Informer Help

The Informer is a utility used to display custom information on Simulink and/or Stateflow objects or to execute a callback in MATLAB when an object is clicked on or moused over.

The user can set the mode of the Informer via the 'mode' property to either focus or click. Focus mode pushes object information to the Informer window when the object is in focus while click mode pushes object information to the Informer when the object is clicked upon.

The Informer is capable of displaying valid HTML. Links to other HTML documents and MATLAB commands can be created via the '<a>' tag but MATLAB command links should have a matlab: address type (ie: <a href=\"matlab:doc\">doc<a>).

To use the buffer mechanism:
Instruction click to execute keywords used
1. Instantiate an informer object i = DAStudio.Informer a href="matlab:i = DAStudio.Informer"
2. Assign some buffer text on the informer i.buffer={'buffer 1
link to buffer 2
link to buffer 3', 'buffer 2', 'buffer 3'}
a href=buffer:2
3. Assign the initial buffer i.text=i.buffer{1} a href=matlab:2