+lambda*pdir. The second value // of the returned pair is the cost-function value at the point. pair bracket(// Input const ColumnVector& p, // Current parameter values const ColumnVector& pdir, // Search direction const NonlinCF& cfo, // Cost-function object double ptol, // Relative tolerance for parameter values double sf, // Scale factor of cost-function // Output pair *p_0, // Cost-function value at p pair *p_m) // Point between p_0 and p_l { pair p_l; const double gr = 0.618034; const double maxstep = 100.0; p_0->first = 0.0; double cf0 = sf*cfo.cf(p); double l1 = 1.0; double cf1 = sf*cfo.cf(p+l1*pdir); // Find maximum relative component of search direction double test = 0.0; for (int i=0; ifirst = l1; p_m->second = cf1; p_0->second = cf0; return(p_l); } Matrix X(2,2); ColumnVector y(2); double lt = 0.0; double cft = 0.0; while (!(cf1 < cf0 && cf1 < cf2)) { // If minimum still not bracketed if (l2*test < ptol) { // If interval ridicously small p_l = *p_0; *p_m = *p_0; return(p_l); } // Let's see if a parabolic might help us if (std::abs(l2-l1) > 10.0*std::sqrt(MISCMATHS::EPS)) { X << std::pow(l1,2.0) << l1 << std::pow(l2,2.0) << l2; y << cf1 << cf2; ColumnVector b = X.i()*y; if (b.element(0) > 4.0*MISCMATHS::EPS) { // Check they are not on a line and not for maximum lt = - (b.element(1) / (2.0 * b.element(0))); // Tentative point if (lt > 0 && lt < l2) { // If in range of previous points cft = sf*cfo.cf(p+lt*pdir); if (cft < cf0 && cft < cf2) {l1=lt; cf1=cft; continue;} else if (cft > cf0 && lt < l1 && cft < cf1) {l2=l1; cf2=cf1; l1=lt; cf1=cft; continue;} else if (cft > cf0 && lt > l1 && cft < cf2) {l2=lt; cf2=cft; continue;} } else if (lt > 0 && lt < maxstep*l2) { // If expansion in allowed range cft = sf*cfo.cf(p+lt*pdir); l1 = l2; cf1 = cf2; l2 = lt; cf2 = cft; continue; } } } // If we are here the parabolic was of no use if (cf2 < cf0) { // We need to expand lt = (2.0 + gr)*l2; cft = sf*cfo.cf(p+lt*pdir); l1 = l2; cf1 = cf2; l2 = lt; cf2 = cft; } else { // We need to contract lt = gr * l1; cft = sf*cfo.cf(p+lt*pdir); l2 = l1; cf2 = cf1; l1 = lt; cf1 = cft; } } // If we are here we know that there is a minimum // somewhere between 0 and l2; p_0->second = cf0; p_m->first = l1; p_m->second = cf1; p_l.first = l2; p_l.second = cf2; return(p_l); } // Utility routines that checks for convergence based on various criteria // Based on zero (neglible) gradient bool zero_grad_conv(const ColumnVector& par, const ColumnVector& grad, double cf, double gtol) { double test = 0.0; // test will be largest relative component of gradient for (int i=0; i check_grad(const ColumnVector& par, const NonlinCF& cfo) { pair rv; rv.first = cfo.NonlinCF::grad(par); rv.second = cfo.grad(par); return(rv); } pair,boost::shared_ptr > check_hess(const ColumnVector& par, const NonlinCF& cfo) { pair,boost::shared_ptr > rv; rv.first = cfo.NonlinCF::hess(par); rv.second = cfo.hess(par); return(rv); } void print_newmat(const NEWMAT::GeneralMatrix& m, std::string fname) { if (!fname.length()) { cout << endl << m << endl; } else { try { std::ofstream fout(fname.c_str()); fout << setprecision(10) << m; } catch(...) { std::string errmsg("print_newmat: Failed to write to file " + fname); throw NonlinException(errmsg); } } } } // End namespace MISCMATHS