/* Combined Surfaces and Volumes Class Saad Jbabdi - FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 2010 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ #if !defined (CSV_H) #define CSV_H #ifndef MAX #define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y)) #endif #define VOLUME 0 #define SURFACE 1 #ifndef EXPOSE_TREACHEROUS #define EXPOSE_TREACHEROUS #endif #include #include #include #include #include "newimage/newimageio.h" #include "miscmaths/miscmaths.h" #include "fslvtkio/fslvtkio.h" #include "utils/tracer_plus.h" #include "csv_mesh.h" #include "warpfns/warpfns.h" #include "warpfns/fnirt_file_reader.h" //#include "fslsurface/fslsurface.h" //#include "fslsurface/fslsurfaceio.h" //#include "fslsurface/fslsurface_dataconv.h" using namespace std; using namespace NEWIMAGE; using namespace MISCMATHS; using namespace fslvtkio; using namespace Utilities; //using namespace fslsurface_name; // useful routines for collision detection bool triBoxOverlap(float boxcenter[3],float boxhalfsize[3],float triverts[3][3]); bool rayBoxIntersection(float origin[3],float direction[3],float vminmax[2][3]); bool segTriangleIntersection(float seg[2][3],float tri[3][3]); float triDistPoint(const Triangle& t,const ColumnVector pos); // This is the main class that can handle an ROI made of a bunch of voxels and surface vertices // Its main role is to tell you whether a point is in the ROI (voxels) or whether a line segment // crossed its surface // This class is quite tailored to fit with probtrackx requirements :) // For now: it can only detect collisions with triangle meshes // For now: it uses meshclass for I/O. Eventually port into Brian's I/O to support GIFTI class CSV { private: volume roivol; // volume-like ROIs (all in the same volume for memory efficiency) vector roimesh; // surface-like ROIs vector roinames; // file names // useful for seed_to_target storage in probtrackx Matrix hitvol; // hit counter (voxels) Matrix isinroi; // which voxel in which ROI Matrix mat2vol; // lookup volume coordinates volume vol2mat; // lookup matrix row volume surfvol; // this is the main thing that speeds up surface collision detection // where each voxel knows whether the surface goes through or not // the values inicate which triangle list crosses the voxel // this volume can be higher resolution than refvol vector< vector< pair > > triangles; // triangles crossed by voxels as pair Matrix mm2vox; // for surfaces, transform coords into voxel space // this will depend on various software conventions (argh) Matrix vox2mm; // the inverse transform string convention; // FREESURFER/FIRST/CARET/etc.? float _xdim; // voxel sizes float _ydim; float _zdim; ColumnVector _dims; Matrix _identity; // useful for highres<->lowres int nvols; // # volume-like ROIs int nsurfs; // # surface-like ROIs int nvoxels; // # voxels (total across ROIs - unrepeated) int nlocs; // # ROI locations (eventually repeated) int nrois; // # ROIs in total (volumes+surfaces) // Sort out the transformations // from a given loc, I need to be able to tell // whether it is a surface or volume // + which surface or volume // + which sublocation within the surface or volume vector loctype; // SURFACE OR VOLUME vector locroi; // 0:NROIS-1 vector locsubroi; // 0:NSURFS or 0:NVOLS vector locsubloc; // 0:n vector loccoords; vector< vector > mesh2loc; volume4D vol2loc; vector volind; // vol is which roi index? vector surfind; // surf is which roi index? vector roitype; vector roisubind; // roi is which subindex? volume refvol; // reference volume (in case no volume-like ROI is used) bool refvolset; // flag: do we have a refvol? vector maps; // extra maps associated with CSV locations public: CSV(){ refvolset=false; init_dims(); } CSV(const volume& ref):refvol(ref){ refvolset=true; init_dims(); _xdim=refvol.xdim(); _ydim=refvol.ydim(); _zdim=refvol.zdim(); _dims.ReSize(3);_dims<<_xdim<<_ydim<<_zdim; set_convention("caret"); roivol.reinitialize(refvol.xsize(),refvol.ysize(),refvol.zsize()); copybasicproperties(refvol,roivol); roivol=0; vol2mat.reinitialize(refvol.xsize(),refvol.ysize(),refvol.zsize()); vol2mat=0; copybasicproperties(refvol,surfvol); surfvol.reinitialize(refvol.xsize(), refvol.ysize(), refvol.zsize()); surfvol=0; } CSV(const CSV& csv){*this=csv;} ~CSV(){clear_all();} void init_dims(){ nvols=0; nsurfs=0; nvoxels=0; nlocs=0; nrois=0; _identity=IdentityMatrix(4); } void reinitialize(const volume& vol){ init_dims(); _xdim=vol.xdim(); _ydim=vol.ydim(); _zdim=vol.zdim(); _dims.ReSize(3);_dims<<_xdim<<_ydim<<_zdim; set_convention("caret"); set_refvol(vol); clear_all(); } void clear_all(){ roimesh.clear();roinames.clear(); loctype.clear();locroi.clear();locsubroi.clear();locsubloc.clear(); mesh2loc.clear();maps.clear(); } // get/set