/* newimagefns.h Mark Jenkinson et al, FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 2000-2006 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ // General image processing functions #if !defined(__newimagefns_h) #define __newimagefns_h #include #include #include #include #include #include "newimage.h" #include "newmatio.h" #include "fslio/fslio.h" #include "miscmaths/miscmaths.h" #include "complexvolume.h" #include "imfft.h" #include #ifndef MAX #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) #endif #ifndef MIN #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) #endif using namespace std; using namespace NEWMAT; namespace NEWIMAGE { // The following lines are ignored by the current SGI compiler // (version egcs-2.91.57) // A temporary fix of including the std:: in front of all abs() etc // has been done for now using std::abs; using std::sqrt; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DIAGNOSTICS template void print_size(const volume& source); template void print_volume_info(const volume& source, const string& name=""); template void print_volume_info(const volume4D& source, const string& name=""); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BASIC IMAGE SUPPORT FUNCTIONS // Complex volume support volume abs(const volume& realvol, const volume& imagvol); volume phase(const volume& realvol, const volume& imagvol); volume real(const volume& absvol, const volume& phasevol); volume imag(const volume& absvol, const volume& phasevol); // Basic Arithmetic Operations template volume abs(const volume& vol); template volume4D abs(const volume4D& vol); template volume divide(const volume& numervol, const volume& denomvol, const volume& mask); template volume4D divide(const volume4D& numervol, const volume4D& denomvol, const volume& mask); template volume4D divide(const volume4D& numervol, const volume& denomvol, const volume& mask); template volume mask_volume( const volume& invol,const volume& mask ); template void indexadd(volume& vola, const volume& volb, const Matrix& indices); template void indexsubtract(volume& vola, const volume& volb, const Matrix& indices); template void indexmultiply(volume& vola, const volume& volb, const Matrix& indices); template void indexdivide(volume& vola, const volume& volb, const Matrix& indices); template void indexset(volume& vola, const Matrix& indices, const T num); template void indexadd(volume4D& vola, const volume4D& volb, const Matrix& indices); template void indexsubtract(volume4D& vola, const volume4D& volb, const Matrix& indices); template void indexmultiply(volume4D& vola, const volume4D& volb, const Matrix& indices); template void indexdivide(volume4D& vola, const volume4D& volb, const Matrix& indices); template void indexset(volume4D& vola, const Matrix& indices, const T num); // General Mathematical Operations template void clamp(volume& vol, T minval, T maxval); template void clamp(volume4D& vol, T minval, T maxval); template volume binarise(const volume& vol, T lowerth, T upperth, threshtype tt=inclusive); template volume binarise(const volume& vol, T thresh); template volume4D binarise(const volume4D& vol, T lowerth, T upperth, threshtype tt=inclusive); template volume4D binarise(const volume4D& vol, T thresh); template volume threshold(const volume& vol, T lowerth, T upperth, threshtype tt=inclusive); template volume threshold(const volume& vol, T thresh); template volume4D threshold(const volume4D& vol, T lowerth, T upperth, threshtype tt=inclusive); template volume4D threshold(const volume4D& vol, T thresh); template volume min(const volume& v1, const volume& v2); template volume max(const volume& v1, const volume& v2); template volume4D min(const volume4D& v1, const volume4D& v2); template volume4D max(const volume4D& v1, const volume4D& v2); volume sqrt(const volume& vol); volume sqrt(const volume& vol); volume sqrt(const volume& vol); volume sqrt(const volume& vol); volume sqrt(const volume& vol); template volume sqrt_float(const volume& vol); volume4D sqrt(const volume4D& vol4); volume4D sqrt(const volume4D& vol4); volume4D sqrt(const volume4D& vol4); volume4D sqrt(const volume4D& vol4); volume4D sqrt(const volume4D& vol4); template volume4D sqrt_float(const volume4D& vol4); template volume meanvol(const volume4D& vol4); template volume stddevvol(const volume4D& vol4); template volume variancevol(const volume4D& vol4); template volume sumvol(const volume4D& vol4); template volume sumsquaresvol(const volume4D& vol4); template volume dotproductvol(const volume4D& vol4, const ColumnVector& vec); template void pad(const volume& vol, volume& paddedvol); template void pad(const volume& vol, volume& paddedvol, int offsetx, int offsety, int offsetz); // Considers each volume as a vector and returns the dotproduct template double dotproduct(const volume& vol1, const volume& vol2); template double dotproduct(const volume& vol1, const volume& vol2, const volume& mask); template double dotproduct(const volume& vol1, const volume& vol2, const volume *mask); // This is a bit of a special-needs funtion. If we consider vol1 and vol2 // as column vectors v1 and v2 then powerdotproduct returns (v1.^n1)' * (v2.^n2) template double powerdotproduct(const volume& vol1, unsigned int n1, const volume& vol2, unsigned int n2); template double powerdotproduct(const volume& vol1, unsigned int n1, const volume& vol2, unsigned int n2, const volume& mask); template double powerdotproduct(const volume& vol1, unsigned int n1, const volume& vol2, unsigned int n2, const volume *mask); // These are global functions that duplicate some of the member functions. // The reason is that we want to be able to double template them in a // convenient manner (e.g. use a mask for data). template double mean(const volume& vol); template double mean(const volume& vol, const volume& mask); template double mean(const volume& vol, const volume *mask); template double sum(const volume& vol); template double sum(const volume& vol, const volume& mask); template double sum(const volume& vol, const volume *mask); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IMAGE PROCESSING ROUTINES template void affine_transform(const volume& vin, volume& vout, const Matrix& aff, float paddingsize=0.0); template void affine_transform(const volume& vin, volume& vout, const Matrix& aff, float paddingsize, bool set_backgnd); template void affine_transform(const volume& vin, volume& vout, const Matrix& aff, interpolation interptype, float paddingsize=0.0); template volume affine_transform_mask(const volume& vin, const volume& vout, const Matrix& aff, float padding=0.0); template void get_axis_orientations(const volume& inp1, int& icode, int& jcode, int& kcode); // the following convolve function do not attempt to normalise the kernel template volume convolve(const volume& source, const volume& kernel); template volume convolve_separable(const volume& source, const ColumnVector& kernelx, const ColumnVector& kernely, const ColumnVector& kernelz); // the following convolve functions take in a mask and also renormalise // the result according to the overlap of kernel and mask at each point // NB: these functions should NOT be used with zero-sum kernels (eg.Laplacian) template volume convolve(const volume& source, const volume& kernel, const volume& mask, bool ignoremask=false, bool renormalise=true); template volume convolve_separable(const volume& source, const ColumnVector& kernelx, const ColumnVector& kernely, const ColumnVector& kernelz, const volume& mask, bool ignoremask=false, bool renormalise=true); //This implements Professor Smith's SUSAN convolve algorithm, note the number of optional parameters template volume susan_convolve(volume source, const volume& kernel, const float sigmabsq, const bool use_median, int num_usan,volume* usan_area = new volume(1,1,1),volume usan_vol1=volume(1,1,1),const float sigmab1sq=0,volume usan_vol2 = volume(1,1,1),const float sigmab2sq=0); template volume4D generic_convolve(const volume4D& source, const volume& kernel, bool seperable=false, bool renormalise=true); template volume efficient_convolve(const volume& vin, const volume& vker); template int insertpart(volume& v1, const volume& v2); template volume extractpart(const volume& v1, const volume& v2, const volume& kernel) ; float fsllog2(float x); template volume4D bandpass_temporal_filter(volume4D& source,double hp_sigma, double lp_sigma); template volume morphfilter(const volume& source, const volume& kernel, const string& filtertype); template int dilall(volume& im, volume& mask); template volume fill_holes(const volume& im, int connectivity=6); template volume isotropic_resample(const volume& aniso, float scale); template volume subsample_by_2(const volume& refvol, bool centred=true); template volume4D subsample_by_2(const volume4D& refvol, bool centred=true); template int upsample_by_2(volume& highresvol, const volume& lowresvol, bool centred=true); template volume upsample_by_2(const volume& lowresvol, bool centred=true); // for all blur functions the size of blurring is in mm void make_blur_mask(ColumnVector& bmask, const float final_vox_dim, const float init_vox_dim); template volume blur(const volume& source, const ColumnVector& resel_size); template volume blur(const volume& source, float iso_resel_size); template volume4D blur(const volume4D& source, const ColumnVector& resel_size); template volume4D blur(const volume4D& source, float iso_resel_size); template volume smooth(const volume& source, float sigma_mm); template volume smooth2D(const volume& source, float sigma_mm, int nulldir=3); template volume4D smooth(const volume4D& source, float sigma_mm); template volume4D smooth2D(const volume4D& source, float sigma_mm, int nulldir=3); ColumnVector gaussian_kernel1D(float sigma, int radius); volume gaussian_kernel2D(float sigma, int radius); volume gaussian_kernel3D(float sigma, int radius); volume