#!/bin/bash -e # This code is released to the public domain. # # Mark Jenkinson, FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, 2012 # # Neither the FMRIB Centre, the University of Oxford, nor any of # its employees imply any warranty of usefulness of this software # for any purpose, and do not assume any liability for damages, # incidental or otherwise, caused by any use of this document. Usage() { echo "" echo "Usage: `basename $0` [options] ... " echo "" echo "Compulsory arguments" echo " -o : output basename" echo "Optional arguments" echo " -s : standard image (default is MNI152_T1_2mm)" echo " -m : standard brain mask (default is MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_mask_dil)" echo " -n : do not crop images" echo " -w : local, temporary working directory (to be cleaned up - i.e. deleted)" echo " -b : specify brainsize in mm for internal ROI (via robustfov)" echo " --noclean : do not run the cleanup" echo " -v : verbose output" echo " -h : display this help message" echo "" echo "e.g.: `basename $0` -n -o output_name im1 im2" echo " Note that N>=2 (i.e. there must be at least two images in the list)" exit 1 } get_arg2() { if [ X$2 = X ] ; then echo "Option $1 requires an argument" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo $2 } ######################################################################################################### # deal with options crop=yes verbose=no wdir= cleanup=yes StandardImage=${FSLDIR}/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm StandardMask=${FSLDIR}/data/standard/MNI152_T1_2mm_brain_mask_dil if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then Usage; exit 0; fi while [ $# -ge 1 ] ; do iarg=$1 case "$iarg" in -n) crop=no; shift;; -o) output=`get_arg2 $1 $2`; shift 2;; -s) StandardImage=`get_arg2 $1 $2`; shift 2;; -m) StandardMask=`get_arg2 $1 $2`; shift 2;; -w) wdir=`get_arg2 $1 $2`; cleanup=no; shift 2;; -b) BrainSizeOpt=`get_arg2 $1 $2`; BrainSizeOpt="-b $BrainSizeOpt"; shift 2;; -v) verbose=yes; shift;; -h) Usage; exit 0;; --noclean) cleanup=no; shift;; *) if [ `echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.\).*/\1/'` = "-" ] ; then echo "Unrecognised option $1" 1>&2 exit 1 fi imagelist="$imagelist $1" shift;; esac done if [ X$output = X ] ; then echo "The compulsory argument -o MUST be used" exit 1; fi if [ `echo $imagelist | wc -w` -lt 2 ] ; then Usage; echo " " echo "Must specify at least two images to average" exit 1; fi # setup working directory if [ X$wdir = X ] ; then wdir=`$FSLDIR/bin/tmpnam`; wdir=${wdir}_wdir fi if [ ! -d $wdir ] ; then if [ -f $wdir ] ; then echo "A file already exists with the name $wdir - cannot use this as the working directory" exit 1; fi mkdir $wdir fi # process imagelist newimlist="" for fn in $imagelist ; do bnm=`$FSLDIR/bin/remove_ext $fn`; bnm=`basename $bnm`; fullpathfn=`$FSLDIR/bin/fsl_abspath $fn`; $FSLDIR/bin/imcp $fullpathfn $wdir/$bnm newimlist="$newimlist $wdir/$bnm" done if [ $verbose = yes ] ; then echo "Images: $imagelist Output: $output"; fi # for each image reorient, register to std space, (optionally do "get transformed FOV and crop it based on this") for fn in $newimlist ; do $FSLDIR/bin/fslreorient2std ${fn}.nii.gz ${fn}_reorient $FSLDIR/bin/robustfov -i ${fn}_reorient -r ${fn}_roi -m ${fn}_roi2orig.mat $BrainSizeOpt $FSLDIR/bin/convert_xfm -omat ${fn}TOroi.mat -inverse ${fn}_roi2orig.mat $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -in ${fn}_roi -ref "$StandardImage" -omat ${fn}roi_to_std.mat -out ${fn}roi_to_std -dof 12 -searchrx -30 30 -searchry -30 30 -searchrz -30 30 $FSLDIR/bin/convert_xfm -omat ${fn}_std2roi.mat -inverse ${fn}roi_to_std.mat done # register images together, using standard space brain masks im1=`echo $newimlist | awk '{ print $1 }'`; for im2 in $newimlist ; do if [ $im2 != $im1 ] ; then # register version of two images (whole heads still) $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -in ${im2}_roi -ref ${im1}_roi -omat ${im2}_to_im1.mat -out ${im2}_to_im1 -dof 6 -searchrx -30 30 -searchry -30 30 -searchrz -30 30 # transform std space brain mask $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -init ${im1}_std2roi.mat -in "$StandardMask" -ref ${im1}_roi -out ${im1}_roi_linmask -applyxfm # re-register using the brain mask as a weighting image $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -in ${im2}_roi -init ${im2}_to_im1.mat -omat ${im2}_to_im1_linmask.mat -out ${im2}_to_im1_linmask -ref ${im1}_roi -refweight ${im1}_roi_linmask -nosearch else cp $FSLDIR/etc/flirtsch/ident.mat ${im1}_to_im1_linmask.mat fi done # get the halfway space transforms (midtrans output is the *template* to halfway transform) translist="" for fn in $newimlist ; do translist="$translist ${fn}_to_im1_linmask.mat" ; done $FSLDIR/bin/midtrans --separate=${wdir}/ToHalfTrans --template=${im1}_roi $translist # interpolate n=1; for fn in $newimlist ; do num=`$FSLDIR/bin/zeropad $n 4`; n=`echo $n + 1 | bc`; if [ $crop = yes ] ; then $FSLDIR/bin/applywarp -i ${fn}_roi --premat=${wdir}/ToHalfTrans${num}.mat -r ${im1}_roi -o ${wdir}/ImToHalf${num} --interp=spline else $FSLDIR/bin/convert_xfm -omat ${wdir}/ToHalfTrans${num}.mat -concat ${wdir}/ToHalfTrans${num}.mat ${fn}TOroi.mat $FSLDIR/bin/convert_xfm -omat ${wdir}/ToHalfTrans${num}.mat -concat ${im1}_roi2orig.mat ${wdir}/ToHalfTrans${num}.mat $FSLDIR/bin/applywarp -i ${fn}_reorient --premat=${wdir}/ToHalfTrans${num}.mat -r ${im1}_reorient -o ${wdir}/ImToHalf${num} --interp=spline fi done # average outputs comm=`echo ${wdir}/ImToHalf* | sed "s@ ${wdir}/ImToHalf@ -add ${wdir}/ImToHalf@g"`; tot=`echo ${wdir}/ImToHalf* | wc -w`; $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${comm} -div $tot ${output} # CLEANUP if [ $cleanup != no ] ; then # the following protects the rm -rf call (making sure that it is not null and really is a directory) if [ X$wdir != X ] ; then if [ -d $wdir ] ; then # should be safe to call here without trying to remove . or $HOME or / rm -rf $wdir fi fi fi