#!/bin/sh # QuASIL: QUASAR Bayesian Arterial SpIn Labeling parameter estimation # # Michael Chappell, IBME & FMRIB Image Analysis Group # # Copyright (c) 2011-2012 University of Oxford # # Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library # http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl # fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk # # Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance # Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford # University, Oxford, UK # # # LICENCE # # FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of # Oxford (the "Software") # # The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the # University"). # # The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for # non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order # that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for # the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University # makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any # warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, # or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use # under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims # all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It # further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using # the Software. # # The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the # University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and # liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for # negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the # Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. # # No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or # transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, # without the express permission of the University. The permission of # the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, # transmission or transference is done without financial return, the # conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the # product, and all original and amended source code is included in any # transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any # copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to # abide by these terms and conditions. # # You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software # commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be # defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part # of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license # by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the # Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of # developing software products for sale or license to a third party or # (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the # final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a # third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an # external organisation for which payment is received. If you are # interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis # Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the # University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: # innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. export LC_NUMERIC=C Usage() { echo "QUASAR Bayesian Inference for Arterial Spin Labelling MRI" # echo "Version: 0.95 (beta)" echo "" echo "Usage (optional parameters in {}):" echo " -i : specify data file" echo " {-o} : specify output directory" echo " {-m} : specify brain mask file" echo "" echo " Extended options:" echo " --t1b : Set the value for T1 of arterial blood {default: 1.6 s}" echo " --disp : include bolus dispersion in the model (gamma kernel)" echo " --infertau : estimate bolus duration from data" echo " --mfree : Do model-free (SVD deconvolution) analysis" echo "" echo " Sequence parameters:" echo " --slicedt : Set the increase in TI with slice {default: 0.035 s}" echo " --fa : Flip angle for LL readout {default: 35 degrees}" echo " --lfa : Lower flip angle for final phase of data {default: 11.7 degrees}" echo " --tis : comma separated list of TI values" echo " {default: 0.04,0.34,0.64,0.94,1.24,1.54,1.84,2.14,2.44,2.74,3.04,3.34,3.64}" echo "" } Version() { echo "$Id: quasil,v 1.10 2013/01/10 17:00:39 chappell Exp $" exit 0 } # deal with options if [ -z $1 ]; then Usage exit 1 fi until [ -z $1 ]; do case $1 in -o) outflag=1 outdir=$2 shift;; -i) inflag=1 infile=$2 #input/data file shift;; -m) mask=$2 shift;; --t1b) t1b=$2 shift;; --t1) t1=$2 shift;; --slicedt) slicedt=$2 shift;; --fa) fa=$2 shift;; --lfa) lfa=$2 shift;; --disp) nodisp=1 ;; --mfree) mfree=1 ;; --tis) tis=$2 shift;; --iform) iform=$2 # to choose the input form of the data shift;; --tau) tau=$2 shift;; --infertau) infertau=1 ;; --ccmds) calibcmds=$2 shift;; --debug) debug=1 #debugging option ;; --version) Version ;; *) Usage echo "Error! Unrecognised option on command line: $1" echo "" exit 1;; esac shift done #### --- Procedural --- asl_file=asl_file fabber=fabber asl_mfree=asl_mfree ###~/cproject/asl_mfree/asl_mfree #### --- Housekeeping --- # set the output directory here if not specified if [ -z $outflag ]; then echo "Ouput being placed in basil subdirectory of input directory" outdir=$indir/quasil; fi # Start by looking for the output directory (and create if need be) count=0 while [ -d $outdir ]; do outdir=$outdir"+" count=`expr $count + 1` if [ $count -gt 20 ]; then echo "Error: $outdir too many existing output directories (i.e. shall not add another +)" exit fi done echo "Creating output directory: $outdir" mkdir $outdir; # save the starting directory stdir=`pwd` # make a temp directory to work in tmpbase=`$FSLDIR/bin/tmpnam` tempdir=${tmpbase}_quasil mkdir $tempdir # deal with the TIs if [ -z $tis ]; then # default QUASAR list of TIs tis="0.04,0.34,0.64,0.94,1.24,1.54,1.84,2.14,2.44,2.74,3.04,3.34,3.64" fi count=0 tislist="" thetis=`echo $tis | sed 's:,: :g'` for ti in $thetis; do count=`expr ${count} + 1` tislist=`echo $tislist --ti${count}=$ti` done # echo "TIs list: $tislist" >> $log ntis=$count; if [ -z $iform ]; then iform="q" fi # parameters #bolus duration - default 0.64 s if [ -z $tau ]; then tau=0.64; fi #T1b if [ -z $t1b ]; then t1b=1.6; fi #T1 - this si the prior value, since T1 will be estimated from the data if [ -z $t1 ]; then t1=1.3; fi # sequence parameters # slicedt if [ -z $slicedt ]; then slicedt=0.035; fi # Flip angles if [ -z $fa ]; then fa=35; fi if [ -z $lfa ]; then lfa=11.7; fi #### --- Pre-processing --- echo "Pre-processing" imcp $infile $tempdir/data cd $tempdir if [ $iform = "q" ]; then # input is one big file 13x84 volumes containing raw data (TC pairs) grouped as phases(7) - repeats(6) - tis(13) # (NB nesting order is from left to right - so that phases are together for one repeat at one TI in this case) # need to get it into right form for fabber: tis(13) - phases(7), mean over repeats, both subtracted and raw data # first break out all the TIs $asl_file --data=data --ntis=$ntis --ibf=tis --iaf=tc --split=ti # now we have 13 tis each with 84 volumes # Within each TI: separate the phases for ((i=0; i<$ntis; i++)); do mkdir ti$i tifile=`ls ti$i.nii.gz ti0$i.nii.gz ti00$i.nii.gz 2>/dev/null` echo $tifile $asl_file --data=$tifile --ntis=7 --ibf=rpt --iaf=tc --split=ti$i/phs # NB using asl_file to split the phases (pseudo TIs) # leaves TC pairs together done #now assemble the multiTI files phslist="" for ((j=0; j<7; j++)); do #within each phase filelist="" for ((i=0; i<$ntis; i++)); do #within each TI filelist=$filelist" ti$i/phs00$j" done fslmerge -t aslraw_ph$j $filelist #take mean within TI $asl_file --data=aslraw_ph$j --ntis=$ntis --ibf=tis --iaf=tc --mean=aslraw_ph$j phslist=$phslist" aslraw_ph$j" done fslmerge -t aslraw $phslist # data is now in 'f' form elif [ $iform = "f" ]; then # data is (already) in 'f' form: one file with 13x7 volumes raw data (TC pairs) grouped as tis(13) - phases(7) immv data aslraw fi # TC difference $asl_file --data=aslraw --ntis=$ntis --ibf=tis --iaf=tc --diff --out=asldata # discard the final (low flip angle) phase from the differenced data # we do not (currently) use this for the main analysis nkeep=`expr $ntis \* 6` fslroi asldata asldata 0 $nkeep # extract control images $asl_file --data=aslraw --ntis=$ntis --ibf=tis --iaf=tc --spairs --out=aslraw immv aslraw_even aslcontrol if [ -z $mask ]; then # auto generate mask fslmaths aslcontrol -Tmean aslmean bet aslmean mask -m else cd "$stdir" imcp $mask $tempdir/mask cd $tempdir fi # copy mask to output for future reference cd "$stdir" imcp $tempdir/mask $outdir/mask cd $tempdir #### --- Calibration --- if [ -z "$calibcmds" ]; then #voxelwise M0 calibration echo "#QUASAR analysis calibration options" > calib_options.txt echo "--mask=mask" >> calib_options.txt echo "--method=spatialvb --noise=white --param-spatial-priors=MN+" >> calib_options.txt echo "--model=satrecov" >> calib_options.txt echo "--repeats=1" >> calib_options.txt echo "--phases=6" >> calib_options.txt #NB 6 (normal) phases plus 1 LFA phase echo $tislist >> calib_options.txt echo "--t1=$t1 --FA=$fa --LFA=$lfa" >> calib_options.txt echo "--slicedt=$slicedt" >> calib_options.txt $fabber --data=aslcontrol --data-order=singlefile --output=calib -@ calib_options.txt # deal with outputs immv calib/mean_T1t calib/T1t immv calib/mean_g calib/g immv calib/mean_M0t calib/M0t #fslmaths instruction for calibration (for execution whilst back in starting dir) cinstr=" -div $tempdir/calib/M0t -mul 0.9 " # partition coefficient 0.9 #save calibration results to output directory for reference imcp