// // splinterpolator.h // // Jesper Andersson, FMRIB Image Analysis Group // // Copyright (C) 2008 University of Oxford // /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ // #ifndef splinterpolator_h #define splinterpolator_h #include #include #include #include "newmat.h" #include "miscmaths/miscmaths.h" namespace SPLINTERPOLATOR { enum ExtrapolationType {Zeros, Constant, Mirror, Periodic}; class SplinterpolatorException: public std::exception { private: std::string m_msg; public: SplinterpolatorException(const std::string& msg) throw(): m_msg(msg) {} virtual const char *what() const throw() { return string("Splinterpolator::" + m_msg).c_str(); } ~SplinterpolatorException() throw() {} }; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class Splinterpolator: // //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ template class Splinterpolator { public: // Constructors Splinterpolator() : _valid(false), _own_coef(false), _coef(0), _cptr(0), _ndim(0) {} Splinterpolator(const T *data, const std::vector& dim, const std::vector& et, unsigned int order=3, bool copy_low_order=true, double prec=1e-8) : _valid(false), _own_coef(false), _coef(0), _cptr(0), _ndim(0) { common_construction(data,dim,order,prec,et,copy_low_order); } Splinterpolator(const T *data, const std::vector& dim, ExtrapolationType et=Zeros, unsigned int order=3, bool copy_low_order=true, double prec=1e-8) : _valid(false), _own_coef(false), _coef(0), _cptr(0), _ndim(0) { std::vector ett(dim.size(),et); common_construction(data,dim,order,prec,ett,copy_low_order); } // Copy construction. May be removed in future Splinterpolator(const Splinterpolator& src) : _valid(false), _own_coef(false), _coef(0), _cptr(0), _ndim(0) { assign(src); } // Destructor ~Splinterpolator() { if(_own_coef) delete [] _coef; } // Assignment. May be removed in future Splinterpolator& operator=(const Splinterpolator& src) { if(_own_coef) delete [] _coef; assign(src); return(*this); } // Set new data in Splinterpolator. void Set(const T *data, const std::vector& dim, const std::vector& et, unsigned int order=3, bool copy_low_order=true, double prec=1e-8) { if (_own_coef) delete [] _coef; common_construction(data,dim,order,prec,et,copy_low_order); } void Set(const T *data, const std::vector& dim, ExtrapolationType et, unsigned int order=3, bool copy_low_order=true, double prec=1e-8) { std::vector vet(dim.size(),Zeros); Set(data,dim,vet,order,copy_low_order,prec); } // Return interpolated value T operator()(const std::vector& coord) const; T operator()(double x, double y=0, double z=0, double t=0) const { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("operator(): Cannot interpolate un-initialized object"); if (_ndim>4 || (t && _ndim<4) || (z && _ndim<3) || (y && _ndim<2)) throw SplinterpolatorException("operator(): input has wrong dimensionality"); double coord[5] = {x,y,z,t,0.0}; return(static_cast(value_at(coord))); } // Return interpolated value along with first derivative in one direction (useful for distortion correction) T operator()(const std::vector& coord, unsigned int dd, T *dval) const; T operator()(double x, double y, double z, unsigned int dd, T *dval) const; T operator()(double x, double y, unsigned int dd, T *dval) const { return((*this)(x,y,0.0,dd,dval)); } T operator()(double x, T *dval) const { return((*this)(x,0.0,0.0,0,dval)); } // Return interpolated value along with selected derivatives T ValAndDerivs(const std::vector& coord, const std::vector& deriv, std::vector& rderiv) const; T ValAndDerivs(const std::vector& coord, std::vector& rderiv) const { std::vector deriv(_ndim,1); return(ValAndDerivs(coord,deriv,rderiv)); } T ValAndDerivs(double x, double y, double z, std::vector& rderiv) const; // Return continous derivative at voxel centres (only works for order>1) T Deriv(const std::vector& indx, unsigned int ddir) const; T Deriv1(const std::vector& indx) const {return(Deriv(indx,0));} T Deriv2(const std::vector& indx) const {return(Deriv(indx,1));} T Deriv3(const std::vector& indx) const {return(Deriv(indx,2));} T Deriv4(const std::vector& indx) const {return(Deriv(indx,3));} T Deriv5(const std::vector& indx) const {return(Deriv(indx,4));} T DerivXYZ(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k, unsigned int dd) const; T DerivX(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k) const {return(DerivXYZ(i,j,k,0));} T DerivY(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k) const {return(DerivXYZ(i,j,k,1));} T DerivZ(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k) const {return(DerivXYZ(i,j,k,2));} void Grad3D(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k, T *xg, T *yg, T *zg) const; void Grad(const std::vector& indx, std::vector& grad) const; // Return continous addition (since previous voxel) of integral at voxel centres T IntX() const; T IntY() const; T IntZ() const; // // The "useful" functionality pretty much ends here. // Remaining functions are mainly for debugging/diagnostics. // unsigned int NDim() const { return(_ndim); } unsigned int Order() const { return(_order); } ExtrapolationType Extrapolation(unsigned int dim) const { if (dim >= _ndim) throw SplinterpolatorException("Extrapolation: Invalid dimension"); return(_et[dim]); } const std::vector& Size() const { return(_dim); } unsigned