gaussian_kernel3D(float sigma,float xdim,float ydim,float zdim,float cutoff=4.0); volume spherical_kernel(float radius, float xdim, float ydim, float zdim); volume box_kernel(float length,float xdim,float ydim,float zdim); //mm dimensions volume box_kernel(int x,int y, int z); //voxel dimensions void make_grad_masks(volume& maskx, volume& masky, volume& maskz); template volume gradient(const volume& source); // in voxel coords template void gradient(const volume& source,volume4D& grad); // in voxel coords // separate left and right gradients (changes at voxel mid-point) template volume4D lrxgrad(const volume& im, const volume& mask); template volume4D lrygrad(const volume& im, const volume& mask); template volume4D lrzgrad(const volume& im, const volume& mask); template volume log_edge_detect(const volume& source, float sigma1, float sigma2, float zero_tolerance, bool twodimensional=false); template volume fixed_edge_detect(const volume& source, float threshold, bool twodimensional=false); template volume4D edge_strengthen(const volume4D& source); template volume connected_components(const volume& vol, ColumnVector& clustersize, int numconnected=26); template volume connected_components(const volume& vol, const volume& mask, bool (*binaryrelation)(T , T), ColumnVector& clustersize); template volume connected_components(const volume& vol, int numconnected=26); template volume connected_components(const volume& vol, const volume& mask, bool (*binaryrelation)(T , T)); template volume distancemap(const volume& binaryvol); template volume distancemap(const volume& binaryvol, const volume& mask); template volume sparseinterpolate(const volume& sparsesamps, const volume& mask, const string& interpmethod="general"); template volume4D sparseinterpolate(const volume4D& sparsesamps, const volume& mask, const string& interpmethod="general"); // can have "general" or "nearestneighbour" (or "nn") for interpmethod template Matrix NewimageVox2NewimageVoxMatrix(const Matrix& flirt_in2ref, const volume& invol, const volume& refvol); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEMPLATE DEFINITIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void print_size(const volume& source) { cout << "Size: " << source.xsize() << ", " << source.ysize() << ", " << source.zsize() << endl; } template void print_volume_info(const volume& source, const string& name) { cout << name << ":: Size = (" << source.xsize() << "," << source.ysize() << "," << source.zsize() << ")" << endl; cout << name << ":: ROI Size = (" << source.maxx() - source.minx() + 1 << "," << source.maxy() - source.miny() + 1 << "," << source.maxz() - source.minz() + 1 << ")" << endl; cout << name << ":: Dims = (" << source.xdim() << "," << source.ydim() << "," << source.zdim() << ")" << endl; cout << name << ":: Minimum and maximum intensities are: " << source.min() << " and " << source.max() << endl; } template void print_volume_info(const volume4D& source, const string& name) { cout << name << ":: Size = (" << source.xsize() << "," << source.ysize() << "," << source.zsize() << "," << source.tsize() << ")" << endl; cout << name << ":: ROI Size = (" << source.maxx() - source.minx() + 1 << "," << source.maxy() - source.miny() + 1 << "," << source.maxz() - source.minz() + 1 << "," << source.maxt() - source.mint() + 1 << ")" << endl; cout << name << ":: Dims = (" << source.xdim() << "," << source.ydim() << "," << source.zdim() << "," << source.tdim() << ")" << endl; cout << name << ":: Minimum and maximum intensities are: " << source.min() << " and " << source.max() << endl; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BASIC IMAGE SUPPORT FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void clamp(volume& vol, T minval, T maxval) { if (maxval < minval) return; for (int z=vol.minz(); z<=vol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=vol.miny(); y<=vol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=vol.minx(); x<=vol.maxx(); x++) { if (vol.value(x,y,z)>maxval) vol.value(x,y,z)=maxval; else if (vol.value(x,y,z) void clamp(volume4D& vol, T minval, T maxval) { for (int t=vol.mint(); t<=vol.maxt(); t++) { clamp(vol[t],minval,maxval); } } template volume abs(const volume& vol) { volume newvol(vol); for (int z=newvol.minz(); z<=newvol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=newvol.miny(); y<=newvol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=newvol.minx(); x<=newvol.maxx(); x++) { newvol.value(x,y,z) = (T) fabs((double) newvol.value(x,y,z)); } } } return newvol; } template volume4D abs(const volume4D& vol) { volume4D newvol(vol); for (int z=newvol.minz(); z<=newvol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=newvol.miny(); y<=newvol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=newvol.minx(); x<=newvol.maxx(); x++) { for (int t=newvol.mint(); t<=newvol.maxt(); t++) { newvol(x,y,z,t) = (T) fabs((double) newvol.value(x,y,z,t)); } } } } return newvol; } template volume binarise(const volume& vol, T lowerth, T upperth, threshtype tt) { volume newvol(vol); newvol.binarise(lowerth,upperth,tt); return newvol; } template volume binarise(const volume& vol, T lowthresh) { return binarise(vol,lowthresh,vol.max(),inclusive); } template volume4D binarise(const volume4D& vol, T lowerth, T upperth, threshtype tt) { volume4D newvol(vol); newvol.binarise(lowerth,upperth,tt); return newvol; } template volume4D binarise(const volume4D& vol, T thresh) { return binarise(vol,thresh,vol.max(),inclusive); } template volume threshold(const volume& vol, T lowerth, T upperth, threshtype tt) { volume newvol(vol); newvol.threshold(lowerth,upperth,tt); return newvol; } template volume threshold(const volume& vol, T thresh) { return threshold(vol,thresh,vol.max(),inclusive); } template volume4D threshold(const volume4D& vol, T lowerth, T upperth, threshtype tt) { volume4D newvol(vol); newvol.threshold(lowerth,upperth,tt); return newvol; } template volume4D threshold(const volume4D& vol, T thresh) { return threshold(vol,thresh,vol.max(),inclusive); } template volume min(const volume& v1, const volume& v2) { if (!samesize(v1,v2)) { imthrow("Must use volumes of same size in min(v1,v2)",3); } volume newvol(v1); for (int z=newvol.minz(); z<=newvol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=newvol.miny(); y<=newvol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=newvol.minx(); x<=newvol.maxx(); x++) { newvol(x,y,z) = Min(v1(x,y,z),v2(x,y,z)); } } } return newvol; } template volume max(const volume& v1, const volume& v2) { if (!samesize(v1,v2)) { imthrow("Must use volumes of same size in min(v1,v2)",3); } volume newvol(v1); for (int z=newvol.minz(); z<=newvol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=newvol.miny(); y<=newvol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=newvol.minx(); x<=newvol.maxx(); x++) { newvol(x,y,z) = Max(v1(x,y,z),v2(x,y,z)); } } } return newvol; } template volume4D min(const volume4D& v1, const volume4D& v2) { if (!samesize(v1,v2)) { imthrow("Must use volumes of same size in min(v1,v2)",3); } volume4D newvol(v1); for (int t=newvol.mint(); t<=newvol.maxt(); t++) { newvol[t] = min(v1[t],v2[t]); } return newvol; } template volume4D max(const volume4D& v1, const volume4D& v2) { if (!samesize(v1,v2)) { imthrow("Must use volumes of same size in min(v1,v2)",3); } volume4D newvol(v1); for (int t=newvol.mint(); t<=newvol.maxt(); t++) { newvol[t] = max(v1[t],v2[t]); } return newvol; } template volume sqrt_float(const volume& vol) { volume retvol; copyconvert(vol,retvol); for (int z=vol.minz(); z<=vol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=vol.miny(); y<=vol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=vol.minx(); x<=vol.maxx(); x++) { if (vol(x,y,z)>0) { retvol(x,y,z) = sqrt((double) vol(x,y,z)); } else { retvol(x,y,z) = 0; } } } } return retvol; } template volume4D sqrt_float(const volume4D& vol4) { if (vol4.mint()<0) { volume4D newvol; return newvol; } volume4D retvol; copyconvert(vol4,retvol); for (int t=vol4.mint(); t<=vol4.maxt(); t++) { for (int z=vol4.minz(); z<=vol4.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=vol4.miny(); y<=vol4.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=vol4.minx(); x<=vol4.maxx(); x++) { if (vol4(x,y,z,t)>0) { retvol(x,y,z,t) = sqrt((double) vol4(x,y,z,t)); } else { retvol(x,y,z,t) = 0; } } } } } return retvol; } template volume sumvol(const volume4D& vol4) { if (vol4.mint()<0) { volume newvol; return newvol; } volume SumVol, dummy; copyconvert(vol4[vol4.mint()],SumVol); for (int ctr=vol4.mint() + 1; ctr <= vol4.maxt(); ctr++) { copyconvert(vol4[ctr],dummy); SumVol += dummy; } return SumVol; } template volume meanvol(const volume4D& vol4) { if (vol4.mint()<0) { volume newvol; return newvol; } volume MeanVol = sumvol(vol4); if (vol4.maxt() > vol4.mint()) MeanVol /= (float) (vol4.maxt() - vol4.mint()+ 1); return MeanVol; } template volume sumsquaresvol(const volume4D& vol4) { if (vol4.mint()<0) { volume newvol; return newvol; } volume SumSq, dummy; copyconvert(vol4[vol4.mint()] * vol4[vol4.mint()],SumSq); for (int ctr=vol4.mint() + 1; ctr <= vol4.maxt(); ctr++) { copyconvert(vol4[ctr] * vol4[ctr],dummy); SumSq += dummy; } return SumSq; } //This rewrite of variancevol gives the same output as doing the sumsquaresvol etc in double precision internally template volume variancevol(const volume4D& vol4) { volume variance; if (vol4.mint()<0) return variance; volume Mean = meanvol(vol4); variance = Mean*0.0f; float n=1.0; if (vol4.maxt() > vol4.mint()) { n = (float) (vol4.maxt() - vol4.mint() + 1); } for (int z=vol4.minz(); z<=vol4.maxz(); z++) for (int y=vol4.miny(); y<=vol4.maxy(); y++) for (int x=vol4.minx(); x<=vol4.maxx(); x++) { double total(0); for (int t=vol4.mint(); t<=vol4.maxt(); t++) total+=pow(vol4(x,y,z,t)-Mean(x,y,z),2.0); variance(x,y,z)=(float)total; } variance /= (float) (n-1.0); return variance; } template volume stddevvol(const volume4D& vol4) { if (vol4.mint()<0) { volume newvol; return newvol; } volume StdVol = variancevol(vol4); for (int z=StdVol.minz(); z<=StdVol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=StdVol.miny(); y<=StdVol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=StdVol.minx(); x<=StdVol.maxx(); x++) { StdVol(x,y,z) = sqrt(StdVol(x,y,z)); } } } return StdVol; } template volume dotproductvol(const volume4D& vol4, const ColumnVector& vec) { if (vol4.mint()<0) { volume newvol; return newvol; } if ( (vol4.maxt() - vol4.mint() + 1) != vec.Nrows() ) { cerr << "ERROR::Time series length differs from vector length in" << " dotproductvol()" << endl; volume newvol; return newvol; } volume vol4copy; copyconvert(vol4[vol4.mint()],vol4copy); volume DotVol(vol4copy); DotVol *= (float) vec(1); for (int n=vol4.mint() + 1; n <= vol4.maxt(); n++) { copyconvert(vol4[n],vol4copy); DotVol += (vol4copy * (float) vec(1 + n - vol4.mint())); } return DotVol; } template void pad(const volume& vol, volume& paddedvol) { // The default type of padding is central padding int wx1, wy1, wz1, wx2, wy2, wz2, offx, offy, offz; wx1 = vol.maxx() - vol.minx() + 1; wy1 = vol.maxy() - vol.miny() + 1; wz1 = vol.maxz() - vol.minz() + 1; wx2 = paddedvol.maxx() - paddedvol.minx() + 1; wy2 = paddedvol.maxy() - paddedvol.miny() + 1; wz2 = paddedvol.maxz() - paddedvol.minz() + 1; if ( (wx2 double dotproduct(const volume& vol1, const volume& vol2) { if (!samesize(vol1,vol2,true)) imthrow("dotproduct: Image dimension mismatch",99); double rval = 0.0; for (typename volume::fast_const_iterator it1=vol1.fbegin(), it_end=vol1.fend(), it2=vol2.fbegin(); it1 != it_end; ++it1, ++it2) { rval += static_cast((*it1)*(*it2)); } return(rval); } template double dotproduct(const volume& vol1, const volume& vol2, const volume& mask) { if (!samesize(vol1,vol2,true) || !samesize(vol1,mask,true)) imthrow("dotproduct: Image dimension mismatch",99); double rval = 0.0; typename volume::fast_const_iterator itm = mask.fbegin(); for (typename volume::fast_const_iterator it1=vol1.fbegin(), it_end=vol1.fend(), it2=vol2.fbegin(); it1 != it_end; ++it1, ++it2, ++itm) { if (*itm > 0.5) { rval += static_cast((*it1)*(*it2)); } } return(rval); } template double dotproduct(const volume& vol1, const volume& vol2, const volume *mask) { if (mask) return(dotproduct(vol1,vol2,*mask)); else return(dotproduct(vol1,vol2)); } template double powerdotproduct(const volume& vol1, unsigned int n1, const volume& vol2, unsigned int n2) { if (!samesize(vol1,vol2,true)) imthrow("powerdotproduct: Image dimension mismatch",99); double rval = 0.0; for (typename volume::fast_const_iterator it1=vol1.fbegin(), it_end=vol1.fend(), it2=vol2.fbegin(); it1 != it_end; ++it1, ++it2) { double val1 = 1.0; for (unsigned int i=0; i(val1*val2); } return(rval); } template double powerdotproduct(const volume& vol1, unsigned int n1, const volume& vol2, unsigned int n2, const volume& mask) { if (!samesize(vol1,vol2,true) || !samesize(vol1,mask,true)) imthrow("powerdotproduct: Image dimension mismatch",99); double rval = 0.0; typename volume::fast_const_iterator itm = mask.fbegin(); for (typename volume::fast_const_iterator it1=vol1.fbegin(), it_end=vol1.fend(), it2=vol2.fbegin(); it1 != it_end; ++it1, ++it2, ++itm) { if (*itm > 0.5) { double val1 = 1.0; for (unsigned int i=0; i(val1*val2); } } return(rval); } template double powerdotproduct(const volume& vol1, unsigned int n1, const volume& vol2, unsigned int n2, const volume *mask) { if (mask) return(powerdotproduct(vol1,n1,vol2,n2,*mask)); else return(powerdotproduct(vol1,n1,vol2,n2)); } template double mean(const volume& vol) { double rval = sum(vol); rval /= static_cast(vol.xsize()*vol.ysize()*vol.zsize()); return(rval); } template double mean(const volume& vol, const volume& mask) { if (!samesize(vol,mask,true)) imthrow("mean: Image-Mask dimension mismatch",99); double rval = 0.0; unsigned int n = 0; typename volume::fast_const_iterator itm = mask.fbegin(); for (typename volume::fast_const_iterator it=vol.fbegin(), it_end=vol.fend(); it != it_end; ++it, ++itm) { if (*itm > 0.5) { n++; rval += static_cast(*it); } } rval /= static_cast(n); return(rval); } template double mean(const volume& vol, const volume *mask) { if (mask) return(mean(vol,*mask)); else return(mean(vol)); } template double sum(const volume& vol) { double rval = 0.0; for (typename volume::fast_const_iterator it=vol.fbegin(), it_end=vol.fend(); it != it_end; ++it) { rval += static_cast(*it); } return(rval); } template double sum(const volume& vol, const volume& mask) { if (!samesize(vol,mask,true)) imthrow("sum: Image-Mask dimension mismatch",99); double rval = 0.0; typename volume::fast_const_iterator itm = mask.fbegin(); for (typename volume::fast_const_iterator it=vol.fbegin(), it_end=vol.fend(); it != it_end; ++it, ++itm) { if (*itm > 0.5) { rval += static_cast(*it); } } return(rval); } template double sum(const volume& vol, const volume *mask) { if (mask) return(sum(vol,*mask)); else return(sum(vol)); } template volume divide(const volume& numervol, const volume& denomvol, const volume& mask) { if ((!samesize(numervol,denomvol)) || (!samesize(mask,denomvol))) { imthrow("Attempted to divide images/ROIs of different sizes",3); } volume resvol(numervol); for (int z=denomvol.minz(); z<=denomvol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=denomvol.miny(); y<=denomvol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=denomvol.minx(); x<=denomvol.maxx(); x++) { if (mask(x,y,z)!=0) { resvol(x,y,z) /= denomvol(x,y,z); } else { resvol(x,y,z) = 0; } } } } return resvol; } template volume4D divide(const volume4D& numervol, const volume4D& denomvol, const volume& mask) { if ( (denomvol.tsize()<1) || (!samesize(numervol,denomvol)) || (!samesize(mask,denomvol[0]))) { imthrow("Attempted to divide images/ROIs of different sizes",3); } volume4D resvol(numervol); for (int z=denomvol.minz(); z<=denomvol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=denomvol.miny(); y<=denomvol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=denomvol.minx(); x<=denomvol.maxx(); x++) { if (mask(x,y,z)!=0) { for (int t=denomvol.mint(); t<=denomvol.maxt(); t++) { resvol(x,y,z,t) /= denomvol(x,y,z,t); } } else { for (int t=denomvol.mint(); t<=denomvol.maxt(); t++) { resvol(x,y,z,t) = 0; } } } } } return resvol; } template volume4D divide(const volume4D& numervol, const volume& denomvol, const volume& mask) { if ( (numervol.tsize()<1) || (!samesize(numervol[0],denomvol)) || (!samesize(mask,denomvol))) { imthrow("Attempted to divide images/ROIs of different sizes",3); } volume4D resvol(numervol); for (int z=denomvol.minz(); z<=denomvol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=denomvol.miny(); y<=denomvol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=denomvol.minx(); x<=denomvol.maxx(); x++) { if (mask(x,y,z)!=0) { for (int t=numervol.mint(); t<=numervol.maxt(); t++) { resvol(x,y,z,t) /= denomvol(x,y,z); } } else { for (int t=numervol.mint(); t<=numervol.maxt(); t++) { resvol(x,y,z,t) = 0; } } } } } return resvol; } template volume mask_volume( const volume& invol, const volume& mask) { if ( !samesize(invol,mask)) { imthrow("Attempted to mask with wrong sized mask",3); } volume resvol(invol); for (int z=invol.minz(); z<=invol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=invol.miny(); y<=invol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=invol.minx(); x<=invol.maxx(); x++) { if (mask(x,y,z)!=0.0) { resvol(x,y,z)=invol(x,y,z); } else { resvol(x,y,z) = (T)0.0; } } } } return resvol; } template void indexadd(volume& vola, const volume& volb, const Matrix& indices) { if ((!samesize(vola,volb))) { imthrow("Attempted to add images/ROIs of different sizes",3); } if (indices.Ncols()!=3) { imthrow("indexadd: must specify indices in an Nx3 matrix",11); } for (int n=1; n<=indices.Nrows(); n++) { vola((int)indices(n,1),(int)indices(n,2),(int)indices(n,3)) += volb((int)indices(n,1),(int)indices(n,2),(int)indices(n,3)); } } template void indexsubtract(volume& vola, const volume& volb, const Matrix& indices) { if ((!samesize(vola,volb))) { imthrow("Attempted to subtract images/ROIs of different sizes",3); } if (indices.Ncols()!=3) { imthrow("indexsubtract: must specify indices in an Nx3 matrix",11); } for (int n=1; n<=indices.Nrows(); n++) { vola((int)indices(n,1),(int)indices(n,2),(int)indices(n,3)) -= volb((int)indices(n,1),(int)indices(n,2),(int)indices(n,3)); } } template void indexmultiply(volume& vola, const volume& volb, const Matrix& indices) { if ((!samesize(vola,volb))) { imthrow("Attempted to multiply images/ROIs of different sizes",3); } if (indices.Ncols()!=3) { imthrow("indexmultiply: must specify indices in an Nx3 matrix",11); } for (int n=1; n<=indices.Nrows(); n++) { vola((int)indices(n,1),(int)indices(n,2),(int)indices(n,3)) *= volb((int)indices(n,1),(int)indices(n,2),(int)indices(n,3)); } } template void indexdivide(volume& vola, const volume& volb, const Matrix& indices) { if ((!samesize(vola,volb))) { imthrow("Attempted to divide images/ROIs of different sizes",3); } if (indices.Ncols()!=3) { imthrow("indexdivide: must specify indices in an Nx3 matrix",11); } for (int n=1; n<=indices.Nrows(); n++) { vola((int)indices(n,1),(int)indices(n,2),(int)indices(n,3)) /= volb((int)indices(n,1),(int)indices(n,2),(int)indices(n,3)); } } template void indexset(volume& vola, const Matrix& indices, const T num) { if (indices.Ncols()!=3) { imthrow("indexset: must specify indices in an Nx3 matrix",11); } for (int n=1; n<=indices.Nrows(); n++) { vola((int)indices(n,1),(int)indices(n,2),(int)indices(n,3)) = num; } } template void indexadd(volume4D& vola, const volume4D& volb, const Matrix& indices) { if ((!samesize(vola,volb))) { imthrow("Attempted to add images/ROIs of different sizes",3); } if ( (indices.Ncols()!=3) && (indices.Ncols()!