calib/M0t $outdir/M0t imcp calib/T1t $outdir/T1t else # we have some commands to pass to asl_calib cd $stdir #NB run this in the original starting directory asl_calib -c $tempdir/aslcontrol $calibcmds --mode satrecov -o $tempdir/calib --bmask $tempdir/mask --tis $tis --fa $fa --lfa $lfa --nphases #fslmaths instruction for calibration (for execution whilst back in starting dir) cinstr=" -div `cat $tempdir/calib/M0a.txt` " #return to working in temporary directory cd $tempdir #save calibration results to output directory for reference cp calib/M0a.txt $outdir/M0a.txt imcp calib/mean_T1t $outdir/T1t fi ### --- Analysis --- if [ -z $mfree ]; then # --- [Model Based] --- echo "Begin model-based analysis" echo "#QUASAR analysis options" > options.txt echo "--mask=mask" >> options.txt echo "--method=spatialvb" >> options.txt echo "--noise=white" >> options.txt echo "--model=quasar" >> options.txt echo "--inferart" >> options.txt echo "--repeats=1" >> options.txt echo $tislist >> options.txt echo "--t1=$t1 --t1b=$t1b --tau=$tau --fa=$fa " >> options.txt echo "--slicedt=$slicedt" >> options.txt echo "--infert1 ">>options.txt echo "--artdir" >> options.txt # use calibration information within inference echo "--usecalib ">>options.txt if [ ! -z $infertau ]; then #infer bolus duration echo "--infertau --tauboff" >> options.txt #Note we have only a single tau for both arterial and tissue signal (both also share the same dispersion properties) echo "--image-prior6=calib_latest/T1t " >> options.txt echo "--image-prior12=calib_latest/g" >> options.txt echo "--param-spatial-priors=MNNANINNNNNI" >> options.txt else # spatial prior list without bolus duration echo "--image-prior5=calib_latest/T1t " >> options.txt echo "--image-prior11=calib_latest/g" >> options.txt echo "--param-spatial-priors=MNANINNNNNI" >> options.txt fi kern="none" if [ ! -z $disp ]; then # include dispersion in the model kern="gamma" fi $fabber --data=asldata --data-order=singlefile --disp=$kern --output=full -@ options.txt #copy results to output directory cd "$stdir" fslmaths $tempdir/full/mean_ftiss $cinstr -mul 6000 $outdir/perfusion fslmaths $tempdir/full/mean_ftiss $outdir/perfusion_raw imcp $tempdir/full/mean_delttiss $outdir/arrival fslmaths $tempdir/full/mean_fblood $cinstr $outdir/aCBV if [ ! -z $infertau ]; then imcp $tempdir/full/mean_tautiss $outdir/bolus_duration fi else # --- [Model Free] --- echo "Begin model-free analysis" # need to separate tissue and arterial signals # first split up the differenced data into the separate phases (treating as TIs) $asl_file --data=asldata --ntis=6 --ibf=tis --iaf=diff --split=asldata_ph fslmaths asldata_ph002 -add asldata_ph005 -mul 0.5 asl_nocrush fslmaths asldata_ph000 -add asldata_ph001 -add asldata_ph003 -add asldata_ph004 -mul 0.25 asl_tissue fslmaths asl_nocrush -sub asl_tissue asl_blood # fit GVF for the AIF echo "#QUASAR analysis AIF options" > aifoptions.txt echo "--data-order=singlefile" >> aifoptions.txt echo "--mask=mask" >> aifoptions.txt echo "--method=spatialvb" >> aifoptions.txt echo "--noise=white" >> aifoptions.txt echo "--model=quasar" >> aifoptions.txt echo $tislist >> aifoptions.txt echo "--t1=$t1 --t1b=$t1b --tau=$tau --fa=$fa " >> aifoptions.txt echo "--slicedt=$slicedt" >> aifoptions.txt echo "--repeats=1" >> aifoptions.txt echo "--infert1 ">> aifoptions.txt echo "--inferart --tissoff" >> aifoptions.txt echo "--onephase" >> aifoptions.txt echo "--artdir" >> aifoptions.txt # use calibration information within inference echo " --usecalib ">> aifoptions.txt echo "--image-prior9=calib/g" >> aifoptions.txt echo "--param-spatial-priors=MNNNNNNNI" >> aifoptions.txt echo "--save-model-fit" >> aifoptions.txt $fabber --data=asl_blood --disp=gvf --output=aif -@ aifoptions.txt # need aBV image (in absolute units) - to determine what voxels contain viable aif fslmaths aif_latest/mean_fblood $cinstr aBV # need aif shapes (scale aifs by the aBV) fslmaths aif_latest/modelfit -div aif_latest/mean_fblood aifs #smooth data (a little) before model-free analysis fslmaths asl_tissue -s 2.1 asl_tissue # do deconvolution $asl_mfree --data=asl_tissue --mask=mask --out=modfree --aif=aifs --dt=0.3 --metric=aBV --mthresh=0.012 --tcorrect --t1=1.6 --fa=$fa #copy results to output directory cd "$stdir" fslmaths $tempdir/modfree_magntiude $cinstr -mul 6000 -div $tau $outdir/perfusion # note that in the calibration we have to account for the scaling of the AIF by the bolus duration # this is still required (even though we have tau in the model-fitting for the AIF) becuase we normalise the AIF above before deconvolution imcp $tempdir/aBV $outdir/aCBV fi # clearup cd "$stdir" # make sure we are back where we started if [ -z $debug ]; then echo "Tidying up" rm -r $tempdir else mv $tempdir . fi echo "QUASIL done"