int Size(unsigned int dim) const { if (dim > 4) return(0); else return(_dim[dim]);} T Coef(unsigned int x, unsigned int y=0, unsigned int z=0) const { std::vector indx(3,0); indx[0] = x; indx[1] = y; indx[2] = z; return(Coef(indx)); } T Coef(std::vector indx) const; NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix CoefAsNewmatMatrix() const; NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix KernelAsNewmatMatrix(double sp=0.1, unsigned int deriv=0) const; // // Here we declare nested helper-class SplineColumn // class SplineColumn { public: // Constructor SplineColumn(unsigned int sz, unsigned int step) : _sz(sz), _step(step) { _col = new double[_sz]; } // Destructor ~SplineColumn() { delete [] _col; } // Extract a column from a volume void Get(const T *dp) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sz; i++, dp+=_step) _col[i] = static_cast(*dp); } // Insert column into volume void Set(T *dp) const { T test = static_cast(1.5); if (test == 1) { // If T is not float or double for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sz; i++, dp+=_step) *dp = static_cast(_col[i] + 0.5); // Round to nearest integer } else { for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sz; i++, dp+=_step) *dp = static_cast(_col[i]); } } // Deconvolve column void Deconv(unsigned int order, ExtrapolationType et, double prec); private: unsigned int _sz; unsigned int _step; double *_col; unsigned int get_poles(unsigned int order, double *z, unsigned int *sf) const; double init_bwd_sweep(double z, double lv, ExtrapolationType et, double prec) const; double init_fwd_sweep(double z, ExtrapolationType et, double prec) const; SplineColumn(const SplineColumn& sc); // Don't allow copy-construction SplineColumn& operator=(const SplineColumn& sc); // Dont allow assignment }; // // Here ends nested helper-class SplineColumn // private: bool _valid; // Decides if neccessary information has been set or not bool _own_coef; // Decides if we "own" (have allocated) _coef T *_coef; // Volume of spline coefficients const T *_cptr; // Pointer to constant data. Used instead of _coef when we don't copy the data unsigned int _order; // Order of splines unsigned int _ndim; // # of non-singleton dimensions double _prec; // Precision when dealing with edges std::vector _dim; // Dimensions of data std::vector _et; // How to do extrapolation // // Private helper-functions // void common_construction(const T *data, const std::vector& dim, unsigned int order, double prec, const std::vector& et, bool copy); void assign(const Splinterpolator& src); bool calc_coef(const T *data, bool copy); void deconv_along(unsigned int dim); T coef(int *indx) const; const T* coef_ptr() const {if (_own_coef) return(_coef); else return(_cptr); } unsigned int indx2indx(int indx, unsigned int d) const; unsigned int indx2linear(int k, int l, int m) const; unsigned int add2linear(unsigned int lin, int j) const; double value_at(const double *coord) const; double value_and_derivatives_at(const double *coord, const unsigned int *deriv, double *dval) const; void derivatives_at_i(const unsigned int *indx, const unsigned int *deriv, double *dval) const; unsigned int get_start_indicies(const double *coord, int *sinds) const; unsigned int get_start_indicies_at_i(const unsigned int *indx, int *sinds) const; unsigned int get_wgts(const double *coord, const int *sinds, double **wgts) const; unsigned int get_wgts_at_i(const unsigned int *indx, const int *sinds, double **wgts) const; unsigned int get_dwgts(const double *coord, const int *sinds, const unsigned int *deriv, double **dwgts) const; unsigned int get_dwgts_at_i(const unsigned int *indx, const int *sinds, const unsigned int *deriv, double **dwgts) const; double get_wgt(double x) const; double get_wgt_at_i(int i) const; double get_dwgt(double x) const; double get_dwgt_at_i(int i) const; void get_dwgt1(const double * const *wgts, const double * const *dwgts, const unsigned int *dd, unsigned int nd, unsigned int k, unsigned int l, unsigned int m, double wgt1, double *dwgt1) const; std::pair range() const; bool should_be_zero(const double *coord) const; unsigned int n_nonzero(const unsigned int *vec) const; bool odd(unsigned int i) const {return(static_cast(i%2));} bool even(unsigned int i) const {return(!odd(i));} // // Disallowed member functions // // Splinterpolator(const Splinterpolator& s); // Don't allow copy-construction // Splinterpolator& operator=(const Splinterpolator& s); // Don't allow assignment }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Here starts public member functions for Splinterpolator // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns interpolated value at location coord. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template T Splinterpolator::operator()(const std::vector& coord) const { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("operator(): Cannot interpolate un-initialized object"); if (coord.size() != _ndim) throw SplinterpolatorException("operator(): coord has wrong length"); double dcoord[5] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; for (unsigned int i=0; i(value_at(dcoord))); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns interpolated value and a single derivative at location coord. // The derivative should be specified as the # of the dimension // (starting at zero) that you want it along. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template T Splinterpolator::operator()(const std::vector& coord, unsigned int dd, T *dval) const { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("operator(): Cannot interpolate un-initialized object"); if (coord.size() != _ndim) throw SplinterpolatorException("operator(): coord has wrong length"); if (dd > (_ndim-1)) throw SplinterpolatorException("operator(): derivative specified for invalid direction"); double dcoord[5] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; for (unsigned int i=0; i(value_and_derivatives_at(dcoord,deriv,&ddval)); *dval = static_cast(ddval); return(rval); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns interpolated value and a single derivative at location // given by x, y and . The derivative should be specified as the # // of the dimension (starting at zero) that you want it along. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template T Splinterpolator::operator()(double x, double y, double z, unsigned int dd, T *dval) const { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("operator(): Cannot interpolate un-initialized object"); if (_ndim>3 || (z && _ndim<3) || (y && _ndim<2)) throw SplinterpolatorException("operator(): input has wrong dimensionality"); if (dd > (_ndim-1)) throw SplinterpolatorException("operator(): derivative specified for invalid direction"); double coord[5] = {x,y,z,0.0,0.0}; unsigned int deriv[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; deriv[dd] = 1; double ddval = 0.0; T rval; rval = static_cast(value_and_derivatives_at(coord,deriv,&ddval)); *dval = static_cast(ddval); return(rval); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns interpolated value and selected (by deriv) derivatives // at location given by coord. The interpolated value is the return // value and the derivatives are returned in rderiv. The input // deriv should be an _ndim long vector where a 1 indicates that // the derivative is required in that direction and a zero that it // is not. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template T Splinterpolator::ValAndDerivs(const std::vector& coord, const std::vector& deriv, std::vector& rderiv) const { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("ValAndDerivs: Cannot interpolate un-initialized object"); if (coord.size() != _ndim || deriv.size() != _ndim) throw SplinterpolatorException("ValAndDerivs: input has wrong dimensionality"); double lcoord[5] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; unsigned int lderiv[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; unsigned int nd = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i(value_and_derivatives_at(lcoord,lderiv,dval)); for (unsigned int i=0; i(dval[i]); return(rval); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns interpolated value and derivatives in the x, y and z // directions at a location given by x, y and z. The interpolated // value is the return value and the derivatives are returned in rderiv. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template T Splinterpolator::ValAndDerivs(double x, double y, double z, std::vector& rderiv) const { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("ValAndDerivs: Cannot interpolate un-initialized object"); if (_ndim != 3 || rderiv.size() != _ndim) throw SplinterpolatorException("ValAndDerivs: input has wrong dimensionality"); double coord[5] = {x,y,z,0.0,0.0}; unsigned int deriv[5] = {1,1,1,0,0}; double dval[3]; T rval = static_cast(value_and_derivatives_at(coord,deriv,dval)); for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++) rderiv[i] = static_cast(dval[i]); return(rval); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Routine that returns a 3D gradient at an integer location. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Routine that returns a single derivative at an integer location. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template T Splinterpolator::Deriv(const std::vector& indx, unsigned int dd) const { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("Deriv: Cannot take derivative of un-initialized object"); if (indx.size() != _ndim) SplinterpolatorException("Deriv: Input indx of wrong dimension"); if (dd > (_ndim-1)) throw SplinterpolatorException("Deriv: derivative specified for invalid direction"); double dval; unsigned int lindx[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; unsigned int deriv[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ndim; i++) lindx[i]=indx[i]; deriv[dd] = 1; derivatives_at_i(lindx,deriv,&dval); return(static_cast(dval)); } template T Splinterpolator::DerivXYZ(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k, unsigned int dd) const { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("DerivXYZ: Cannot take derivative of un-initialized object"); if (_ndim!