=4) ) { imthrow("indexadd: must specify indices in an Nx3 or Nx4 matrix",11); } int tmax = vola.tsize(), tpt=0; if (indices.Ncols()==3) { tmax = 1; } for (int n=1; n<=indices.Nrows(); n++) { for (int t=0; t void indexsubtract(volume4D& vola, const volume4D& volb, const Matrix& indices) { if ((!samesize(vola,volb))) { imthrow("Attempted to subtract images/ROIs of different sizes",3); } if ( (indices.Ncols()!=3) && (indices.Ncols()!=4) ) { imthrow("indexsubtract: must specify indices in an Nx3 or Nx4 matrix",11); } int tmax = vola.tsize(), tpt=0; if (indices.Ncols()==3) { tmax = 1; } for (int n=1; n<=indices.Nrows(); n++) { for (int t=0; t void indexmultiply(volume4D& vola, const volume4D& volb, const Matrix& indices) { if ((!samesize(vola,volb))) { imthrow("Attempted to multiply images/ROIs of different sizes",3); } if ( (indices.Ncols()!=3) && (indices.Ncols()!=4) ) { imthrow("indexmultiply: must specify indices in an Nx3 or Nx4 matrix",11); } int tmax = vola.tsize(), tpt=0; if (indices.Ncols()==3) { tmax = 1; } for (int n=1; n<=indices.Nrows(); n++) { for (int t=0; t void indexdivide(volume4D& vola, const volume4D& volb, const Matrix& indices) { if ((!samesize(vola,volb))) { imthrow("Attempted to divide images/ROIs of different sizes",3); } if ( (indices.Ncols()!=3) && (indices.Ncols()!=4) ) { imthrow("indexdivide: must specify indices in an Nx3 or Nx4 matrix",11); } int tmax = vola.tsize(), tpt=0; if (indices.Ncols()==3) { tmax = 1; } for (int n=1; n<=indices.Nrows(); n++) { for (int t=0; t void indexset(volume4D& vola, const Matrix& indices, const T num) { if ( (indices.Ncols()!=3) && (indices.Ncols()!=4) ) { imthrow("indexset: must specify indices in an Nx3 or Nx4 matrix",11); } int tmax = vola.tsize(), tpt=0; if (indices.Ncols()==3) { tmax = 1; } for (int n=1; n<=indices.Nrows(); n++) { for (int t=0; t void raw_affine_transform(const volume& vin, volume& vout, const Matrix& aff); template void affine_transform_mask(const volume& vin, volume& vout, const Matrix& aff, float padding, const T padval); template volume affine_transform_mask(const volume& vin, const volume& vout, const Matrix& aff, float padding) { volume affmask; affmask = vout; affmask = (T) 1; affine_transform_mask(vin,affmask,aff,padding,(T) 0); return(affmask); } template void affine_transform(const volume& vin, volume& vout, const Matrix& aff, float paddingsize, bool set_backgnd) { T padval=0; extrapolation oldex; if (set_backgnd) { padval = vin.getpadvalue(); oldex = vin.getextrapolationmethod(); vin.setpadvalue(vin.backgroundval()); vin.setextrapolationmethod(extraslice); } raw_affine_transform(vin,vout,aff); // now mask the output to eliminate streaks formed by the sinc interp... affine_transform_mask(vin,vout,aff,paddingsize,vin.getpadvalue()); if (set_backgnd) { vin.setpadvalue(padval); vin.setextrapolationmethod(oldex); } } template void affine_transform(const volume& vin, volume& vout, const Matrix& aff, float paddingsize) { affine_transform(vin,vout,aff,paddingsize,true); } template void affine_transform(const volume& vin, volume& vout, const Matrix& aff, interpolation interptype, float paddingsize) { interpolation oldinterp; oldinterp = vin.getinterpolationmethod(); vin.setinterpolationmethod(interptype); affine_transform(vin,vout,aff,paddingsize); vin.setinterpolationmethod(oldinterp); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONVOLVE template volume susan_convolve(const volume source, const volume& kernel, const float sigmabsq, const bool use_median, int num_usan,volume* usan_area,volume usan_vol1,const float sigmab1sq,volume usan_vol2,const float sigmab2sq) //template //volume susan_convolve(const volume& source, const volume& kernel, const float sigmabsq, const bool use_median, int num_usan,volume* usan_area = new volume(1,1,1),const volume& usan_vol1=volume(1,1,1),const float sigmab1sq=0,const volume& usan_vol2 = volume(1,1,1),const float sigmab2sq=0) //Note that the commented out declaration won't work with the optional arguements (since U,V,W need to be defined in call...). Code is provided for possible //future improvments, as it is all usans are templated as input { //need to use a pointer for usan_area as creating a default parameter for a pass-by-reference gives //a "assignment to tempory memory" warning in gcc //default values for lut1 etc if ( (( (kernel.maxz() - kernel.minz()) % 2)==1) || (( (kernel.maxy() - kernel.miny()) % 2)==1) || (( (kernel.maxx() - kernel.minx()) % 2)==1) ) cerr << "WARNING:: Off-centre convolution being performed as kernel has even dimensions" << endl; if ((num_usan>=1 && !samesize(source,usan_vol1)) || (num_usan>=2 && !samesize(source,usan_vol2)) || (num_usan>=1 && !samesize(source,*usan_area)) ) { cerr << "Warning: an external usan or output usan is not the same size as the source image, reverting to num_usans=0 mode" << endl; num_usan=0; } int midx, midy, midz,lz,uz,lx,ux,ly,uy,lutsize=16384; lz=source.minz(); uz=source.maxz(); lx=source.minx(); ux=source.maxx(); ly=source.miny(); uy=source.maxy(); volume result(source); midz=(kernel.maxz() - kernel.minz())/2; midy=(kernel.maxy() - kernel.miny())/2; midx=(kernel.maxx() - kernel.minx())/2; //generate look up table float range1=1,range2=1,range = (source.max() - source.min())/(float)lutsize; float **lut=new float *[3]; for(int i=0;i<=num_usan;i++) lut[i]=new float[2*lutsize+1]; for(int i=0;i<=num_usan;i++) lut[i]+=lutsize; for (int i=0;i<=lutsize;i++) lut[0][-i]=lut[0][i]= exp(-pow(i*range,2.0)/sigmabsq); if (num_usan>=1) { range1= (usan_vol1.max() - usan_vol1.min())/(float)lutsize; for (int i=0;i<=lutsize;i++) lut[1][-i]=lut[1][i]= exp(-pow(i*range1,2.0)/sigmab1sq); } if (num_usan>=2) { range2= (usan_vol2.max() - usan_vol2.min())/(float)lutsize; for (int i=0;i<=lutsize;i++) lut[2][-i]=lut[2][i]= exp(-pow(i*range2,2.0)/sigmab2sq); } ColumnVector mediankernel((kernel.zsize()>1)?26:8); // cube or square, minus central voxel int medoffst=((kernel.zsize()>1)?1:0); for (int z=lz; z<=uz; z++) for (int y=ly; y<=uy; y++) for (int x=lx; x<=ux; x++) { int xmin=x-midx,ymin=y-midy,zmin=z-midz; int xmax=MIN(x+midx,ux),ymax=MIN(y+midy,uy),zmax=MIN(z+midz,uz); float num=0, denom=0,center_val1=0,center_val2=0,factor; float center_val=source.value(x,y,z); if (num_usan>=1) center_val1=usan_vol1.value(x,y,z); if (num_usan>=2) center_val2=usan_vol2.value(x,y,z); for(int mz=MAX(zmin,lz); mz<=zmax; mz++) for(int my=MAX(ymin,ly); my<=ymax; my++) for(int mx=MAX(xmin,lx); mx<=xmax; mx++) if ((factor=(float)kernel.value(mx-xmin,my-ymin,mz-zmin))) { if (num_usan==0) factor*= lut[0][(int)((source.value(mx,my,mz)-center_val)/range)]; else factor*= lut[1][(int)((usan_vol1.value(mx,my,mz)-center_val1)/range1)]; if (num_usan>=2) factor*=lut[2][(int)((usan_vol2.value(mx,my,mz)-center_val2)/range2)]; num+=source.value(mx,my,mz) * factor; denom+=factor; } if (num_usan>=1) usan_area->value(x,y,z)=(T) denom; if (use_median && denom<1.5) { int count=1; for(int x2=MAX(x-1,lx);x2<=MIN(x+1,ux);x2++) for(int y2=MAX(y-1,ly);y2<=MIN(y+1,uy);y2++) for(int z2=MAX(z-medoffst,lz);z2<=MIN(z+medoffst,uz);z2++) if ( (x2-x) || (y2-y) || (z2-z) ) mediankernel(count++)=source.value(x2,y2,z2); ColumnVector subkernel = mediankernel.SubMatrix(1,count-1,1,1); SortAscending(subkernel); result(x,y,z) = (T)((subkernel(count/2)+subkernel((count+1)/2))/2.0); } else result.value(x,y,z)=(T) (num/denom); } for(int i=0;i<=num_usan;i++) delete[] (lut[i]-lutsize); delete[] lut; return result; } template volume convolve(const volume& source, const volume& kernel) { extrapolation oldex = source.getextrapolationmethod(); int offset=0; if ((oldex==boundsassert) || (oldex==boundsexception)) { source.setextrapolationmethod(constpad); } volume result(source); if ( (( (kernel.maxz() - kernel.minz()) % 2)==1) || (( (kernel.maxy() - kernel.miny()) % 2)==1) || (( (kernel.maxx() - kernel.minx()) % 2)==1) ) { cerr << "WARNING:: Off-centre convolution being performed as kernel" << " has even dimensions" << endl; //offset=2; //offset gives correction to convolve to match results with fft for even kernel //not even kernel with normalise (e.g. -fmean in fslmaths) still has edge problems } int midx, midy, midz; midz=(kernel.maxz() - kernel.minz())/2 + offset; midy=(kernel.maxy() - kernel.miny())/2 + offset; midx=(kernel.maxx() - kernel.minx())/2 + offset; float val; for (int z=result.minz(); z<=result.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=result.miny(); y<=result.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=result.minx(); x<=result.maxx(); x++) { val=0.0; for (int mz=kernel.minz(); mz<=kernel.maxz(); mz++) { for (int my=kernel.miny(); my<=kernel.maxy(); my++) { for (int mx=kernel.minx(); mx<=kernel.maxx(); mx++) { val+=source(x+mx-midx,y+my-midy,z+mz-midz) * kernel(mx,my,mz); } } } result(x,y,z)=(T) val; } } } source.setextrapolationmethod(oldex); return result; } template volume convolve(const volume& source, const volume& kernel, const volume& mask, bool ignoremask, bool renormalise) { if (!ignoremask && !samesize(mask, source)) imthrow("convolve: mask and source are not the same size",10); if ( (( (kernel.maxz() - kernel.minz()) % 2)==1) || (( (kernel.maxy() - kernel.miny()) % 2)==1) || (( (kernel.maxx() - kernel.minx()) % 2)==1) ) { cerr << "WARNING:: Off-centre convolution being performed as kernel" << " has even dimensions" << endl; } volume result(source); int midx, midy, midz; int lz,uz,lx,ux,ly,uy; lz=result.minz(); uz=result.maxz(); lx=result.minx(); ux=result.maxx(); ly=result.miny(); uy=result.maxy(); midz=(kernel.maxz() - kernel.minz())/2; midy=(kernel.maxy() - kernel.miny())/2; midx=(kernel.maxx() - kernel.minx())/2; for (int z=lz; z<=uz; z++) for (int y=ly; y<=uy; y++) for (int x=lx; x<=ux; x++) if (ignoremask || mask(x,y,z)>0.5) { float val(0),norm(0); int x3,y3,z3; x3=x-midx; y3=y-midy; z3=z-midz; for (int mz=kernel.minz(); mz<=kernel.maxz(); mz++) for (int my=kernel.miny(); my<=kernel.maxy(); my++) for (int mx=kernel.minx(); mx<=kernel.maxx(); mx++) { int x2,y2,z2; x2=x3+mx; y2=y3+my; z2=z3+mz; if ((ignoremask && (x2<=ux && x2>=lx && y2<=uy && y2>=ly && z2<=uz && z2>=lz)) || (!ignoremask && mask(x2,y2,z2)>0.5)) { val+=source.value(x2,y2,z2) * kernel.value(mx,my,mz); norm+=kernel.value(mx,my,mz); } } if (renormalise && fabs(norm)>1e-12) result.value(x,y,z)=(T) (val/norm); else result.value(x,y,z)=(T) val; } return result; } template volume convolve_separable(const volume& source, const ColumnVector& kernelx, const ColumnVector& kernely, const ColumnVector& kernelz) { volume result(source); volume kerx(kernelx.Nrows(),1,1); volume kery(1,kernely.Nrows(),1); volume kerz(1,1,kernelz.Nrows()); for (int n=1; n<=kernelx.Nrows(); n++) kerx.value(n-1,0,0) = kernelx(n); for (int n=1; n<=kernely.Nrows(); n++) kery.value(0,n-1,0) = kernely(n); for (int n=1; n<=kernelz.Nrows(); n++) kerz.value(0,0,n-1) = kernelz(n); result = convolve(result,kerx); result = convolve(result,kery); result = convolve(result,kerz); return result; } template volume convolve_separable(const volume& source, const ColumnVector& kernelx, const ColumnVector& kernely, const ColumnVector& kernelz, const volume& mask, bool ignoremask, bool renormalise) { volume result(source); volume kerx(kernelx.Nrows(),1,1); volume kery(1,kernely.Nrows(),1); volume kerz(1,1,kernelz.Nrows()); for (int n=1; n<=kernelx.Nrows(); n++) kerx.value(n-1,0,0) = kernelx(n); for (int n=1; n<=kernely.Nrows(); n++) kery.value(0,n-1,0) = kernely(n); for (int n=1; n<=kernelz.Nrows(); n++) kerz.value(0,0,n-1) = kernelz(n); result = convolve(result,kerx,mask,ignoremask,renormalise); result = convolve(result,kery,mask,ignoremask,renormalise); result = convolve(result,kerz,mask,ignoremask,renormalise); return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GENERAL DILATION INCLUDING MEDIAN FILTERING template volume morphfilter(const volume& source, const volume& kernel, const string& filtertype) { // implements a whole range of filtering, set by the string filtertype: // dilateM (mean), dilateD (mode), median, max or dilate, min or erode, // erodeS (set to zero if any neighbour is zero) extrapolation oldex = source.getextrapolationmethod(); if ((oldex==boundsassert) || (oldex==boundsexception)) { source.setextrapolationmethod(constpad); } volume result(source); result = 0; int nker; { volume dummy(kernel); dummy.binarise((S)0.5); //new cast to avoid warnings for int-type templates when compiling nker = (int) dummy.sum(); } int midx, midy, midz; if ( (( (kernel.maxz() - kernel.minz()) % 2)==1) || (( (kernel.maxy() - kernel.miny()) % 2)==1) || (( (kernel.maxx() - kernel.minx()) % 2)==1) ) { cerr << "WARNING:: Off-centre morphfilter being performed as kernel" << " has even dimensions" << endl; } midz=(kernel.maxz() - kernel.minz())/2; midy=(kernel.maxy() - kernel.miny())/2; midx=(kernel.maxx() - kernel.minx())/2; int count=1; for (int z=result.minz(); z<=result.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=result.miny(); y<=result.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=result.minx(); x<=result.maxx(); x++) { ColumnVector vals(nker); count=1; for (int mz=Max(kernel.minz(),result.minz()-z+midz); mz<=Min(kernel.maxz(),result.maxz()-z+midz); mz++) { for (int my=Max(kernel.miny(),result.miny()-y+midy); my<=Min(kernel.maxy(),result.maxy()-y+midy); my++) { for (int mx=Max(kernel.minx(),result.minx()-x+midx); mx<=Min(kernel.maxx(),result.maxx()-x+midx); mx++) { if (kernel(mx,my,mz)>0.5) { if ((filtertype!="dilateM" && filtertype!="dilateD") || source(x+mx-midx,y+my-midy,z+mz-midz)) vals(count++) = source(x+mx-midx,y+my-midy,z+mz-midz); } } } } if (count>1) { ColumnVector littlevals; littlevals = vals.SubMatrix(1,count-1,1,1); if (filtertype=="median") { SortAscending(littlevals); //count/2 works for odd kernel (even count) count+1 gives edge compatibility result(x,y,z) = (T)littlevals(Max(1,(count+1)/2)); //with steves IP, otherwise gives the IP median-1 element } else if ((filtertype=="max") || (filtertype=="dilate")) result(x,y,z) = (T)littlevals.Maximum(); else if ((filtertype=="min") || (filtertype=="erode")) result(x,y,z) = (T)littlevals.Minimum(); else if (filtertype=="erodeS") {if (source(x,y,z)!=0 && littlevals.Minimum()==0) result(x,y,z) = 0; else result(x,y,z) = source(x,y,z);} else if (filtertype=="dilateM") {if (source(x,y,z)==0) result(x,y,z) = (T)(littlevals.Sum()/--count); else result(x,y,z) = source(x,y,z);} else if (filtertype=="dilateD") {if (source(x,y,z)==0){ SortDescending(littlevals); double max=littlevals(1); int maxn=1; double current=littlevals(1); int currentn=1; for(int i=2;imaxn) { max=littlevals(i-1); maxn=currentn; } currentn=1; } } result(x,y,z) = (T)max;} else result(x,y,z) = source(x,y,z); } else imthrow("morphfilter:: Filter type " + filtertype + "unsupported",7); } else result(x,y,z) = source(x,y,z); // THE DEFAULT CASE (leave alone) } } } source.setextrapolationmethod(oldex); return result; } template double dilateval(const volume& im, const volume& mask, int x, int y, int z) { double sum=0; int n=0; for (int zz=Max(0,z-1); zz<=Min(z+1,im.maxz()); zz++) { for (int yy=Max(0,y-1); yy<=Min(y+1,im.maxy()); yy++) { for (int xx=Max(0,x-1); xx<=Min(x+1,im.maxx()); xx++) { if ((mask(xx,yy,zz)>(T) 0.5) && !((xx==x) && (yy==y) && (zz==z))) { sum += im(xx,yy,zz); n++; } } } } return sum/(Max(n,1)); } template bool ext_edge(const volume& mask, int x, int y, int z) { if (mask(x,y,z)>(T) 0.5) { return false; } for (int zz=Max(0,z-1); zz<=Min(z+1,mask.maxz()); zz++) { for (int yy=Max(0,y-1); yy<=Min(y+1,mask.maxy()); yy++) { for (int xx=Max(0,x-1); xx<=Min(x+1,mask.maxx()); xx++) { if ((mask(xx,yy,zz)>(T) 0.5) && !((xx==x) && (yy==y) && (zz==z))) { return true; } } } } return false; } struct vec3_temp { int x; int y; int z; }; template int dilall(volume& im, volume& mask) { if (!samesize(im,mask)) { cerr << "ERROR::dilall::image are not the same size" << endl; return 1; } deque ptlist; vec3_temp v, newv; // initial pass for (int z=0; z<=im.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=0; y<=im.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=0; x<=im.maxx(); x++) { if (ext_edge(mask,x,y,z)) { v.x=x; v.y=y; v.z=z; ptlist.push_front(v); } } } } while (!ptlist.empty()) { v = ptlist.back(); ptlist.pop_back(); if (mask(v.x,v.y,v.z)<=(T) 0.5) { // only do it if the voxel is still unset im(v.x,v.y,v.z)=dilateval(im,mask,v.x,v.y,v.z); mask(v.x,v.y,v.z)=(T)1; // check neighbours and add them to the list if necessary for (int zz=Max(0,v.z-1); zz<=Min(v.z+1,im.maxz()); zz++) { for (int yy=Max(0,v.y-1); yy<=Min(v.y+1,im.maxy()); yy++) { for (int xx=Max(0,v.x-1); xx<=Min(v.x+1,im.maxx()); xx++) { if (ext_edge(mask,xx,yy,zz)) { newv.x=xx; newv.y=yy; newv.z=zz; ptlist.push_front(newv); } } } } } } return 0; } template volume fill_holes(const volume& im, int connectivity) { volume mask; set edgelabs; mask = connected_components((T)1-im,connectivity); // go over edge of FOV and for each each non-zero value there store this // The loops below go over the yz, xz and xy faces of the FOV and double count edges and corners, but this doesn't matter here for (int z=0; z<=im.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=0; y<=im.maxy(); y++) { if (mask(0,y,z)!=0) edgelabs.insert(mask(0,y,z)); if (mask(im.maxx(),y,z)!=0) edgelabs.insert(mask(im.maxx(),y,z)); } } for (int z=0; z<=im.maxz(); z++) { for (int x=0; x<=im.maxx(); x++) { if (mask(x,0,z)!=0) edgelabs.insert(mask(x,0,z)); if (mask(x,im.maxy(),z)!=0) edgelabs.insert(mask(x,im.maxy(),z)); } } for (int y=0; y<=im.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=0; x<=im.maxx(); x++) { if (mask(x,y,0)!=0) edgelabs.insert(mask(x,y,0)); if (mask(x,y,im.maxz())!=0) edgelabs.insert(mask(x,y,im.maxz())); } } // zero any voxel containing a detected edge label value while (!edgelabs.empty()) { int val=*(edgelabs.begin()); for (int z=0; z<=im.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=0; y<=im.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=0; x<=im.maxx(); x++) { if (mask(x,y,z)==val) mask(x,y,z)=0; } } } edgelabs.erase(val); } volume imcopy(im); for (int z=0; z<=im.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=0; y<=im.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=0; x<=im.maxx(); x++) { if (mask(x,y,z)>(T)0.5) imcopy(x,y,z)=1; } } } return imcopy; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RESAMPLE template volume4D subsample_by_2(const volume4D& refvol, bool centred) { volume4D temp_volume; for (int t=0; t volume upsample_by_2(const volume& lowresvol, bool centred) { volume res; upsample_by_2(res,lowresvol,centred); return res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BLURRING template volume blur(const volume& source, const ColumnVector& resel_size) { ColumnVector bmaskx, bmasky, bmaskz; make_blur_mask(bmaskx,resel_size(1),source.xdim()); make_blur_mask(bmasky,resel_size(2),source.ydim()); make_blur_mask(bmaskz,resel_size(3),source.zdim()); return convolve_separable(source,bmaskx,bmasky,bmaskz); } template volume blur(const volume& source, float iso_resel_size) { ColumnVector resel_size(3); resel_size = iso_resel_size; return blur(source,resel_size); } template volume4D blur(const volume4D& source, const ColumnVector& resel_size) { volume4D dest(source); for (int t=source.mint(); t<=source.maxt(); t++) { dest[t] = blur(source[t],resel_size); } return dest; } template volume4D blur(const volume4D& source, float iso_resel_size) { volume4D dest(source); for (int t=source.mint(); t<=source.maxt(); t++) { dest[t] = blur(source[t],iso_resel_size); } return dest; } template volume smooth(const volume& source, float sigma_mm) { float sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz; sigmax = sigma_mm/source.xdim(); sigmay = sigma_mm/source.ydim(); sigmaz = sigma_mm/source.zdim(); int nx=((int) (sigmax-0.001))*2 + 3; int ny=((int) (sigmay-0.001))*2 + 3; int nz=((int) (sigmaz-0.001))*2 + 3; ColumnVector kernelx, kernely, kernelz; kernelx = gaussian_kernel1D(sigmax,nx); kernely = gaussian_kernel1D(sigmay,ny); kernelz = gaussian_kernel1D(sigmaz,nz); return convolve_separable(source,kernelx,kernely,kernelz); } template volume smooth2D(const volume& source, float sigma_mm, int nulldir) { float sigmax, sigmay, sigmaz; sigmax = sigma_mm/source.xdim(); sigmay = sigma_mm/source.ydim(); sigmaz = sigma_mm/source.zdim(); int nx=((int) (sigmax-0.001))*2 + 3; int ny=((int) (sigmay-0.001))*2 + 3; int nz=((int) (sigmaz-0.001))*2 + 3; ColumnVector kernelx, kernely, kernelz, nullker(1); kernelx = gaussian_kernel1D(sigmax,nx); kernely = gaussian_kernel1D(sigmay,ny); kernelz = gaussian_kernel1D(sigmaz,nz); nullker = 1; if (nulldir==1) { return convolve_separable(source,nullker,kernely,kernelz); } else if (nulldir==2) { return convolve_separable(source,kernelx,nullker,kernelz); } else { // Smoothing in the x-y plane is the default! return convolve_separable(source,kernelx,kernely,nullker); } } template volume4D smooth(const volume4D& source, float sigma_mm) { volume4D dest(source); for (int t=source.mint(); t<=source.maxt(); t++) { dest[t] = smooth(source[t],sigma_mm); } return dest; } template volume4D smooth(const volume4D& source, float sigma_mm, int nulldir) { volume4D dest(source); for (int t=source.mint(); t<=source.maxt(); t++) { dest[t] = smooth(source[t],sigma_mm,nulldir); } return dest; } template int insertpart(volume& v1, const volume& v2) //N.B. This has superficial similarities { //to copyconvert, but is in fact quite for (int z=v2.minz(); z<=v2.maxz(); z++) { //different... for (int y=v2.miny(); y<=v2.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=v2.minx(); x<=v2.maxx(); x++) { v1(x,y,z)=(T) v2(x,y,z); } } } return 0; } template volume extractpart(const volume& v1, const volume& v2, const volume& kernel) { volume vout=v2; vout = (S) 0.0; int kxoff = (kernel.xsize()-1)/2; int kyoff = (kernel.ysize()-1)/2; int kzoff = (kernel.zsize()-1)/2; for (int z=v2.minz(); z<=v2.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=v2.miny(); y<=v2.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=v2.minx(); x<=v2.maxx(); x++) { vout(x,y,z)=(S) v1(x+kxoff,y+kyoff,z+kzoff); } } } return vout; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Efficient FFT-based convolve template volume efficient_convolve(const volume& vin, const volume& vker) { bool usefft=true; // estimate calculation time for the two methods and pick the best float offt = 2 * vin.nvoxels() * fsllog2(2 * vin.nvoxels()); float osum = (float)vin.nvoxels() * (float)vker.nvoxels(); // float cast to avoud overflow for large int multiplication float scalefactor = 44; // relative unit operation cost for fft vs sum usefft = (osum > offt * scalefactor); //cout << usefft << endl; if (usefft) { int sx = Max(vin.xsize(),vker.xsize())*2; int sy = Max(vin.ysize(),vker.ysize())*2; int sz = Max(vin.zsize(),vker.zsize())*2; complexvolume vif, vkf; vif.re().reinitialize(sx,sy,sz); //vif.re().copyproperties(vin); Is this needed check with MJ... vif.re() = 0.0; vif.im() = vif.re(); vkf = vif; insertpart(vif.re(),vin); insertpart(vkf.re(),vker); fft3(vif); fft3(vkf); vif *= vkf; ifft3(vif); return extractpart(vif.re(),vin,vker); } else return convolve(vin,vker); } template volume4D generic_convolve(const volume4D& source, const volume& kernel, bool seperable, bool renormalise) { volume4D result(source); if (seperable) { volume kerx(kernel.xsize(),1,1); volume kery(1,kernel.ysize(),1); volume kerz(1,1,kernel.zsize()); for (int n=0; n mask(1,1,1); for (int t=source.mint(); t<=source.maxt(); t++) result[t] = convolve(result[t],kerx,mask,true,renormalise); for (int t=source.mint(); t<=source.maxt(); t++) result[t] = convolve(result[t],kery,mask,true,renormalise); for (int t=source.mint(); t<=source.maxt(); t++) result[t] = convolve(result[t],kerz,mask,true,renormalise); } else { volume norm_kernel(kernel); if (kernel.sum()) norm_kernel/=kernel.sum(); for (int t=source.mint(); t<=source.maxt(); t++) result[t]=efficient_convolve(source[t],norm_kernel); result.copyproperties(source); if(renormalise) { volume4D unitary_mask(source); unitary_mask=1; for (int t=source.mint(); t<=source.maxt(); t++) unitary_mask[t]=efficient_convolve(unitary_mask[t],norm_kernel); result/=unitary_mask; } } return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GRADIENT template volume gradient(const volume& source) { // in voxel coordinates (not mm) volume maskx,masky,maskz; make_grad_masks(maskx,masky,maskz); volume grad(source); float valx, valy, valz; int midx, midy, midz; midz=maskx.xsize()/2; midy=maskx.ysize()/2; midx=maskx.zsize()/2; for (int z=0; z void gradient(const volume& source,volume4D& grad) { volume maskx,masky,maskz; make_grad_masks(maskx,masky,maskz); grad.reinitialize(source.xsize(),source.ysize(),source.zsize(),3); copybasicproperties(source,grad[0]); float valx, valy, valz; int midx, midy, midz; midz=maskx.xsize()/2; midy=maskx.ysize()/2; midx=maskx.zsize()/2; for (int z=0; z volume4D lrxgrad(const volume& im, const volume& mask) { // calculates separate left and right gradients (with copying when at // borders of the mask) or zero for points outside of the mask // returns the two as part of a volume4D (vol[0] = left grad, vol[1] = right grad) volume4D grad; if (!samesize(im,mask)) imthrow("Mask and image not the same size",20); grad.addvolume(im); grad.addvolume(im); for (int z=im.minz(); z<=im.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=im.miny(); y<=im.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=im.minx(); x<=im.maxx(); x++) { // defaults, only overridden if inside mask and can calculate the gradients grad[0](x,y,z) = 0; grad[1](x,y,z) = 0; if (mask(x,y,z)>0.5) { // left gradient if (x>im.minx()) { if (mask(x-1,y,z)>0.5) { grad[0](x,y,z) = im(x,y,z) - im(x-1,y,z); } } // right gradient if (x0.5) { grad[1](x,y,z) = im(x+1,y,z) - im(x,y,z); } else { // if couldn't calculate right grad, then copy left grad[1](x,y,z) = grad[0](x,y,z); } } // if couldn't calculate left grad, then copy right if ( (x>im.minx()) && (mask(x-1,y,z)<=0.5) ) { grad[0](x,y,z) = grad[1](x,y,z); } // NB: if couldn't calculate either (but mask>0.5) then it is still 0 } } } } return grad; } template volume4D lrygrad(const volume& im, const volume& mask) { // calculates separate left and right gradients (with copying when at // borders of the mask) or zero for points outside of the mask // returns the two as part of a volume4D (vol[0] = left grad, vol[1] = right grad) volume4D grad; if (!samesize(im,mask)) imthrow("Mask and image not the same size",20); grad.addvolume(im); grad.addvolume(im); for (int z=im.minz(); z<=im.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=im.miny(); y<=im.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=im.minx(); x<=im.maxx(); x++) { // defaults, only overridden if inside mask and can calculate the gradients grad[0](x,y,z) = 0; grad[1](x,y,z) = 0; if (mask(x,y,z)>0.5) { // left gradient if (y>im.miny()) { if (mask(x,y-1,z)>0.5) { grad[0](x,y,z) = im(x,y,z) - im(x,y-1,z); } } // right gradient if (y0.5) { grad[1](x,y,z) = im(x,y+1,z) - im(x,y,z); } else { // if couldn't calculate right grad, then copy left grad[1](x,y,z) = grad[0](x,y,z); } } // if couldn't calculate left grad, then copy right if ( (y>im.miny()) && (mask(x,y-1,z)<=0.5) ) { grad[0](x,y,z) = grad[1](x,y,z); } // NB: if couldn't calculate either (but mask>0.5) then it is still 0 } } } } return grad; } template volume4D lrzgrad(const volume& im, const volume& mask) { // calculates separate left and right gradients (with copying when at // borders of the mask) or zero for points outside of the mask // returns the two as part of a volume4D (vol[0] = left grad, vol[1] = right grad) volume4D grad; if (!samesize(im,mask)) imthrow("Mask and image not the same size",20); grad.addvolume(im); grad.addvolume(im); for (int z=im.minz(); z<=im.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=im.miny(); y<=im.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=im.minx(); x<=im.maxx(); x++) { // defaults, only overridden if inside mask and can calculate the gradients grad[0](x,y,z) = 0; grad[1](x,y,z) = 0; if (mask(x,y,z)>0.5) { // left gradient if (z>im.minz()) { if (mask(x,y,z-1)>0.5) { grad[0](x,y,z) = im(x,y,z) - im(x,y,z-1); } } // right gradient if (z0.5) { grad[1](x,y,z) = im(x,y,z+1) - im(x,y,z); } else { // if couldn't calculate right grad, then copy left grad[1](x,y,z) = grad[0](x,y,z); } } // if couldn't calculate left grad, then copy right if ( (z>im.minz()) && (mask(x,y,z-1)<=0.5) ) { grad[0](x,y,z) = grad[1](x,y,z); } // NB: if couldn't calculate either (but mask>0.5) then it is still 0 } } } } return grad; } template volume4D bandpass_temporal_filter(volume4D& source,double hp_sigma, double lp_sigma) { int hp_mask_size_PLUS, lp_mask_size_PLUS, hp_mask_size_MINUS, lp_mask_size_MINUS; double *hp_exp=NULL, *lp_exp=NULL, *array, *array2; volume4D result(source); if (hp_sigma<=0) hp_mask_size_MINUS=0; else hp_mask_size_MINUS=(int)(hp_sigma*3); /* this isn't a linear filter, so small hard cutoffs at ends don't matter */ hp_mask_size_PLUS=hp_mask_size_MINUS; if (lp_sigma<=0) lp_mask_size_MINUS=0; else lp_mask_size_MINUS=(int)(lp_sigma*20)+2; /* this will be small, so we might as well be careful */ lp_mask_size_PLUS=lp_mask_size_MINUS; array=new double[source.tsize()+2*lp_mask_size_MINUS]; array+=lp_mask_size_MINUS; array2=new double[source.tsize()+2*lp_mask_size_MINUS]; array2+=lp_mask_size_MINUS; if (hp_sigma>0) { hp_exp=new double[hp_mask_size_MINUS+hp_mask_size_PLUS+1]; hp_exp+=hp_mask_size_MINUS; for(int t=-hp_mask_size_MINUS; t<=hp_mask_size_PLUS; t++) hp_exp[t] = exp( -0.5 * ((double)(t*t)) / (hp_sigma*hp_sigma) ); } if (lp_sigma>0) { double total=0; lp_exp=new double[lp_mask_size_MINUS+lp_mask_size_PLUS+1]; lp_exp+=lp_mask_size_MINUS; for(int t=-lp_mask_size_MINUS; t<=lp_mask_size_PLUS; t++) { lp_exp[t] = exp( -0.5 * ((double)(t*t)) / (lp_sigma*lp_sigma) ); total += lp_exp[t]; } for(int t=-lp_mask_size_MINUS; t<=lp_mask_size_PLUS; t++) lp_exp[t] /= total; } for(int z=0;z0) { int done_c0=0; double c0=0; double mean(0); for(int t=0; t0) { /* {{{ pad array at ends */ for(int t=1; t<=lp_mask_size_MINUS; t++) { array[-t]=array[0]; array[source.tsize()-1+t]=array[source.tsize()-1]; } for(int t=0; t0) array2[t] = total/sum; else array2[t] = total; } memcpy(array,array2,sizeof(double)*source.tsize()); } /* {{{ write 1D array back to input 4D data */ for(int t=0; t volume log_edge_detect(const volume& source, float sigma1, float sigma2, float zero_tolerance, bool twodimensional) { /* zero_tolerance is what we define as an acceptable "zero-crossing" */ int radius1; volume log_kern, temp_kern; volume result(source); radius1 = (int)(4*sigma2); if (twodimensional) { log_kern = gaussian_kernel2D(sigma2, radius1); temp_kern = gaussian_kernel2D(sigma1, radius1); } else { log_kern = gaussian_kernel3D(sigma2, radius1); temp_kern = gaussian_kernel3D(sigma1, radius1); } log_kern -= temp_kern; result = convolve(source, log_kern); result.binarise(zero_tolerance); return result; } template volume fixed_edge_detect(const volume& source, float threshold, bool twodimensional) { volume result = source; int zsize = 3; if (twodimensional) zsize=1; volume log_kern(3,3,zsize); log_kern = -1; log_kern(1,1,(zsize-1)/2) = 8; extrapolation oldex = source.getextrapolationmethod(); source.setextrapolationmethod(mirror); result = convolve(source, log_kern); source.setextrapolationmethod(oldex); result.binarise(threshold); return result; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // EDGE STRENGTHEN (from avwmaths) template volume4D edge_strengthen(const volume4D& source) { float tmpf=2*sqrt(1/(pow((double)source.xdim(),2.0)) + 1/(pow((double)source.ydim(),2.0)) + 1/(pow((double)source.zdim(),2.0))); volume4D result; result=source; if (source.zsize()>2) { for(int t=0;t& sx, std::vector& sy); void relabel_components_uniquely(volume& labelvol, const std::vector& equivlista, const std::vector& equivlistb, ColumnVector& clustersizes); void relabel_components_uniquely(volume& labelvol, const std::vector& equivlista, const std::vector& equivlistb); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template void nonunique_component_labels(const volume& vol, volume& labelvol, std::vector& equivlista, std::vector& equivlistb, int numconnected) { copyconvert(vol,labelvol); labelvol = 0; int labelnum=1; equivlista.erase(equivlista.begin(),equivlista.end()); equivlistb.erase(equivlistb.begin(),equivlistb.end()); for (int z=vol.minz(); z<=vol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=vol.miny(); y<=vol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=vol.minx(); x<=vol.maxx(); x++) { T val = vol(x,y,z); if (val>0.5) { // The eligibility test int lval = labelvol(x,y,z); for (int znew=z-1; znew<=z; znew++) { int ystart=y, yend=y; if (numconnected==6) { ystart += -1-znew+z; } else { ystart += -1; yend += z-znew; } for (int ynew=ystart; ynew<=yend; ynew++) { int xstart=x, xend=x; if (numconnected==6) { xstart += -1 -(znew-z) -(ynew-y) -(znew-z)*(ynew-y); xend = xstart; } else if (numconnected==18) { xstart += -1 -(znew-z)*std::abs(ynew-y); xend = xstart + 2*(znew - z + std::abs(ynew-y)); } else { xstart += -1; xend += 1 -2*(znew-z+1)*(ynew-y+1); } for (int xnew=xstart; xnew<=xend; xnew++) { if ( (xnew>=vol.minx()) && (ynew>=vol.miny()) && (znew>=vol.minz()) && (MISCMATHS::round(vol(xnew,ynew,znew)-val)==0) ) { // Binary relation int lval2 = labelvol(xnew,ynew,znew); if (lval != lval2) { if (lval!=0) { addpair2set(lval2,lval,equivlista,equivlistb); } labelvol(x,y,z) = lval2; lval = lval2; } } } } } if (lval==0) { labelvol(x,y,z) = labelnum; labelnum++; } } } } } } template void nonunique_component_labels(const volume& vol, const volume& mask, volume& labelvol, std::vector& equivlista, std::vector& equivlistb, bool (*binaryrelation)(T , T), int numconnected) { copyconvert(vol,labelvol); labelvol = 0; int labelnum=1; equivlista.erase(equivlista.begin(),equivlista.end()); equivlistb.erase(equivlistb.begin(),equivlistb.end()); for (int z=vol.minz(); z<=vol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=vol.miny(); y<=vol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=vol.minx(); x<=vol.maxx(); x++) { if (mask(x,y,z)>0.5) { // The eligibility test int lval = labelvol(x,y,z); int val = vol(x,y,z); for (int znew=z-1; znew<=z; znew++) { int ystart=y, yend=y; if (numconnected==6) { ystart += -1-znew+z; } else { ystart += -1; yend += z-znew; } for (int ynew=ystart; ynew<=yend; ynew++) { int xstart=x, xend=x; if (numconnected==6) { xstart += -1 -(znew-z) -(ynew-y) -(znew-z)*(ynew-y); xend = xstart; } else if (numconnected==18) { xstart += -1 -(znew-z)*std::abs(ynew-y); xend = xstart + 2*(znew - z + std::abs(ynew-y)); } else { xstart += -1; xend += 1 -2*(znew-z+1)*(ynew-y+1); } for (int xnew=xstart; xnew<=xend; xnew++) { if ( (xnew>=vol.minx()) && (ynew>=vol.miny()) && (znew>=vol.minz()) && ((*binaryrelation)(vol(xnew,ynew,znew),val)) ) { // Binary relation int lval2 = labelvol(xnew,ynew,znew); if (lval != lval2) { if (lval!=0) { addpair2set(lval2,lval,equivlista,equivlistb); } labelvol(x,y,z) = lval2; lval = lval2; } } } } } if (lval==0) { labelvol(x,y,z) = labelnum; labelnum++; } } } } } } template volume connected_components(const volume& vol, ColumnVector& clustersize, int numconnected) { volume labelvol; copyconvert(vol,labelvol); std::vector equivlista, equivlistb; nonunique_component_labels(vol,labelvol, equivlista,equivlistb,numconnected); relabel_components_uniquely(labelvol,equivlista,equivlistb,clustersize); return labelvol; } template volume connected_components(const volume& vol, const volume& mask, bool (*binaryrelation)(T , T), ColumnVector& clustersize) { volume labelvol; copyconvert(vol,labelvol); std::vector equivlista, equivlistb; nonunique_component_labels(vol,mask,labelvol,equivlista,equivlistb, binaryrelation); relabel_components_uniquely(labelvol,equivlista,equivlistb,clustersize); return labelvol; } template volume connected_components(const volume& vol, int numconnected){ ColumnVector clustersize; return connected_components(vol,clustersize,numconnected); } template volume connected_components(const volume& vol,const volume& mask, bool (*binaryrelation)(T , T)){ ColumnVector clustersize; return connected_components(vol,mask,binaryrelation,clustersize); } //////////////////////////////////// distancemap-related functions ////////////////////// class rowentry { public: int x; int y; int z; float d; } ; bool rowentry_lessthan(const rowentry& r1, const rowentry& r2); template class distancemapper { private: const volume &bvol; const volume &mask; vector schedule; Matrix octantsign; public: // basic constructor takes binaryvol (mask of valid values) // + maskvol (non-zero at desired calculated points only) distancemapper(const volume& binaryvol, const volume& maskvol); ~distancemapper(); volume distancemap(); volume4D sparseinterpolate(const volume4D& values, const string& interpmethod="general"); private: int setup_globals(); int find_nearest(int x, int y, int z, int& x1, int& y1, int& z1, bool findav, ColumnVector& localav, const volume4D& vals); int find_nearest(int x, int y, int z, int& x1, int& y1, int& z1); int create_distancemap(volume4D& vout, const volume4D& valim, const string& interpmethod="none"); int basic_create_distancemap(volume4D& vout, const volume4D& valim, const string& interpmethod); }; template distancemapper::distancemapper(const volume& binaryvol, const volume& maskvol) : bvol(binaryvol), mask(maskvol) { if (!samesize(bvol,mask)) imthrow("Mask and image not the same size",20); octantsign.ReSize(8,3); setup_globals(); } template distancemapper::~distancemapper() { // destructors for the private members should do the job } template int distancemapper::setup_globals() { // octantsign gives the 8 different octant sign combinations for coord // offsets int row=1; for (int p=-1; p<=1; p+=2) { for (int q=-1; q<=1; q+=2) { for (int r=-1; r<=1; r+=2) { octantsign(row,1)=p; octantsign(row,2)=q; octantsign(row,3)=r; row++; } } } // construct list of displacements (in one octant) in ascending // order of distance for (int z=bvol.minz(); z<=bvol.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=bvol.miny(); y<=bvol.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=bvol.minx(); x<=bvol.maxx(); x++) { if ( (x==0) && (y==0) && (z==0) ) { // do nothing } else { rowentry newrow; newrow.x=x; newrow.y=y; newrow.z=z; float d2 = norm2sq(x*bvol.xdim(),y*bvol.ydim(),z*bvol.zdim()); newrow.d=d2; schedule.push_back(newrow); } } } } // sort schedule to get ascending d2 sort(schedule.begin(),schedule.end(),NEWIMAGE::rowentry_lessthan); return 0; } // findav determines whether to do interpolation calculations or just // return the location only template int distancemapper::find_nearest(int x, int y, int z, int& x1, int& y1, int& z1, bool findav, ColumnVector& localav, const volume4D& vals) { float sumw=0.0, mindist=0.0, maxdist=0.0, weight; ColumnVector sumvw; if (findav) { localav.ReSize(vals.tsize()); localav=0.0; sumvw.ReSize(vals.tsize()); sumvw=0.0; } for (int r=0; r<(int) schedule.size(); r++) { for (int p=1; p<=8; p++) { int dx=MISCMATHS::round(schedule[r].x*octantsign(p,1)); int dy=MISCMATHS::round(schedule[r].y*octantsign(p,2)); int dz=MISCMATHS::round(schedule[r].z*octantsign(p,3)); if (bvol.in_bounds(x+dx,y+dy,z+dz) && (bvol.value(x+dx,y+dy,z+dz)>0.5)) { x1=x+dx; y1=y+dy; z1=z+dz; if (!findav) { return 0; } else { if (mindist==0.0) { // first time a point is encountered mindist=schedule[r].d; // select distance band to average over (farther -> more) maxdist=MISCMATHS::Max(mindist+1.0,mindist*1.5); } else { if ( (schedule[r].d>maxdist) ) { // stop after maxdist reached localav=sumvw/sumw; return 0; } } weight = mindist/schedule[r].d; sumw += weight; for (int t=0; t0) { localav=sumvw/sumw; return 0; } else localav=0.0; } return 1; } template int distancemapper::find_nearest(int x, int y, int z, int& x1, int& y1, int& z1) { ColumnVector dummy; volume4D dummyvol; return this->find_nearest(x,y,z,x1,y1,z1,false,dummy,dummyvol); } // create the distance map as vout // if return_distance is false then interpolate the value of the input volume // at the output location rather than store the distance to it template int distancemapper::create_distancemap(volume4D& vout, const volume4D& valim, const string& interpmethod) { if (interpmethod!