const volume& get_refvol()const{return refvol;} void set_refvol(const volume& vol){ refvolset=true; refvol=vol; _xdim=refvol.xdim(); _ydim=refvol.ydim(); _zdim=refvol.zdim(); _dims<<_xdim<<_ydim<<_zdim; roivol.reinitialize(refvol.xsize(),refvol.ysize(),refvol.zsize()); copybasicproperties(refvol,roivol); roivol=0; vol2mat.reinitialize(refvol.xsize(),refvol.ysize(),refvol.zsize()); vol2mat=0; copybasicproperties(refvol,surfvol); surfvol.reinitialize(refvol.xsize(), refvol.ysize(), refvol.zsize()); surfvol=0; } void change_refvol(const vector& fnames){ for(unsigned int i=0;i tmpvol; read_volume(tmpvol,fnames[i]); set_refvol(tmpvol); return; } } } void init_vol2loc(const vector& fnames){ int cnt=0; for(unsigned int i=0;i get_locs_coords()const{return loccoords;} vector get_locs_roi_index()const{ vector ret; for(unsigned int i=0;i get_locs_coord_index()const{ vector ret; for(unsigned int i=0;i0) ret/=std::sqrt(ret.SumSquare()); return ret; } // routines void load_volume (const string& filename); void load_surface (const string& filename); void load_rois (const string& filename,bool do_change_refvol=true); void reload_rois (const string& filename); void save_roi (const int& roiind,const string& prefix); void save_rois (const string& prefix); //void save_as_volume (const string& prefix); void fill_volume (volume& vol,const int& ind); void cleanup(); void set_convention(const string& conv); void switch_convention(const string& new_convention,const Matrix& vox2vox,const ColumnVector& old_dims); void switch_convention(const string& new_convention,const volume4D& new2old_warp, const volume& oldref,const volume& newref); void init_surfvol(); void update_surfvol(const vector& v,const int& id,const int& meshid); void save_surfvol(const string& filename,const bool& binarise=true)const; void save_normalsAsVol(const int& meshind,const string& filename)const; void init_hitvol(const vector& fnames); void add_value(const int& loc,const float& val); void set_value(const int& loc,const float& val); void set_vol_values(const float& val); float get_value(const int& loc)const; void reset_values(); void reset_values(const vector& locs); ReturnMatrix get_all_values()const; void set_all_values(const ColumnVector& vals); void set_all_values(const float& val); void save_values(const int& roi); void loc_info(const int& loc)const; void add_map_value(const int& loc,const float& val,const int& map); void set_map_value(const int& loc,const float& val,const int& map); void reset_maps(){maps.clear();} void add_map(){ ColumnVector map(nlocs); map=0.0; maps.push_back(map); } void add_map(const ColumnVector& map){ if(map.Nrows()!=nlocs){ cerr<<"CSV::add_map: map does not contain the correct number of entries"<& crossedvox,bool docount=false,bool docontinue=false,const float& val=1.0); bool has_crossed_roi(const ColumnVector& x1,const ColumnVector& x2, const vector& crossedvox,vector& crossedrois)const; bool has_crossed_roi(const ColumnVector& x1,const ColumnVector& x2, const vector& crossedvox,vector& crossedrois,vector& crossedlocs)const; int step_sign(const int& loc,const Vec& step)const; int coord_sign(const int& loc,const ColumnVector& x2)const; // "near-collision" detection // returns true if one of the surfaces (meshind) is closer than dist. // also returns (in dir) the direction towards the nearest surface vertex that is within dist // as well as the index for that closest surface bool is_near_surface(const ColumnVector& pos,const float& dist,ColumnVector& dir,float& mindist); void find_crossed_voxels(const ColumnVector& x1,const ColumnVector& x2,vector& crossed); void tri_crossed_voxels(float tri[3][3],vector& crossed); void line_crossed_voxels(float line[2][3],vector& crossed)const; // Operators const CSV& operator=(const float& val){ this->set_all_values(val); return *this; } inline float operator()(int loc){ return get_value(loc); } // COPY CSV& operator=(const CSV& rhs){ roivol=rhs.roivol; roimesh=rhs.roimesh; roinames=rhs.roinames; hitvol=rhs.hitvol; isinroi=rhs.isinroi; mat2vol=rhs.mat2vol; vol2mat=rhs.vol2mat; surfvol=rhs.surfvol; triangles=rhs.triangles; mm2vox=rhs.mm2vox; vox2mm=rhs.vox2mm; convention=rhs.convention; _xdim=rhs._xdim; _ydim=rhs._ydim; _zdim=rhs._zdim; _dims=rhs._dims; _identity=rhs._identity; nvols=rhs.nvols; nsurfs=rhs.nsurfs; nvoxels=rhs.nvoxels; nlocs=rhs.nlocs; nrois=rhs.nrois; loctype=rhs.loctype; locroi=rhs.locroi; locsubroi=rhs.locsubroi; locsubloc=rhs.locsubloc; loccoords=rhs.loccoords; mesh2loc=rhs.mesh2loc; vol2loc=rhs.vol2loc; volind=rhs.volind; surfind=rhs.surfind; roitype=rhs.roitype; roisubind=rhs.roisubind; refvol=rhs.refvol; refvolset=rhs.refvolset; maps=rhs.maps; return *this; } }; #endif