=3 || dd>2) throw SplinterpolatorException("DerivXYZ: Input has wrong dimensionality"); double dval; unsigned int lindx[5] = {i,j,k,0,0}; unsigned int deriv[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; deriv[dd] = 1; derivatives_at_i(lindx,deriv,&dval); return(static_cast(dval)); } template void Splinterpolator::Grad3D(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k, T *xg, T *yg, T *zg) const { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("Grad3D: Cannot take derivative of un-initialized object"); if (_ndim != 3) SplinterpolatorException("Grad3D: Input of wrong dimension"); unsigned int lindx[5] = {i,j,k,0,0}; unsigned int deriv[5] = {1,1,1,0,0}; double dval[5] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; derivatives_at_i(lindx,deriv,dval); *xg=static_cast(dval[0]); *yg=static_cast(dval[1]); *zg=static_cast(dval[2]); return; } template void Splinterpolator::Grad(const std::vector& indx, std::vector& grad) const { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("Grad: Cannot take derivative of un-initialized object"); if (indx.size() != _ndim || grad.size() != _ndim) SplinterpolatorException("Grad: Input indx or grad of wrong dimension"); unsigned int lindx[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; unsigned int deriv[5] = {0,0,0,0,0}; double dval[5] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ndim; i++) { lindx[i]=indx[i]; deriv[i]=1; } derivatives_at_i(lindx,deriv,dval); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ndim; i++) grad[i] = static_cast(dval[i]); return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns the value of the coefficient given by indx (zero-offset) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template T Splinterpolator::Coef(std::vector indx) const { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("Coef: Cannot get coefficients for un-initialized object"); if (!indx.size()) throw SplinterpolatorException("Coef: indx has zeros dimensions"); if (indx.size() > 5) throw SplinterpolatorException("Coef: indx has more than 5 dimensions"); for (unsigned int i=0; i= _dim[i]) throw SplinterpolatorException("Coef: indx out of range"); unsigned int lindx=indx[indx.size()-1]; for (int i=indx.size()-2; i>=0; i--) lindx = _dim[i]*lindx + indx[i]; return(coef_ptr()[lindx]); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns the values of all coefficients as a Newmat matrix. If // _ndim==1 it will return a row-vector, if _ndim==2 it will return // a matrix, if _ndim==3 it will return a tiled matrix where the n // first rows (where n is the number of rows in one slice) pertain to // the first slice, the next n rows to the second slice, etc. And // correspondingly for 4- and 5-D. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix Splinterpolator::CoefAsNewmatMatrix() const { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("CoefAsNewmatMatrix: Cannot get coefficients for un-initialized object"); NEWMAT::Matrix mat(_dim[1]*_dim[2]*_dim[3]*_dim[4],_dim[0]); std::vector cindx(5,0); unsigned int r=0; for (cindx[4]=0; cindx[4]<_dim[4]; cindx[4]++) { for (cindx[3]=0; cindx[3]<_dim[3]; cindx[3]++) { for (cindx[2]=0; cindx[2]<_dim[2]; cindx[2]++) { for (cindx[1]=0; cindx[1]<_dim[1]; cindx[1]++, r++) { for (cindx[0]=0; cindx[0]<_dim[0]; cindx[0]++) { mat.element(r,cindx[0]) = Coef(cindx); } } } } } mat.Release(); return(mat); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return the kernel matrix to verify its correctness. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix Splinterpolator::KernelAsNewmatMatrix(double sp, // Distance (in ksp) between points unsigned int deriv) const // Derivative (only 0/1 implemented). { if (!_valid) throw SplinterpolatorException("KernelAsNewmatMatrix: Cannot get kernel for un-initialized object"); if (deriv > 1) throw SplinterpolatorException("KernelAsNewmatMatrix: only 1st derivatives implemented"); std::pair rng = range(); unsigned int i=0; for (double x=rng.first; x<=rng.second; x+=sp, i++) ; // Intentional NEWMAT::Matrix kernel(i,2); for (double x=rng.first, i=0; x<=rng.second; x+=sp, i++) { kernel.element(i,0) = x; kernel.element(i,1) = (deriv) ? get_dwgt(x) : get_wgt(x); } kernel.Release(); return(kernel); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Here starts public member functions for SplineColumn // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This function implements the forward and backwards sweep // as defined by equation 2.5 in Unsers paper: // // B-spline signal processing. II. Efficiency design and applications // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void Splinterpolator::SplineColumn::Deconv(unsigned int order, ExtrapolationType et, double prec) { double z[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; // Poles unsigned int np = 0; // # of poles unsigned int sf; // Scale-factor np = get_poles(order,z,&sf); for (unsigned int p=0; p=0; i--, ptr--) *ptr = z[p]*(*(ptr+1) - *ptr); } double *ptr=_col; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sz; i++, ptr++) *ptr *= sf; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Here starts private member functions for Splinterpolator // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns the interpolated value at location given by coord. // coord must be a pointer to an array of indicies with _ndim // values. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* template double Splinterpolator::value_at(const double *coord) const { if (should_be_zero(coord)) return(0.0); double iwgt[8], jwgt[8], kwgt[8], lwgt[8], mwgt[8]; double *wgts[] = {iwgt, jwgt, kwgt, lwgt, mwgt}; int inds[5]; unsigned int ni = 0; ni = get_start_indicies(coord,inds); get_wgts(coord,inds,wgts); double val=0.0; for (int m=0, me=(_ndim>4)?ni:1; m3)?ni:1; l2)?ni:1; k1)?ni:1; j(ni); i++) { int cindx[] = {inds[0]+i,inds[1]+j,inds[2]+k,inds[3]+l,inds[4]+m}; val += coef(cindx)*wgts[0][i]*wgt2; } } } } } return(val); } */ template double Splinterpolator::value_at(const double *coord) const { if (should_be_zero(coord)) return(0.0); double iwgt[8], jwgt[8], kwgt[8], lwgt[8], mwgt[8]; double *wgts[] = {iwgt, jwgt, kwgt, lwgt, mwgt}; int inds[5]; unsigned int ni = 0; const T *cptr = coef_ptr(); ni = get_start_indicies(coord,inds); get_wgts(coord,inds,wgts); double val=0.0; for (unsigned int m=0, me=(_ndim>4)?ni:1; m3)?ni:1; l2)?ni:1; k1)?ni:1; j double Splinterpolator::value_and_derivatives_at(const double *coord, const unsigned int *deriv, double *dval) const { if (should_be_zero(coord)) { memset(dval,0,n_nonzero(deriv)*sizeof(double)); return(0.0); } double iwgt[8], jwgt[8], kwgt[8], lwgt[8], mwgt[8]; double *wgts[] = {iwgt, jwgt, kwgt, lwgt, mwgt}; double diwgt[8], djwgt[8], dkwgt[8], dlwgt[8], dmwgt[8]; double *dwgts[] = {diwgt, djwgt, dkwgt, dlwgt, dmwgt}; double dwgt1[5]; double dwgt2[5]; int inds[5]; unsigned int dd[5]; unsigned int nd = 0; unsigned int ni = 0; const T *cptr = coef_ptr(); ni = get_start_indicies(coord,inds); get_wgts(coord,inds,wgts); get_dwgts(coord,inds,deriv,dwgts); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ndim; i++) if (deriv[i]) { dd[nd] = i; dval[nd++] = 0.0; } double val=0.0; for (unsigned int m=0, me=(_ndim>4)?ni:1; m3)?ni:1; l2)?ni:1; k1)?ni:1; j void Splinterpolator::derivatives_at_i(const unsigned int *indx, const unsigned int *deriv, double *dval) const { double iwgt[8], jwgt[8], kwgt[8], lwgt[8], mwgt[8]; double *wgts[] = {iwgt, jwgt, kwgt, lwgt, mwgt}; double diwgt[8], djwgt[8], dkwgt[8], dlwgt[8], dmwgt[8]; double *dwgts[] = {diwgt, djwgt, dkwgt, dlwgt, dmwgt}; double dwgt1[5]; double dwgt2[5]; int inds[5]; unsigned int dd[5]; unsigned int nd = 0; unsigned int ni = 0; const T *cptr = coef_ptr(); ni = get_start_indicies_at_i(indx,inds); get_wgts_at_i(indx,inds,wgts); get_dwgts_at_i(indx,inds,deriv,dwgts); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ndim; i++) if (deriv[i]) { dd[nd] = i; dval[nd++] = 0.0; } // double val=0.0; for (unsigned int m=0, me=(_ndim>4)?ni:1; m3)?ni:1; l2)?ni:1; k1)?ni:1; j unsigned int Splinterpolator::get_start_indicies(const double *coord, int *sinds) const { unsigned int ni = _order+1; if (odd(ni)) { for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ndim; i++) { sinds[i] = static_cast(coord[i]+0.5) - ni/2; } } else { for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ndim; i++) { int ix = static_cast(coord[i]+0.5); if (ix < coord[i]) sinds[i] = ix - (ni-1)/2; else sinds[i] = ix -ni/2; } } for (unsigned int i=_ndim; i<5; i++) sinds[i] = 0; return(ni); } // Does the same thing, but for integer (spot on voxel centre) index template unsigned int Splinterpolator::get_start_indicies_at_i(const unsigned int *indx, int *sinds) const { unsigned int ni = (odd(_order)) ? _order : _order+1; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ndim; i++) { sinds[i] = indx[i] - (_order/2); } for (unsigned int i=_ndim; i<5; i++) sinds[i] = 0; return(ni); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns (in wgts) the weights for the coefficients given by sinds // for the location given by coord. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template unsigned int Splinterpolator::get_wgts(const double *coord, const int *sinds, double **wgts) const { unsigned int ni = _order+1; for (unsigned int dim=0; dim<_ndim; dim++) { for (unsigned int i=0; i unsigned int Splinterpolator::get_wgts_at_i(const unsigned int *indx, const int *sinds, double **wgts) const { unsigned int ni = (odd(_order)) ? _order : _order+1; for (unsigned int dim=0; dim<_ndim; dim++) { for (unsigned int i=0; i unsigned int Splinterpolator::get_dwgts(const double *coord, const int *sinds, const unsigned int *deriv, double **dwgts) const { unsigned int ni = _order+1; for (unsigned int dim=0; dim<_ndim; dim++) { if (deriv[dim]) { switch (_order) { case 0: throw SplinterpolatorException("get_dwgts: invalid order spline"); case 1: dwgts[dim][0] = -1; dwgts[dim][1] = 1; // Not correct on original gridpoints break; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: for (unsigned int i=0; i unsigned int Splinterpolator::get_dwgts_at_i(const unsigned int *indx, const int *sinds, const unsigned int *deriv, double **dwgts) const { unsigned int ni = (odd(_order)) ? _order : _order+1; for (unsigned int dim=0; dim<_ndim; dim++) { if (deriv[dim]) { switch (_order) { case 0: case 1: throw SplinterpolatorException("get_dwgts_at_i: invalid order spline"); case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: for (unsigned int i=0; i double Splinterpolator::get_wgt_at_i(int i) const { double val = 0.0; int ai = std::abs(i); switch (_order) { case 0: case 1: val = (ai) ? 