="general") return this->basic_create_distancemap(vout,valim,interpmethod); // only get to here for sparseinterpolation float meanvoxsize = pow(valim.xdim()*valim.ydim()*valim.zdim(),1.0/3.0); int nsubsamp=0; if (meanvoxsize<4.0) { nsubsamp=1; } if (meanvoxsize<2.0) { nsubsamp=2; } if (meanvoxsize<1.0) { nsubsamp=3; } // for the straightforward case (>4mm resolution) if (nsubsamp==0) { return basic_create_distancemap(vout,valim,interpmethod); } // otherwise run subsamplings, sparseinterp and upsamplings // this is to fill in the large gaps in the image, since this // takes a *huge* amount of time otherwise // NB: mask in distancemapper is 1 where the new values are to go // but in this function we use mask=1 where valid samples are volume4D im8; volume mask8; mask8=1.0f - mask; // mask is now 1 for all valid sample points im8=valim*mask8; for (int n=1; n<=nsubsamp; n++) { mask8 = subsample_by_2(mask8,false); for (int t=0; t<=valim.maxt(); t++) { im8[t] = divide(subsample_by_2(im8[t],false),mask8,mask8); } mask8.binarise(1e-4); // include any voxel with any partial overlap } // run the sparseinterpolate function (at 8mm-ish resolution) // - not the method in this object, but a new one im8=NEWIMAGE::sparseinterpolate(im8,mask8); // dilate and invert mask volume kernel(3,3,3); kernel=1.0f; mask8=morphfilter(mask8,kernel,"dilate"); mask8 = 1.0f - mask8; // now the mask is 1 for all the more distant "gaps" // upsample mask and spareinterpolated result volume tmp; for (int n=1; n<=nsubsamp; n++) { for (int t=0; t<=valim.maxt(); t++) { if (n==nsubsamp) { tmp=valim[0]; // get the exact same size back upsample_by_2(tmp,im8[t],false); im8[t]=tmp; } else { im8[t] = upsample_by_2(im8[t],false); } } if (n==nsubsamp) { tmp=mask; // get the exact same size back upsample_by_2(tmp,mask8,false); mask8=tmp; } else { mask8 = upsample_by_2(mask8,false); } } mask8.binarise(0.5f); // only keep results in zero part of mask as well as the // original points vout = valim*(1.0f-mask) + im8*mask8; mask8 = mask - mask8; // only calculate new points in the "gap" // now run basic_create_distancemap at full resolution, but with the // new mask extra filled-in areas from above distancemapper newdmapper(1.0f - mask8,mask8); volume4D vres(vout); return newdmapper.basic_create_distancemap(vres,vout,interpmethod); } // The following function creates the distancemap or interpolated image // from valim (previously the mask of valid voxels = binaryvol and the // mask of voxels to calculate = maskvol, must have been specified) template int distancemapper::basic_create_distancemap(volume4D& vout, const volume4D& valim, const string& interpmethod) { int x1, y1, z1; ColumnVector localav; int interp=0; if ((interpmethod=="nn") || (interpmethod=="nearestneighbour")) interp=1; if (interpmethod=="general") interp=2; if (interp>0) { vout = valim; } else { vout = bvol; vout *= 0.0f; } if ((interp>0) && (!samesize(bvol,valim[0]))) { print_volume_info(bvol,"bvol"); print_volume_info(mask,"mask"); print_volume_info(valim[0],"valim"); imthrow("Binary image and interpolant not the same size",21); } for (int z=vout.minz(); z<=vout.maxz(); z++) { for (int y=vout.miny(); y<=vout.maxy(); y++) { for (int x=vout.minx(); x<=vout.maxx(); x++) { if (mask(x,y,z)>((T) 0.5)) { if (interp>=2) { find_nearest(x,y,z,x1,y1,z1,true,localav,valim); } else { find_nearest(x,y,z,x1,y1,z1); } switch (interp) { case 2: for (int t=0;t volume distancemapper::distancemap() { volume4D dmap; create_distancemap(dmap,dmap,"none"); return dmap[0]; } template volume4D distancemapper::sparseinterpolate(const volume4D& values, const string& interpmethod) { volume4D vout; create_distancemap(vout,values,interpmethod); return vout; } template volume distancemap(const volume& binaryvol) { volume mask; mask = ((T) 1) - binarise(binaryvol,((T) 0.5)); return distancemap(binaryvol,mask); } template volume distancemap(const volume& binaryvol, const volume& mask) { distancemapper dmapper(binaryvol,mask); return dmapper.distancemap(); } template volume sparseinterpolate(const volume& sparsesamps, const volume& mask, const string& interpmethod) { // can have "general" or "nearestneighbour" (or "nn") for interpmethod volume4D sparsesamps4; volume4D result; sparsesamps4 = sparsesamps; result = sparseinterpolate(sparsesamps4,mask,interpmethod); return result[0]; } template volume4D sparseinterpolate(const volume4D& sparsesamps, const volume& mask, const string& interpmethod) { // can have "general" or "nearestneighbour" (or "nn") for interpmethod volume invmask; invmask=((T) 1) - mask; distancemapper dmapper(mask,invmask); return dmapper.sparseinterpolate(sparsesamps,interpmethod); } //////////////////////////////////// TFCE-related functions ////////////////////// template void tfce_orig_slow(volume& VolIntn, float H, float E, int NumConn, float minT, float deltaT) { float maxval=VolIntn.max(); volume clusterenhance; copyconvert(VolIntn,clusterenhance); clusterenhance=0; if (deltaT==0) deltaT = (maxval - minT)/100.0; // this needs fixing!! for (float thresh=minT+deltaT; thresh<=maxval; thresh+=deltaT) { volume clusters; copyconvert(VolIntn,clusters); clusters.binarise(thresh); ColumnVector clustersizes; volumetmpvol=connected_components(clusters,clustersizes,NumConn); clustersizes = pow(clustersizes,E) * pow(thresh,H); for(int z=0;z0) clusterenhance.value(x,y,z) += clustersizes(tmpvol.value(x,y,z)); } copyconvert(clusterenhance,VolIntn); return; } class VecSort{ public: int Sx, Sy, Sz, Sl; double Sv; bool operator<(const VecSort& other) const{ return Sv < other.Sv; } }; template void tfce(volume& data, float H, float E, int NumConn, float minT, float deltaT) { volume VolLabl; copyconvert(data, VolLabl); volume VolEnhn; copyconvert(data, VolEnhn); VolEnhn=0; bool doIT=false; const int INIT=-1, MASK=-2; int curlab=0; int pX, pY, pZ, qX, qY, qZ, rX, rY, rZ; int FldCntr=0, FldCntri=0, tfceCntr=0, xFC = 0; int minX=1, minY=1, minZ=1, maxX=data.maxx()-1, maxY=data.maxy()-1, maxZ=data.maxz()-1; int sizeC=maxX*maxY*maxZ; int counter=0, edsta[27]; float maxT=data.max(); if(deltaT==0) deltaT=maxT/100.0; if(deltaT<=0) throw Exception("Error: tfce requires a positive deltaT input."); if ( data.xsize() < 3 || data.ysize() < 3 || data.zsize() < 3 ) throw Exception("Error: tfce currently requires an input with at least 3 voxels extent into each dimension."); if( data.max()/deltaT > 10000 ) cout << "Warning: tfce has detected a large number of integral steps. This operation may require a great deal of time to complete." << endl; vector VecSortI(sizeC); queue Qx, Qy, Qz; for(int z0=-1; z0<=1; z0++) for(int y0=-1; y0<=1; y0++) for(int x0=-1; x0<=1; x0++){ edsta[counter++] = (x0*x0+y0*y0+z0*z0); if (edsta[counter-1]<2 && edsta[counter-1]!=0) edsta[counter-1]=6; if (edsta[counter-1]<3 && edsta[counter-1]!=0) edsta[counter-1]=18; if (edsta[counter-1]<4 && edsta[counter-1]!=0) edsta[counter-1]=26; if (edsta[counter-1]==0) edsta[counter-1]=100; } FldCntr=0; for(int z=minZ; z<=maxZ; z++) for(int y=minY; y<=maxY; y++) for(int x=minX; x<=maxX; x++) { float iVal=data.value(x,y,z); if( iVal > minT ) { VecSortI[FldCntr].Sx=x; VecSortI[FldCntr].Sy=y; VecSortI[FldCntr].Sz=z; VecSortI[FldCntr++].Sv=iVal; } } sizeC=FldCntr; VecSortI.resize(sizeC); sort(VecSortI.begin(), VecSortI.end()); for(float curThr=minT; curThr<(maxT+deltaT);curThr+=deltaT){ VolLabl = INIT; FldCntr = xFC; curlab = 0; while( (VecSortI[FldCntr].Sv<=curThr) && (FldCntrcurThr && (FldCntr=edsta[counter++]); if(doIT && (VolLabl.value(rX, rY, rZ)==MASK)){ Qx.push(rX); Qy.push(rY);Qz.push(rZ); VolLabl.value(rX, rY, rZ)=curlab; } } }//eW }//eI } ColumnVector ClusterSizes(curlab), ClusterSizesI(curlab); ClusterSizes=0; for(tfceCntr=xFC; tfceCntr0 ) ClusterSizes(VecSortI[tfceCntr].Sl)+=1; } float HH=pow(curThr, H); ClusterSizesI=pow(ClusterSizes, E)*HH; for(tfceCntr=xFC; tfceCntr0 ){ VolEnhn.value(VecSortI[tfceCntr].Sx, VecSortI[tfceCntr].Sy, VecSortI[tfceCntr].Sz) += ClusterSizesI(VecSortI[tfceCntr].Sl); } } }//end curThr copyconvert(VolEnhn,data); return; } template void tfce_support(volume& VolIntn, float H, float E, int NumConn, float minT, float deltaT, int Xoi, int Yoi, int Zoi, float threshTFCE) { volume VolEnhn; copyconvert(VolIntn, VolEnhn); volume VolTemp; copyconvert(VolIntn, VolTemp); int minX=0, minY=0, minZ=0, maxX=VolIntn.maxx(), maxY=VolIntn.maxy(), maxZ=VolIntn.maxz(); float maxT = VolIntn.value(Xoi,Yoi,Zoi); int thrCntr = 0; int thrNum = 0; if(deltaT==0){ deltaT = maxT/100; thrNum = 101; } else thrNum = int(maxT/deltaT)+1; ColumnVector Clusters(thrNum), Thresholds(thrNum), ClusterSizes; for(float thresh=minT; thresh VolLabl = connected_components(VolTemp, ClusterSizes, NumConn); Clusters(thrCntr+1) = ClusterSizes(VolLabl.value(Xoi, Yoi, Zoi)); Thresholds(thrCntr+1) = thresh; for(int z=minZ; z<=maxZ; z++) for(int y=minY; y<=maxY; y++) for(int x=minX; x<=maxX; x++) if( VolLabl.value(x,y,z) != VolLabl.value(Xoi,Yoi,Zoi) ) VolEnhn.value(x,y,z) = 0; thrCntr++; } float summ=0, thre=0; for (int i=0; i=threshTFCE) break; } if(summ VolLabl = connected_components(VolTemp, ClusterSizes, NumConn); for(int z=minZ; z<=maxZ; z++) for(int y=minY; y<=maxY; y++) for(int x=minX; x<=maxX; x++) if( VolLabl.value(x,y,z)!=VolLabl(Xoi, Yoi, Zoi) ) VolEnhn.value(x,y,z) = 0; copyconvert(VolEnhn,VolIntn); return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } #endif