1.0 : 0.0; break; case 2: if (!ai) val = 0.75; else if (ai==1) val = 0.125; break; case 3: if (!ai) val = 0.666666666666667; else if (ai==1) val = 0.166666666666667; break; case 4: if (!ai) val = 0.598958333333333; else if (ai==1) val = 0.197916666666667; else if (ai==2) val = 0.002604166666667; break; case 5: if (!ai) val = 0.55; else if (ai==1) val = 0.216666666666667; else if (ai==2) val = 0.008333333333333; break; case 6: if (!ai) val = 0.511024305555556; else if (ai==1) val = 0.228797743055556; else if (ai==2) val = 0.015668402777779; else if (ai==3) val = 8.680555555555556e-05; break; case 7: if (!ai) val = 0.479365079365079; else if (ai==1) val = 0.236309523809524; else if (ai==2) val = 0.023809523809524; else if (ai==3) val = 1.984126984126984e-04; break; default: throw SplinterpolatorException("get_wgt_at_i: invalid order spline"); } return(val); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns the weight for the first derivative of a spline at integer // index i, where i is relative to the centre index of the spline. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template double Splinterpolator::get_dwgt_at_i(int i) const { double val = 0.0; int ai = std::abs(i); int sign = (ai) ? i/ai : 1; switch (_order) { case 0: case 1: throw SplinterpolatorException("get_dwgt: invalid order spline"); case 2: if (!ai) val = 0.0; else if (ai==1) val = sign * (-0.5); break; case 3: if (!ai) val = 0.0; else if (ai==1) val = sign * (-0.5); break; case 4: if (!ai) val = 0.0; else if (ai==1) val = sign * (-0.458333333333333); else if (ai==2) val = sign * (-0.020833333333333); break; case 5: if (!ai) val = 0.0; else if (ai==1) val = sign * (-0.416666666666667); else if (ai==2) val = sign * (-0.041666666666667); break; case 6: if (!ai) val = 0.0; else if (ai==1) val = sign * (-0.376302083333333); else if (ai==2) val = sign * (-0.061458333333334); else if (ai==3) val = sign * (-2.604166666666667e-04); break; case 7: if (!ai) val = 0.0; else if (ai==1) val = sign * (-0.340277777777778); else if (ai==2) val = sign * (-0.077777777777778); else if (ai==3) val = sign * (-0.001388888888889); break; default: throw SplinterpolatorException("get_dwgt_at_i: invalid order spline"); } return(val); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns the weight for a spline at coordinate x, where x is relative // to the centre of the spline. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template double Splinterpolator::get_wgt(double x) const { double val = 0.0; double ax = abs(x); // Kernels all symmetric switch (_order) { case 0: if (ax < 0.5) val = 1.0; break; case 1: if (ax < 1) val = 1-ax;; break; case 2: if (ax < 0.5) val = 0.75-ax*ax; else if (ax < 1.5) val = 0.5*(1.5-ax)*(1.5-ax); break; case 3: if (ax < 1) val = 2.0/3.0 + 0.5*ax*ax*(ax-2); else if (ax < 2) { ax = 2-ax; val = (1.0/6.0)*(ax*ax*ax); } break; case 4: if (ax < 0.5) { ax *= ax; val = (115.0/192.0) + ax*((2.0*ax-5.0)/8.0); } else if (ax < 1.5) val = (55.0/96.0) + ax*(ax*(ax*((5.0-ax)/6.0) - 1.25) + 5.0/24.0); else if (ax < 2.5) { ax -= 2.5; ax *= ax; val = (1.0/24.0)*ax*ax; } break; case 5: if (ax < 1) { double xx = ax*ax; val = 0.55 + xx*(xx*((3.0-ax)/12.0) - 0.5); } else if (ax < 2) val = 0.425 + ax*(ax*(ax*(ax*((ax-9.0)/24.0) + 1.25) - 1.75) + 0.625); else if (ax < 3) { ax = 3-ax; double xx = ax*ax; val = (1.0/120.0)*ax*xx*xx; } break; case 6: if (ax < 0.5) { ax *= ax; val = (5887.0/11520.0) + ax*(ax*((21.0-4.0*ax)/144.0) -77.0/192.0); } else if (ax < 1.5) val = 7861.0/15360.0 + ax*(ax*(ax*(ax*(ax*((ax - 7.0)/48.0) + 0.328125) - 35.0/288.0) - 91.0/256.0) -7.0/768.0); else if (ax < 2.5) val = 1379.0/7680.0 + ax*(ax*(ax*(ax*(ax*((14.0-ax)/120.0) - 0.65625) + 133.0/72.0) - 2.5703125) + 1267.0/960.0); else if (ax < 3.5) { ax -= 3.5; ax *= ax*ax; val = (1.0/720.0) * ax*ax; } break; case 7: if (ax < 1) { double xx = ax*ax; val = 151.0/315.0 + xx*(xx*(xx*((ax-4.0)/144.0) + 1.0/9.0) - 1.0/3.0); } else if (ax < 2) val = 103.0/210.0 + ax*(ax*(ax*(ax*(ax*(ax*((12.0-ax)/240.0) -7.0/30.0) + 0.5) - 7.0/18.0) - 0.1) -7.0/90.0); else if (ax < 3) val = ax*(ax*(ax*(ax*(ax*(ax*((ax-20.0)/720.0) + 7.0/30.0) - 19.0/18.0) + 49.0/18.0) - 23.0/6.0) + 217.0/90.0) - 139.0/630.0; else if (ax < 4) { ax = 4-ax; double xxx=ax*ax*ax; val = (1.0/5040.0)*ax*xxx*xxx; } break; default: throw SplinterpolatorException("get_wgt: invalid order spline"); } return(val); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns the weight for the first derivative of a spline at // coordinate x, where x is relative to the centre of the spline. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template double Splinterpolator::get_dwgt(double x) const { double val = 0.0; double ax = abs(x); // Kernels all anti-symmetric int sign = (ax) ? static_cast(x/ax) : 1; // Arbitrary choice for when x=0 switch (_order) { case 0: case 1: throw SplinterpolatorException("get_dwgt: invalid order spline"); case 2: if (ax < 0.5) val = sign * -2.0*ax; else if (ax < 1.5) val = sign * (-1.5 + ax); break; case 3: if (ax < 1) val = sign * (1.5*ax*ax - 2.0*ax); else if (ax < 2) { ax = 2-ax; val = sign * -0.5*ax*ax; } break; case 4: if (ax < 0.5) val = sign * (ax*ax*ax - 1.25*ax); else if (ax < 1.5) val = sign * (5.0/24.0 - ax*(2.5 - ax*(2.5 - (2.0/3.0)*ax))); else if (ax < 2.5) { ax -= 2.5; val = sign * (1.0/6.0)*ax*ax*ax; } break; case 5: if (ax < 1) val = sign * ax*(ax*(ax*(1-(5.0/12.0)*ax)) - 1); else if (ax < 2) val = sign * (0.625 - ax*(3.5 - ax*(3.75 - ax*(1.5 - (5.0/24.0)*ax)))); else if (ax < 3) { ax -= 3; ax = ax*ax; val = sign * (-1.0/24.0)*ax*ax; } break; case 6: if (ax < 0.5) { double xx = ax*ax; val = sign * ax*(xx*((7.0/12) - (1.0/6.0)*xx) - (77.0/96.0)); } else if (ax < 1.5) {double xx = ax*ax; val = sign * (ax*(xx*(0.1250*xx + 1.3125) - 0.7109375) - xx*((35.0/48.0)*xx + (35.0/96.0)) - (7.0/768.0)); } else if (ax < 2.5) { double xx = ax*ax; val = sign * ((1267.0/960.0) - ax*(xx*(0.05*xx + (21.0/8.0)) + (329.0/64.0)) + xx*((7.0/12.0)*xx + (133.0/24.0))); } else if (ax < 3.5) { ax -= 3.5; double xx = ax*ax; val = sign * (1.0/120.0)*xx*xx*ax; } break; case 7: if (ax < 1) { double xx = ax*ax; val = sign * ax*(xx*(xx*((7.0/144.0)*ax - (1.0/6.0)) + 4.0/9.0) - 2.0/3.0); } else if (ax < 2) { double xx = ax*ax; val = sign * (ax*(xx*(xx*0.3 + 2.0) - 0.2) - xx*(xx*(xx*(7.0/240.0) + (7.0/6.0)) + (7.0/6.0)) - (7.0/90.0)); } else if (ax < 3) { double xx = ax*ax; val = sign * (1.0/720.0)*(xx - 4.0*ax + 2.0)*(7.0*xx*xx - 92.0*xx*ax + 458.0*xx - 1024.0*ax + 868.0); } else if (ax < 4) { ax = 4-ax; ax = ax*ax*ax; val = sign * (-1.0/720.0)*ax*ax; } break; default: throw SplinterpolatorException("get_dwgt: invalid order spline"); } return(val); } template inline void Splinterpolator::get_dwgt1(const double * const *wgts, const double * const *dwgts, const unsigned int *dd, unsigned int nd, unsigned int k, unsigned int l, unsigned int m, double wgt1, double *dwgt1) const { for (unsigned int i=0; i inline std::pair Splinterpolator::range() const { std::pair rng(0.0,0.0); rng.second = static_cast(_order+1.0)/2.0; rng.first = - rng.second; return(rng); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Returns the value of the coefficient indexed by indx. Unlike the // public Coef() this routine allows indexing outside the valid // volume, returning values that are dependent on the extrapolation // model when these are encountered. // // N.B. May change value of input index N.B. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template inline unsigned int Splinterpolator::indx2indx(int indx, unsigned int d) const { if (d > (_ndim-1)) return(0); // cout << "indx in = " << indx << endl; if (indx < 0) { switch (_et[d]) { case Constant: indx = 0; break; case Zeros: case Mirror: indx = (indx%int(_dim[d])) ? -indx%int(_dim[d]) : 0; break; case Periodic: indx = (indx%int(_dim[d])) ? _dim[d]+indx%int(_dim[d]) : 0; break; default: break; } } else if (indx >= static_cast(_dim[d])) { switch (_et[d]) { case Constant: indx = _dim[d]-1; break; case Zeros: case Mirror: indx = 2*_dim[d] - (_dim[d]+indx%int(_dim[d])) - 2; break; case Periodic: indx = indx%int(_dim[d]); break; default: break; } } // cout << "indx out = " << indx << endl; return(indx); } // The next routine is defunct and will be moved out of this file. /* template inline unsigned int Splinterpolator::indx2indx(int indx, unsigned int d) const { if (d > (_ndim-1)) return(0); if (indx < 0) { switch (_et[d]) { case Constant: return(0); break; case Zeros: case Mirror: return((indx%int(_dim[d])) ? -1-indx%int(_dim[d]) : _dim[d]-1); break; case Periodic: return((indx%int(_dim[d])) ? _dim[d]+indx%int(_dim[d]) : 0); break; default: break; } } else if (indx >= static_cast(_dim[d])) { switch (_et[d]) { case Constant: return(_dim[d]-1); break; case Zeros: case Mirror: return(2*_dim[d] - (_dim[d]+indx%int(_dim[d])) - 1); break; case Periodic: return(indx%int(_dim[d])); break; default: break; } } return(indx); } */ template unsigned int Splinterpolator::indx2linear(int k, int l, int m) const { if (_ndim < 3) return(0); int lindx = 0; if (_ndim>4) lindx = indx2indx(m,4); if (_ndim>3) lindx = _dim[3]*lindx + indx2indx(l,3); lindx = _dim[0]*_dim[1]*(_dim[2]*lindx + indx2indx(k,2)); return(lindx); } template inline unsigned int Splinterpolator::add2linear(unsigned int lin, int j) const { if (_ndim < 2) return(lin); else return(lin + _dim[0]*indx2indx(j,1)); } template T Splinterpolator::coef(int *indx) const { // First fix any outside-volume indicies for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ndim; i++) { if (indx[i] < 0) { switch (_et[i]) { case Zeros: return(static_cast(0)); case Constant: indx[i] = 0; break; case Mirror: indx[i] = 1-indx[i]; break; case Periodic: indx[i] = _dim[i]+indx[i]; break; default: break; } } else if (indx[i] >= static_cast(_dim[i])) { switch (_et[i]) { case Zeros: return(static_cast(0)); case Constant: indx[i] = _dim[i]-1; break; case Mirror: indx[i] = 2*_dim[i]-indx[i]-1; break; case Periodic: indx[i] = indx[i]-_dim[i]; break; default: break; } } } // Now make linear index unsigned int lindx=indx[_ndim-1]; for (int i=_ndim-2; i>=0; i--) lindx = _dim[i]*lindx + indx[i]; return(coef_ptr()[lindx]); } template bool Splinterpolator::should_be_zero(const double *coord) const { for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ndim; i++) { if (_et[i] == Zeros && (coord[i] < 0 || coord[i] > (_dim[i]-1))) return(true); } return(false); } template unsigned int Splinterpolator::n_nonzero(const unsigned int *vec) const { unsigned int n=0; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ndim; i++) if (vec[i]) n++; return(n); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Takes care of the "common" tasks when constructing a // Splinterpolator object. Called by constructors and by .Set() // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void Splinterpolator::common_construction(const T *data, const std::vector& dim, unsigned int order, double prec, const std::vector& et, bool copy) { if (!dim.size()) throw SplinterpolatorException("common_construction: data has zeros dimensions"); if (dim.size() > 5) throw SplinterpolatorException("common_construction: data cannot have more than 5 dimensions"); if (dim.size() != et.size()) throw SplinterpolatorException("common_construction: dim and et must have the same size"); for (unsigned int i=0; i 7) throw SplinterpolatorException("common_construction: spline order must be lesst than 7"); if (!data) throw SplinterpolatorException("common_construction: zero data pointer"); _order = order; _prec = prec; _et = et; _dim.resize(5); _ndim = dim.size(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<5; i++) _dim[i] = (i < dim.size()) ? dim[i] : 1; _own_coef = calc_coef(data,copy); _valid = true; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Takes care of the "common" tasks when copy-constructing // and when assigning. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void Splinterpolator::assign(const Splinterpolator& src) { _valid = src._valid; _own_coef = src._own_coef; _cptr = src._cptr; _order = src._order; _ndim = src._ndim; _prec = src._prec; _dim = src._dim; _et = src._et; if (_own_coef) { // If we need to do a deep copy unsigned int ts = 1; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_ndim; i++) ts *= _dim[i]; _coef = new T[ts]; memcpy(_coef,src._coef,ts*sizeof(T)); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Performs deconvolution, converting signal to spline coefficients. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template bool Splinterpolator::calc_coef(const T *data, bool copy) { if (_order < 2 && !copy) { _cptr = data; return(false); } // Allocate memory and put the original data into _coef // unsigned int ts=1; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_dim.size(); i++) ts *= _dim[i]; _coef = new T[ts]; memcpy(_coef,data,ts*sizeof(T)); if (_order < 2) return(true); // If nearest neighbour or linear, that's all we need // Loop over all non-singleton dimensions and deconvolve along them // std::vector tdim(_dim.size()-1,0); for (unsigned int cdir=0; cdir<_dim.size(); cdir++) { if (_dim[cdir] > 1) deconv_along(cdir); } return(true); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Performs deconvolution along one of the dimensions, visiting // all points along the other dimensions. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void Splinterpolator::deconv_along(unsigned int dim) { // Set up to reflect "missing" dimension // std::vector rdim(4,1); // Sizes along remaining dimensions std::vector rstep(4,1); // Step-sizes (in "volume") of remaining dimensions unsigned int mdim = 1; // Size along "missing" dimension unsigned int mstep = 1; // Step-size along "missing" dimension for (unsigned int i=0, j=0, ss=1; i<5; i++) { if (i == dim) { // If it is our "missing" dimension mdim = _dim[i]; mstep = ss; } else { rdim[j] = _dim[i]; rstep[j++] = ss; } ss *= _dim[i]; } SplineColumn col(mdim,mstep); // Column helps us do the job for (unsigned int l=0; l unsigned int Splinterpolator::SplineColumn::get_poles(unsigned int order, double *z, unsigned int *sf) const { unsigned int np = 0; // # of poles switch (order) { case 2: np = 1; z[0] = 2.0*sqrt(2.0) - 3.0; *sf = 8; break; case 3: np = 1; z[0] = sqrt(3.0) - 2.0; *sf = 6; break; case 4: np = 2; z[0] = sqrt(664.0 - sqrt(438976.0)) + sqrt(304.0) - 19.0; z[1] = sqrt(664.0 + sqrt(438976.0)) - sqrt(304.0) - 19.0; *sf = 384; break; case 5: np = 2; z[0] = sqrt(135.0 / 2.0 - sqrt(17745.0 / 4.0)) + sqrt(105.0 / 4.0) - 13.0 / 2.0; z[1] = sqrt(135.0 / 2.0 + sqrt(17745.0 / 4.0)) - sqrt(105.0 / 4.0) - 13.0 / 2.0; *sf = 120; break; case 6: np = 3; z[0] = -0.48829458930304475513011803888378906211227916123938; z[1] = -0.081679271076237512597937765737059080653379610398148; z[2] = -0.0014141518083258177510872439765585925278641690553467; *sf = 46080; break; case 7: np = 3; z[0] = -0.53528043079643816554240378168164607183392315234269; z[1] = -0.12255461519232669051527226435935734360548654942730; z[2] = -0.0091486948096082769285930216516478534156925639545994; *sf = 5040; break; default: throw SplinterpolatorException("SplineColumn::get_poles: invalid order of spline"); } return(np); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Initialises the first value for the forward sweep. The initialisation // will always be an approximation (this is where the "infinite" in IIR // breaks down) so the value will be calculated to a predefined precision. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template double Splinterpolator::SplineColumn::init_fwd_sweep(double z, ExtrapolationType et, double prec) const { // // Move logs away from here after debugging // unsigned int n = static_cast((log(prec)/log(abs(z))) + 1.5); n = (n > _sz) ? _sz : n; double iv = _col[0]; if (et == Periodic) { double *ptr=&_col[_sz-1]; double z2i=z; for (unsigned int i=1; i double Splinterpolator::SplineColumn::init_bwd_sweep(double z, double lv, ExtrapolationType et, double prec) const { double iv = 0.0; if (et == Periodic) { unsigned int n = static_cast((log(prec)/log(abs(z))) + 1.5); n = (n > _sz) ? _sz : n; iv = z * _col[_sz-1]; double z2i = z*z; double *ptr=_col; for (unsigned int i=1; i